Руслан Маслюк
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 184
Fatma Alkaaf ◽  
Durayra AlMaqbali ◽  
Yousra Al-Sinani

This study aims to identify the acquisition of linguistic competencies by pre-service physical education teachers at the College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, and in-service physical education teachers in Muscat and Dhofar Governorates in Oman, as well as any statistical differences between these two groups. The population of the study consisted of 30 pre-service teachers and 28 in-service teachers. The observation card instrument was used to collect data. The results showed that the acquisition level of the linguistic competencies of pre-service physical education teachers was medium. However, the acquisition level of the linguistic competencies of in-service physical education teachers was high. Furthermore, there were significant differences between the acquisition level of linguistic competencies in pre-service and in-service teachers in favor of in-service teachers. Based on these findings, we recommend developing these competencies in pre-service teachers during the teacher education program by focusing particularly on planning, implementation, and assessment.

Vitaliy Demchenko ◽  

The article examines the effectiveness of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future physical education teachers. The purpose of the article is to test the effectiveness of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future teachers of physical education. Research methodology includes: empirical methods: observations, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment is for checking the effectiveness of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future teachers of physical education; methods of mathematical statistics are for processing the results of experimental work. Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of interdisciplinary integration in the training of future teachers of physical education is based on a certain system of standards: pedagogical orientation, independence and professional maturity, which we used to diagnose their development by those activities that included students of the experimental group. After analyzing the data, it was found that students of the control and experimental groups have significant differences on such scales as: awareness, decision-making, planning and communication; as well as a positive trend on the scales: mnemonic, volitional and mental. According to the study, it can be said that future physical education teachers of the experimental group are more knowledgeable and confident in choosing their profession, they more rationally and adequately assess the situation and plan their future more thoughtfully than students in the control group.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-226
Sabrina De Souza ◽  
Viviane Preichard Duek ◽  
Larissa Cerignoni Benites

Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos da produção acadêmica na área da Educação Física escolar frente ao trabalho docente diante dos alunos com deficiência nas escolas regulares. Método: Este estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva que se valeu da estratégia da pesquisa documental. A busca privilegiou a plataforma Scielo e periódicos CAPES, apresentando oito termos combinados pelo operador ‘and’ e como critérios de inclusão os artigos publicados nos últimos dez anos e encontrados na língua portuguesa. Resultados: Resultando em 53 artigos que compuseram o acervo documental do estudo. A análise dos dados se deu de maneira qualitativa descritiva utilizando-se do processo de leitura, codificação e categorização, o qual oportunizou a discussão dos dados em dois eixos: (1) A escola frente as demandas da inclusão, onde apontou-se para as questões inerentes a escola, e; (2) As percepções dos professores de Educação Física, onde se levantou os diferentes tipos de percepções que os professores possuem quando se trata de trabalhar com a inclusão e com os alunos com deficiência dentro da educação regular. Conclusão: Como consideração final revela-se que aspectos como as condições dos espaços escolares e recursos materiais, dificuldades, a formação profissional, enfrentamentos da prática pedagógica, visão dos e sobre os alunos e o papel da Educação Física possuem um amplo destaque da literatura, compreendendo os aspectos do trabalho do professor e sua relação com os desafios da docência em situações de inclusão, apresentando um cenário de dificuldades, mas sobretudo de possibilidades e superações.ABSTRACT. The work of the teacher of physical education with the student with disabilities in regular education. Objective: To identify aspects of academic production in the area of Physical Education in front of the teaching work in front of students with disabilities in regular schools. Method: This study is a qualitative, descriptive research that used the documentary research strategy. The search privileged the Scielo platform and CAPES journals, presenting eight terms combined by the ‘and’ operator and as inclusion criteria the articles published in the last ten years and found in the Portuguese language. Results: Resulting in 53 articles that composed the documentary collection of the study. The data analysis was qualitatively descriptive using the process of reading, coding and categorization, which made it possible to discuss the data in two axes: (1) The school faced the demands of inclusion, where it was pointed out to the issues inherent in school, and; (2) The perceptions of Physical Education teachers, where the different types of perceptions that teachers have when it comes to working with inclusion and with students with disabilities within regular education are raised. Conclusion: As a final consideration it is revealed that aspects such as the conditions of school spaces and material resources, difficulties, professional training, confrontations of the pedagogical practice, vision of and about students and the role of Physical Education have a broad emphasis on literature, understanding the aspects of the teacher’s work and their relationship with the challenges of teaching in situations of inclusion, presenting a scenario of difficulties, but above all possibilities and overcomes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Iryna Maksymchuk

Abstract The article deals with studying the process of forming physical education teachers’ pedagogical mastery in the context of native and foreign scholars’ views. It has been indicated that the problem of pedagogical activity and pedagogical mastery efficiency has been raised in the works of a number of scholars who developed the principles and criteria of such activity. Thus, such native pedagogues as D. Dmytrenko, S. Krysyuk, I. Maslikova V. Putsov, A. Volovychenko studied the organization and evaluation of pedagogical and methodical work of teachers as well as the measuring of teaching management effectiveness. We have concluded that the forming of future physical education teachers’ pedagogical mastery should include the analysis of the education content (syllabi; general, psychological and pedagogical, special subjects; their comparison and volume, etc.) and the study of future physical education teachers’ personality. It is based on the use of general approaches, namely, historical, theoretical and descriptive, experimental, qualimetric (sociological) and is carried out within the diagnosis of a more general concept – a level of professional training (professional competence, the ability to obtain and generate new knowledge, to creatively solve pedagogical problems).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(45)) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Mikhail Dmitrievich Gulyaev

The article is devoted to a study on the impact of general and special physical training on the process of stage training of athletes. The author analyzed the development of the process of training athletes in the context of physical culture and sports. The article analyzes and discloses the main tasks of general physical training and the dynamics of passing the standards of the OFP and SFP at the stages of sports training, in accordance with the requirements of the FSSP in percentage ratio for three years. In the article, the author gives a generalized characteristic of the basis for the education of physical qualities and for the physical training of the athlete, resulting from specific laws of sports improvement. In general, the author concludes that one of the main features is that the athlete’s physical training organically combines her two sides of general and special physical training. Thus, in general, the use of the described techniques can be useful to physical education teachers and sports coaches in order to increase the professional training of teachers.

Mykhailo Shekhavtsov ◽  
Nadiia Ahtyrskaya ◽  
Nataliia Simonenko ◽  

This article reveals the state of development of the pedagogical phenomenon, carried out a theoretical analysis of the provisions of national and international educational documents, which allowed determining the purpose, objectives, content and structure of professional training of future teachers of physical education. As a result of the logical-semantic analysis of the conceptual-categorical apparatus the basic categories of research are revealed: "professional activity", "professional activity of the future teacher of physical culture", "interaction". The content analysis is carried out and the basic definitions are offered: "competence", "interactive competence".The concept of interactive competence is revealed in the research. It is interpreted as a professional integral quality of personality, which is manifested in its ability to interpersonal communication, presupposes its ability to intensify activities within intersubjective interaction and determines its readiness for continuous individual development a set of knowledge, skills, experience of tactful and equal communication under the created comfortable creative conditions of interaction. The professional training of a future physical education teacher is a complex multifaceted system, which is aimed at obtaining and developing a sufficient level of competence for productive professional activity in the process of higher education and practical activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-47 ◽  
Collin A. Webster ◽  
Diana Mindrila ◽  
Chanta Moore ◽  
Gregory Stewart ◽  
Karie Orendorff ◽  

Purpose: A comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) is designed to help school-aged youth meet physical activity guidelines as well as develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that foster meaningful lifelong physical activity participation. In this study, we employed a “diffusion of innovations theory” perspective to examine the adoption of CSPAPs in relation to physical education teachers’ domain-specific innovativeness, educational background, demographics, and perceived school support. Methods: Physical education teachers (N = 407) responded to an electronic survey with validated measures for each of the above-mentioned variables. Results: Latent profile analysis classified teachers into three domain-specific innovativeness levels (high, average, and low). CSPAP-related professional training, knowledge, and perceived school support were found to be significant factors in domain-specific innovativeness and CSPAP adoption. Discussion/Conclusion: This study provides novel evidence to inform professional development initiatives so that they can be tailored to physical education teachers who may be less likely to adopt a CSPAP.

2020 ◽  
pp. 104-109
Konokh A.P. ◽  
Makovetska N.V. ◽  
Konokh A.A.

У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан формування фахової компетентності майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, що підтвердив актуальність і доцільність вибраної проблеми дослідження, її недостатню теоретичну розробленість у педагогічній теорії та практиці. Це пов’язане з тим, що спеціалізація «Екологічний та спортивний туризм» відсутня у навчальних планах підготовки майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання в закладах вищої освіти України. Доведено, що фахова підготовка майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання, здатних на високому рівні використову-вати екологічний туризм у професійній діяльності, є однією з важливих умов підвищення інтересу дітей та молоді до занять фізичною культурою, туризмом і спортом, забезпечення необхідної рухової актив-ності, розвитку, збереження та зміцнення їхнього здоров’я. Фахова компетентність викладача фізично-го виховання у сфері екологічного туризмурозглядається як інтегративна характеристика особистості, що містить сукупність мотивів та інтересів, теоретичні знання, практичні вміння й навички, фахово важливі якості (фізичну підготовленість, креативність і емпатію, комунікативні та організаторські здіб-ності).Визначено, що з урахуванням значного попиту на фахівців цієї галузі фахова підготовка майбут-ніх викладачів фізичного виховання, компетентних у сфері екологічного туризму, має здійснюватися на факультетах фізичного виховання за спеціалізацією «Екологічний та спортивний туризм», адже саме ця спеціалізація враховує особливості цієї підготовки. Практичне значення одержаних результатів поля-гає у забезпеченні навчально-методичного супроводу формування фахової компетентності майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, що охоплює: авторські навчально-ме-тодичні комплекси дисциплін спеціалізації «Екологічний та спортивний туризм» та їх електронний контент; навчально-методичний посібник та методичні рекомендації; програми наскрізної практичної підготовки; тестові завдання; програму роботи туристського студентського гуртка Запорізького націо-нального університету.Матеріали дослідження були використані в процесі модернізації професійної підготовки майбут-ніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, у теоретичних і експериментальних дослідженнях з теорії та методики професійної освіти, для вдосконалення освітнього процесу в закла-дах вищої освіти. The article analyzes the current state of formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the field of eco-tourism confirmed the relevance and feasibility of the chosen research problem, its lack of theoretical development in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the fact that the specialization “Ecological and sports tourism” is absent in the curricula of future physical education teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine. It is proved that professional training of future physical education teachers, able to use eco-tourism in professional activities at a high level, is one of the important conditions for increasing the interest of children and youth in physical culture, tourism and sports, providing necessary physical activity, development, preservation and strengthening their health. The following structural components of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the field of ecological tourism have been identified and characterized: personal, cognitive, praxeological, reflexive.The practical significance of the obtained results is to provide educational and methodological support for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, which covers: the author’s educational and methodological complexes of disciplines of specialization “Ecological and sports tourism” and their electronic content; training manual and guidelines; cross-cutting practical training programs; test tasks; program of work of the student tourist circle of Zaporizhzhia National University. The research materials were used in the process of modernization of professional training of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, in theoretical and experimental studies on the theory and methodology of vocational education, to improve the educational process in institutions of higher education. On the basis of secondary diagnostics of the level of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, the results are obtained, which testify a significant positive dynamics according to all criteria. Analysis of the results has showed positive changes in the control group and the experimental group, but in the experimental group they have occurred more intensively. Thus, by the end of the experiment, the number of future teachers increased by 89% at the high level, by 2% at the sufficient level, and at the average and low levels their number decreased by 77% and 14%, respectively. The control groups also experienced positive changes, but at a high level they were not significant.Solving the objectives of the study made it possible to achieve its purpose – to substantiate scientifically the set of organizational and pedagogical conditions and conceptual model that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in eco-tourism.

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