2018 ◽  
titin liana febriyanti

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has economic value due to high consumer demand, relatively affordable price, favorable taste and high tolerance to the environment. Constraints faced by farmers is the high feed prices because raw materials such as fish meal is still imported. So need to find alternative raw materials such as golden snail flour which has a cheap price. The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of the right golden snail flour in the fish feed so as to provide maximum growth rate for the seeds of tilapia gift. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The parameters observed were growth rate and feed efficiency. The experimental results showed that the C treatment (0.19 g/day) was the highest growth rate and the highest feed efficiency in treatment C was 88.03%.

2019 ◽  
titin liana febriyanti

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has economic value due to high consumer demand, relatively affordable price, favorable taste and high tolerance to the environment. Constraints faced by farmers is the high feed prices because raw materials such as fish meal is still imported. So need to find alternative raw materials such as golden snail flour which has a cheap price. The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of the right golden snail flour in the fish feed so as to provide maximum growth rate for the seeds of tilapia gift. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The parameters observed were growth rate and feed efficiency. The experimental results showed that the C treatment (0.19 g/day) was the highest growth rate and the highest feed efficiency in treatment C was 88.03%. Keywords: tilapia, mas snail flour, growth rate, and feed efficiency Abstrak Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) memiliki nilai ekonomis karena permintaan konsumen yang tinggi, harga yang relatif terjangkau, rasa yang digemari dan memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap lingkungan. Kendala yang dihadapi petani adalah harga pakan yang tinggi karena bahan baku seperti tepung ikan masih di impor. Maka perlu mencari bahan baku alternatif seperti tepung keong mas yang memiliki harga yang murah.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis proporsi tepung keong mas yang tepat dalam pakan ikan sehingga mampu memberikan laju pertumbuhan yang maksimal bagi benih ikan nila gift. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan C (0,19 g/hari) merupakan laju pertumbuhan yang tertinggi dan efesiensi pakan tertinggi pada perlakuan C yaitu 88,03 %. Kata Kunci: ikan nila, tepung keong mas, laju pertumbuhan, dan efisiensi pakan

2019 ◽  
titin liana febriyanti

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has economic value due to high consumer demand, relatively affordable price, favorable taste and high tolerance to the environment. Constraints faced by farmers is the high feed prices because raw materials such as fish meal is still imported. So need to find alternative raw materials such as golden snail flour which has a cheap price. The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of the right golden snail flour in the fish feed so as to provide maximum growth rate for the seeds of tilapia gift. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The parameters observed were growth rate and feed efficiency. The experimental results showed that the C treatment (0.19 g/day) was the highest growth rate and the highest feed efficiency in treatment C was 88.03%. Keywords: tilapia, mas snail flour, growth rate, and feed efficiency Abstrak Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) memiliki nilai ekonomis karena permintaan konsumen yang tinggi, harga yang relatif terjangkau, rasa yang digemari dan memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap lingkungan. Kendala yang dihadapi petani adalah harga pakan yang tinggi karena bahan baku seperti tepung ikan masih di impor. Maka perlu mencari bahan baku alternatif seperti tepung keong mas yang memiliki harga yang murah.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis proporsi tepung keong mas yang tepat dalam pakan ikan sehingga mampu memberikan laju pertumbuhan yang maksimal bagi benih ikan nila gift. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan C (0,19 g/hari) merupakan laju pertumbuhan yang tertinggi dan efesiensi pakan tertinggi pada perlakuan C yaitu 88,03 %. Kata Kunci: ikan nila, tepung keong mas, laju pertumbuhan, dan efisiensi pakan

2018 ◽  
titin liana febriyanti

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has economic value due to high consumer demand, relatively affordable price, favorable taste and high tolerance to the environment. Constraints faced by farmers is the high feed prices because raw materials such as fish meal is still imported. So need to find alternative raw materials such as golden snail flour which has a cheap price. The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of the right golden snail flour in the fish feed so as to provide maximum growth rate for the seeds of tilapia gift. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The parameters observed were growth rate and feed efficiency. The experimental results showed that the C treatment (0.19 g/day) was the highest growth rate and the highest feed efficiency in treatment C was 88.03%.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Magfirah Magfirah ◽  
Saiful Adhar ◽  
Riri Ezraneti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh surfaktan terhadap pertumbuhan, kelangsungan hidup dan histologi insang benih ikan nila. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014 diLaboratorium Hatchery dan Teknologi Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh Utara. Ikan diberi perlakuan dengan konsentrasi deterjen yang berbeda, perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu: perlakuan A (Kontrol), B (deterjen 3 %), C (Konsentrasi deterjen 6 %) dan D (Konsentrasi deterjen 9 %). Pengambilan data dilakukan setiap 7 hari sekali. Adapun rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan 3 ulangan dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Jujur jika terdapat perbedaan. Parameter yang diamati adalah parameter pada laju pertumbuhan, kelangsungan hidup, histologi insang dan efisiensi pakan serta parameter kualitas air (suhu dan pH). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan nila yang diberi perlakuan konsentrasi deterjen 3 %, 6 %, 9 % berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup. Perlakuan kontrol menghasilkan nilai, laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi paling baik, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 2,84 gram, 97,36 %, sedangkan untuk kelangsungan hidup menunjukkan hasil yang terbaik pada perlakuan konsentrasi deterjen 3 % yaitu 100 %. Parameter kualitas air selama penelitian yang diukur antara lain adalah suhu air dengan kisaran 26,6-28,1 ᵒC, dan pH 7,1-7,8. This study aimed to know the effect of surfactant on growth, survival rate and gill histology of tilapia fingerling. It carried out on October to November 2014 at Hatchery and Aquaculture Technology Laboratory, Aquaculture Department Agriculture Faculty Malikussaleh University North Aceh. Experimented fish was given different concentrations of detergent. The treatments were A: control, B (detergent 3%), C (detergent 6%), and D (detergent 9%). Sampling data was done every seven days. Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications then it was continued by BNT test. Observed parameters were growth rate, survival rate, gill histology, feed efficiency, and water quality (temperature and pH). The result showed that different concentrations of detergent (3%, 6%, 9%) affected on growth and survival rate of tilapia fish. Control gave the best growth rate and feed efficiency which were 2,84 grams and 97,36%. While the highest survival rate was obtained in treatment of detergent 3% which was 100%. The water quality parameters during experiment were temperature ranged 26,6-28,1 ᵒC and pH ranged 7,1-7,8.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Faisal Mujiono ◽  
Julius Sampekalo ◽  
Cyska Lumenta

The objectives of research were to evaluate the effect bakasang-supplemented commercial diet on nile tilapia growth and to find the optimum dosage of bakasang to be supplemented in feed. The research was conducted at Laboratory of Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology.  Fish weighing 0,9-1,7 g were palced in 15 aquaria at a density of 10 individuals/aquarium. Experimental design was complete randomized design with five treatments namely A (0% bakasang), B (2% bakasang), C (3% bakasang), D (4% bakasang), E (5% bakasang), each with three replications. Fish were fed three times a day as much as 5%/body weight. Growth of fish was observed every week. Research results showed that the lowest absolute growth, relative growth and feed efficiency  were observed in treated with 0% bakasang (êG=20.44 g; GR=148.08%; dan NEP=58.06%) while the highest was obtained in fish treated with 4% bakasang (êG=35,55 g; GR=262.17%; NEP=80.53%).  Analysis of variance displayed the use of bakasang significantly affect absolute growth, relative growth. It was concluded that feed supplemented with 4% bakasang gave better absolute growth, relative growth and feed efficiency as compared to other feed.   Keywords: growth, “bakasang”, absolute growth, relative growth, feed efficiency,  nile tilapia

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 835
Ricky Hadi Pratama ◽  
Tarsim Tarsim ◽  
Indra Gumay Yudha

Eel is one of the fisheries commodity that have not been rearing widelyin Indonesia. Constraint that occured in rearing eel is slow growth. A way to accelerate eel growth isfeeding with enrichment by using an amino acids. An amino acids can be used directly by eel for cell growth and the formation of body tissue. An amino acid that is used from the stingrays are not utilized by people  because it has no economic value to production activities. This research was aimed to study the growth rate of eel whichis fed with enrichment of an amino acids derived from stingray extract. The method in this research used completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The measure of eel that usedare 26-28 cm, the average weight is 28 grams and an amino acids dosage that used are 0 ml, 0.5 ml and 1 ml. It use FR 3% which is given at night to support the characteristic of eel that is nocturnal (active at night). The analyze result from the parameters that have been observed, there is not a significant effect (P> 0.05) and the fed with enrichment by using an amino acids with the dosage used hasn't been able to be utilized as fish feed mixture to increase growth rate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Sri Subekti ◽  
Muhammad Arief ◽  
Galih Candra Prakosa Yudha

AbstrakIkan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) merupakan suatu komoditas perikanan air tawar yang bernilai ekonomis. Permasalahan yang saat ini dihadapi dalam budidaya ikan nila adalah harga bahan pakan terutama tepung ikan semakin mahal. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggantikan tepung ikan dengan limbah padat surimi ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) secara kimiawi. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi limbah padat surimi ikan swanggi (Priaacanthus macracanthus) secara kimiawi pada tepung ikan terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Analisa statistik menggunakan Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) supaya dapat mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa substitusi limbah padat dari surimi ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) secara kimia pada tepung ikan tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05) terhadap retensi protein dengan nilai P0(7,97), P1(9,26), P2(7,07), P3(11,02) dan retensi lemak ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) P0(4,09), P1(5,67), P2 (4,53), P3 (6,73) tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P>0,05). Kualitas air media pemeliharaan ikan nila adalah suhu 26-28 °C, Oksigen terlarut 5-8 mg/l, pH 7-8, Amonia 0-1,5 mg/l. Abstract Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater fishery commodities that have economic value. The problems currently faced in tilapia fish farming is the price of feed ingredients, especially the more expensive fish meal. Efforts to do is replace fish meal with fish surimi swanggi solid waste (Priaacanthus macracanthus) chemically. This study aimed to determine the effect of substitution of solid waste swanggi fish surimi (Priaacanthus macracanthus) chemically in fish meal on the rate of growth and feed efficiency of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). This study uses an experimental method with completely randomized design (CRD). Statistical analysis using the Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) to determine the effect of treatment. Based on the results of the study showed that the substitution of solid waste swanggi fish surimi (Priacanthus macracanthus) chemical in fish meal did not significantly difference (p> 0.05) on the protein fish meal in the value of P0(7,97), P1(9,26), P3(7,07), P3(11,02)and retention fat tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) P0(4,09), P1(5,67), P2 (4,53), P3 (6,73) did not showed significantly difference (P>0.05). Maintenance of water quality media tilapia is 26-28 ° C temperature, dissolved oxygen 5-8 mg / l, pH 7-8, Ammonia 0-1.5 mg / l.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Salamah Salamah ◽  
Zulpikar Zulpikar

Dalam usaha budidaya ikan, pakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan dalam budidaya. Selain itu pakan juga memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap biaya mencapai 60-70% dari biaya produksi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan teknik untuk meningkatkan kadar protein dari pakan, salah satunya dengan cara fermentasi. Selanjutnya limbah dari pakan juga merupakan suatu kendala dalam usaha budidaya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut perlu dilakukan terobosan dalam sistem budidaya, salah satunya dengan menggunakan system bioflok dengan memanfaatkan bakteri heterotrofik. Selain memperbaiki kualitas air, bioflok juga menyediakan pakan secara insitu, sehingga mampu mengurangi biaya pakan dengan meningkatkan nilai efesiensi pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aplikasi pakan berprotein terfermentasi terhadap pertumbuhan dan konversi pakan ikan lele (Clarias sp.) menggunakan sistem bioflok. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan ditempat pembudidayaan lele di desa mesjid punteut dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan mengaplikasikan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 9 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini meliputi laju pertumbuhan ikan, kelangsungan hidup dan efesiensi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik pada pakan memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap laju pertumbuhan ikan 4.95%, tingkat kelangsungan hidup 97.77% dan efesiensi pakan 98.86%.Kata kunci: bioflok; ikan lele; kinerja; probiotik In aquaculture, fish feed is one of the factors that determine success in aquaculture. Besides, the feed also contributes significantly to costs reaching 60-70% of production costs. Based on this, it is necessary to use techniques to increase the protein of the feed; one of them is by fermentation. In addition, waste from the feed is also a problem in the aquaculture business. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in the aquaculture system, one of these is using a biofloc system by utilizing heterotrophic bacteria. Besides improving water quality, biofloc also provides in situ feed, so it would reduce feed costs by increasing the value of feed efficiency. This study aims to analyze the application of fermented protein feed on growth and feed conversion of catfish (Clarias sp.) using the biofloc system. This research was carried out in the catfish culture at punteut mosque village using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method by applying three treatments and three replications to obtain nine experimental units. Parameters observed in this study include fish growth rate, survival and feed efficiency. The results showed that the administration of probiotics in feed gives the best results on fish growth rate of 4.95%, survival rate of 97.77% and feed efficiency of 98.86%.Keywords: biofloc; catfish; performance; probiotics

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Geri Gunawan ◽  
Adelina Adelina ◽  
Indra Suharman

Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) are fish that have high economic value. The Aimed of this study was to know of the effect the use of fermented Pistia stratiotes flour and to know the percentage of best P. stratiotes flour fermentation on the growth of Asian redtail catfish fingerling. The method in this study is a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replications, the treatments are P0 (100% soybean flour, 0% fermented P. stratiotes flour), P1 (TK 95%, TKAT 5%), P2 (P2 TK 90%, TKAT 10%), P3 (TK 85%, TKAT 15%), and P4 (TK 80%, TKAT 20%). The fish used were 5.00 ± 1.00 cm long and weighed 1.50 ± 0.50 g, with a stocking density of 20 fish/m3. Fish are kept for 56% with a frequency of feeding three times a day. The results showed that the substitution of fermented P. stratiotes flour was able to effect the growth of Asian redtail catfish. The dosage of fermented P. stratiotes flour as much as 15% gives the best results on the growth of Asian redtail catfish, namely the specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency, and survival rate of 3.93%, 46.47% and 96.7%.

1993 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-334 ◽  
A. Blasco ◽  
E. Gómez

Two synthetic lines of rabbits were used in the experiment. Line V, selected on litter size, and line R, selected on growth rate. Ninety-six animals were randomly collected from 48 litters, taking a male and a female each time. Richards and Gompertz growth curves were fitted. Sexual dimorphism appeared in the line V but not in the R. Values for b and k were similar in all curves. Maximum growth rate took place in weeks 7 to 8. A break due to weaning could be observed in weeks 4 to 5. Although there is a remarkable similarity of the values of all the parameters using data from the first 20 weeks only, the higher standard errors on adult weight would make 30 weeks the preferable time to take data for live-weight growth curves.

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