scholarly journals Studies to Explain Associations between Relative Amounts of Body Fatty Acids

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-16
Arne Høstmark

Relative amounts of variables, such as body fatty acids, might be positively or negatively associated. The purpose of the present work was to investigate further, how such correlations might arise. One particular feature seemed to be that distributions of the variables were crucial for obtaining either positive or negative correlations, and for their strength, suggesting the name Distribution Dependent Correlations (DDC). The present work suggests that, with three positive scale variables, two of which (A, B) having very low variability relative to a third one (R), we should expect a positive association between percent A and percent B, the slope being estimated by the B/A ratio. Furthermore, we should expect a negative relationship between %R and %A (%B), in the current context. On the other hand, if A and B have high numbers and broad ranges relative to R, then %A should relate inversely to %B. Thus, ranges of A, B, and R seem to govern associations between their relative amounts, and alterations in the ranges have appreciable effects to change the associations. We suggest that evolution might utilize DDC to regulate metabolism, as suggested to occur with body fatty acids.

2003 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
pp. 1285-1292 ◽  
Takefumi Hattori ◽  
Akira Ohta ◽  
Masayuki Itaya ◽  
Mikio Shimada

We have investigated growth of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi (i.e., 55 strains of 32 species in 15 genera) on saturated (palmitate), monounsaturated (oleate), diunsaturated (linoleate), triunsaturated (linolenate) fatty acids, and the triacylglyceride of oleate (triolein) lipid to elucidate an ability to utilize the fatty acids and lipid as a carbon source for growth. Relative utilization ratios (URs, %) based on mycelial growth on glucose suggest that ECM fungi belonging to the family Thelephoraceae have an ability to utilize palmitate. On the other hand, ECM fungi in the genus Laccaria can utilize at least either palmitate or oleate. Furthermore, Hygropharus russula grows on palmitate, oleate, and slightly on triolein. Lactarius chrysorrheus grows only on palmitate. These fatty-acid- and lipid-utilizing fungi may be promising as model fungi for further elucidation of the metabolic ability to utilize the fatty acids and lipid as a carbon source. On the contrary, the fungi in the genus Suillus were shown to scarcely utilize the fatty acids and lipid. Furthermore, most ECM fungi did not grow on either linoleate or linolenate.Key words: carbon source, ectomycorrhizal fungi, fatty acid, lipid, mycelial growth.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Made Indah Yuliantari ◽  
Yohanes Kartika Herdiyanto

Female teenager conformity behavior is caused by several factors, which is internal factor and external factor. One of the internal factor that caused female teenager has consumptive behavior is prestige. In the other hand, having a low prestige makes female teenager tense to make friends and join a certain group in accordance to lifting their prestige. There is a conformity factorin a teenager group. That result in one’s behavior which is based on their mate in that group. Because they want have a same norms which is expected with their group (Sarwono, 2002). If they can’t control consumptive behavior, it will give them bad impact such as wasteful, unproductive, a crime where a person will do something. On the other hand teenager is stage where a person tries to find their own identity through their friend of the same age. This will be very much related to conformity and self esteem female teenager consumptive behavior in Denpasar. There is a positive relationship between conformity and female teenager consumptive behavior and also there is a negative relationship between self esteem and female teenager consumptive behavior in Denpasar. This study was used quantitative method. There were 286 female teenager start from 10 and 11 grade student in Denpasar senior high school. They were selected by stratified random technique sampling. The data was obtain by using conformity scale (Reliability alpha 0,901), self esteem scale which was adopted by Wardhani (2009) (Reliability alpha 0,939), and consumptive behavior scale (Reliability alpha 0,900). The result of this study was showed there was a significant relationship between conformity and self esteem female teenager consumptive behavior in Denpasar (R=0,407; r2=0,165), by using multiple regression analysis. Partially there was a positive significant relationship between conformity and teenager consumptive behavior in Denpasar (r= 0,408); and also there was negative significant relationship between self esteem and female consumptive behavior in Denpasar (r= -0,124).   Keyword: Conformity, Self Esteem, Consumptive Behavior.  

1929 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-31
John T. Blake

Abstract Wiegand's “Δ A” function, as represented by the double integral of tensile with respect to elongation and volume of a pigment over the base mix, is a practical means of expressing the reënforcing effect of the filler. On the other hand, the volume range over which the bonding of the filler is greater than the strength of the rubber matrix gives a better understanding of the condition of the filler in the rubber. Apparently, the importance of fatty acids and other polar compounds in dispersions can be put on a sound theoretical basis.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Tim Kelley ◽  
Loren Margheim

This study employs a two-person model to examine relationships between senior auditor behaviors and staff auditor time budget pressure (TBP). Specifically, the study examined the relationships between staff auditor TBP and (1) senior participation in the audit budgeting process, (2) senior structuring of staff auditor's job tasks, and (3) senior consideration of staff auditors. Senior audi- tor subjects were asked to indicate the extent of their audit budget participation on a specific audit while the staff auditor subjects were asked to respond to questions indicating the extent of senior job structuring and consideration on that same audit. Both senior and staff auditors were asked to indicate their perceptions of the staff auditor TBP on the specified audit. Surprisingly, the results showed no correlation between senior and staff auditors' perceptions of the extent of the TBP faced by the staff auditors on the specified audits. Specifically, greater senior budgetary partici- pation was associated with higher staff auditor TBP perceptions (i.e., positive association) while, on the other hand, senior auditors perceived staff auditors as having less TBP when there was greater senior budgetary participation (i.e., negative association). Finally, less senior job structuring of the staff auditor’s job tasks was found to be associated with greater staff auditor TBP (i.e., negative association) while only mixed evidence of an association between senior auditor consideration and staff auditor TBP was found.

2005 ◽  
Vol 39 (8) ◽  
pp. 730-735 ◽  
George E. Vaillant ◽  
George E. Vaillant ◽  
Maren Batalden ◽  
John Orav ◽  
Diane Roston ◽  

Objective: The present report attempts to replicate on the probands' brothers, a previously reported (1992) negative relationship between maternal grandfather longevity (MGFL) and affective illness in grandsons. Hitherto this finding had not been replicated. To provide further evidence that the association may be recessive and X-linked, we also examined the association between MGFL and affective illness in the probands' mothers. Finally, in order to examine why MGFL might be a predictor of affective illness, the report examines the association of the probands' affective illness and their own mortality. Method: A 60-year prospective study of men selected in 1940 and followed until the present day provided good information on depressive illness in relatives and longevity of ancestors. To overcome the uncertainty of depressive diagnoses, we assessed affective illness in the probands categorically, dimensionally, operationally and with the Lazare Personality Inventory. Results: Presence of affective illness in brothers was negatively associated with MGFL (p=0.003) but maternal affective illness was independent of MGFL. Test items suggesting emotional lability in the probands were significantly and negatively associated with MGFL. Consistent with the association of increased MGFL with low affective distress in the probands, the 70 probands showing the least evidence of affective distress before age 50 had twofold (p<0.001) lower mortality at 80 than the rest of the sample. The 31 probands manifesting the greatest affective distress manifested twofold higher mortality before age 65 (p<0.001) than the rest of the sample. Conclusion: The strong negative association of proband affective distress – and equally important – the positive association of proband mental health with MGFL and the lack of association of maternal longevity and depression with MGFL points to the possibility of a recessive X-gene or genes playing a role in depressive illness.

1987 ◽  
Vol 65 (11) ◽  
pp. 989-996 ◽  
Gerda Endemann ◽  
Patrick G. Goetz ◽  
John F. Tomera ◽  
William M. Rand ◽  
Sylvain Desrochers ◽  

The interactions between acetate or ethanol metabolism, lipogenesis, and ketone body utilization have been studied in isolated livers from fed rats perfused with 15 mM glucose and 10 mM acetate or ethanol. The contribution of acetate to ketogenesis is constant; on the other hand, the contribution of ethanol to ketogenesis increases with time, presumably because of the accumulation of acetate in the perfusate. Ketogenesis is decreased in the presence of ethanol (but not acetate), while ketone body utilization is not affected by ethanol or acetate. Acetate contributes one third and ethanol contributes one half of the carbon incorporated into fatty acids and 3-β-hydroxysterols. Only a small fraction (less than 5%) of the incorporation of acetate or ethanol into fatty acids and sterols occurs via transient incorporation into ketone bodies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 665-669
Lutfi Marzuki ◽  
. Agustono ◽  
Boedi Setya Rahardja

The existence of feed plays an important role in aquaculture activities. This is due to the dominant influence on fish feed growth. Feeding with the right nutritional components can produce healthy and high-quality fish products. One of the nutrients needed by fish is fatty acids. In fact, the provision of fatty acids, one of which is not in the meat, has an important influence. So, this study aims to determine the effect of adding cod liver oil to commercial feed on the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids to the meat of giant prawn. This research was conducted experimentally with a completely randomized design. The treatment is given a dose of cod liver oil 0% (control), and treatments 1-4 use 3% dose addition to each treatment. On the other hand, in the data analysis stage, the researchers used ANOVA and continued with the Duncan’s test. Based on the results, the study notes that the administration of cod liver oil in commercial feed does not affect the decreasing content of saturated fatty acids in giant prawn meat. On the other hand, the results also showed that the best ratio was found in treatment 4 at a dose of 12%. Therefore, it is concluded that the provision of nutrients for feed related to fatty acids in the pole has not reduced the content of saturated fatty acids. As well as, the best ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids was 1.21:1 with cholesterol content of 88.34 mg/dl and this ration resulted by the greatest growth rate in present study.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
İ. Emre ◽  
M. Kursat

Abstract The aim of the present study was to determine and compare the fatty acids, lipid soluble vitamins, sterols, phenolics, and antioxidant capacities of three endemic Salvia L. taxa (S. euphratica var. Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham leiocalycina (Rech. Fil.) Hedge, S. euphratica var. Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham euphratica (Rech. Fil.) Hedge and S. pseudoeuphratica Rech.Fil.) and to evaluate these results systematically. The fatty acid compositions were determined by using gas chromatography, while the lipid soluble vitamins, sterols, and phenolics were determined by using HPLC. Also, the antioxidant capacities of three Salvia taxa were measured in vitro. Palmitic acid was found as major saturated fatty acid while oleic acid, linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid, and erucic acid were found as major unsaturated fatty acids in the present study. It was found that S. euphratica var. euphratica had lower palmitic acid (8.94 ± 0.71%), total saturated fatty acid (19.16 ± 0.15%), and higher unsaturated fatty acid content (82.08 ± 0.52%) than other studied taxa. Furthermore, it was shown that S. euphratica var. euphratica had different 18.3/18:2 (0.36) unsaturated/saturated fatty acid (4.28) ratios. However, this study demonstrated that Salvia taxa had low lipid soluble vitamins, sterol contents. On the other hand, it was shown that Salvia taxa had similar catechin (509.2 ± 4.21 µg/g and 552.2 ± 9.21 µg/g) and vanillic acid amounts (351.2 ± 2.17 µg/g and 396.8 ± 4.1 µg/g) in this study. And also, it was found that Salvia taxa had high rosmarinic acid content while S. euphratica var. leiocalycina had the highest rosmarinic acid content (1480 ± 7.57 µg/g). On the other hand, it was shown that the two ferulic acid contents of S. euphratica varieties were higher (1175 ±/5.21 µgmg-1740.2 ± 4.82 µg/mg) than the ferulic acid content of S. pseudoeuphratica of which was the lowest (19.2 ± 0.97 µg/mg). The present results suggested that the biochemical results guided the morphological studies, and Salvia taxa have a potent antioxidant capacity.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 49-49
M. Hasanović ◽  
A. Kuldija ◽  
I. Pajević ◽  
A. Delić ◽  
A. Sutović ◽  

IntroductionAdolescents often experience their addictive experiences hidden from parents. Treatment begins when problems arise that adolescents cannt solve it alone.AimTo asses correlation between duration of silence about heroin addiction experience and certain epidemiological data collected with the Pompidou form.MethodsThe authors analyzed the group of 77 heroin addicts aged 26.4 ± 5.6 years, who were treated at the Department of Psychiatry Tuzla in the period 2006–2009 year. Pompidou standardized form was used for collecting the necessary data.ResultsWe found that the heroin addicts began to take the first drug of 17.2 ± 3.9 years, parents were informed about it 2.8 ± 1.3 years later. The duration of silence was positively associated with age of addicts (ρ = 0515, P > 0.001), length of addictive experience (ρ = 0463, P < 0.001), parent's divorce (ρ = 0432, P < 0.001), previous conflict with law (ρ = 0255, P = 0.028), powerty in the family (ρ = 0236, P = 0.045) and previous treatment (ρ = 0354, P = 0.002). On the other hand, it was negatively associated with living in community with other addicts (ρ = -0 363, P = 0.001), intravenous heroin use (ρ = -0 345, P = 0.003), detected hepatitis B (ρ = -0 262, P = 0.002), owning their own children (ρ = -0.280, P = 0.016) and with years of completed education of father (ρ = -0 245, P = 0.008) and of mother (ρ = -0 246, P = 0.036).ConclusionSilence about heroin addiction was positively associated with age of addicts, duration of addiction, parent's divorce, with trouble with law, with poverty in family, and previous treatment. Silence is negatively associated with living with other addicts, intravenous use, hepatitis B, owning children, and more years of parent's completed education.

1924 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-373 ◽  
Waro Nakahara

Sodium oleate, oleic acid, linolic acid, and linolenic acid injected into mice in suitable amounts induce a material increase in the resistance against subsequent transplantation of cancer grafts, although they fail to exert so marked an influence on cancer grafts already in place. Sodium palmitate and sodium stearate, on the other hand, do not produce immunity, at least in the amounts employed in the present study.

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