scholarly journals A cylindrical Venn diagram model for categorical syllogisms - latest version

2018 ◽  
Dan Constantin Radulescu

One shows that a set theoretical approach to categorical syllogisms is much more natural than the“figures, moods and rules of the syllogism approach”. (The latter satisfies “Aristotle's requirementthat the middle term M should not appear in the conclusion. Striker, 2009. ) In the “set approach”one deals with the eight 3-set intersections that span a universal set U: U=MSP+MS'P+MSP'+MS'P'+M'SP+M'S'P+M'SP'+M'S'P', where S,P,M are the usual categorical terms (interpreted nowas sets) appearing in the wording of the pairs of categorical premises (PCPs) and of the logicalconclusions (LCs) which the PCPs might entail; the union of disjoints sets is denoted by a + sign;MSP:= M∩S∩P, etc.; S',P',M' are the categorical terms non-S, non-P, non-M,, now interpreted asthe complementary sets in U of the S,P,M, respectively. In this model of categorical syllogisms,when using a cylindrical Venn diagram, (Marquand 1881), (Veitch 1952), (Karnaugh 1953), it isself-evident that if a PCP entails an LC at all, (and thus generates a valid categorical argument(VCA), then the LC singles out one and only one of the 8 subsets of U, and affirms about it eitherthat it is non-empty, or, that one of the sets S,P,M,S',P',M' is empty except, possibly, the subset whichthe LC singled out. Thus the middle term M, or its complementary M', are very much part of theLC. (Of course, to satisfy Aristotle's requirement that M should not appear in the LC, an LC of thefirst type, e.g., SPM≠Ø, may be re-written, with some loss of “intuitive information”, as I(S,P), andan LC of the second type, e.g., S=SPM, may be re-written as A(S,P).) The valid syllogisms (VSs) arethose VCAs whose LCs can be re-written in the “(S,P)-format”, i.e., one of the categoricaloperators A,O,E,I is applied to the ordered pair (S,P). After the “middle term elimination”, the LCsof the VCA\VS set are of the I(S',P'), A(P,S), or O(P,S) type. It is easy to see that there are fiveclasses of PCPs – two do not entail LCs, and three do, thus generating three distinct VCA classes.Inside each VCA class, via a relabeling transformation of the sets S,P,M, S',P',M', any of the VCA(or VS) can be recast (or reformulated) as any other VCA from the same class. This “namingcovariance” suggests that, at least from a set theoretical point of view, (i) the (S,P)-format LCrestriction is not meaningful, and (ii) one may consider that there are only three distinct VCAs (andVSs), chosen as any one representative per VCA class; for example, one may choose asrepresentatives Darapti, Darii and Barbara – all the other VCAs (not only VSs) maybe written,using appropriately chosen terms, as either a Darapti, Darii or Barbara VS. There are alwaysrelabelings transforming any VCA from the VCA\VS set into a VS. The role of VCA relabelings issimilar to the role of “reduction of syllogisms” (the latter was applied only to the VSs).

2018 ◽  
Dan Constantin Radulescu

One denotes A(M,*) by A1 and A(*,M) by A2, where * stands for either S or P, and the same for the O categorical operator. This allows to dispense with the four syllogistic figures and reduces the number of the 24 classically valid syllogisms (CVS) to only 8 (not 15) distinct CVS plus 6 (not 9) distinct existential import (ei) CVS. Out of the 36 (not 64!) distinct pairs of categorical premises (PCP or just pairs), 19 pairs entail at least one logical conclusion and thus generate valid syllogistic arguments (in short, valid syllogisms or VS) split into two subsets: the CVS and the VS\CVS. The latter ones have A(P,S), O(P,S) and I(S',P') as conclusions, not the “(S,P)-type” conclusions required of the CVS. (S',P',M' are the complementary sets of S,P,M in a universal set U.) The other results are: (i) one can also dispense with most of the rules of valid syllogisms (such as “the middle term has to be distributed in at least one premise” and “two negative premises are not allowed”), (ii) any pair of categorical premises generates at least one VS unless 1. both premises are particular, or, 2. one premise is universal and one particular and they act one on M, the middle term, and the other premise acts on M' – its complement in U, (iii) the VS set is the (disjoint) union of three equivalence classes generated respectively by (a) two universal premises acting on both M and M' , (b) two universal premises both acting on either M or M', (c) one universal premise and one particular premise both acting on either M or M', (iv) inside each equivalence class, via a relabeling transformation of the sets S,P,M, S',P',M', any of the VS can be recast (or reformulated) as any other VS from the same class. This “naming invariance” suggests that, from a set theoretical point of view, the (S,P) conclusion restriction is not meaningful. The VS\CVS subset contains 6 VS and 7 ei VS.

2018 ◽  
Dan Constantin Radulescu

One denotes A(M,*) by A1 and A(*,M) by A2, where * stands for either S or P, and the same for the O categorical operator. This allows to dispense with the four syllogistic figures and reduces the number of the 24 classically valid syllogisms (CVS) to only 8 (not 15) distinct CVS plus 6 (not 9) distinct existential import (ei) CVS. Out of the 36 (not 64!) distinct pairs of categorical premises (PCP or just pairs), 19 pairs entail at least one logical conclusion and thus generate valid syllogistic arguments (in short, valid syllogisms or VS) split into two subsets: the CVS and the VS\CVS. The latter ones have A(P,S), O(P,S) and I(S',P') as conclusions, not the “(S,P)-type” conclusions required of the CVS. (S',P',M' are the complementary sets of S,P,M in a universal set U.) The other results are: (i) one can also dispense with most of the rules of valid syllogisms (such as “the middle term has to be distributed in at least one premise” and “two negative premises are not allowed”), (ii) any pair of categorical premises generates at least one VS unless 1. both premises are particular, or, 2. one premise is universal and one particular and they act one on M, the middle term, and the other premise acts on M' – its complement in U, (iii) the VS set is the (disjoint) union of three equivalence classes generated respectively by (a) two universal premises acting on both M and M' , (b) two universal premises both acting on either M or M', (c) one universal premise and one particular premise both acting on either M or M', (iv) inside each equivalence class, via a relabeling transformation of the sets S,P,M, S',P',M', any of the VS can be recast (or reformulated) as any other VS from the same class. This “naming invariance” suggests that, from a set theoretical point of view, the (S,P) conclusion restriction is not meaningful. The VS\CVS subset contains 6 VS and 7 ei VS.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
pp. 2232-2235
Marius Moga ◽  
Mark Edward Pogarasteanu ◽  
Antoine Edu

The role of arthroscopy in incipient and mild arthrosis, even combined with proximal tibial ostetomy, is well known and well documented. On the other hand, its role in the treatment of advanced arthrosis of the large joints, especially the knee, is a subject of controversy. The proponents of the use of arthroscopy in advanced arthrosis claim that meniscectomy, synovectomy, ostophytectomy, chondral lesion stabilization, arthroscopic release, plica and loose body removal greatly improve the quality of life for most patients, especially if followed by the use of viscoelastic injection, by diminishing pain and improving joint range of motion. The opponents claim that, even though the advantages are clear in the cases that refuse arthroplasty, in all the other cases the surgical indication should be total knee arthroplasty, as the clinical relief is temporary, but with all the risks of a surgical intervention. We have conducted an overview of the recent literature, in order to find objective evidence to sustain either point of view. We focused on articles published that included an objective measurement of before and after clinical status through clinical scores and objective measurements. We also focused on the follow-up period and on the evolution of the pathology after arthroscopy.

Beata Zagórska-Marek ◽  
Magdalena Turzańska ◽  
Klaudia Chmiel

AbstractPhyllotactic diversity and developmental transitions between phyllotactic patterns are not fully understood. The plants studied so far, such as Magnolia, Torreya or Abies, are not suitable for experimental work, and the most popular model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, does not show sufficient phyllotactic variability. It has been found that in common verbena (Verbena officinalis L.), a perennial, cosmopolitan plant, phyllotaxis differs not only between growth phases in primary transitions but also along the indeterminate inflorescence axis in a series of multiple secondary transitions. The latter are no longer associated with the change in lateral organ identity, and the sequence of phyllotactic patterns is puzzling from a theoretical point of view. Data from the experiments in silico, confronted with empirical observations, suggest that secondary transitions might be triggered by the cumulative effect of fluctuations in the continuously decreasing bract primordia size. The most important finding is that the changes in the primary vascular system, associated with phyllotactic transitions, precede those taking place at the apical meristem. This raises the question of the role of the vascular system in determining primordia initiation sites, and possibly challenges the autonomy of the apex. The results of this study highlight the complex relationships between various systems that have to coordinate their growth and differentiation in the developing plant shoot. Common verbena emerges from this research as a plant that may become a new model suitable for further studies on the causes of phyllotactic transitions.

Adistya Iqbal Irfani, ◽  
Moh. Yasir Alimi ◽  
Rini Iswari

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bentuk toleransi dan faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat toleransi masyarakat Jawa dengan studi kasus di Dukuh Medono Kabupaten Batang. Di dukuh tersebut, penganut organisasi agama seperti NU, Muhammadiyah dan Kristen Jawa di Dukuh Medono saling hidup rukun. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa toleransi antar penganut NU, Muhammadiyah, Kristen Jawa tampak berbagai bentuk. Antara NU dan Kristen Jawa dalam bentuk partisipasi dalam ritual tahlilan, sedangkan antar ketiganya tampak dalam bentuk kerja bakti, saling membantu dalam acara hajatan, perkawinan campur dan saling berkunjung bila ada yang sakit. Faktor pendorong toleransi antara lain budaya toleransi yang sudah lama, pernikahan antar penganut yang berbeda, sosialisasi toleransi dalam keluarga, dan kepemimpinan desa yang menekankan pentingnya toleransi. Sedangkan faktor penghambat toleransi yaitu perbedaan pandangan antar penganut NU dan Muhammadiyah dalam pelaksanaan ibadah, pernikahan beda keyakinan, dan sikap menyinggung keyakinan diantara penganut yang ada. The objective of this study is to explore forms of tolerance and the driving factor of religious tolerance in Dukuh Medono, Batang. In that village, the followers of NU, Muhammadiyah, and Kristen Jawa live peacefully and united in tolerance. The research method used here is a qualitative method with phenomenology approach. The result of the research shows that the tolerance between NU followers and Javanese Christians take the form of participation in tahlilan ritual. The tolerance between NU, Muhammadiyah followers, and Kristen Jawa followers are expressed through kerja bakti, mutual support in hajatan rituals, mixed marriage, visits to the sick, and social activities together. The factors which help to create tolerance include the culture of tolerance which exist in the village, marriages between religious followers, the socialization of tolerance within family, the socialization of tolerance within the society and the role of village administrative leaders. On the other hand, the factors which distract tolerance are different point of view between NU dan Muhammadiyah followers in some religious aspects, marriage between different religious followers, and the attitude of insulting others beliefs.

Bastina ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 95-109
Đurđina Isić

The paper presents the results of research that included comparative study of the place and role of female characters in selected and representative comedies by Serbian comedigrapher Branislav Nušić (eng. MP, Suspicious person, Mrs Minister, Bereaved family, Dr, Deceased; srb. Narodni poslanik, Sumnjivo lice, Ožalošćena porodica, Dr, Pokojnik, Vlast) and Bulgarian comedigrapher Stefan Kostov (eng. Gold mine, Golemanov, Grasshoppers, Nameless comedy; blg. Zlamnama mina, Golemanov, Skakalci, Komediâ bez ime) in order to find similarities and differences in the process of comedigraphic shaping of female characters in the work of these two authors. The subject of the research was viewed primarily from a literary-theoretical point of view, and the dominant methods of study were comparative and analytical-synthetic. During the research, there was a differentiation of female characters in accordance with their motivational structures, psychological assemblies and the nature of the place and the role they play in the social environment in which they are located. Therefore, we can distinguish female characters who live in the province and who are fully representative of the small-town spirit, female characters who live in the capital and are a symbol of the modern age and female characters who dwell in the capital, but in fact, deeply down still carry a small-town view of the world. The structure of this paper is in line with this distinction. Conclusions made at the end of the study show that the representation of female characters in analyzed comedies of both comedigaphers is highly similar in its nature.

Roberto Luquín Guerra

Apart from his political and educational work, and from his controversial autobiography, José Vasconcelos is known for his Ibero-Americanist thought. The Cosmic Race, Indology and Bolivarism and Monroeism gather all the ideas that are attributed to his theoretical point of view. His philosophy is what we know less of and what is most criticized. Nonetheless, is there a connection between his philosophical thought and his Ibero-Americanist ideas? Abelardo Villegas says that Vasconcelos’s philosophy is the product of a racial and cultural message. Therefore, according to Villegas, his philosophy is subordinated to his Ibero-Americanist ideas. Patrick Romanell, on the other hand, states that the Ibero-Americanist ideas make up the popular and illusory side and, hence, must be separated from the philosophical thought. The aim of this paper is to elucidate this problem. In order to clarify it, we will follow Villegas viewpoint to the bitter end. His reasoning invites us to look closely at the history of Ibero-American thought as well as at Vasconcelos’s first works. Precisely by analyzing these two aspects and the point where they meet, we might be able to find an answer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
David Wästerfors ◽  
Hanna Edgren ◽  
André Grigoriadis

”Fighting was the only thing I was good at”– Accounts and biographical turns in previously criminal women’s personal storiesToday’s narrative criminology offers a more nuanced approach to understanding crime than many previous approaches. In this article we draw on personal stories from four middle-aged women with criminal experiences to explore some analytic tracks in this area. First, we show how recognizable sad tales, employed by the women to account for previous crimes and drug use, are supplemented by incorporated aspects of happy tales, as well as reflexive markers of storytelling and ”accounts of accounts”. The women identify their formerly active neutralizations, and they account for why they used them. Second, we refine an analysis of biographical turning points by focusing details that complicate the points at issue. Life changes are narrated as more uncertain, oscillating, long lasting and educational than might be expected. ”Doing motherhood” and a Meadian story of taking the role of the other are conspicuous; the narrators try to depict their lives from their children’s point of view. Having a child and, eventually, caring for it is attributed a life changing significance.

M. Nur Erdem

Violence has been a part of daily life in both traditional and digital media. Consequently, neither the existence of violence in the media nor the debates on this subject are new. On the other hand, the presentation of violence in fictional content should be viewed from a different point of view, especially in the context of aesthetization. Within this context, in this chapter, the serial of Penny Dreadful is analyzed. As analyzing method, Tahsin Yücel's model of the “space/time coordinates of narrative” is used. And the subject of “aestheticization of violence” is analyzed through a serial with the elements of person, space, and time. Thus, the role of not only physical beauty but also different components in the aestheticization of violence is examined.

Andre Vilares Morgado

Business schools play a key role in training marketing professionals. However, there is a strong divide between the expectations held by marketing professionals and those held in academia. This article considers this phenomenon from a theoretical point of view and explores its causes. The author argues that business schools are able to play a key role in bridging theory and practice in marketing. The article closes by offering several suggestions for how business schools might increase the relevance of marketing research while reducing the gap between marketing theory and practice. In particular, the article suggests the adoption of an inductive approach to research and offers a set of policies that business schools can implement in order to close this gap.

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