Almarhalah | Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
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Published By STIT Al Marhalah Al‘Ulya Bekasi

2716-2400, 0126-043x

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-262
N Erni Susiani

Abstract The aims of this study is to find out the way how to train students' metacognition in developing self-efficacy in the Mathematics subject matter. The writing of this article uses a library research approach. In general, metacognition relates to how to explore one's thoughts about thinking. Self-efficacy is a form of belief or belief related to one's own ability to organize, do something to achieve a goal, produce something, and also implement actions in order to achieve a certain form of skill.Based on the study of literature, training students' metacognition in developing self-efficacy in learning mathematics includes two dimensions of thinking, namely the awareness that a person has about his or her thinking (self-awareness of cognition) and a person's ability to use his/her consciousness to regulate his thinking process (self-regulation of cognition). By training to develop students' metacognitive awareness, it is hoped that students can arrange the information they face in solving problem-based questions so that they can develop students' mathematical self-efficacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-252
Eka Abdul Hamid ◽  
Asep Surya Atmaja ◽  
Ishak Abdulhak ◽  
Achmad Mudrikah

AbstractThe reality in the field is that there are still many principals who do not carry out their duties and functions as educational leaders because in the process of appointment there is no transfer, the low mentality of the principal is marked by a lack of motivation and enthusiasm and lack of discipline in carrying out tasks and often arrives late and many factors Another obstacle to improving the quality of education implies low work productivity of school principals which also has implications for quality (inputs, processes, and outputs), this is inversely proportional to example. Therefore, to find out how to improve the quality of the principal's competence, more in-depth research is needed regarding the Professional Development of Educational Leadership. From this phenomenon, several research problems were formulated to find answers to the nature of the professional development of educational leadership at SMKN 1 Buahdua, how is the basis of religion, philosophy, psychology, and sociology for the development of professional leadership in education at SMKN 1 Buahdua. The methodology used in writing this paper is descriptive qualitative method with Library Research and field research approaches. Field research was carried out using interviews with the leadership and other parties related to visits to several locations in the school environment. The results of the study, the Religious Foundations of Professional Development of Educational Leadership at SMKN 1 Buahdua lead to Q.S Ali-Imron: 159 about deliberation and monotheism of the principal and noble character; wise and prudent; democratic; honest; sportsmanship; sincere in carrying out their duties with indicators always praying for their students. In terms of self-potential, Q.S Al-Isro: 70 emphasizes increasing self-potential at SMKN 1 Buahdua, especially the principal. The foundation of the Philosophy of Professional Development of Educational Leadership at SMKN 1 Buahdua leads to a Progressivism Philosophy which is always the principal continuously updates himself with various self-development efforts by continuing to hone experience so that the role of the principal at SMKN 1 Buahdua increases. The foundation of Psychology of Professional Development of Educational Leadership at SMKN 1 Buahdua leads to Developmental Psychology where the Principal as the leader of Education there continues to develop himself with various efforts, such as attending seminars. The Sociological Foundation of Professional Development of Educational Leadership at SMKN 1 Buahdua leads to an intergalactic understanding because indeed to develop professional education leaders, the principal always makes efforts to improve professionalism in leading schools by participating in various types of training in various seminar activities.Keywords: Professional Development; Educational Leadership; Religion; Philosophy; Psychology; Sociology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-232
M. Syara Nurhakim

AbstractThis research is motivated by the lack of application of spiritual and social values which are considered important in the implementation of congregational prayers in order to achieve the goal of perfect worship, both physically and mentally. The purpose of this study is to determine the meaning of the spiritual and social values of students in congregational prayers at the La Tansa Islamic Boarding School. To find out the process of applying the spiritual and social values of students in congregational prayers, as well as their implications for the lives of students at the La Tansa Islamic Boarding School. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection tools used observational analysis, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that spiritual values are values contained in the human soul, which in the human soul has a spirit. The essence of spiritual value is the spirit. Everyone must have a spirit and that spirit is in their own soul. The only one who knows about the spirit is Allah while the creatures do not. While social values are values held by society, regarding what is considered good and what is considered bad by society.Keywords: Social Values, Spiritual Values, Islamic Boarding School

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-241
Agus Hidayatullah ◽  
Ahmad Panji Ruhiyat

AbstractIn adolescence precisely puberty. Teens suffer hard times, so need for an effort to teenagers to be able to control yourself from negative acts. The aim of this study was to determine the role of parents and teachers to build on students' pengendalian diri. The theory used is the role of theory. The basic perspective of this theory is that behavior is shaped by the roles assigned by society for individuals to carry it out. and the theory of social interaction. According to Goffman that one of the basic rules of social intearksi is a commitment of mutual reciprocity between the individuals involved regarding the role (role) to be played. This research is qualitative with case study approach in SMPN 4 Pandeglang. As the sample of the research are the students of class VIII which are taken 3 categories based on the students' achievement, discipline, and behavior in each class, that is Baik, Midle, Kurang, The next sample is parents of the studied student, and PAI teacher at SMP N 4 Pandeglang. In collecting the data the researchers used the method of observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study indicate the existence of truth theory with facts that occur in the field, namely students who belong to the category Kurang. Not get the role of her parents, some are due to divorce factors, living with grandparents, living in boarding schools, and others. In this study the contributing parties include: PAI Teachers SMPN 4 PAndeglang, Students / Students Class VIII SMPN 4 Pandeglang, and Parents of students of Class VIII SMPN 4 Pandeglang.Keywords: Parents, PAI Teachers and Self Control

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-186
Aprilliantoni Aprilliantoni

AbstractIn the current era of globalization, competition between countries is getting stronger and is determined by the quality of their human resources. One of the benchmarks is the Human Development and Literacy Index. The better the HDI number, the better the quality of the country's human resources, thus also literacy rate. However, the country of Indonesia, which is so vast and consists of thousands of islands, leaves a serious problem, namely the high inequality of HDI figures and the low numbers literacy of the people.This paper offers a discussion and a solution for increasing the development of Human Resources and Literacy with equilibrium theory in microeconomics, to overcome inequality which is currently a serious problem. This is of course in accordance with the constitutional mandate of "Social Justice for All Indonesian People" as a reference paper based on authoritative literature with social, economic and educational analysis.Key word : Human Development Index, Literacy, Equlibrium Theory

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-198
Nayyif Sujudi ◽  
Nabil Nabil

AbstractIn the context of Islam, science is the beginning of human substance in building world civilization. Islamic epistemology has similarities with the term science in Western epistemology. Just as science in Western epistemology is distinguished from knowledge, science in Islamic epistemology is distinguished from opinion (ra'y). Science is not arbitrary knowledge or just opinion, but knowledge that has been tested for truth. The understanding of science is actually not much different from science, only science is limited to physical or sensory fields, science goes beyond it in non-physical fields such as metaphysics. Historical metamorphosis is added to analysis and management knowledge. Muslim philosophers are used as a basic reference as the core paradigm of management based on humanity and human patterns. Keywords: Epistemology, Muslim Philosophers, Islamic Management Orientation

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Zaenuri Zaenuri

ABSTRACKThe responsibility of education cannot be carried out unilaterally, it requires the cooperation of three components which Ki Hajar Dewantara calls the tricenter of education: family, educational institutions, and society. All three are a unified whole and complement each other. The involvement and role of parents and the community in guarding children's education in the era of globalization is very urgent.This journal aims to discuss the importance of the Three Education Centers as a solution to overcome juvenile delinquency which is increasing in this era of globalization. The writing of this journal uses library research methods, or often also called library research, collecting data from various literatures.The three educational centers both play an important role in the success of education, which basically all are interrelated and mutually cooperate with each other. The three of them must indirectly carry out close guidance in the educational process. The three links can be seen from: Parents carry out their obligations to educate children in the family, educational institutions facilitate teaching various knowledge and skills with full support from students' parents, and the community is expected to be a facilitator for students to be able to actualize their knowledge and skills. Keywords: Responsibility, Tricenter of Education, Juvenile delinquency, Puberty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-165
Zamakhsyari Abdul Majid

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to identify and analyze Al-Quran literature on the development and problems of the Covid-19 outbreak through the study of Maudu'i Tafsir which is viewed from the substance of Thaun as disease transmission in Islam. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method by trying to trace various works and writings related to the focus of the study, either directly or indirectly. The works are read carefully and then analyzed and interpreted qualitatively according to the pre-determined study problems. This research is a library research. The results of this paper indicate that viruses, bacteria, germs or similar diseases are created by Allah which has the analogy of being the smallest animal of a mosquito (Fauqo Ba'udhah) and has a contagious and deadly impact. Infectious diseases such as Covid-19 have properties that can be controlled so that they do not fall into damage and destruction (wa la tulqu bi aidikum ila at-tahlukah) the values of human life on earth.Keywords: Pandemic, Covid-19, Thaun, Al-Quran

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-221
Reksiana Reksiana

AbstractThis study discusses about the ethonographic approach in educational research. Ethnographic research, at first, was widely used in anthropological research, and developed in various fields of science such as medicine, health, psychology, and education and other social sciences. then, it can be concluded that there are four types of ethnographic research analysis in Spredley's model, they are: domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, compound analysis, and model analysis (ethnographic results. The qualitative research stages of the Spradley model consisted of 12 stages starting with determining a reliable or accurate key informant. Next, do an interview. Then, the researcher began asking descriptive questions, with an analysis of the interview. The results of the interview analysis, then the researcher conducted a domain analysis. In the next step, the researcher has determined the focus, and conduct a taxonomic analysis, then the researcher asks contrast questions, which are followed by a comparative analysis. The results of the comparative analysis, then the researcher found cultural themes. And the final step, the researcher wrote an ethnographic research report. And of course all of these stages must be adjusted to the field of education if research is in the field of education.Keyword: Ethnography Research, Ethnography Approach, Etnografi in Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-178
Junaidin Basri ◽  
Udin Sa'ud ◽  
Asep Suryana

ABSTRACKThe implementation of the Continuous Professional Development (PKB) program in improving the quality of primary school teachers in Garut Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia, has not been effective. The research objectives are: (1) to find out the existing PKB program planning carried out by elementary school teachers. (2) to find out the results and impact of the implementation of the PKB program on elementary school teachers, (3) to find a hypothetical model of PKB activities that is more effective for elementary school teachers. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data were obtained through observation, observation, interviews and review of documents with research participants as many as 3 elementary schools representing 3 teacher working groups (KKG). Furthermore, the data were analyzed through transcription, data organization, recognition, coding and triingualization.The results of the study found that the Continuing Professional Development (PKB) program for elementary school teachers had not been effective in terms of planning, implementing, evaluating, organizing, and planning follow-up aspects. The resulting impact is only in the aspect of teacher self-development which has increased, while the teacher research culture is still low. To overcome this gap, the researcher offers a hypothetical model of School-Based Continuous Professional Development (PKB) as an alternative model to support the implementation of the existing KKG (Teacher Working Group)-based PKB.Keywords: Teacher, CPD (Continous Professional Development), School Based

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