Anna Zaslonkina

The literature on the unity of emotional, volitional, intellectual, and physical states within the holistic cognitive-semantic context of corporeality shows a variety of approaches. The originality of our solution lies in the fact that the object of the prеsеnt study is the domain of Grеimassian sеmiotic thеory (including the so-called thymic category) that has been further developed: Taking into consideration that people use basic-level concepts regularly, we hypothesised that thymic category members can be selected, given that these category members are yielding information on the semantics of perception in the elementary concepts of Modern English. The data obtained suggests that the information on the thymic category is conveyed by the conceptual triad SENSE : FEELING : EMOTION. Furthermore, cognitive and onomasiological features of the basic-level concepts have been analysed. Thus, the previous research has been extended by clarifying the semiotic structure of the thymic category in Modern English and presenting the results on the distribution of cognitive-onomasiological capability within the framework of derivatives of the verbalized conceptual triad SENSE : FEELING : EMOTION. The iconic character of this conceptual complex is one of the means of naïve worldview reconstruction in word-formation. Notably, the iconic aspect is marked by cognitive-semantic shift of the thymic-neuter indices of the conceptual thymic information to its thymic-extremal analogues. This could be a result of the fact that the shift of a given type is based on the correlation of evaluation of the sign-motivator and expressive-gnoseological functions of perception performed by the native speakers. The reconstruction of the thymic composites domain reveals that the motivators of sensory type prevail. Besides, the cognitive-semantic shift was detected: the motivators are represented by the derivatives of the verbalized concept SENSE, while the concept EMOTION is lacunary, a fortiori the composite words with feel and sensation constituents are semantically more mobile and expressive. Key words: concept, corporeality, iconicity, semiosis, sign.

Е.Ю. Долгова

Статья посвящена описанию глагола «погрязнуть» по лексикографическим источникам, фиксирующим словарный состав русского языка X - XVII вв. В работе используется метод лингвистического портретирования, позволяющий объединить данные этимологических и исторических словарей и увидеть динамику развития семантического, словообразовательного, сочетаемостного и стилистического потенциала языковой единицы в диахронии. В статье подробно изложены материалы этимологических и исторических словарей русского языка, приведены и описаны многочисленные варианты употребления имперфектива грязнуть и перфектива погрязнуть, зафиксированные в словарях, содержащих лексику древнерусского и старорусского периодов: гр#зъти, гр#зhти, гр#зити, гр#знqти, погрязати - погр#зти, погр#зити, погр#знqти. Установлено, что в древнерусском языке глагол гр#зноути (гр`t#знuти) имел прямое номинативное значение «погружаться, тонуть» и редко употреблялся в памятниках письменности. Многозначным и наиболее частотным был положительный, результативный член глагольной видовой пары перфектив погрязнуть (погр#зноути). В статье приведены все лексико-семантические варианты глагола и примеры словоупотреблений, зафиксированные в словарях, отражающих лексику X - XVII веков. В статье приведены синонимы и многочисленные дериваты глагола погрязнуть , в том числе рассмотрена семантика абстрактных существительных, образованных от глагола погрязнуть ( погрязение, погрязнение, погрязновение ) и отражающих влияние церковнославянского языка на книжно-письменный литературный язык древнерусского и старорусского периодов. Лексикографический портрет лексемы погрязнуть проявляет неоднозначность в трактовке некоторых значений в разные исторические периоды. Проведенный анализ позволяет сравнить значения лексемы, увидеть их отличительные особенности и сделать вывод о существовании самостоятельных стереотипных образов, существующих в сознании носителей языка в X - XVII веках. The article is devoted to the description of the verb "to wallow" from lexicographic sources that fix the vocabulary of the Russian language of the X - XVII centuries. The method of linguistic portraiture is used to combine data from etymological and historical dictionaries and see the dynamics of the development of the semantic, word-formation and stylistic potential of the language unit in the diachrony. The article details the materials of etymological and historical dictionaries of the Russian language, presents and describes numerous variants of the use of an imperfective “gryaznut’” and a perfective “pogryaznut’”, recorded in dictionaries containing the vocabulary of the Russian language of the X - XVII centuries. It has been established that in the ancient Russian language, the imperfective “gryaznut’” had a direct nominative meaning of "dive, sink" and was rarely used in monuments of writing. The multi-valued and most frequency used was the positive, effective perfective “pogryaznut’”. The article presents all lexical and semantic variants of the verb and examples of word usage recorded in dictionaries that reflect the vocabulary of the X - XVII centuries. The article presents synonyms and numerous derivatives of the verb, including the semantics of abstract nouns formed from the verb “pogryaznut’” and reflecting the influence of the Church Slavonic language on the book-written literary language of the old Russian period. The lexicographic portrait of the lexeme “pogryaznut’” shows ambiguity in the interpretation of certain meanings in different historical periods. The analysis allows us to compare the meanings of the lexeme, see their distinctive features and conclude that there are independent stereotypical images that exist in the minds of native speakers in the X - XVII centuries.

Linguaculture ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-74
Anna Zaslonkina

The object of the present study is the domain of Greimassian semiotic theory. Several previous findings on supraindividual phenomena have been summarized and theoretical underpinnings of the so-called thymic category have been extended. Investigation of such an object discloses the relation between the experiential (which approximates the sensational) and the cognitive nature of perception. Whereas conceptual universals that bear the information on feelings, senses and emotions such as those inherent in the corporal framework which correspond to the basic level of categorization have already been demonstrated, their iconic efficiency in terms of Peircian semiotics is still unclear. Therefore, the aim of the current analysis is to clarify structural-semantic links between derived and root words constituting the thymic lexical corpus of modern English. This paper emphasizes the importance of understanding how the motivational means conditioned by the classification of associative-figurative and evaluative features of the conceptual triad SENSE : FEELING : EMOTION are exteriorised within the thymic category. These characteristics can be developed and enhanced through the iconic reflection of the correlation between the native speakers’ evaluation of the sign acting as a motivator and the expressive as well as gnoseological functions of perception.

Linguaculture ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-68
Anna Zaslonkina

The object of the present study is the domain of Greimassian semiotic theory. Several previous findings on supraindividual phenomena were summarized and theoretical underpinnings of the soi-disant thymic category were extended. Investigation of such an object discloses the relation between the experiential (which approximates sensational) and cognitive nature of perception. Whereas conceptual universals that bear the information on feelings, senses and emotions as those inherent in the corporal framework and correspond to the basic level of categorization have already been demonstrated, their iconic efficiency in terms of Piercian semiotics is still unclear. Therefore, the aim of the current analysis is to clarify structural-semantic links between derived and root words constituting the thymic lexical corpus of modern English. This paper emphasizes the importance of understanding how the motivational means conditioned by the classification of associative-figurative and evaluative features of the conceptual triad SENSE: FEELING: EMOTION are exteriorised within the thymic category. These characteristics can be developed and enhanced through the iconic reflection of the correlation between the native speakers’ evaluation of the sign acting as a motivator and expressive as well as gnoseological functions of perception.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 161-172
Massrura Mostafa

This paper attempts to describe the word formation process known as 'conversion' and a specific lexeme impact which is converted from noun to verb basically by American native speakers or news reports. But many people think that this process is to nouns and exploit them as verbs and many of such usages as impact are really disdainful. My purpose is to provide actual examples of impact taken from American newspapers and give reasons behind the functional shift of impact. As newspapers use the most standard language of time, this paper tries to show how the verb impact has established its transitive use in American Standard English, having gained more semantically emphatic force than its synonymous verb effect. Key words: word formation; American Standard English; news paperDOI: 10.3329/dujl.v2i4.6905Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics Vol.2(4) August 2009 pp.161-172

2021 ◽  
pp. 139-158
E. V. Shchenikova ◽  
E. A. Zhdanova

We consider non-derivatives of the holophrastic type (holofrasemes), which are reduced to a generalized word-formation model «S1 + zhe/zh + S2». The relevance of the study is due to the noticeable productivity of this model in the informal segment of the Runet — a dynamically developing system that clearly reflects many active processes in the Russian national language and is capable of influencing the speech practice of native speakers in other communicative environments. Various approaches to understanding the method of creating the considered non-derivatives are indicated, as well as to the interpretation of the term “holophrasis”. Particular attention is paid to the lexemes yazhemat and onizhedeti, that have become entrenched in the Internet discourse, which can be regarded as the conceptual and structural basis of the model under consideration. The novelty of the research is seen in the detailed typologization of holophrasemes — the model representatives on a number of structural and functional-semantic grounds. The types of such units are presented by objects and grounds of nomination, by the degree of connectivity of the components. Varieties of the generalized model are given, distinguished by the morphological (and in some cases, syntactic) expression of the producing units; groups of structural and semantic anomalies accompanying the creation of holophrastic derivatives are considered. The questions about the inclusion of holophrasemes in derivational processes as producing words, as well as about the morphemization of components like yazhe, tyzhe are touched upon.

Э. Китанина ◽  
E. Kitanina ◽  
Д. Труханова ◽  
D. Truhanova

The article deals with the problems of filling cognitive-semantic gaps by borrowings-anglicisms denoting intolerant behavior. The authors present an analysis of some of the most frequent lexical units in different aspects: the meaning, frequency of use and word-formation potential of these lexemes are described, the specificity of the use of these lexemes in real and virtual communication are considered. Special attention is paid to media texts and the functioning of borrowings in the headlines. The authors also establish the features of assimilation of the vocabulary, its determinologization and transition to the active thesaurus of native speakers. Analyzing the level of development of these lexemes, the authors conclude that this group of vocabulary is gradually being included in the active thesaurus of native speakers. The article also presents some results of the analysis of the perception of the borrowings by native speakers of the recipient language. About 20 lexical units were analyzed.

Olga Teush

The article is devoted to the names of the shrubs and bushes in the dialects of European North of Russia. The whole complex of lexemes is analyzed in relation to the origin and semantic connections of the words. The article determines the etymological origins of the key lexeme in the group – «a bush» with a reconstructed meaning «to stand, to stick out of the ground» . The research describes dialect derivatives of the root «kust-«. The author identifies contaminated words on the basis of the seme «dense». Northern Russian dialect names of the bush or shrub are considered in the onomasiological, semasiological, and lexical aspects. The article performs analysis of collective forms derived from «vitsa» as a flexible man-made rod, a branch, and «prut» as «a thin broken or cut branch without leaves» with Slavic origin. The active use of Russian roots like «ros- / rost- / rast-» of Indo-European antiquity is noted. Moreover, the article describes numerous species names. The largest number of nominations is discovered for the willow shrub: five roots are involved. The root «iv-« in dialects appears both in the original version and with metathesis (>«vi-«). In Northern Russian dialect zone the most active word formations are derived from the proto-Slavic origin of the root «bred-«. They form an extensive word-formation nest. The author interprets species appellative names of juniper, cherry bush, rose hip, hawthorn, gooseberry, hazel bushes. The article points out a wide use of names used to describe a dense bush with a root «chap- / tsap-» in the dialects of European North of Russia. The article analyzes the lexemes used to name the shrubs growing on the hills. The most numerous words are the names of water-bushes. Secondary names of shrubs and bushes growing on the hills or in the forests and marshlands are more rarely used. Descriptive names of scrup in abandoned fields are used in only one context. Pragmatic and metaphorical names are infrequent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (11) ◽  
pp. 103-107
Mehriban Zeynal Hajizade ◽  

In modern times, the processes in the world have affected the field of linguistics as well as all other fields.These processes require a diffferent approach to issues related to the use of specific word groups. Over time, language develops and changes occur at all levels. Taking into consideration that the main function of language is a means of communication between people, all changes should be taken into account to make the function more convenient and more suitable. Some of the processes that take place in the language are directly related to the speech process, and ends with getting the gradual normative status of variants in the speech of native speakers. Native speakers use some expressions that gained and didn’t gain status of norms in their speech. They use specific word groups to make their speech more specific and expressive. These word groups are used by some groups of people for special goals. Slangs are new meaningful words used in different social groups. Slangs are presented as non-literary concept. Slangs are various and colorful according to their tones. Key words: slang, morphem, term, communication, society

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (05) ◽  
pp. 42-45
Vusala Rafig Gasimova ◽  

Key words: word, word formation, semantic method, syntactic method, morfological method, lexical method

2021 ◽  
Giusy CIRILLO ◽  
Elin Runnqvist ◽  
Kristof Strijkers ◽  
Noel Nguyen ◽  
Cristina Baus

Conversation entails a tight coordination between the interlocutors in terms of co-representation and linguistic alignment (e.g., word choices). In this study we investigated whether people conceptually align in a language task with a robot. 24 French native speakers alternated with an artificial partner in naming images of objects belonging to different semantic categories (e.g., mammals, clothes…). For five out of fifteen categories the robot produced the item’s category instead of the preferred basic-level name. Logistic regression models on participants' errors revealed that they adapted to the robot’s conceptual choices, and produced more category names over the course of the experiment. This pattern was most prominent for the semantic categories for which the robot had used a category name, and importantly, it applied to novel items. These results provide strong evidence for conceptual alignment affecting word choices, indicating that prototypical concepts can be overwritten in conversation to adapt to the interlocutor.

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