scholarly journals Firms and the Intergenerational Transmission of Labor Market Advantage

2021 ◽  
Per Engzell ◽  
Nathan Wilmers

Recent research finds that pay inequality stems both from firm pay-setting and from workers’ individual characteristics. Yet, intergenerational mobility research remains focused on transmission of individual traits, and has failed to test how firms shape the inheritance of inequality. We study this question using three decades of Swedish population register data, and decompose the intergenerational earnings correlation into firm pay premiums and stable worker effects. One quarter of the intergenerational earnings correlation at midlife is explained by sorting between firms with unequal pay. Employer or industry inheritance account for a surprisingly small share of this firm-based earnings transmission. Instead, children from high-income backgrounds benefit from matching with high-paying firms irrespective of the sources of parents’ earnings advantage. Our analysis reveals how an imperfectly competitive labor market provides an opening for skill-based rewards in one generation to become class-based advantages in the next.

2015 ◽  
Vol 235 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 499-516
Michèle Tertilt ◽  
Gerard J. van den Berg

Summary We estimate the association between the unemployment status of young women and the probability that they are subject to violence, using Swedish population register data covering the period 1999-2008. These data contain the highest-level classification of diagnoses made by medical experts at every individual in-patient and out-patient visit to medical care units, including every contact with a physician. We distinguish between domestic and non-domestic violence. It turns out that unemployed women are significantly more likely to be victimized than employed women with the same individual characteristics. This is mostly reflected in indicators of nondomestic violence and long-run abuse among unemployed female youths.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. e38-e69 ◽  
Anna Batyra ◽  
Olivier Pierrard ◽  
David de la Croix ◽  
Henri R. Sneessens

Abstract The rise of early retirement in Europe is typically attributed to the European system of taxes and transfers. A model with an imperfectly competitive labor market allows us to consider also the effects of bargaining power and of matching efficiency on pre-retirement. We find that lower bargaining power of workers and declining matching efficiency have been important determinants of early retirement in France and Germany. These structural changes, combined with early retirement transfers and population aging, are also consistent with the employment and unemployment rates, labor share and seniority premia.

Sauro Mocetti

Abstract This paper contributes to the growing number of studies on intergenerational mobility by providing a measure of earnings elasticity for Italy. The absence of an appropriate data set is overcome by adopting the two-sample two-stage least squares method. The analysis, based on the Survey of Household Income and Wealth, shows that intergenerational mobility is lower in Italy than it is in other developed countries. We also examine the reasons why the long-term labor market success of children is related to that of their fathers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-35
Taro Abe

AbstractThis paper discusses the impact of unemployment compensation on the employment and wages of regular and non-regular labor in a dual-labor market. The model in this paper assumes an effective demand constraint and an imperfectly competitive market. The results obtained are as follows. An increase in unemployment compensation increases the wages of regular labor to maintain its productivity. However, this temporarily decreases the employment of regular labor, so that the productivity and wages of non-regular labor decrease. The result is an increase in the relative wage rate of regular labor and the relative amount of non-regular labor employed. This result is independent of any economic regime. In terms of the impact on employment volume, the existence of two regimes, one wage-driven and one profit-driven, is confirmed. However, the effect on employment is weaker if unemployment compensation is financed by taxing profits.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Tapan Biswas ◽  
Jolian McHardy

We examine the effects of and the incentives for increasing input efficiency within a spatially segregated  Cournot duopoly with monopoly trade unions whose utility functions depend on both wages and employment. We show that with neoclassical as well as Leontief technology, unions raise wages to appropriate fully the gains from labor-saving technological (or organisational) improvements, leaving the firm with no incentive to invest in increasing the efficiency of workers. However, capital-saving     technological improvement may be profitable depending on the elasticity of substitution. Finally, we examine the implication of a fixed minimum wage (or competitive labor market) in one country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-141 ◽  
Lina Hedman ◽  
Maarten Van Ham

The literature on intergenerational contextual mobility has shown that neighbourhood status is partly ‘inherited’ from parents by children. Children who spend their childhood in deprived neighbourhoods are more likely to live in such neighbourhoods as adults. It has been suggested that such transmission of neighbourhood status is also relevant from a multiple generation perspective. To our knowledge, however, this has only been confirmed by simulations and not by empirical research. This study uses actual empirical data covering the entire Swedish population over a 25-year period, to investigate intergenerational similarities in neighbourhood status for three generations of Swedish women. The findings suggest that the neighbourhood environments of Swedish women are correlated with the neighbourhood statuses of their mothers and, to some extent, grandmothers. These results are robust over two different analytical strategies—comparing the neighbourhood status of the three generations at roughly similar ages and at the same point in time—and two different spatial scales. We argue that the finding of such effects in (relatively egalitarian) Sweden implies that similar, and possibly stronger, patterns are likely to exist in other countries as well.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-67 ◽  
Maria Fleischmann ◽  
Ferry Koster ◽  
Pearl Dykstra ◽  
Joop Schippers

To sustain the welfare state, several EU countries agreed to take measures aimed at increasing the labor market participation of older workers (European Commission 2001). In this study, we developed a framework integrating individual, work, and institutional characteristics in order to explain the labor market participation of older workers. While prior studies focused mainly on individual characteristics, the present analysis investigated the impact of work and institutions more closely using the European Social Survey. Multilevel analyses across 21 countries showed that work characteristics increased the benefits from work, hence increasing the likelihood of participation among older workers, and that the generosity of institutions discouraged older workers to remain in the labor market.

Shkamarda O.A.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the speech behaviour of the participants of interaction in the Internet blog and to single out different lexical and stylistic resources of the personal positioning module realization in the global network.Methods. The material of the study is based on the written online messages taken from the personal blog “In Pursuit of Happiness” of the popular American writer and TED conference (a conference devoted to spreading ideas connected with technology, entertainment, and design) speaker Britt Reints. The presented article is grounded in the methodological principles of the communicative and user-based approaches to language and speech, which have been actively developing in linguistics in recent years. The applied methods of discourse analysis, conversational analysis, linguistic, and stylistic analysis revealed personal aspects of subjective positioning in the discourse of a personal Internet blog.Results. The article summarizes the data of modern scientific research on the interpretation of the stancetaking phenomenon and defines the stance concept. It has been established that stances are based on the personal characteristics of a discourse participant, his / her individual traits, beliefs, preferences, judgments and assessments of the events of the actual reality. Thus, the study proves that stance is a social phenomenon, which embraces two main interdependent and interrelated modules: personal and interactional. The first one (personal) manifests individual characteristics of the subjects of discursive activity, such as physical features, personal mindsets, cognition, specific needs and interests, spiritual and moral-volitional qualities; the second one (interactional) provides the coherent cooperation between the sender of the message and its recipient, synchronizing their linguistic world view with the aim of the correct perception and interpretation of each other's stances.Conclusions. The article traces stable correlations between the individual and personal characteristics of the speaker / author of the written message and his / her positions in the discourse of the English Internet blog. Different lexical and stylistic resources activating the personal module of stancetaking in the global network have been singled out on the basis of the analysis of the speech behavior of the participants of communication in the blogosphere.Key words: position of the subject of discursive activity, stance, personality, subject of discursive activity, personal module of stancetaking. Мета. Мета наукової розвідки – проаналізувати мовленнєву поведінку учасників інтеракції в інтернет-блозі та виявити засоби актуалізації індивідуально-особистісного модуля позиціювання у глобальній мережі.Методи. Матеріалом для нашого дослідження послугували фрагменти інтернет-повідомлень, вилучені з популярного англомовного авторського блогу “In Pursuit of Happiness” («У пошуку щастя»), авторкою якого є американська письменниця та спікерка конфереції TED (від англ. Technology, Entertainment, Design – Технології, Розваги, Дизайн, конференція, присвяче-на «ідеям вартим поширення») Бріт Рейнтс. Представлена праця ґрунтується на методологічних засадах комунікативно-діяль-нісного підходу до мови й мовлення, який активно розвивається у лінгвістиці останніх років. Застосовані методи дискурс-аналізу, конверсаційного та лінгвостилістичного аналізу дали змогу виявити та описати індивідуально-особистісні аспекти суб’єктного позиціювання в дискурсі персонального інтернет-блогу.Результати. У статті узагальнено дані сучасних наукових розвідок щодо трактування феномену позиціювання та визна-чено поняття «станс». Установлено, що позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності базується на ознаках учасника дискурсу як особистості, його / її індивідуальних характеристиках, особистих переконаннях, уподобаннях, судженнях та оцінках подій навколишньої дійсності. Таким чином, дослідження засвідчує, що станс – це явище публічне, яке має два основних взаємоза-лежні і взаємопов’язані модулі: 1) індивідуально-особистісний, в якому проявляються особистісні характеристики суб’єктів дискурсивної діяльності, а саме фізичні дані, особливості світосприйняття та мислення, специфічні потреби та інтереси, духо-вні та морально-вольові якості та 2) інтеракційний, який забезпечує органічну взаємодію адресанта й адресата, синхронізуючи їхні мовні картини світу для сприйняття та інтерпретації позицій один одного.Висновки. У статті простежено стійкі кореляції між індивідуально-особистісними характеристиками мовця / автора пись-мового повідомлення та його / її позиціями у дискурсі англомовного інтернет-блогу. На основі аналізу мовленнєвої поведінки учасників комунікативної взаємодії у блогосфері виокремлено лексико-стилістичні ресурси активізації особистісного модуля позиціювання в мережі інтернет.Ключові слова: позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності, станс, особистість, суб’єкт дискурсивної діяльності, особис-тісний модуль позиціювання.

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