scholarly journals Studi Etnomatematika: Aktivitas Petani Padi Dusun Panggang

Bara Aji Firdaus ◽  
Sri Adi Widodo ◽  
Irham Taufiq ◽  
Muhammad Irfan

This study explores the hidden mathematical concept of the activities of the rice farmers in Panggang Village. The research method is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The research location is in Panggang Hamlet, Bantul. The location was chosen because the area is an agricultural area that has been regulated by the Government. The research subjects were the Dukuh and Panggang Dusun farmers and were selected purposively. Agricultural activities contain mathematical concepts that arise when using rice seeds, nursery preparation, fertilizing, and tandur. This study's findings are that there are mathematical concepts that exist in agricultural activities, including geometry and comparisons. The results of the research can be used as teaching materials to facilitate learning for students.Keywords: ethnomathematics, geometry, comparison, contextual, realistic mathematics education

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-101
Ajeng Ramadhani ◽  
Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana

The purpose of this research is to understanding the role of line and angle learning design in students’ comprehension of mathematical concept and also to understanding the students’ learning result through LAS (Lembar Aktivitas Mahasiswa) or student activity paper that is based on the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education approach. The research method used in this research is design research. The result of this research shows that the activity of using props or drawing a clock circle could motivate the students in checking out the shaped angle, So the students will have the idea to calculate how big is the angle that is shaped by the clockwise and also to determine its types. So, the design that is used could help the students to understanding the concept of angle through the context of clock circle.

Yopi Andry Lesnussa

Mathematics as a part of basic science is considered very difficult, especially for students from elementary school to high school. To facilitate the process of learning mathematics has been developed many new learning methods by experts in mathematics education, one of them is realistic mathematics education. Realistic mathematics education is one of therenewed learning methods on basic mathematical concepts that related to the context, illustrations, and based on everyday life situations. Besides realistic mathematics education motivated students to be more active and creative in solving mathematical problems according to real conditions, it also more emphasize cooperative and communicative learning so that students are more interested in learning mathematics. This encourages the government to include realistic mathematics education in the curriculum of basic education and also through the provision of training and education for teachers. It is expected that the education system that accommodates Realistic Mathematic Education can increase the interesting of students' learning

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-400 ◽  
Dwi Putria Nasution ◽  
Marzuki Ahmad

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa melalui pembelajaran matematika realistik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tidakan kelas yang meliputi tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII-1 SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan dengan jumlah siswa 26 orang. Objek penelitian adalah kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang diberi pembelajaran matematika realistik pada materi bilangan pecahan. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa penerapan pembelajaran  matematika realistik memberikan  dampak  positif  terhadap  peningkatan  kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang  ditunjukkan  dengan peningkatan pada: 1)  Nilai rata-rata kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa 79,79 pada siklus I dan 84,71 pada siklus II; 2) Aktivitas aktif siswa dalam pembelajaran dengan pembelajaran matematika realistik dikategorikan  efektif  yakni memperoleh  persentase  80%  pada siklus I dan 90% efektif pada siklus dua dengan kriteria keefektifan ≥ 80%; 3) Capaian ketuntasan kalasikal kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa 73,08% pada siklus I dan 88,46% pada siklus II dengan nilai minimal ketuntasan klasikal 85%. Abstract (The Aplication of Realistic Mathematics Educations to Improve students’ mathematical communication Skills)This study aims to improve students' mathematical communication skills through realistic mathematics education. The research method used is classroom action research which includes the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects were students of class VII-1 of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan with a total of 26 students. The object of research is the mathematical communication skills of students who are given realistic mathematics education on fraction material. The results showed that the application of realistic mathematics education had a positive impact on the improvement of students 'mathematical communication skills as indicated by an increase in: 1) The average value of students' mathematical communication skills was 79.79 in cycle I and 84.71 in cycle II; 2) The active activity of students in learning with realistic mathematics learning is categorized as effective, namely obtaining 80% percentage in the first cycle and 90% effective in the second cycle with the effectiveness criteria ≥ 80%; 3) Achievement of Kalasikal completeness of students' mathematical communication skills is 73.08% in cycle I and 88.46% in cycle II with a minimum grade of 85% classical completeness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-324
Rizqi Maulana Syifa ◽  
Wasrob Nasruddin ◽  
Achdiyat Achdiyat

Rice commodity is one of the main commodities being cultivated by farmers in Kadugenep Village. .various kinds of agricultural activities carried out by rice farmers in Kadugenep Village, in carrying out agricultural activities not only on production activities or cultivation of plants, but how to market agricultural productsin order to generate profits that can prosper farmers in terms of the economy.the assessment activities have been carried out from March 1 to June 30, 2020, with a total sample of 32 people. Data mining is done by interviews, questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability, as well as direct observation. .farmer empowerment levels were analyzed descriptively, factors related to empowerment were analyzed using the Spearmean Rank Correlation, and counseling strategies were analyzed using Kendal's Wbased on the results obtained from interviews and questionnaires given to respondents, showed that 5 people (15.6%) of respondents stated helpless, while 27 people (84.4%) respondents stated helpless. factors related to the role of the government (X2.1) of 0,000 and the role of advisors (X2.2) of 0.001 have a significant relationship to the empowerment of rice farmers in marketing rice packaging. strategies that can be done in increasing the empowerment of rice farmers in marketing rice from the results of the Kendall W analysis, namely by providing counseling about the function of cooperatives as a place for marketing products and functionspackaging with lecture, discussion and demonstration methods as well as extension media used, namely the provision of videos and folders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Yosie Ervanda ◽  
Anis Fuadah Z

The purpose of this study was to see the traditional cublak-cublak suweng game from D.I Yogyakarta, and the order for the character of responsibility for students. Knowing the method of implementing the cublak-cublek suweng game that can shape the character of responsibility for students. This research method is research research. The research subjects were research articles and web that discussed the cublak-cublak suweng game that could be accounted for for its authenticity and correctness. The scope of this research includes elementary school teachers, elementary school children, and the surrounding community who are familiar with this game, as well as the role of the government in preserving the cublak-cublak suweng game and applying it to elementary schools at this time.This research was conducted to explain whether the cublak-cublak suweng game in the present era can give pleasure after being played and the impact that occurs after being played 1) Introduction to what cublak-cublak suweng is and how to play it. 2) Implementation of the cublak-cublek suweng model that can develop the character of responsibility for students, 3) The effectiveness of the cublak-cublak suweng game in shaping the character of responsibility for students. 4) what are the effects if you continue to drink it again and again. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-43
Andrik Habibi ◽  
Tri Novita Irawati

Understanding of mathematical concepts is the ability of students to understand facts related to mathematics which can be expressed again in easily understood languages. The problem examined in this study is research on improving mathematical understanding of integer operations through the application of Probing Prompting Learning (PPL) with Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach. The method used is observation, documentation, interviews, and test methods, while the data analysis uses the percentage formula of the results of observations and the percentage of completeness of learning outcomes formula. Keyword: probing prompting learning, realistic mathematic education         

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Laksmi Aulia ◽  
Lia Rista

The purpose of this study was to determine the mathematical concepts through ethnomatematics activities of rice farmers in the community in Blang Jrun village, North Aceh. This research is a type of qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The subjects of this study were 8 people who work as farmers in Blang Jruen Village, North Aceh Regency. Data collection methods used were interviews, documentation and observation. The results showed that community farmers in Blang Jruen Village indirectly used ethnomatematics activities in rice farming. Ethnomatematic activities used include counting, counting and measuring activities. The most common activity in rice farmers is counting activity. In counting activities many mathematical concepts emerge by the farmers. Like addition; reduction; multiplication; division; worth comparison; and the comparison turned value. Whereas the spelling activity only appears in the mention of the vast rice fields. Measuring activity arises when estimating the distance between one crop and another and estimating the size of rice fields and yields. Conclusion, there are a lot of ethnomatematics activities in farming activities carried out by the Blang Jruen Village community in North Aceh Regency. Ethnomatematics activities include counting, counting and measuring activities. These concepts can be used as inspiration and contextual learning reference material. Keywords: Ethnomatematics Activities, Mathematical Concepts, Rice Farmers

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14 ◽  
Jeinne Mumu ◽  
Benidiktus Tanujaya

<span lang="EN">This research aims to design student learning activities on the concept of sets, especially operations on the sets. The research was conducted by using design research method with a mathematics realistic education approach. The subjects of this study are 42 students of mathematics education at the University of Papua taking lecture of realistic mathematics education. There are three stages in the implementation of this research, namely preliminary design, experimental design, and retrospective analysis. The results of the study show that the use of game "Lemon Nipis" can develop students' understanding significantly to the concept of operations on the sets. </span><span lang="EN-US">students are able to understand well and correctly basic operations on the sets, union, intersection, and exponentiation.</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Rislatul Badiah ◽  
Dinawati Trapsilasiwi ◽  
Susi Setiawani ◽  
Ferry Kurnia Putra ◽  
Nida'an Chofiyyah Astari

Mathematics is one of the sciences that is often used in culture. Forms of cultural activities containing mathematical concepts are called ethnomatematics. Mathematics related to culture will make it easier for students in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to know and describe ethnomatematics on the activities of batik in Batik Production Batik Dewi Sinta Banyuwangi and as material for student worksheet. This type of research is qualitative research with ethnographic approach. The data were collected form observation and interview. The research subjects were owners and employees at the Batik Production Batik Dewi Sinta Banyuwangi. This research uses descriptive qualitative data analysis. This research showed that there were mathematical concepts on the activities of batik in Batik Production Batik Dewi Sinta Banyuwangi wich includes counting, calculating, measuring, and designing activities. The product of this research is a teaching material in the form of student worksheet for class VII which contains ethnomatematics in batik activity. Keywords: Ethnomathematics, activity of batik, Students Worksheet

Jurnal Elemen ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Farida Nursyahidah ◽  
Bagus Ardi Saputro ◽  
Irkham Ulil Albab ◽  

Geometry is an essential subject for students. However, geometry, especially the cone, remains a challenging material for students. Besides, we need the proper media and context for learning mathematics on cone material. This research aims to develop a learning trajectory that utilizes the Megono Gunungan tradition as a context in the learning process using the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach. The research method used is Design Research, which consists of three phases of the study: preliminary design, experimental design, and retrospective study. This study's outcome is designing a learning trajectory on cone material using the Megono Gunungan tradition. This learning trajectory comprises four activities, including observing the interactive video of the Megono Gunungan tradition to discover cone elements, finding the concept surface area of a cone using origami paper, and grasping the cone concept volume with magic seeds, and solving contextual problems related to the cone. Studies have shown that using the Megono Gunungan context could help students improve their understanding of the cone concept. Furthermore, this study hoped could be an inspiration for exploring another local wisdom that can be a context in learning mathematics.

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