2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Joko Amin Sunarko ◽  
Rafeah Abubakar ◽  
Harniatun Iswarini

ABSTRACT This study aims To find out the constraints faced by extension workers in providing agricultural extension in Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency and To know the response of farmers to the implementation of agricultural extension in the Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research was carried out in Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in March to May 2017. The research method used is qualitative methods. While the sampling method used is simple random Purposive sampling will 28 samples of palm oil farmer. So the sample studied from members of the population as a whole that is as much as 28 oil palm farmers. Data collection methods used are interviews and observation methods. The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. Method of processing and analysis of data used is using descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. The results showed that agricultural extension facilities used extension workers are motorcycles, aids and props. Infrastructure that is not yet supported is not yet all extension workers get a service house near the location of counseling, Distance taken by agricultural extension workers in carrying out their duties is about 3 km for the location of the activities of the farmer's house and about 5 km for the location of agricultural gardens. Farmer's response to the organik fertilizer extension activiti b using cattle manure for oil palm plantation with total score or 47,50 which means getting high score.  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi penyuluh dalam memberikan penyuluhan pertanian di Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir dan Untuk mengetahui tanggapan petani terhadap pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian di Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir pada bulan Maret sampai dengan bulan Mei 2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Sedangkan metode penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah acak sederhana Purposive sampling dengan anggota populasi sebanyak 28. Maka sampel yang diteliti dari anggota populasi secara keseluruhan yaitu sebanyak 28 petani kelapa sawit. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan observasi. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sarana penyuluhan pertanian yang digunakan penyuluh adalah sepeda motor, alat bantu dan alat peraga. Prasarana yang yang belum mendukung adalah belum semua penyuluh mendapatkan rumah dinas di dekat lokasi penyuluhan, Jarak yang ditempuh penyuluh pertanian dalam melaksanakan tugasnya adalah sekitar 3 km untuk kelokasi kegiatan dari rumah petani dan sekitar 5 km untuk lokasi kebun pertanian. Tanggapan petani terhadap kegitan penyuluhan pertanian pupuk organik dengan menggunakan kotoran ternak untuk tanaman kelapa sawit dengan jumlah keseluruhan skornya 47.5 yang artinya memperoleh nilai tinggi.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Mario Arron Sumolang ◽  
Grace Adonia Josefina Rumagit ◽  
Lyndon Reinhard Jacob Pangemanan

The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of farmers saving at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Sonder Unit. This research has been carried out for three months, namely from April 2019 to June of 2019 starting from preparation to preparation of research reports. The sampling method in this study was intentional (purposive sampling) The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from 79 farmers who save at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Sonder using a questionnaire. Secondary data is data obtained from PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Sonder, such as data on consumer saving farmers. The analytical method used in this study is descriptive analysis method and uses Likert scale analysis. The results of this study indicate that the perception of farmers saving at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Sonder belongs to the Satisfied category. .+eprm*

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 175
Sandro ., Pangemanan ◽  
Rine ., Kaunang ◽  
Jean F. J. Timban

This study aims to describe the prevailing sijon system in clove farming in Raanan Baru Village, West Motoling Subdistrict. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months starting from the preparation phase until the preparation of the report that is since December 2017 s / d February 2018. The data used in this study is primary data which is research data obtained directly from the farmers as respondents and data secondary data which is a research data obtained indirectly through agency information or documents relating to this research and village data. Sampling method in this study using purposive sampling method, meaning that researchers determine their own samples taken because there are certain considerations. Data Analysis Method in this research is processed by using descriptive analysis and then Analysis This data is processed / presented in written form and table. The process of bond transfers in Raanan Baru Village has been going on for generations and has even taken root in the village community itself. From the results of case studies encountered in the field stated that the transaction system of ijon that occurred in Raanan Baru Village, West Motoling Subdistrict of South Minahasa Regency is done on the basis of both parties have agreed and have good intention to do the transaction of debt by only having mutual trust with each other.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (3A) ◽  
pp. 95
Riane W. Senewe ◽  
Agnes E. Loho ◽  
Mex L. Sondakh

The study aimed to assess factors - supporting and inhibiting factors in Agribusiness Strawberries. This research was conducted in the Village Rurukan and Rurukan One, Sub-district of East Tomohon, Tomohon City. The study lasted for 3 (three) months, from July to September 2016 starting from preparation through research reports. This study uses primary data and secondary data. The samples in this study were all strawberry farmers in Rurukan and Rurukan One, they are 7 strawberries farmers in which five farmers who are still active, while two farmers are no longer planted strawberries, consumers or tourists who visit, and the institution or village. Data analysis method used is descriptive (descriptive analysis), where the study was conducted to examine the factors supporting and inhibiting agribusiness Strawberries. The results showed that the factors - factors supporting and inhibiting the main agribusiness strawberries for subsystem Agriinput, Subsystem Agriproduksi, Subsystems Agriindustri, Subsystems Agriniaga, and Subsystem Agriservis. The detail findings are: (a) subsystems Agriinput main supporting factors are strawberry seeds, fertilizers and labor while the main inhibiting factor is the land, the weather and the capital; (b) subsystem Agriproduksi main supporting factor is the knowledge of farmers on the cultivation of strawberries and strawberry fruit prices, while the limiting factor is the main weather and capital; (c) sub-system Agriindustry main supporting factors are: processing technology, while being the main limiting factor is the capital and processing equipment; (d) subsystem Agricommerce main supporting factor is the market, price of Strawberries and that became the main limiting factor is the capital; (e) Subsystem Agriservice main supporting factors are education, agricultural extension and being the main limiting factor is the information.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2A) ◽  
pp. 137
Wolter Widyatama Hutapea ◽  
Benu Olfie L.S. ◽  
Charles R. Ngangi

This research aims to determine and describe how farm-workers can survive by social strategy as their strategy. From the three elements of social capital, that’s trust, norms, and networks, which one has the greater influence for a survival strategy of Kopiwangker farm-workers in village. This research was conducted over five months, from February until June 2016 started from preparation until making research reports. This study has used primary data and secondary data. The number of respondents is 30 respondents of whom are farm-workers. The sampling method which used in this research is purposive sampling and data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative which quantified using the Likert Scale. The results of this research indicate that social capital can be a survival strategy for Kopiwangker village farm-workers, especially on the elements of the network (patron-client networks) because it has the highest score, that is 450. But according to several informants that ever happened was also a problem among some farm-workers (as clients) and patrons, but always can be resolved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Eka Sevtia Mesta ◽  
Ryan Al Rachmat

The purpose of this study was to determine how the accounting treatment of inventory on the method of recording and assessing merchandise at Bumdes Karya Maju Kec. Kab. Musi Banyuasin with inventory observation periods in April and May 2020. In this study the researchers used a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The types of data used are primary and secondary. Where the primary data is in the form of interviews and field observations, while the secondary data is in the form of merchandise inventory data at Bumdes Karya Maju. Data collection methods used were interviews and field observations. The results showed that the method of recording and inventory of merchandise at Bumdes Karya Maju was not in accordance with SAK EMKM. Bumdes Karya Maju records merchandise inventory using an application called OMI, which has not applied any method in the application.

Media Trend ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 255
Dennanda Elpharani ◽  
Endang Siti Rahayu ◽  
Mei Tri Sundari ◽  
Ernoiz Antriyandarti

<div class="WordSection1"><p>This research aims to know the farming expense, revenue, income, feasibility and competitiveness of strawberries enterprises in Serang Village sub-district of Purbalingga Karangreja. The basic method of this research is descriptive analysis. The location was purposely determined in Serang Village at Karangreja District, Purbalingga appropriate research purposes. Serang Village Purbalingga was chosen as the location because the production of Strawberry in Purbalingga is the highest among the other regions of producing strawberry in Central Java. The sampling method for the farmers used stratified random sampling with 40 farmers as respondents based on farmer’s strata of the land. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used is the analysis of farming, the circulation of B/C ratio, and Domestik Resource Cost (DRC) analysis to determine strawberry competitiveness in purbalingga by comparative and competitive advantage.</p><p>The result showed that the average total cost of farming expense in Serang is Rp18,456,217 per farming per season. The average farmers revenue is Rp39,081,320 per farming per season. The average farmers income is Rp20,625,102 per farming  per season. The statistic of farming feasibility is 1.12 which means strawberry farming in Serang is profitable. Strawberry farming in Serang has comparative advtange which Domestik Resource Cost is Rp 6,013.43. Strawberry farm at Desa Serang showed that the comparative and competitive advantage is 0.42 and 0.44 which means that strawberry farming is financially an economically efficient and competitive in internasional market. This indicates that the domestic demand is more profitable if supplied by domestic production rather than import.</p></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 379
Mona Meily Soleh ◽  
Oktavianus Porajow ◽  
Noortje Marselianie Benu

This study aims to analyze the level of farmer satisfaction with the performance of agricultural instructors in Kopi Village, Bintauna Subdistrict, North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The study was conducted from January 2020 to April 2020. Primary data were obtained through direct interviews with 29 respondents using questionnaires and secondary data obtained from the Village Village government office. The sampling method is done by using the purposive sampling method, which is intentional sampling. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the satisfaction of farmers to the performance of agricultural extension workers in the whole Coffee Village is satisfied. This is evidenced by the results of the farmer satisfaction index value obtained by 91.35 percent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Hefri Oktoyoki ◽  
Heliza Wahyuni ◽  
Yasih Kurniati

This study was to determine the visitor's perception of the economic attributes of the TNKS Madapi Forest tourism in Rejang Lebong Regency. This research was conducted in February-March 2020, the research location was determined purposively. Respondents in this study were visitors who were doing camping, outbound activities, research, environmental education, and forest exploration (tracking) in the TNKS Madapi Forest. The method of determining respondents is done by survey or observation methods. The data collection methods are primary data and secondary data, while the data analysis method uses Spearman Rank Correlation data analysis. Based on the results and discussion, it is known that the average visitor is satisfied with the tourism attributes that have been provided by the management of the TNKS Madapi Forest. The attraction or attribute that most visitors like is the view of the trees in the TNKS Madapi Forest. Based on the analysis, it is known that there is no influence between tourism attributes and the number of visitors in the TNKS Madapi Forest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Hiskia Engelbert Tandibato ◽  
Rine ., Kaunang ◽  
Meisje Yellie Memah

This research aims to figure out about the agricultural extension worker’s performance of their main tasks at Sub-district Taratara Satu, Tomohon City. The types of data used in this study are primary and secondary data obtained through direct interviews with farmers and through questionnaires. The sampling method that’s being used in this study is Purposive Sampling Method; where the researcher chooses the respondents themselves from the farmers. This research used descriptive analysis that namely explaining the data obtained by using words that are assisted by data tables. This research shows that the performance of agricultural extension workers; which can be measured from the main task of extension workers where the results tend to be good because agricultural extension activities are only focused on agricultural core activities. Such as agricultural programs, technical meetings, demonstrations, and courses for the farmers. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 257
Pinanus ., Werenengga ◽  
Elsje Pauline Manginsela ◽  
Melsje Y. Memah

This study aims 1. Know the role of agricultural information in increasing the production and income of coconut farmers. 2. Identify sources of information from which coconut farmers obtain agricultural information. Place of study is Pandu Village Bunaken Sub-District Manado City. This research was conducted for three months, ie from August to October 2017. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from 10 coconut farmers using questionnaires. While the secondary data obtained from the Office of Village Pandu Bunaken Manado City. Sampling method in this research using purposive sampling method that is those who belong to upper layer farmers. The results showed 1. The role of agricultural information obtained by coconut farmers that to obtain good production and income is by the processing of land, pest plants, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, production and processing and transport of copra. 2. Sources of agricultural information obtained by coconut farmers is information from fellow farmers and agricultural extension workers.

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