World Science ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2(54)) ◽  
pp. 22-26
Бабаева Зарина Сайфуллаевна

The study of domestic philological education as a holistic and systemic phenomenon involves its study, both from the point of view of historical retrospective and in the context of modern innovative settings. Meanwhile, the scientific field related to the study of the interaction of traditions and innovations in the evolution of domestic philological education has not received due understanding by now. Within the framework of the indicated problem, questions arise, the solution of which in modern conditions has special acuteness and topicality. What are the trends and dynamics of changes in the interaction of traditional and new experience in the development of domestic philological education? What factors influence the nature of the interaction of traditions and innovations in the development of the theory and practice of domestic philological education? What does analysis and understanding of the interaction of traditions and innovations in the historical past of Russian philological education give to assess its current state and, no less important, to predict its future development? The list of these questions indicates the seriousness and scope of the study. The dynamism of global changes in the world, the change in the economic and socio-cultural patterns in the country contributed to the fact that higher education had to flexibly respond to the current situation in the training of personnel.

N.R. Madhava Menon

The purpose of looking at Indian universities in a comparative perspective is obviously to locate it among higher education institutions across the world and to identify its strengths and weaknesses in the advancement of learning and research. In doing so, one can discern the directions for reform in order to put the university system in a competitive advantage for an emerging knowledge society. This chapter looks at the current state of universities in India and highlights the initiatives under way for change and proposes required policy changes.

Hélène Domon

It is time that universities reexamine what is meant by globalization. Contemporary researchers in science and the humanities (Critchley, Chomsky, Mumford, Ostrom, Eisenstein, Ferry, Orr, Shiva, Klein, Margulis, Meadows, Capra and Tolba, just to name a few) have aptly redefined the concept of « world » as a biological and cultural ecosystem. This paper seeks ways to integrate the theory and practice of eco-citizenship into various cross-disciplinary aspects of higher education, with a focus on curricular adjustments that may be steered by World Languages and Cultures programs. While "global citizenship" is still often understood today as a form of supranational citizenship that may find its actualization through the valuable, yet often arrested efforts of the United Nations, or as the individualistic result of a neoliberal economic emancipation of markets and capital throughout the world, this notion must rather be embedded within a radically cultural, natural and ethical bedrock from which a more potent world citizenry will stem. Departments of World Languages and Cultures and cultures are ideally positioned in the academic landscape to foster the development of a greater eco-civic and biospheric awareness that can permeate new curricular orientations of universities in the US and abroad.

2021 ◽  
Mihail Lednev ◽  
Il'ya Pokamestov

The history of the origin and development of factoring operations, their classification, the mechanism of factoring as a method of financing the company's working capital, models of international factoring, risk management of this type of business, legal aspects of factoring in the Russian Federation, the current state of the factoring market in the world are considered. Special attention is paid to the functioning of the factoring company — its organizational structure, principles of working with clients, automation of factoring operations. The electronic component of the textbook includes: a workshop on the study of the discipline "Factoring"; a guide to the study of the discipline "Factoring"; a glossary. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students, postgraduates and teachers of economic universities, employees of financial and credit institutions, managers of enterprises of all forms of ownership.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 80-87 ◽  

The article describes the global changes in the segment of Master Programms of the world market of educational service. The author considers the direction of modernization of higher education in accordance with modern requirements for the modernization of higher education. In particular, most universities are actively expanding the scope of international cooperation.

Ol'ga Zhironkina

The article introduces the phenomenon of pedagogical convergence. It appeared as a result of global changes that convergent technologies triggered in science, technology, economy, society, and culture. The research objective was to identify the basic principles and conditions for the formation and implementation of pedagogical convergence in domestic and foreign higher education. The authors analyzed domestic and foreign approach to convergence in pedagogical theory and practice, as well as developed an interdisciplinary methodology for studying this phenomenon. Pedagogical convergence outstrips the needs of society in training highly qualified specialists able to deal with technological convergence in all aspects of human activity. Therefore, higher education institutions need to teach their students to develop, borrow, and adapt convergent technologies. This study contributes to the development of pedagogical science in terms of theoretical comprehension of the phenomenon of pedagogical convergence. The new methodology can help to train university graduates who are familiar with the latest achievements of global science and are able to borrow new convergent technologies and adapt them for the needs of their professional activity.

S. M. Stepanenko

The article analyzes the changes that took place in the higher school of Ukraine over the past 25 years in terms of their impact on the system of training specialists with higher education in hydrometeorological specialties. Three stages of the higher education reforms and their impact on the training of personnel for the hydrometeorological service of Ukraine are singled out. The priority measures are proposed, which will enable the operational departments of the hydrometeorological service to be provided by specialists who meet the modern requirements of the World Meteorological Organization.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-67
Mkrtichian O.A.

In the context of globalization trends of innovative development of the preschool education system, the problems of the content of professional training of specialists of preschool educational institutions, in particular in foreign countries of the world, become especially relevant. Training a competitive in the labor market, highly qualified, professionally competent, creative specialist who is fluent in the acquired skills and abilities, strives for professional growth, social and professional mobility, is the important aspect of education system.The article reflects the current trends in education in the world, cultural centuries-old relations between these countries, the specifics of their cultural and national traditions and manifests itself in the value-based principles on which this training is based, in its structure, content and organization; the general and special in training of experts of preschool education abroad in modern conditions is revealed. Thus, preschools in Denmark are known for the high quality of pedagogical work, whose activities are aimed at developing educational potential and the formation of psychological, pedagogical and social skills of children, stimulating their imagination, creativity and speech skills, involvement in cultural values and nature; the training of future educators in France takes place both in the institutions of higher education and in the system of secondary special education and involves a change in the structure and content of education.In Germany, specialist training takes place in secondary special institutions, in particular, social and pedagogical colleges. In the modern training of educators there is a strengthening of the methodological and didactic side, but in many respects it focuses on the didactics and methods of teaching primary school. The responsibility for the professional education of educators of the Belarusian preschool institutions is assigned to pedagogical colleges and institutions of higher education. The level of teacher training determines his social status and includes: training of general educators; specialists in new specialties in colleges; educators for preschool educational institutions of new types; social, correctional teachers, teachers-rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and heads of a separate profile; teachers-managers. The conditions of training of educators of preschool institutions China and Turkey are also characterized.Key words: future educators, professional training, institution of higher education, foreign experience, pedagogical process, applicants for education. У контексті глобалізаційних тенденцій інноваційного розвитку системи дошкільної освіти особливої актуальності набувають проблеми змісту професійної підготовки фахівців дошкільних навчальних закладів, зокрема в зарубіжних країнах світу. Підготовка конкурентоздатного на ринку праці, висококваліфікованого, професійно компетентного, креативного спеціаліста, який вільно володіє набутими вміннями і навичками, прагне до професійного зростання, соціальної і фахової мобільності, – важливий аспект системи освіти.У статті відображаються сучасні тенденції розвитку освіти у світі, культурні багатовікові відносини між цими країнами, специфіка їх культурних національних традицій проявляється в ціннісно-цільових засадах, на яких будується ця підготовка, в її структурі, змісті та організації; виявлено загальне й осо-бливе в підготовці фахівців дошкільної освіти за кордоном в сучасних умовах. Так, дошкільні установи в Данії відомі високою якістю педагогічної роботи, діяльність яких спрямована на розвиток навчаль-ного потенціалу та формування психологічних, педагогічних і соціальних навичок дітей, стимуляцію їх фантазії, творчості та мовленнєвих навичок, на залучення до культурних цінностей і природи; під-готовка майбутніх вихователів Франції відбувається як у ЗВО, так і в системі середньої спеціальної освіти й передбачає зміну структури та змісту освіти.У Німеччині підготовка фахівця відбувається в середньо-спеціальних установах, зокрема соціаль-но-педагогічних технікумах. У сучасній підготовці вихователів є посилення методико-дидактичної сторони, але ж багато в чому вона орієнтується на дидактику та методику навчання початкової шко-ли. Відповідальність за професійну освіту вихователів ЗДО Білорусі покладено на педагогічні коледжі й ЗВО. Рівень підготовки фахівців визначає його соціальний статус і передбачає: підготовку виховате-лів загального профілю; фахівців за новими спеціальностями в коледжах; вихователів для дошкільних освітніх установ нових типів; соціальних, корекційних педагогів, педагогів-реабілітологів, психологів і керівників окремого профілю; педагогів-управлінців. Також схарактеризовано умови підготовки вихо-вателів ЗДО Китаю та Туреччини.Ключові слова: майбутні вихователі, професійна підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, зарубіжний досвід, педагогічний процес, здобувачі освіти.

V.G. Kravchenko ◽  
V.I. Stepanenko ◽  
A.M. Dashchuk ◽  
A.V. Kravchenko

Objective — to draw the attention of the Ukrainian health care management, the National Health Care Service (NHCS) and dermatovenereologists to urgent issues of reforming the industry, identifying shortcomings in the reform and presenting the views of experienced professionals on correcting organizational measures.Official statistics was used based on the materials of leading specialists of Kharkiv Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, scientific and practical institutions of Ukraine, the forecast of «GlobalData» analytical and statistical company on the trend of syphilis in the world, the results of discussion of current reform issues with leading specialists in dermatovenereology.The interpretation of the modern epidemiological panorama of skin and venereological pathology, the current state of organizational and material support of dermato-venereology institutions are presented. Some specific shortcomings and miscalculations in the process of reforming are revealed from the point of view of experienced specialists in the field, the authors’ vision of ways to improve the organization and activity of the dermatovenereological service of the country is presented.The need for correction in the process of reforming the specialized dermatovenereological service by resolving the urgent issue of organization in the areas of round-the-clock bed stock within reasonably adjusted limits and their financial and material support is substantiated. Calculations of the needs of round-the-clock inpatient beds in the regions should be carried out in the NHCS with the participation of the leadership of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists (UADVC). The reforming of the dermatovenereology service should become a truly effective compo­nent of the generally progressive system of health care reform, taking into account the international medical and statistical forecasts.

The main factors of the comprador phenomenon as an actor of globalization are analyzed. The global liberal democracy that took shape during the second half of the 20th century is now being transformed. New actors are entering on the geopolitical space. Geopolitical order in the first decades of the XX s. faces the challenges of both the past century and the new. The issues of the new agenda and factors of new challenges are highlighted; shows the prospects for overcoming geopolitical turbulence. Attention is focused on the intensification of the challenges of the 20th century. along with the emergence of new ones in the second decade of the twenty-first century. Among these challenges - the Covid-19 pandemic and, accordingly, the global quarantine, which led to an increase in social tension in societies of different regions of the world, put on question the ability of state structures to ensure national security and the health of their citizens, which in general can have unexpected consequences, both for individual regions and countries, and the world as a whole. Due to the closure of state borders, the curtailment of transport links between continents and countries, between the internal national regions, a situation that is atypical for a globalized world has been created, which is familiar to us from the historical past, namely, the recreation of the world of fragmented feudalism, where other mechanisms of social and political interaction operate. It is indicated that from the point of view of the world-systems analysis, a small number of them belong to the capitalist center, that is, to the core, where the global agenda and the methods of protecting national security are formed. But the overwhelming majority of countries and states are in the periphery and semi-periphery groups. The phenomenon, which was the result of the colonial policy of nascent capitalism, persists to this day, but in other forms, retaining its functions. At the same time, the need to support the neo-colonial order remains, and therefore there is still a political interest in the formation of such groups in the third world (periphery) countries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 122-126

The system of organization of pedestrian traffi c is one of the urgent problems of the modern city. The aim of this work is to study the trends in the development of pedestrian spaces in the world, as the global trend and preconditions validation of this trend for the city of Togliatt i, a town-planning trends relevant for him. The article reveals the general typological principles and patt erns of occurrence of the pedestrian streets. In accordance with the purpose of research, the article describes the basic principles of pedestrian spaces and the current methods of their design. The att ention is focused on the current state of the issue in urban planning theory and practice. Formulated practical relevance and the need to establish in the city of Togliatt i such public spaces as pedestrian streets.

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