2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Mykola Veselov ◽  
Tetyana Rekunenko ◽  
Daria Volkova ◽  

Due to the process of informatization, systemic changes are taking place, according to which all spheres of activity of state institutions, all segments of society, and each individual are included in the global information space. This determines the need to ensure the reliability and security of information relations, which is achieved in particular through the mechanism of effective and strategic legal regulation. Information security in the conceptual and key legal documents of many states is seen as an important component of national security. New challenges to security and human rights in the field of information relations generate pressing issues that need further scientific study and solution. The article contains a compilation of views available in modern science on the understanding of basic concepts: "information", "information relations", "information security", as well as basic approaches to formulating the definition of information security. Due to the combination of general scientific and special methods of cognition, in particular dialectical, formal-legal, comparative analysis and synthesis, the publication substantiates the importance and specificity of the "security" approach in regulating information relations to achieve information security in the country. This approach is that, providing a legal assessment and, including certain public relations related to the circulation of information in the regulatory sphere, the legislator and other subjects of rule-making together with relevant professionals should pre-conduct a "safe" examination to identify and predicting all possible threats to the information security that may arise or already de facto exist in practice. The results of such expert research should be taken into account when choosing methods and forms of legal regulation of existing and new information relations. Information sphere and its separate elements make it possible to indirect influence on social, economic, political, spiritual and other spheres of life of human society. Therefore, the fact that does not require additional proof is that information security is a guarantee of providing other components of state security and national security as a whole.

Lex Russica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (6) ◽  
pp. 97-109
V. P. Bodaevskiy

Many publications are devoted to the identification of social conditionality of criminal regulations. However, the science of criminal law does not have any comprehensive research on the social conditionality of establishing criminal responsibility and punishment for military personnel. In this regard, its essence, features and criteria for identification remain practically unknown. The paper reveals the problematic aspects of the concept and meaning of social conditionality of establishing criminal responsibility and punishment for military personnel; the author’s definition is given. Based on the widespread opinion in the theory of criminal law that the mechanism for identifying this social condition consists of criteria that are studied by the legislator at the appropriate stages of the processes of criminalization (decriminalization) and penalization (depenalization) of military socially dangerous acts, the author analyses them in detail. The problem of ways of legal regulation of criminal responsibility and punishment of military personnel is touched upon. It is stated that the peculiarity of the definition of this social conditionality is the resolution by the legislator, among other dilemmas, of the question of the need for normative fixing of a special military or ordinary prohibition and (or) fixing of the corresponding special military regulationsin the general part of the Criminal Law.The author concludes that the identification of social conditionality of the criminal-normative prescription on responsibility and punishment of military personnel is one of the important tasks of modern science of criminal law, which necessitates the development of a unified approach to the structure and content of this process. The establishment of the theoretical and legal essence of this conditionality should be considered as the most important step in this direction. The author offers the following definition. It is the compliance of criminal regulations that establish responsibility and punishment for criminal behavior of military personnel, resulting from the demand of society in the objective need for criminal law protection of military law and order and other public relations that are most important for the individual, society and the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-38
І. Д. Казанчук ◽  
В. П. Яценко

Based on the analysis of scientific concepts and legal principles the author has provided the definition of information security, provision of information security in Ukraine and has characterized its components. The current state of legal regulation of the organization and activity of cyberpolice units of the National Police of Ukraine has been analyzed. Particular attention has been paid to the legal analysis of the tasks, functions and structure of the Cyberpolice Department of the National Police of Ukraine. Special attention has been drawn to certain shortcomings of Ukrainian legislation in the field of ensuring information security by the police, its compliance with the norms and standards of international law. Taking into account the specifics of the tasks, the author has provided characteristics of the functions of cyberpolice units in the information sphere, which should be divided according to the purpose into: 1) basic (external), which are focused on law enforcement and preventive aspects; 2) auxiliary (intrasystem), which are focused on promoting the implementation of basic functions, the introduction of appropriate management mechanisms within the system. It has been stated that the modern system of ensuring information security and cybersecurity in Ukraine should be one effective system, consisting of such mandatory components as legal, educational and technical. It has been concluded that in order to improve the legal principles for the organization and activities of cyberpolice units of the National Police in the field of ensuring information security and counteracting cyber threats, first of all, it is necessary to optimize the organizational structure of cyberpolice, reasonably distribute the functions (powers) between cyberpolice units and other subjects combating cyber threats in Ukraine, to create appropriate conditions for reaching a qualitatively new level of interaction between them and coordination of their activities in the field of ensuring information security in modern conditions.

Lex Russica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 163-175
A. V. Pogodin ◽  
A. V. Putintsev

The authors of the paper make an attempt of a complex theoretical and historical analysis of factorsthreats to the national security of Russia in the information space. Within the framework of the problem statement, the urgency of the study of national security issues within the framework of the general theory of state and law is substantiated, the features forming the concept of a factor-threat to national security are developed. The attention is focused on the role of passionate personalities in the processes of destabilization of society. It is hypothesized that a two-tier structure of the information space as an object of information security, including deep (ideology) and surface levels, the modeled relationships between processes occurring at these levels. Analyzing the periods of extreme transformations of the Russian statehood (revolutions of 1917 and perestroika), the authors find the connection between the efficiency of political processes regulation and the presence of changes in the information space. It is suggested that there is a stable connection between legal regulation, scientific and technological progress and the state of protection of national interests. The emergence or increase in the availability of new technical means of disseminating information to the population inevitably leads to a lag in the regulation of relevant public relations, which, combined with certain political and social factors, jeopardizes national security. The forecast of development of a situation in the short-term prospect is given taking into account the development of the Internet. As a conclusion, the authors propose to focus on the development of a new model of information security regulation, based on the awareness of the loss of the effectiveness of traditional means and methods of legal regulation, which the state had previously. Having lost the monopoly on control over the surface level of information space, the state can and should ensure stability at the level of ideology.

Oleksandr Malashko ◽  
Serhii Yesimov ◽  

The article examines trends in the development of legal regulation of information security in Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. The current information legislation and regulations on information security are analyzed. The tendencies in the legal regulation of information security that took place at the initial stage of the formation of information legislation are revealed. Based on the factors that took place before the adoption of the Doctrine of information security of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine “On the basic principles of ensuring the cybersecurity of Ukraine”, “On the national security of Ukraine”, in the context of the current legislation, based on the methodology of legal forecasting, it is concluded that in the future the development of normative legal information security will be developed on the basis of by-laws, mainly at the departmental level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-81
D. A. Lovtsov ◽  

Introduction. The lack of a coherent systemology law does not enable the use of evidence-based formalization to solve the basic theoretical problems of law interpretation and enforcement. The development of an appropriate formal-theoretical apparatus is possible on the basis of a productive systemological concept. The justification of this concept is based on the study of philosophical bases and fundamental principles (integrity, dynamic equilibrium, feedback, etc.) and the use of logical and linguistic methods of problem-oriented system approach. Theoretical Basis. Methods. The conceptual and logical modeling of legal ergasystems, the systems analysis and resolution of the theory-applied base of technology of two-tier legal regulation; the synthesis and modification of private scientific results of the author published in 2000–2019, with copyright in the author’s scientific works and educational publications. Results. The contemporary conceptual variant of combined “ICS”-approach (“information, cybernetic and synergetic”) as a general methodology of analysis and optimization of legal ergasystems, as characterized by the following conditions: the substantiation of the appropriate three-part set of methodological research principles, corresponding to the triple-aspect physical nature of the study of complex legal systems as ergasystems; the clarification of the conceptual and logical model of the legal ergasystem taking into account the fundamental feedback principle; the definition of the law of necessary diversity of William R. Ashby is justified and corresponding conditions of realize of effective technology of two-level (normative and individual) legal regulation; the definition of basic concepts and methodological principles of modern systemology of legal regulation; the justification of the functional organization of the Invariant Rational Control Loop. Discussion and Conclusion. A developed conceptual object-oriented version of combined “ICS”-approach for analysis and optimization of legal ergasystems is a methodological basis for the development of a working formal-theoretical apparatus of legal regulation systemology. This will formalize the decisions of the main theoretical problems of law interpretation and enforcement, as well as developing and implementing special information and legal technologies based on the concept of information and functional databases and knowledge. This will in turn ensure the information increases the effectiveness of the system of legal regulation of public relations as an information and cybernetic system subject to the subjective organizing process of human activity and the objective synergetic processes of disorganization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Ermek B. Abdrasulov

This article examines the issues of differentiation of legislative and subordinate regulation of public relations. It is noted that in the process of law-making activities, including the legislative process, practical questions often arise about the competence of various state bodies to establish various legal norms and rules. These issues are related to the need to establish a clear legal meaning of the constitutional norms devoted to the definition of the subject of regulation of laws. In particular, there is a need to clarify the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 61 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of the concepts "the most important public relations", "all other relations", "subsidiary legislation", as well as to establish the relationship between these concepts. Interpretation is also required by the provisions of p. 4 of Article 61 of the Constitution in terms of clarifying the question of whether the conclusion follows from mentioned provisions that all possible social relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan are subject to legal regulation, including those that are subject to other social and technical regulators (morality, national, business and professional traditions and customs, religion, standards, technical regulations, etc.). Answering the questions raised, the author emphasizes that the law and bylaws, as a rule, constitute a single system of legislation, performing the functions of primary and secondary acts. However, the secondary nature of subsidiary legislation does not mean that they regulate "unimportant" public relations. The law is essentially aimed at regulating all important social relations.

D. Kondratenko

Problem setting. The article analyzes the issue of legal relations in the field of land accounting. The legal nature of public relations in this area has been clarified. The accounting of the quantity and quality of land is investigated. The author’s definition of legal relations in the field of land accounting is provided. The circle of subjects of these legal relations is outlined. Analysis of recent researches and publications. To date, in the scientific literature there is no comprehensive study of the legal regulation of legal relations in the field of land accounting. There are only developments devoted to certain issues of land law science. Target of research. The study of the legal regulation of legal relations arising in the field of land accounting, the allocation of subjects of these legal relations. Article’s main body Justification of the appropriateness of obtaining, systematizing all the resources available on the land plot, determining the size, quality status and distribution of the land fund, providing the necessary data about the land, studying the legal relations arising on this occasion. The basis of the land registration and registration system in Ukraine is the State Land Cadastre. It reflects the subjective information on land, which accumulates as a result of land accounting. Such information is necessary primarily for the implementation of state control over the use, reproduction and protection of land. Only a legally regulated and wellmaintained process of conducting accounting and registration activities in the field of land relations can become the key to the introduction and functioning of a transparent mechanism for the circulation of land in market conditions and an effective mechanism for managing them. In this aspect, it is important to note that it is necessary to distinguish land accounting in the proper sense and land rights accounting (as a broader category compared to the first). In the context of the land registration reform and the further process of improving the State Land Cadastre, it is necessary to talk about the formation of land information relations. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Land accounting relationships are public relations that arise in connection with the activities of public authorities and local governments, which are endowed with appropriate powers to take measures to obtain, systematize and analyze information on the quantity, territorial location and use of land. The subjects of these legal relationships are landowners and land users, the state, state authorities and local selfgovernments, who are vested with the respective powers.

Lina M. Tovpyha ◽  
Igor D. Pastukh ◽  
Tetiana Yu. Tarasevych ◽  
Serhii V. Bondar ◽  
Oksana V. Ilina

This article deals with the legal regulation of the practices of the police as an entity responsible for preventing and combating corruption. The study shows that corruption is becoming increasingly widespread, creating major obstacles to the comprehensive development of the economy and national security of any state. The objectives of this study were to clarify the problematic aspects of the legal regulation of police practices as an entity responsible for preventing corruption, to identify positive international experience in this area and to clarify its implementability in Ukraine. The corruption perceptions index regression analysis method was applied in 12 different countries around the world for 2018 and 2019. On the basis of the analysis, the authors propose to amend Ukrainian legislation with regard to the definition of the legal status of police practices as an entity responsible for preventing and combating corruption at the level of Ukrainian legislation, detailing the powers of the National Police as a specially authorized entity in the field of preventing and combating corruption in the Ukrainian Law "On the National Police".

O.A. Kolotkina ◽  

The article deals with the issues related to the definition of the essence, role and meaning of legal definitions in the regulatory legal regulation of national security. The author emphasizes the uniqueness of the phenomenon of national security, which acts as a guarantor of ensuring the national interests of the state, society, and the individual and as a basis for the unhindered implementation of the strategic national priorities of the state. It is possible to ensure these interests and implement strategic priorities by creating an effective legal regulation that includes various legal means, as well as regulatory requirements. An important role in the regulatory legal regulation is played by legal definitions, which contain definitions of concepts that act as integral elements of the legal basis for ensuring national security. It is indicated that legal definitions of concepts are generally binding and contribute to the formation of a single legal space. It is stated that the current Federal Law «On Security» does not contain a legislative definition of key concepts in the field of national security. The article raises the problem of unification of the conceptual and categorical apparatus in the field of ensuring national security, through the adoption of fundamental documents of strategic planning. The author attempts to evaluate the legal definitions in the field under consideration in terms of their universality and industry affiliation, the problems of the completeness of their textual expression, as well as the state policy implemented in the field of national security. The author proposes the formulation of the concept «national security», which could become the basis for adjusting the legal definitions of certain types of national security, enshrined in legislative acts and strategic planning documents. The functions of legal definitions in the regulatory legal regulation of national security are identified and disclosed.

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