2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Novi Andriati ◽  
Riki Maulana

Tujuan penelitian yaitu menghasilkan model layanan informasi tentang bahaya seks bebas pada siswa SMA Walisongo Pontianak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Dari hasil uji coba lapangan pemahaman bahaya seks bebas siswa SMA mengalami perkembangan setelah mengikuti kegiatan layanan informasi. Keseluruhan nilai asymp sig 0,028 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa layanan informasi efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bahaya seks bebas siswa. Saran: penggunaan model layanan informasi sebaiknya dapat dimulai dengan mendiagnosa secara cermat kondisi objektif siswa yang akan dijadikan sebagai anggota kegiatan, sekolah diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan program bimbingan konseling, terutama layanan informasi sebagai rujukan dalam mengembangkan kebijakan bagi siswa khususnya dalam bidang pribadi dan sosial siswa di SMA Walisongo Pontianak. Oleh sebab itu, sekolah perlu menyiapkan sarana prasarana yang dibutuhkan untuk media yang digunakan dalam memberikan layanan informasi.__________________________________________________________The purpose of the research is to produce a model of information service about the danger of free sex in Walisongo high school students Pontianak. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. From field trials to understand the dangers of free sex, high school students develop after following information service activities. Overall value of Asymp sig 0.028 < 0.05 then Ho rejected and Ha accepted, so it can be concluded that the information service is effective to increase the understanding of free sex danger students. Suggestion: The use of the information service model should be initiated by careful diagnosis of the objective conditions of the students who will be used as a member of the activities, the school is expected to utilize counseling programs, especially information services as a reference in developing the policy for students especially in the personal and social field of students in high school Walisongo Pontianak. Therefore, the school needs to prepare the infrastructure needed for the media used in providing information services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 557-567
Moses Kollo

This study aims to determine: (1) Learning media used by history teachers so far; (2) Development of the Kupang Japan cave visualization media; and (3) Effectiveness of the application of the Japanese Cave Visualization Media in Kupang in learning history. This research was conducted on students of class XI IPS at Sudirman Kupang High School. This research is a research or development called research and development (R&D) by adopting the ADDIE model. The results showed that (1) the use of media in history learning that took place so far in class XI of Sudirman Kupang high school was still said to be minimal; (2) after learning in the classroom using the Kupang Japan cave visualization media, class XI students at SMA Sudirman Kupang felt it was important to visit the Kupang Japan cave site; (3 the development of instructional media is carried out through several stages including (a) the selection of material stage, namely selecting the subject used in the development activities, (b) the design of the development that is examining other references relevant to the subject matter of the research, (c) producing the learning video; d) product validation by both material experts and media experts as a result of the media is suitable for use (4) effectiveness test of Japanese cave visualization media developed through three stages namely one-on-one trials of 3 students, small group trials of 10 students and field trials were carried out on class XI IPS as a control class and class XI IPA as an experimental class with 27 students in each class.The results of the three stages of the trial were declared "Good". Thus, the Japanese cave visualization media was stated effective to increase motivation to learn history of class XI Sudirman Kupang high school students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-42
Asmaul Husna ◽  
Endang Mulyani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: (1) spesifikasi; (2) kelayakan; (3) keterlaksanaan; (4) efektivitas; dan (5) respon peserta didik terhadap LKPD terintegrasi karakter dengan pendekatan discovery, untuk peserta didik SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan yang mengadaptasi model 4-D dengan tahapan define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Penilaian LKPD dilakukan oleh satu ahli media, satu ahli materi, satu guru ekonomi, dan satu teman sejawat. Uji coba produk dilakukan kepada peserta didik kelas X SMA, dengan rincian enam peserta didik  kelas X-3 SMAN 1 Kretek untuk uji coba kelompok kecil, dan 30 peserta didik kelas X-1 SMAN 1 Kretek untuk uji coba lapangan. Pengumpulan data keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dilakukan dengan pengamatan oleh dua orang pengamat, angket respon peserta didik, dan tes (post-test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) spesifikasi LKPD terintegrasi karakter dengan pendekatan discovery berupa media cetak; (2) hasil kelayakan LKPD ditinjau dari keseluruhan aspek penilaian oleh para ahli, secara umum termasuk kategori sangat layak; (3) keterlaksanaan LKPD terintegrasi karakter dengan pendekatan discovery sebesar 84,50% dengan kategori tinggi; (4) pada pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LKPD terintegrasi karakter dengan pendekatan discovery efektif meningkatkan: a) hasil belajar peserta didik sangat baik termasuk kategori baik; b)  karakter  tanggung jawab peserta didik sangat baik, perkembangan karakter jujur termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi, sedangkan rata-rata perkembangan karakter disiplin termasuk kategori tinggi; dan (5) respon peserta didik  terhadap LKPD terintegrasi karakter dengan pendekatan discovery termasuk kategori sangat tinggi.Kata kunci: LKPD, pendekatan discovery, hasil belajar, pendidikan karakter DEVELOPING WORKSHEET INTEGRATING CHARACTERS USING THE DISCOVERY APPROACH IN AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTAbstrackThe aims of this research are to reveal: (1) specifications, (2) appropriateness; (3) feasibility; (4) effectiveness; and (5) response of the students to the worksheet integrating character with the discovery approach for high school students. This study was research and development that adapted the model of 4-D with the phases including define, design, develop, and disseminate. The assessment of worksheet was conducted by a media expert, material expert, one economics teacher and colleague. Product trials were conducted to X-grade students high school of involving: six students of class X-3 SMAN 1 Kretek for the small group trial, and 30 students of class X-1 SMAN 1 Kretek for field trials. The teaching implementation a were collected through observation by two observers, and through a questionnaire, and a test (post-test). The results of the study show that, (1) integrating worksheet characters using the discovery approach is in the form of print media; (2) the feasibility worksheet in terms of the overall aspects of assessment by experts, generally in a very high category; (3) feasibility of the worksheet is high with a score of 84.50%; (4) effectiviness of worksheet in terms of: a) the learning achievement is good and in high a category, b) the students’ character after the use of the worksheet especially the character of responsibility is in a high category, character of honesty is in a very high category, and the character of discipline is in a high category; and (5) the student’s response  to the worksheet is in a very high category.Keywords: worksheet, discovery approach, learning achievement, character educatio

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-40
Lorantina Kartika

Abstract:The research purposes is to result of media-based information service further studies flip multimedia e-book for high school students which  acceptable theoretically and practices that can be seen in terms of usability, accuracy,  attractiveness and ease. this research adopts a draft research and development from Borg & Gall. This product development is based on the results of questionnaires and interviews with counselors and students. the result of the research are based on assessment media expert, materials expert, prospective users, and small group. of the results of the assessment it can be concluded that the flip multimedia e-book being developed fit for use and acceptable theoretical and practical. Keywords: Information service, further studies, flip e-book, high school students

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Sabila Nur Masturah

The aim of this research and development is to produce the Flop Style High Jump learning model for junior high school students. This research uses research development (R D) research methods from Borg and Gall. The subjects in this research and development are Jakarta Junior High School students, which consist of 20 limited testing students (small group trials), 40 main trial athletes (field testing) and 50 Test effectiveness models.The stages in this study were: (1) needs analysis, (2) model development planning, (3) expert judgement, (4) limited testing (small group trials), (5) main trials (large group / field trials), (6) effectiveness testing. Effectiveness testing using the High Jump Style Flop motion assessment test to determine the level of high jump ability in the flop style of junior high school students, before and after the treatment of the flop style high jump learning model. From the preliminary tests performed, the average flop style jump learning average was 42.47, then after being given treatment in the form of a flop style high jump learning model, the flop style high jump level was 83.75. Then the flop style high jump learning model is effective in improving flop style high jump learning for junior high school students.Based on the results of the development, from the results of field trials and discussion of research results it can be concluded that: 1) With this flop style high jump learning model, students can learn and carry out learning effectively and efficiently. 2) With the flop style high jump learning model material that researchers have developed, students can understand theory material and high jump practice quickly and correctly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Achmad Miftachul 'Ilmi ◽  
Djoko Budi Santoso ◽  
Muslihati Muslihati

In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, there was a decline in the character of the Indonesian nation, such as manners and less commendable individual behaviour. Hence, the importance of strategies for enhancing and developing individual manners. The purpose of this research is to produce a guidebook and play media of Si-KARTUN to develop the manners of junior high school students. The research and development method used was adapted from the Borg Gall model. The research and development subjects consist of two media experts, one material expert, and two potential users (mentors). Expert and prospective user test tools use a product acceptance scale based on aspects of accuracy, function, interest, and accuracy in providing group guidance services to foster the behaviour of junior high school students. Data analysis of material experts and candidates used the inter-rater agreement model while the results of the media evaluation were analyzed on an average basis. Based on the evaluation results of experts and potential users, Si-KARTUN meets the appropriate criteria, is practical, attractive, and easy to use; Therefore, the Si-KARTUN product is feasible to be applied. By using the Si-KARTUN product, the guidance process is much more fun and interesting.

Nadya Yaniar Nafis ◽  
Yuliati Hotifah ◽  
Adi Atmoko

Abstract: This study aims to develop a media of group guidance service with video to increase the understanding about sexual harassment for junior high school students. In this research and development, researchers develop the products as videos and guidebooks. This study uses the type of research and development that uses the Research and Development model by Borg and Gall. There are steps in this research and development are research and data collection, planning, development of initial product drafts, expert trials, product revisions, field trials and final product revisions. The developed products need to be tested by material experts, media and potential users. In analyzing the results of the expert test and the prospective user test, the researcher used a range of data analysis. The results of the analysis of the material expert test in the form of a feasibility presentation of 3.7 and the results of the analysis of the media expert test in the form of a feasibility presentation of 3.93. Based on the results of the analysis, all of them show that the product developed is very feasible so that it can be used by school counselors. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan video dalam meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pelecehan seksual untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Pada penelitian dan pengembangan ini, peneliti mengembangkan produk berupa video beserta buku panduannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan yang menggunakan model Research and Development oleh Borg and Gall. Adapun langkah dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan draf produk awal, uji coba ahli, revisi produk, uji coba lapangan dan revisi produk akhir. Produk yang dikembangkan perlu dilakukan uji ahli materi, media dan calon pengguna. Dalam menganalisis hasil uji ahli dan uji calon pengguna, peneliti menggunakan analisis data rentangan. Adapun hasil analisis uji ahli materi berupa presentasi kelayakan sebesar 3,7 dan hasil analisis uji ahli media berupa presentasi kelayakan sebesar 3,93. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari seluruhnya menunjukan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan sangat layak sehingga dapat digunakan konselor sekolah.

Anggi Yulihar And Nora Ronita Dewi

The study deals with the developing interactive media for senior high school students. The objective of this study is to find out how to develop interactive media for better speaking skill of senior high school students. The research was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D). The subject of this research was 2016/2017 students of the eleventh grade of Class XI IPA4 in SMAN 1 Batang Kuis. The number of the students was 30 students. The data of this study was collected by using need analysis questionnaire and experts’ judgment. Need analysis questionnaire was calculated by using percentage to get the information of students’ need before developing interactive media. Experts’ judgment was calculated by using likert data, mean and criteria interval of expert judgment to know the validity of interactive media which has been developed. After the data analyzed, it was found that the experts’ judgment result was 4.80 which had a very good criteria interval. The result of the research find that interactive media is a very good to be used in teaching speaking skill.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Rifqa Gusmida ◽  
Nur Islami

For senior high school students, learning concepts in physics is increasingly more difficult when the topic is abstract and cannot be seen with the unaided eye. The research here utilized augmented reality technology and instructional design following the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) to develop learning media for physics, specifically the kinetic theory of gases. Preliminary analysis was conducted in a senior high school to evaluate the challenges students face when learning physics. The design of the media was based on addressing problems that the students were having. Augmented reality technology was then utilized and the implementation aimed to incorporate the physics concepts into the product. The media was evaluated by six experts. Finally, the learning media presented real-time 3D animation of gas kinetic theory with three basic competencies relevant to the topic. In the final validation, the results indicated that the developed learning media had a validity value of 3.55 out of four-point scale and good quality outcomes. As such, the developed media regarding the kinetic theory of gases is valid and effective for the process of learning and teaching. It is ready to be tested and used in actual learning environments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Devi Rahmawati ◽  
Nyoman Dantes ◽  
Ni Ketut Suarni

The purpose of this study is to develop and test the feasibility of innovative creative instruments, so as to produce valid and reliable data in measuring innovative creative characters. The innovative creative character instrument is a measuring tool for counseling teachers to determine the level of innovative creative character in students. This study uses themethod Research and Development. Based on the validity test using the product moment formula and reliability using the Cronbach alpha formula, this innovative creative character instrument that has been developed has met the validity and reliaility criteria which can be classified as high. It can be concluded that the development of creative and innovative character instruments for high school/vocational high school students meets the validity standard for measuring innovative creative characters in high school/vocational high school students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Langensari Diorani

Abstract : The general objective in the development of this research is to produce a training packet assertive behavior in peer relationships of eighth grade students in SMPN 9 Malang, which can help counselors to provide guidance and counseling services concerning assertive behavior effectively so that students can demonstrate assertive behavior in relation to negative influences friends of the same age. The specific objective of this research is that it can produce training packet assertive behavior has accuracy, usability, convenience and attractiveness so that it can improve assertive behavior of junior high school students.This study uses a design research and development by adapting models Borg and Gall (1983), which consists of several stages, among others: (1) data collection; (2) planning; (3) developing initial products; (4) the initial product trials; (5) a revision of products based on suggestions from the field test results; (6) conduct field trials is limited; and (7) to revise the final product.Based on the results of the development, training packet assertive behavior in junior high school students peer relationships can be concluded that the training packet assertive behavior in peer relationships junior high school students theoretically and practically acceptable from the aspect of accuracy, usability, convenience, and attractiveness.The results of the study suggested that counselors should understand and learn the steps of training and training materials in the packet before applying to the students. For further research, product research and development can be followed by experimental studies to determine the effectiveness of the training packet assertive behavior in peer relationship. Keywords : Assertiveness training, Peer relationships

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