A.I. Meneylyuk ◽  
S.V. Putilin ◽  

Abstract. The biggest part of the bridges in Ukraine requires serious restoration works. However, in the literature sources there are no recommendations for choosing effective organizational and technological solutions for the reconstruction of bridges and overpasses. Therefore, the design of methods for optimizing bridge restoration is an urgent task. The working optimization hypothesis is formulated in the article. A general research technique is developed. The algorithm of multicriteria analysis is presented to determine the most effective structural and technological solutions for the restoration of the main structural elements of the studied structures. As a result of the analysis, the most significant indicators of restoration efficiency were determined. These were the cost of restoration of m2 of the bridge and the duration of restoration of the bridge. As factors affecting performance indicators ‒ the intensity of the use of working time and the combination of construction processes, the size of the roadway and the operational condition of the bridge were selected. The planning of the experiment is based on the well-known theory of experimental planning. A 25-point D-optimal plan was selected, which will provide adequate results with significantly fewer experiments than in a full-factor experiment. For calculations is used the program software COMPEX, which is developed at the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture under the direction of Professor V. Voznesensky. Modelling allows to find the dependencies between the input (intensity use of working time, combination of construction processes, size of the carriageway of the bridge, operational condition of the bridge) and output (cost of restoration of m2 of the bridge, duration of restoration of the bridge) parameters. Dependences data is described with usage of second-degree polynomials obtained by processing the results of a numerical experiment. These dependencies will allow to determine the cost and duration of the restoration of the bridge for varying degrees of damage and the size of the bridge. In addition, to change indicators by choosing the optimal production modes (combination of processes, the intensity of the use of working time). The analysis of the results of a numerical experiment will allow us to assess the influence of organizational and technological factors on the performance indicators of restoration technologies and find areas of factor space that provide optimization of organizational and technological solutions for the restoration of damaged bridges. At the last stage of the numerical experiment, limits are introduced into graphic models (by cost, duration, combination, etc.) and the optimal organizational and technological solutions are determined taking into account the introduced restrictions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 935-945
I.A. Zaikova

Subject. The working time of workers at any stage of economic development is a value reflecting the level of labor productivity. Any progress in productivity contributes to changes in the volume of labor costs and the number of employed. Depending on the relationship between the total volume of labor costs and the number of employed, the duration of working time per one worker may change (it may increase, decrease, or remain unchanged). Objectives. The study aims to confirm the importance of such a macroeconomic indicator as the number of employed in varying working hours. Methods. The study rests on the comparative analysis of countries with developed economies based on some indicators like dynamics of the working time fund, dynamics of the number of employed, average number of hours worked during the year per employee, etc. The analyzed timespan is 25 years (from 1991 to 2016). Results. The comparative analysis revealed that in the non-production sphere and the economy as a whole the macroeconomic determinants correlate so that the length of working time per worker reduces. When considering the analysis results for the manufacturing sector, no single trend was identified. Conclusions. One of the key factors affecting the change in working hours is the number of employed. The relationship between the working time fund and the number of employed directly determines the dynamics of working time per worker.

Юлия Владимировна Татаркова ◽  
Татьяна Николаевна Петрова ◽  
Олег Валериевич Судаков ◽  
Александр Юрьевич Гончаров ◽  
Ольга Николаевна Крюкова

В настоящей статье представлен обзор основных решений, доступных сегодня для формирования как краткосрочных, так и долгосрочных проекций заболеваемости болезней глаза и его придаточного аппарата в студенческой среде. С другой стороны, существует ряд проблем, связанных с многообразием факторов, влияющих на заболеваемость, статистической необоснованностью и противоречивостью имеющихся результатов анализа данных. Представлены результаты математического моделирования зависимости показателя заболеваемости от наиболее влиятельных факторов образовательной и социальной среды. Перечислены важнейшие направления разработки математических моделей распространения заболеваемости. С помощью разработанного программного комплекса проведена серия вычислительных экспериментов по оценке и прогнозированию заболеваемости обучающихся в вузах разного профиля. Показана эффективность применения методики многовариантного моделирования и прогнозирования, указаны их ограничения и возможности практического применения. По расположению обобщенной области благоприятного прогноза в факторном пространстве можно определить время воздействия неблагоприятных для зрения факторов, которое должно составлять не более 10 ... 11 часов в сутки, количество профилактических мероприятий должно составлять не менее 3 ... 4. При этом риск развития миопии составит не более 0,4, вероятность усталости глаз за компьютером составит не более 0,4, вероятность дискомфорта глаз на занятиях составит не более 0,15. Исходя из характера прогноза, определяется длительность диспансерного наблюдения, а также потребность профилактических мероприятий по устранению или ослаблению действия неблагоприятно влияющих социально-гигиенических и медико-биологических факторов конкретного больного. Использование прогностической матрицы в практическом здравоохранении позволяет существенно улучшить работу по профилактике офтальмологической заболеваемости и является одним из эффективных мероприятий диспансеризации студенческой молодежи, так как дает возможность выделить из числа обучающихся группу с высоким риском неблагоприятного исхода заболевания This article provides an overview of the main solutions available today for the formation of both short-term and long-term projections of the incidence of eye diseases and its adnexa in the student environment. On the other hand, there are a number of problems associated with a variety of factors affecting the incidence, statistical unreasonability and inconsistency of the available data analysis results. The results of mathematical modeling of the dependence of the incidence rate on the most influential factors of the educational and social environment are presented. The most important areas of developing mathematical models for the spread of morbidity are listed. With the help of the developed software package, a series of computational experiments was carried out to assess and predict the incidence of students in universities of various profiles. The effectiveness of the application of multivariate modeling and forecasting methods is shown, their limitations and practical application possibilities are indicated. By the location of the generalized region of favorable prognosis in the factor space, it is possible to determine the exposure time of factors unfavorable for vision, which should be no more than 10 ... 11 hours a day, the number of preventive measures should be at least 3 ... 4. At the same time, the risk of development myopia will be no more than 0.4, the probability of eye fatigue at the computer will be no more than 0.4, the likelihood of eye discomfort in the classroom will be no more than 0.15. Based on the nature of the forecast, the duration of the follow-up observation is determined, as well as the need for preventive measures to eliminate or weaken the action of adverse social, hygienic and biomedical factors of a particular patient. The use of the prognostic matrix in practical health care can significantly improve the work on the prevention of ophthalmic morbidity and is one of the effective medical examinations for students, since it makes it possible to distinguish among the students a group with a high risk of an unfavorable outcome of the disease

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
M Poldrugovac ◽  
J E Amuah ◽  
H Wei-Randall ◽  
P Sidhom ◽  
K Morris ◽  

Abstract Background Evidence of the impact of public reporting of healthcare performance on quality improvement is not yet sufficient to draw conclusions with certainty, despite the important policy implications. This study explored the impact of implementing public reporting of performance indicators of long-term care facilities in Canada. The objective was to analyse whether improvements can be observed in performance measures after publication. Methods We considered 16 performance indicators in long-term care in Canada, 8 of which are publicly reported at a facility level, while the other 8 are privately reported. We analysed data from the Continuing Care Reporting System managed by the Canadian Institute for Health Information and based on information collection with RAI-MDS 2.0 © between the fiscal years 2011 and 2018. A multilevel model was developed to analyse time trends, before and after publication, which started in 2015. The analysis was also stratified by key sample characteristics, such as the facilities' jurisdiction, size, urban or rural location and performance prior to publication. Results Data from 1087 long-term care facilities were included. Among the 8 publicly reported indicators, the trend in the period after publication did not change significantly in 5 cases, improved in 2 cases and worsened in 1 case. Among the 8 privately reported indicators, no change was observed in 7, and worsening in 1 indicator. The stratification of the data suggests that for those indicators that were already improving prior to public reporting, there was either no change in trend or there was a decrease in the rate of improvement after publication. For those indicators that showed a worsening trend prior to public reporting, the contrary was observed. Conclusions Our findings suggest public reporting of performance data can support change. The trends of performance indicators prior to publication appear to have an impact on whether further change will occur after publication. Key messages Public reporting is likely one of the factors affecting change in performance in long-term care facilities. Public reporting of performance measures in long-term care facilities may support improvements in particular in cases where improvement was not observed before publication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 8066
Thowayeb H. Hassan ◽  
Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih ◽  
Amany E. Salem

The cost of fuel and its availability are among the most major concerns for aircrafts and the aviation industry overall. Environmental difficulties with chemical pollutant emissions emitted by aviation machines are also connected to fuel consumption. As a result, it is crucial to examine factors that affect the overall fuel usage and consumption in the airport-based aviation industry. Several variables were investigated related to the total fuel consumed, such as dry operating weight (DOW) (KG), zero-fuel weight (ZFW), take-off weight (TOW), air distance (AIR DIST) (KM), and ground distance (GDN DIST). Analysis of the correlation between total fuel consumed as well as the extra fuel and selected variables was conducted. The results showed that the most positively associated factors with the total used fuel were the air distance (r2 = 0.86, p < 0.01), ground distance (r2 = 0.78, p < 0.01), TOW (r2 = 0.68, p < 0.01), and flight time (r2 = 0.68, p < 0.01). There was also a strong positive association between the average fuel flow (FF) and actual TOW (r2 = 0.74, p < 0.01) as well as ZFW (r2 = 0.61, p < 0.01). The generalized linear model (GLM) was utilized to assess the predictions of total energy usage after evaluating important outliers, stability of the homogeneity of variance, and the normalization of the parameter estimation. The results of multiple linear regression revealed that the most significant predictors of the total consumed fuel were the actual ZFW (p < 0.01), actual TOW (p < 0.01), and actual average FF (p < 0.05). The results interestingly confirmed that wind speed has some consequences and effects on arrival fuel usage. The result reflects that thermal and hydrodynamic economies impact on the flying fuel economy. The research has various implications for both scholars and practitioners of aviation industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Fulgence Niyibitegeka ◽  
Arthorn Riewpaiboon ◽  
Sitaporn Youngkong ◽  
Montarat Thavorncharoensap

Abstract Background In 2016, diarrhea killed around 7 children aged under 5 years per 1000 live births in Burundi. The objective of this study was to estimate the economic burden associated with diarrhea in Burundi and to examine factors affecting the cost to provide economic evidence useful for the policymaking about clinical management of diarrhea. Methods The study was designed as a prospective cost-of-illness study using an incidence-based approach from the societal perspective. The study included patients aged under 5 years with acute non-bloody diarrhea who visited Buyenzi health center and Prince Regent Charles hospital from November to December 2019. Data were collected through interviews with patients’ caregivers and review of patients’ medical and financial records. Multiple linear regression was performed to identify factors affecting cost, and a cost model was used to generate predictions of various clinical and care management costs. All costs were converted into international dollars for the year 2019. Results One hundred thirty-eight patients with an average age of 14.45 months were included in this study. Twenty-one percent of the total patients included were admitted. The average total cost per episode of diarrhea was Int$109.01. Outpatient visit and hospitalization costs per episode of diarrhea were Int$59.87 and Int$292, respectively. The costs were significantly affected by the health facility type, patient type, health insurance scheme, complications with dehydration, and duration of the episode before consultation. Our model indicates that the prevention of one case of dehydration results in savings of Int$16.81, accounting for approximately 11 times of the primary treatment cost of one case of diarrhea in the community-based management program for diarrhea in Burundi. Conclusion Diarrhea is associated with a substantial economic burden to society. Evidence from this study provides useful information to support health interventions aimed at prevention of diarrhea and dehydration related to diarrhea in Burundi. Appropriate and timely care provided to patients with diarrhea in their communities and primary health centers can significantly reduce the economic burden of diarrhea. Implementing a health policy to provide inexpensive treatment to prevent dehydration can save significant amount of health expenditure.

Ermias Andargie Walelgne ◽  
Setala Kim ◽  
Vaibhav Bajpai ◽  
Stefan Neumeier ◽  
Jukka Manner ◽  

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