2003 ◽  
Vol 42 (147) ◽  
pp. 137-141
Sudha Agrawal ◽  
N Jha ◽  
A Agarwalla ◽  
C S Agrawal ◽  
S Niroula

ABSTRACTNepal is one of the countries with high prevalence of leprosy. In general, the prevalence of the disease isrelatively higher in the plains than in the hills. We analyzed the knowledge of leprosy in the community bya structured questionnaires study. The sources of information from where they acquired the knowledgewere also studied. This study was done in Sunsari district of Nepal on National Immunization Day program.Out of 1647 respondents, 60% were female. The majority (74%) was between 20–40 years of the age group.Agricultural workers constituted 58%. One third of the respondents were illiterates. Approximately 60%of the respondents knew the cause and symptoms of leprosy. “Leprosy is curable” was felt by 81.8%.Although 75% of the respondents knew that drugs for leprosy were available free of cost, the goal ofelimination was understood by only 51% of respondents. The younger individuals had better knowledge ofthe cause and availability of the free treatment of leprosy. The females had equal knowledge about cure, buthad less knowledge of the cause, symptoms, availability of the free treatment and elimination goal. Illiterates,laborers and unemployed had significantly less knowledge of leprosy. There was no difference seen betweendifferent levels of education in literate groups. Radio was the single most effective means of providinginformation, education and communications about leprosy. A good knowledge of leprosy inculcates a positiveattitude towards leprosy. In general this may result in better case reporting and regularity of treatment aswell as fewer deformities.Key Words: Leprosy, Community Awareness.

Yousif Elmosaad ◽  
Ahmed Al Rajeh ◽  
Asif khan ◽  
Elfatih Malik ◽  
Ilias Mahmud

This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) in malaria prevention using insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) among mothers of children under five years of age in White Nile State, Sudan. Multistage cluster sampling was used to select 761 mothers for this cross-sectional survey. There were gaps in the KAP in malaria prevention. Only 46.3% of the mothers stated personal protective measures (PPMs) as the best malaria prevention strategy; 54.9% considered ITNs as an effective means; and only 18.7% reported sleeping under an ITN every day. Older mothers were less likely to have good knowledge (OR=0.96), attitudes (OR=0.98) and practices (OR=0.98). Having a Government employee as the head of the household was positively associated with knowledge (OR=2.16) and attitudes (OR=1.96). The mother having a formal education was also positively associated with good knowledge (OR=1.55) and positive attitudes (OR=1.69). Mothers with a monthly household income of <491 Sudanese Pound were more likely to have good knowledge (OR=1.43). Mothers who had good knowledge (OR=4.99) and positive attitudes towards PPMs (OR=2.60) in malaria prevention were found to be more likely to practice preventive measures. Therefore, we recommend focusing on raising mothers’ awareness of the different preventive activities to protect them and their family from malaria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-24
Marianne Bracht ◽  
Fabiana Bacchini ◽  
Bosco Paes

PurposeEvaluate parental knowledge of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory infections in preterm infants.DesignSurvey.SampleFive hundred and eighty-three parents of preterm infants with generalized, Canadian provincial representation.Main OutcomeKnowledge of RSV infection, sources of information, and parental understanding of disease risk.Results97.9 percent (571/583) of the parents had heard about RSV, since they all had a preterm infant. Sixty-one percent reported having good knowledge of RSV; 19.4 percent had very good knowledge; 19.7 percent had little or no awareness of RSV-related infection. Most (86.3 percent) believed that RSV illness was a very serious condition; 13 percent recognized that it could be a major problem for their child. Principal sources of information were the nurse, doctor and pamphlets. Over 480 participants cited 3 or more sources of additional information—Internet, social media platforms, and educational sessions. Respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis was a priority, but knowledge regarding the eligibility criteria for prophylaxis is essential.

Medicina ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Milda Šeškutė ◽  
Eglė Tamulevičienė ◽  
Giedra Levinienė

Background: Sufficient vaccination coverage among children depends on parents’ knowledge and attitudes towards immunization and their intention to have their children vaccinated. The objective of the study was to evaluate postpartum mothers’ knowledge and attitudes towards children’s immunization. Methods: It was a cross-sectional survey. The anonymous questionnaire was handed out to postpartum mothers selected at random in the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno Klinikos from March to July of 2014. In total, 300 women were surveyed. Results: The majority (63%) of respondents had higher education. The child was the first one for 49.7% of the mothers. The women indicated that their main sources of information about children’s vaccination were the doctor, the Internet and mass media. Most respondents (87.3%) considered vaccine-preventable diseases to be dangerous but only 57.3% of them knew that vaccines provided efficient protection. Only 57% of the respondents considered vaccines to be safe but 75.3% thought that the benefits of vaccines were greater than the risks. We evaluated the knowledge as good in 36.3%, average in 41.3% and poor in 22.3% of mothers. Most of the respondents (81.3%) planned to immunize their child in the future with all the vaccines included in the national immunization program, however, 72.7% were worried about possible adverse events following vaccination. Of the mothers whose knowledge was evaluated as good, 74.8% had never refused or had doubts about having their child immunized (τ = −0.198, p < 0.001). The mothers with better knowledge were also less likely to be concerned (τ = 0.211, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Evaluation of postpartum mothers’ knowledge and attitudes towards children’s immunization could be the tool for better communication between health professionals and parents leading to increased vaccination rates.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 928-939
Mahaman Salissou Maman ◽  
Mamadou Lewamy ◽  
Bako Aminatou Maazou ◽  
Sabo Haoua Seini

L’objectif de cet article était de prendre la mesure de l’opinion des mères sur l’enrichissement des bouillies locales avec la poudre de Moringa oleifera et les tourteaux d’arachide, puis de mesurer leur consentement à donner cette bouillie aux enfants. Pour y parvenir, nous avons réalisé en février 2019, des entrevues individuelles avec 451 mères des quatre départements à haute prévalence de la malnutrition de la région de Maradi (Mayahi, Aguié, Tessaoua et Madarounfa). L’analyse des résultats a révélé que toutes les mères (100%) connaissaient le Moringa oleifera, les tourteaux d’arachide et leurs bienfaits nutritionnels. Ainsi, 57% des mères affirmait que le Moringa oleifera augmente le sang, 76,5% pensait que les tourteaux d’arachide contribuent à construire l’organisme, 97% des mères était d’accord à l’adjonction de ces ingrédients dans la bouille des enfants, 86,9% des mères affirmait que le Moringa oleifera et les tourteaux d’arachide sont disponibles dans leurs villages ou aux alentours et que 85% pensait être capables de se les procurer chaque jour pour en mettre dans la bouillie des enfants. Ces résultats sont un bon indicateur de l’opinion des mères sur la faisabilité de l’enrichissement des bouillies locales et pourrait être un moyen efficace pour prévenir et combattre la sous-nutrition au Niger.Mots clés : Opinions, enrichissement, bouillie, moringa, tourteaux d’arachide, sous-nutrition. English Title: Opinions of mothers of children aged 06-59 months on the enrichment of local porridge with Moringa oleifera powder and groundnut meal in NigerThe objective of this article was to measure the opinion of mothers on the enrichment of local porridge with Moringa oleifera powder and peanut cake, then measure their consent to give this porridge to children. To achieve this, we carried out in February 2019, individual interviews with 451 mothers from the four departments with a high prevalence of malnutrition in the Maradi region (Mayahi, Aguié, Tessaoua and Madarounfa). Analysis of the results revealed that all mothers (100%) were aware of Moringa oleifera, peanut cake and their nutritional benefits. 57% of mothers said that the Moringa oleifera increases blood, 76.5% thought that peanut cake helps to build the body, 97% of mothers agreed to the addition of these ingredients in the boil of the children, 86.9% of mothers said that Moringa oleifera and peanut cake are available in or around their villages and that 85% thought they would be able to get them every day for porridge children. C he results are a good indicator of maternal opinion on the feasibility of enriching local boiled and could be an effective means for the prevention and management of under-nutrition in Niger.Keywords : Opinions, enrichment, porridge, moringa, peanut cake, undernutrition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
pp. 753-754
Jiajia Sun ◽  
Daniele Colombo ◽  
Yaoguo Li ◽  
Jeffrey Shragge

Geophysicists seek to extract useful and potentially actionable information about the subsurface by interpreting various types of geophysical data together with prior geologic information. It is well recognized that reliable imaging, characterization, and monitoring of subsurface systems require integration of multiple sources of information from a multitude of geoscientific data sets. With increasing data volumes and computational power, new data types, constant development of inversion algorithms, and the advent of the big data era, Geophysics editors see multiphysics integration as an effective means of meeting some of the challenges arising from imaging subsurface systems with higher resolution and reliability as well as exploring geologically more complicated areas. To advance the field of multiphysics integration and to showcase its added value, Geophysics will introduce a new section “Multiphysics and Joint Inversion” in 2021. Submissions are accepted now.

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (0) ◽  
Ana Marli Christovam Sartori ◽  
Margarete Paganotti Vicentine ◽  
Lígia Castelloni Figueiredo Gryninger ◽  
Patricia Coelho de Soárez ◽  
Hillegonda Maria Dutilh Novaes

OBJECTIVE To analyze the costs of vaccination regimens for introducing inactivated polio vaccine in routine immunization in Brazil.METHODS A cost analysis was conducted for vaccines in five vaccination regimens, including inactivated polio vaccine, compared with the oral polio vaccine-only regimen. The costs of the vaccines were estimated for routine use and for the “National Immunization Days”, during when the oral polio vaccine is administered to children aged less than five years, independent of their vaccine status, and the strategic stock of inactivated polio vaccine. The presented estimated costs are of 2011.RESULTS The annual costs of the oral vaccine-only program (routine and two National Immunization Days) were estimated at US$19,873,170. The incremental costs of inclusion of the inactivated vaccine depended on the number of vaccine doses, presentation of the vaccine (bottles with single dose or ten doses), and number of “National Immunization Days” carried out. The cost of the regimen adopted with two doses of inactivated vaccine followed by three doses of oral vaccine and one “National Immunization Day” was estimated at US$29,653,539. The concomitant replacement of the DTPw/Hib and HepB vaccines with the pentavalent vaccine enabled the introduction of the inactivated polio without increasing the number of injections or number of visits needed to complete the vaccination.CONCLUSIONS The introduction of the inactivated vaccine increased the annual costs of the polio vaccines by 49.2% compared with the oral vaccine-only regimen. This increase represented 1.13% of the expenditure of the National Immunization Program on the purchase of vaccines in 2011.

e-CliniC ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nurlana Ali ◽  
Vivekenanda Pateda ◽  
Audrey Wahani

Abstract: Obesity is a health problem and its number of cases is increasing worldwide. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in the world increased from 4.2% in 1990 to 6.7% in 2010, and is expected to reach 9.1% in 2020. This study was aimed to obtain the level of mothers’ knowledge about obesity in children in Manado 2015. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Population were mothers who visited Puskesmas Bahu (primary health care). The instrument used in this research was an interview consisting of 19 questions. Samples were mothers who had their children visited Puskesmas Bahu, obtained by using simple random sampling technique. The results showed 91 mothers as respondents. The majority of respondents (40.7%) had good knowledge about obesity in children. Among respondents with good knowledge, 23.8% were highly educated; age 20-30 years and 21-40 years had the same percentage (17.6%); worked as private employment (15.39%); and got information from print media (19.79%). Conclusion: The majority of mothers whose children visited Puskesmas Bahu had good knowledge. Age, education, work, and sources of information became the benchmark for the level of knowledge about obesity in children.Keywords: knowledge, obesity Abstrak: Obesitas merupakan masalah kesehatan yang jumlahnya meningkat diseluruh dunia. Prevalensi overweight dan obesitas pada anak di dunia meningkat dari 4,2% di tahun 1990 menjadi 6,7% di tahun 2010, dan diperkirakan akan mencapai 9,1% di tahun 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang obesitas pada anak di Kota Manado tahun 2015. Jenis penilitian ialah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ialah ibu-ibu yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Bahu. Sampel penelitian ialah ibu-ibu yang memiliki anak yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Bahu Kota Manado dengan responden sebanyak 91 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah wawancara yang terdiri dari 19 pertannyaan. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan pengetahuan ibu tentang obesitas pada anak yang terbanyak ialah baik sebanyak 37 responden (40,7%). Tingkat pengetahuan baik terbanyak berdasarkan pendidikan yaitu pendidikan perguruan tinggi (23,8 %); usia 20-30 tahun dan 21-40 tahun memiliki persentase yang sama (17,6%); pekerjaan swasta (15,39%); dan sumber informasi dari media cetak (19,79%). Simpulan: Mayoritas ibu dengan anak yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Bahu Kota Manado memiliki pengetahuan baik. Usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan sumber informasi menjadi tolok ukur tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang obesitas pada anak.Kata kunci: pengetahuan, obesitas

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 619-628
Retno Widowati ◽  
Triana Indrayani ◽  
Rukmaini Rukmaini

A total of 538 people were respondents in this study. The median knowledge of respondents was 37 and 71% of respondents had good knowledge. Respondents came from Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Professional Education study programs. As many as 61.3% of students work as health workers. The respondent's province of residence consists of 19 provinces in Indonesia. Respondents aged <20 years to> 40 years, most 45.7% aged 20-25 years. The three most common sources of information COVID-19 are the internet 37%, television 25.3% and superiors and colleagues at work 19.7%. Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) between 3.0 - 3.5 is the most IPK of respondents (59.7%). Median knowledge scores 37 and 71% of respondents have good knowledge. There was a significant relationship (p <0.05) between COVID-19 knowledge and the student's employment status, study program and health science student age. 

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