scholarly journals Are Geographer's Research Methodologies Really Poor?

2010 ◽  
Vol 27 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Hriday L Koirala

Research methodology is closely associated with both philosophy and paradigm of a discipline. Paradigms are combinations of law, theory and methodology. Philosophy critically assesses the objectives of the explanation and how they are achieved. Theory is used to create the bases for the explanation. Therefore, it is utmost necessary to tie up theories/concepts, philosophy and methodology in an academic research. Most of the doctoral research works of Nepal in human geography are either entirely empiricist/positivist or unaware of these 'isms' in geography, yet, there are several researches which characterize a very good theoretical, philosophical and methodological basis. Similarly, the analysis techniques of the geographers typify a vivid characteristic as used in other parts of the world.

Aporia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  

    For researchers working within a critique of capitalism and its relation to knowledge production, it is problematic to use traditional research methodologies endemic to the very system being critiqued unless they are somehow altered. This article investigates the potential of schizoanalysis to provide conceptual tools for such an approach. Developed through the collaborative work of Deleuze and Guattari, schizoanalysis operates from the organic principle that knowledge is an indivisible part of the way we live in the world. However, schizoanalysis is not a research methodology; it inserts itself into research methodologies, warpsthem, and reproduces itself through them.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 395-412
Naeem Ashfaq ◽  
Hussin bin Salamon ◽  
Mohd Fauzi Bin Abu Hussin ◽  
Arieff Salleh Rosman ◽  
Aminuddin Bin Ruskam ◽  

Purpose: This study explores the contribution of Shah Wali Allah al-Dehlavi’s work on the Quran to classify it into five categories (themes) using a qualitative methodology known as thematic analysis in today’s world of research, in his book Al-Fawz al-Kabir. This paper is an attempt to show the contributions of Muslim scholars in the world of research by introducing the research methodology which is used even in today’s modern world. Methodology: A qualitative comparative analysis was employed by reviewing both the approaches such as Thematic Analysis and the approach applied by Shah Wali Allah to find five sciences. Main Findings: The result showed that both research approaches are similar. This study concludes that [our] classical scholars have formulated and used the research methodologies which may be applicable and relevant to the current research paradigms. Applications: This article can be used as a gateway by academics to review and analyze the work of Islamic classical scholars specifically their research techniques to derive new research methodologies. Novelty/Originality: The work of Shah Wali Allah (SWA) on the Quran to find out the relationship between the research methodology employed by SWA and the Thematic Analysis has been studied.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1552-1563
Denise A. Tucker ◽  
Mary V. Compton ◽  
Sarah J. Allen ◽  
Robert Mayo ◽  
Celia Hooper ◽  

Purpose The intended purpose of this research note is to share the findings of a needs assessment online survey of speech and hearing professionals practicing in North Carolina to explore their interest in pursuing a research-focused PhD in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) and to document their perceptions of barriers to pursing a PhD in CSD. In view of the well-documented shortage of doctor of philosophy (PhD) faculty to attract, retain, and mentor doctoral students to advance research and to prepare future speech and hearing professionals, CSD faculty must assess the needs, perceptions, and barriers prospective students encounter when considering pursuing a doctoral research degree in CSD. Method The article describes the results of a survey of 242 speech and hearing professionals to investigate their interest in obtaining an academic research-focused PhD in CSD and to solicit their perceived barriers to pursuing a research doctoral degree in CSD. Results Two thirds of the respondents (63.6%) reported that they had considered pursuing a PhD in CSD. Desire for knowledge, desire to teach, and work advancement were the top reasons given for pursuing a PhD in CSD. Eighty-two percent of respondents had no interest in traditional full-time study. Forty-two percent of respondents indicated that they would be interested in part-time and distance doctoral study. The barriers of time, distance, and money emerged as those most frequently identified barriers by respondents. Conclusion The implications inform higher education faculty on how they can best address the needs of an untapped pool of prospective doctoral students in CSD.

2012 ◽  
pp. 94-107 ◽  
O. Antipina

The article contains a review of the contemporary research in the field of economics of happiness. Economics of happiness deals with correlation between the subjective notion of well-being and happiness with ones life (happiness level) and economic indicators. The author considers the correlation of economic and noneconomic factors. The last ones —  such as education and health — also affect the level of happiness. The author dwells upon the following questions: research methodology in economics of happiness, correlation between subjective notion of well-being and happiness with ones life and economic performance on micro- and macrolevels.

Tatiani De Azevedo Lobo ◽  
Marli M. Moraes Da Costa

Resumo: O presente ensaio busca apresentar e fomentar algumas questões pertinentes ao debate contemporâneo sobre a pobreza, demonstrando a importância do tema no cenário mundial. Para tanto, inicialmente discorre-se sobre a construção histórico-social da pobreza e suas características contemporâneas. Com efeito, aponta-se a limitação dos fatores tradicionalmente apresentados como causadores da pobreza, como cultura, genética, geografia etc. Além disso, apresentam-se as formas atuais de monitorar o fenômeno, como o coeficiente de Gini e o IDH. Posteriormente, aborda-se a distribuição mundial da pobreza. Nesse ponto, colaciona-se que a pobreza é um problema mundial. No entanto, é perceptível que o Sul ainda concentra maior número de indivíduos pobres do que o Norte. Na esteira dos últimos dados da pesquisa realizada pelas Nações Unidas, houve uma nítida ascensão do Sul, especialmente nos indicadores sociais ligados à educação. A seguir, trata-se do capital social e da Teoria das Capacidades, apresentando-se novas abordagens da pobreza. Assim, o capital social trata de uma ideia utilizada para verificar a rede de relacionamento dos indivíduos. Já a Teoria das Capacidades está ligada com a ideia de oportunidade da liberdade. Por fim, estuda-se as políticas públicas, bem como seu aspecto fragmentário. Conclui-se, assim, sobre a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas elaboradas sob a égide de novos paradigmas, a fim de possibilitar o tratamento específico do fenômeno da pobreza, conforme as peculiaridades de cada local. Para tanto foi utilizado neste trabalho o método de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo, o método de procedimento monográfico e a técnica de pesquisa, operacionalizados por meio do emprego de vasta pesquisa bibliográfica. Abstract: This essay seeks to provide and foster some relevant to the contemporary debate on poverty issues, demonstrating the importance of the issue on the world stage. For this purpose, initially spoke about the historical and social construction of poverty and its contemporary features. Indeed, he pointed out the limitation of the factors traditionally presented as the cause of poverty, as a culture, genetics, geography, etc. Furthermore, we presented the current ways of monitoring the phenomenon, such as the Gini coefficient and the HDI. Subsequently addressed the global distribution of poverty. At this point, if collated that poverty is a worldwide problem. However, it is apparent that the South still more concentrated than the poor North individuals. In the wake of recent data from research conducted by the United Nations, there was a sharp rise in the South, especially in social indicators related to education. Next, we treated the capital and the Theory of Capabilities, presenting new approaches to poverty. Thus, social capital is an idea used to verify the relationship network of individuals. Already Capabilities Theory is linked with the idea of freedom of opportunity. Finally, we studied public policy, as well as its fragmentary appearance. Thus, it is concluded on the need to implement public policies prepared under the aegis of new paradigms to enable specific treatment of the phenomenon of poverty, according to the peculiarities of each site. For that was used in this work the method of hypothetical-deductive approach, the method of procedure and the monographic research technique, operationalized through the use of extensive academic research.

Resources ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 38
Leandro Pereira ◽  
Rita Carvalho ◽  
Álvaro Dias ◽  
Renato Costa ◽  
Nelson António

The fashion industry being one of the most polluting industries in the world means that it is an industry with an immense potential for change. Consumers are central and are closely intertwined with how companies act. This research reflects consumer perspectives and practices towards the topic of sustainability implemented in the fashion industry. The relevance of sustainability in the fashion industry and the key role of consumers in its implementation are undeniable and confirmed by consumers in a representation of general awareness and concern, despite not always being translated into actual practices. A qualitative research methodology, followed by a set of interviews conducted with consumers, revealed that the great majority are implementing a variety of practices when making their buying choices towards fashion items. Barriers such as lack of education, information, knowledge and transparency were identified, and this aspect was shared by consumers as a reason why they are not motivated to make more conscious decisions. Companies should educate consumers from a general perspective and focus on the group of consumers that are not implementing sustainability in the fashion industry in their buying choices, as they represent the potential for the future.

1997 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-65
Hye-Joon Yoon

Area studies, as a newly fashionable field of academic research, needs to recognize its less likely precedents if it is going to secure for itself a fresh start. The question of “desire” is relevant here because it indicates the less value-free aspects in its genealogy. As shown in Emma Bovary's embellished representation of Paris at her provincial home, an understanding of an area often reflects the particular needs and desires of the one who understands that area. Such restricted and restricting views of an area repeats itself outside the world of literary fictions, as is shown by the example of Guizot's picture of Europe in which his own country is given a privileged place as the very center of Western civilization itself. An instructive case showing the thin line between the projected desire of one who strives to know a geographical area and the scientific purity of the labor itself is further offered by Napoleon Bonaparte's heavy reliance on Orientalist scholarship in his invasion of Egypt. Moving further east from Egypt to China, we witness the denigrating remarks on China made by the great German thinkers of the past century, Hegel and Weber. Although their characterization of Chinese culture could find echoes in unbiased empirical research, they reveal all the same the trace of Europeans' desire to affirm their superiority over the supposedly inferior and false civilization of the East. Similarly, the Americans who divided the Korean peninsular at the 38th Parallel, with unquestioning confidence in their knowledge of the area and in the justice of their action, rightfully deserve their place in the tradition of Western area studies of serving the needs to dominate, control and exploit an objectified overseas territory. He assumed that words had kept their meaning, that desires still pointed in a single direction, and that ideas retained their logic; and he ignored the fact that the world of speech and desires has known invasions, struggles, plundering, disguises, ploys. From these elements, however, genealogy retrieves an indispensable restraint: it must record the singularity of events outside of any monotonous finality; it must seek them in the most unpromising places, in what we tend to feel is without history—in sentiments, love, conscience, instincts; it must be sensitive to their recurrence, not in order to trace the gradual curve of their evolution, but to isolate the different scenes where they engaged in different roles. — Michel Foucault, “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History” (Foucault 139–40).

2021 ◽  
pp. 147821032110034
Bruce Macfarlane

The popular image of activism in the university involves students and academics campaigning for social justice and resisting the neo-liberalisation of the university. Yet activism has been subtly corporatised through the migration of corporate social responsibility from the private sector into the university, a trend that may be illustrated by reference to the growing influence of research ‘grand challenges’ (GCs). Attracting both government and philanthro-capitalist funding, GCs adopt a socio-political stance based on justice globalism and represent a responsibilisation of academic research interests. Compliance with the rhetoric of GCs and the virtues of inter-disciplinarity have become an article of faith for academics compelled to meet the expectations of research-intensive universities in chasing the prestige and resources associated with large grant capture. The responsibilisation of the efforts of researchers, via GCs, erodes academic ownership of the research agenda and weakens the purpose of the university as an independent think tank: the essence of the Humboldtian ideal. The conceit of corporate activism is that in seeking to solve the world’s problems, the university will inevitably create new ones. Instead, as Flexner argued, it is only by preserving the independence and positive ‘irresponsibility’ of researchers that universities can best serve the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
pp. 105-140
Svetlana V. Lourie

Philosophy always lies at the heart of any science, regardless of how non-ideological and positivistic it claims to be; and the structure, conceptual apparatus and research methodology depend on it, whether the scientists acknowledge it or not. It is all primarily in general scientific paradigm. It so happens that key axioms, both theoretical and methodological, of modern science are materialistic. The case is that even if any scientist would like to abandon those doubtful axioms, he would continue to think along those lines as the very scientific language and scientific thought are based on them, otherwise instead of science we’ll get just an assortment of value judgments. To abandon materialistic scientific language will require sufficient efforts. Such paradigms as “created world”, the presence of “immortal origin” in a human being, etc, can’t be rationally proved, as well as, for example, phylogenesis; but they work none the worse as science methodological basis. The science won’t become any less scientific, if it is built on different basis but with adhering to scientific methodology, some specific cognitive modus of science. At the same time, the scientific language itself should be renewed. Thus we’ll try to remodel culturology. This article is a fragment of a big project, started at the initiative of the author with the goal of reformatting culturology on the basis of Orthodox patristic anthropology.

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