scholarly journals Penentuan Status Pemanfaatan Ikan Teri (Stolephorus sp) di Perairan Selat Lalang Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-85
Zuriati Murni Izur ◽  
Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini ◽  
Hazmi Arief

The anchovies (stolephorus sp) need to be well managed, for although they are open access resources if not properly managed, fisheries resources are poorly maintained and sustainable. One approach to managing fish resources is with a production surplus model. As for the data method used is a secondary data analysis method, which USES a production surplus model. Analysis was done to acquire the best production model that could provide information on the extent of use and the completion of anchovies. Data from catch and catch fish were obtained from the registry service of siak district fisheries and livestock. Analysis suggests that the best surplus production model, which is used to assess the potential for anchovies, is the walter-hilborn model. The level of utilization for 2020 is 70 percent, with a 41% reduction rate. It shows that, anchovies in the lalang strait in the state of moderately expoited.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Maulana Firdaus ◽  
Akhmad Fauzi ◽  
A Faroby Falatehan

ABSTRAKTuna dan cakalang memiliki potensi ekonomi yang besar di Indonesia. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua komoditas ini telah menunjukkan gejala over fishing di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi seberapa besar deplesi ikan tuna dan cakalang di Indonesia. Deplesi sumber daya dihitung melalui perkiraan stok dan tingkat hasil lestari dengan menggunakan model produksi surplus dan estimasi parameter menggunakan metoda Clarke Yoshimoto Pooley (CYP). Nilai deplesi diperoleh dari perkalian volume deplesi dengan unit rent. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa volume rata-rata deplesi sumber daya ikan tuna dan cakalang pada periode 1992-2015 adalah (-) 2.828 ton per tahun. Rata-rata nilai deplesi sumber daya ikan tuna dan cakalang menunjukkan angka negatif, yaitu (-) Rp131,89 miliar per tahun. Nilai negatif ini menunjukkan bahwa selama periode 1992-2015, stok sumber daya ikan tuna dan cakalang mengalami penurunan sebesar 2.828 ton per tahun dengan nilai potensi kerugian atau kehilangan akibat penurunan stok yang mencapai Rp131,89 miliar per tahun.Title: Tuna And Skipjack Resources Depletion In IndonesiaABSTRACTTuna and Skipjack has a great economic potential in Indonesia. Several studies have shown that these commodities have symptomed of over-fishing in the world, including Indonesia. This study aims to estimate the extent of tuna and skipjack depletion in Indonesia. Resource depletion is calculated through stock estimates and sustainable yield levels using surplus production model and parameter estimation of Clark Yoshimoto Pooley (CYP) method. Depletion value is obtained from multiplication of depletion volume with unit rent. Results of the study showed that the average volume of depletion of tuna and skipjack resources in the period 1992-2015 was (-) 2,828 tons per year. The average value of tuna and skipjack resource depletion showed negative numbers, ie (-) IDR 131.89 billion per year. This negative value indicates that during the period 1992-2015, the stock of tuna and skipjack fish resources decreased by 2.828 tons per year with the potential value of loss or loss due to a decrease in stock which reached IDR131,89 billion per year. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Pigoselpi Anas ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Ismudi Muchsin ◽  
Arief Satria

Pada dasarnya pengelolaan perikanan tangkap bertujuan untuk mewujudkan usaha perikanan tangkap yang berkelanjutan. Untuk itu, laju penangkapan ikan harus tidak melebihi potensi produksi lestari (Maximum SustainbleYield, MSY) dari sumber daya ikan dalam suatu wilayah perairan. Namun, pengelola perikanan di Indonesia umumnya berpandangan, bahwa menentukan MSY dan hasil tangkapan ikan di laut susah dan mahal. Dengan metode Surplus Production Model, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan berdasarkan pada jenis alat tangkap, zona penangkapan ikan, dan jenis ikan secara lebih mudah dan murah di wilayah perairan laut Kabupaten Cirebon. Penelitian dilakukan dari Oktober 2010 sampai Maret 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa status pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan baik di Zona-I, Zona- II maupun Zona-III perairan laut Cirebon pada umumnya telah mengalami gejala tangkap lebih (overfishing). Dari 13 jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh nelayan di daerah penelitian, tujuh diantaranya yakni payang, dogol, pukat arad, jaring insang hanyut, jaring insang lingkar, bagan tancap, dan rawai tetap statusnya sudah melebihi dari jumlah upaya optimum (fopt). Sedangkan, enam jenis alat tangkap lainnya, yaitu pukat tarik, jaring insang tetap, jaring kantong, anco, perangkap kerang, dan perangkap lainnya statusnya masih kurang. Adapun jenis-jenis ikan yang telah mengalami overfishing adalah: teri, teri nasi, bawal hitam, sunglir, gurita, biji nangka, kapas-kapas, slanget, sotong, kurisi, kuniran, peperek, kurau, ikan sebelah, cumi-cumi, manyung, tetengkek, bawal putih, talang, kakap, tongkol, tenggiri, cucut, japuh, tembang, julung-julung, siro, bilis, pari, alu-alu, dan remang.Management of capture fisheries is basically intended to achieve economic activities of capture fisheries on a sustainable basis. Accordingly, the exploitation rate of fisheries resources should not exceed its MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) in a marine area. Unfortunately, majority of fisheries management authorities in Indonesia perceive that determining MSY and total fish catch in marine waters is both difficult and expensive. By employing Surplus Production Model, this research aims at evaluating the state of fisheries resource utilization based upon the types of fishing gears, fishing zones, and types of fish stocks in Cirebon marine waters, which is easier and less expensive than it is currently perceived by those management authorities. The results of this research demonstrate that the state of fisheries resources in Zone-I, Zone-II, and Zone-III of Cirebon marine waters has generally been overfishing. Furthermore, among 13 types of fishing gears used in Cirebon marine waters, seven fishing gears are already exceeding the optimum fishing effort (fopt). These include mini purse seine, danish seine, fish net, gill nets, encirling gill nets, fixed lift net, and long lines. Meanwhile, the other six fishing gears including active purse seine, fixed gill nets, trammel nets, anco, trap for molluscs, and other trap types are still less than their optimum number. Amongst so many fish species caught from Cirebon marine waters, thirty one specieas are already overfishing, which include teri, teri nasi, bawal hitam, sunglir, gurita, biji nangka, kapas-kapas, slanget, sotong, kurisi, kuniran, peperek, kurau, ikan sebelah, cumicumi, manyung, tetengkek, bawal putih, talang, kakap, tongkol, tenggiri, cucut, japuh, tembang, julung-julung, siro, bilis, pari, alu-alu, dan remang.

Muhammad Jamal Alwi ◽  
Hasrun Abdullah ◽  
Ernaningsih Aras

Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), should be managed properly because even though it is renewable, natural resources can be depleted. One approach in managing fish resources is by modeling. The purpose of this study is to determine the maximum sustainable yield, the level of utilization and effort of skipjack tuna. Data on catches as well as catch efforts of skipjack tuna were collected from 9 fisheries year books of Luwu Kabupaten (District). The surplus production model used is the Schaefer, Fox, Walter & Hilborn model. Schaefer model obtained by MSY = 1541.08 tons and Fopt = 243 trips; Fox model obtained maximum sustainable yield value (YMSY) of 1602,244 tons, maximum sustainable fishing effort (fMSY) of 303 units and maximum sustainable CpUE value (UMSY) of 5.29 tons trip-1; the Walter & Hilborn model found potential stocks of sustainable reserves (Be) skipjack in Luwu district amounted to 935.72 tons year-1. Utilization rates of the skpjack tuina indicate the fish is still under exploitation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Maulana Firdaus ◽  
Yesi Dewitasari ◽  
Radityo Pramoda ◽  
Sonny Koeshendrajana

Dampak praktik Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) telah mengakibatkan terganggunya pengelolaan pemanfaatan perikanan yang berkelanjutan dan menimbulkan kerugian ekonomi. Praktik mark down ukuran kapal penangkapan ikan merupakan salah satu penyalahgunaan perizinan dalam konteks praktik IUUF. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji nilai kerugian sumber daya ikan (deplesi sumber daya) akibat praktik “mark down” ukuran kapal penangkap ikan yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – April 2017 bersifat ‘desk study’ dan dilengkapi dengan kajian literature terkait. Data sekunder dan primer digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis data dilakukan melalui Pendekatan Surplus Produksi Model Schaefer digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Nilai kerugian sumber daya ikan diketahui berdasarkan nilai deplesinya. Nilai deplesi sumber daya menggunakan pendekatan The Net Price Method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya praktik “mark down” telah menyebabkan deplesi sumber daya ikan atau pengurangan aset sumber daya ikan di perairan Indonesia. Besarnya nilai deplesi sumber daya pada tahun 2015 mencapai 9,83 trilyun rupiah dan diprediksi pada tahun 2020 meningkat menjadi 14,55 trilyun rupiah. Kajian merekomendasikan perlunya percepatan pengukuran ulang kapal perikanan dan penerapan sangsi yang tegas terhadap pelanggar sehingga tata kelola pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan tangkap yang baik yang mampu mewujudkan pengelolaan perikanan yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Tittle: Fish Resources Losses Due to Mark Down Fishing Vessel Practiced in IndonesiaThe impact of IUU fishing has resulted in management disorder of sustainable fisheries and it caused economic loss. Markdown in vessels size is one type of manipulation practices of license in IUU fishing. This study aims to analyze the loss value of fish resources (resource depletion) due to the “markdown” practices in Indonesia. The study was basically a desk study completmenting with relevant literatures review during March – April 2015. Primary and secondary data were used in this study. Data were analyzed using the Schaefer surplus production model approached. Loss value of fish resources was estimated in terms of depletion resource value using the Net Price Method. The research found that “mark down” has led to depletion or reduction of fish resources in Indonesian waters. The estimated value of resource depletion in 2015 reached 9.83 trillion rupiahs and it is predicted to rise into 14.55 trillion rupiahs in 2020. The research suggests the need to accelerate the process of re-measuring the size of fishing vessel as well as to impose sanctions for the disobedience of the rules, so that Indonesia could have a good governance in fisheries resource management with sustainable fisheries resources.

2021 ◽  
Kathleen Large

<p>The aim of this project was to conduct a stock assessment to determine the population dynamic characteristics of rattail species taken as bycatch in the hoki, hake and ling fishery on the Chatham Rise. No quantitative assessment of the current size of rattail populations , and how these may have changed over time, has been carried out before. There is interest in the need to quantify the impact of commercial fishing on the rattail populations, as rattails (Macrouridae family) are considered to be an ecologically important species complex in the deep ocean, and there may be the potential for the development of a commercial fishery based on their value as processed fishmeal. The minimum data required for a stock assessment are an abundance index and a catch history. Abundance indices are available for over 20 species of rattail produced from scientific surveys conducted annually on the Chatham Rise since 1992. Catch histories for individual rattail species in the same area are not available. A method was developed to reconstruct commercial catches of rattails from commercial effort data and survey catch and effort data. A surplus production model was fitted to the reconstructed catch data and survey abundance indices, using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to estimate model parameters and uncertainty. A surplus production model has two components: an observation model for abundance indices and a process model for population dynamics. Maximum likelihood estimation was applied to a model that specified errors for the observations only, and this produced estimates that had wide confidence intervals. A Bayesian approach was then taken to fit a statespace version of the model that incorporates errors associated with the observation and process models. While the Bayesian method produced more plausible parameter estimates (in comparison to the maximum likelihood method) and parameter uncertainty was reduced, our analysis indicated the posterior estimates were highly sensitive to the specification of different priors. There may be several reasons for these results, including: the small number of observations, lack of contrast in the data and mis-specification of the model. Meaningful estimates of the absolute size of rattail populations are not possible with these results, where estimates can vary by orders of magnitude depending on prior specification. This implies that more work needs to be done to develop more effective methods that can be used to help inform decisions regarding the management of these fish populations. Improving data collection, investigating informative priors and extending/respecifying the model are considered worthwhile avenues of future work to improve stock assessments of rattails.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Donald H. Simanjuntak ◽  
Lawrence J. L. Lumingas ◽  
Joudy R. R. Sangari

This research was conducted in the city of Bitung, North Sulawesi Province with activities centered on the Bitung Ocean Fisheries Port (PPS), which began from mid March to April 2019. The fishing activities studied are using the fishing areas around the waters of  North Sulawesi Province namely the Sulawesi Sea and The Maluku Sea which are included in WPP 715 and 716 based on tuna catch landed data on PPS Bitung. The purpose of this study was to analyze the value of sustainable potential by looking at the level of utilization and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) of tuna in the waters around North Sulawesi Province based on a surplus production model approach (Schaefer Model). This research is expected to be used as a consideration in the management of tuna stocks around the waters of North Sulawesi Province, and can be used as a basis for further research. This study uses a secondary data collection method in the form of fishery statistics documents. The data used are data from tuna fishing and fishing (effort), from 2014 to 2018 (5 years). The results showed that the sustainable potential of tuna fisheries around the waters of North Sulawesi Province based on North Sulawesi PPS data indicated that, the sustainable potential value of tuna that could be caught was 14,173.51 tons / year which is counted as 80% of the value of tuna resources around the waters of North Sulawesi Province. PPS Bitung data which amounted to 17,716.15 tons / year for Hmsy, 1,200.15 trips / year for Emsy, with an average CPUE value of 2014-2018 of 19 tons / trip. The level of tuna utilization around the waters of North Sulawesi Province is based on data from PPS Bitung in 2014, 2017 and 2018 which indicate that there were indications of overfishing with the largest utilization rate in 2014 which reached a value of 155.09%.Keywords: tuna, Bitung, Bitung PPS, sustainable potential, MSY. ABSTRAKKegiatan penelitian ini berlangsung di Kota Bitung, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan kegiatan berpusat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Bitung, yang dimulai  dari pertengahan bulan Maret hingga bulan April 2019. Aktivitas perikanan tangkap yang ditelaah berlangsung di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yaitu Laut Sulawesi dan Laut Maluku yang masuk ke dalam WPP 715 dan 716 berdasarkan data tangkapan tuna yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai potensi lestari dengan melihat tingkat pemanfaatan dan maximum sustainable yield (MSY) ikan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan pendekatan model produksi surplus (Model Schaefer). Penelitan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengelolaan stok ikan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, serta dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data sekunder berbentuk dokumen. Data yang diambil adalah data tangkapan ikan tuna dan upaya penangkapan ikan atau effort (trip), dari tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2018 (5 Tahun). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi lestari perikanan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung Sulawesi Utara nilai potensi lestari tuna yang bisa ditangkap adalah 14.173,51 ton/tahun 80% dari nilai pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan tangkap tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung yang sebesar 17.716,15 ton/tahun untuk Hmsy, 1.200,15 trip/tahun untuk Emsy, dengan nilai CPUE rata-rata tahun 2014-2018 sebesar 19 ton/trip. Tingkat pemanfaatan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung Sulawesi Utara di tahun 2014,2017 dan 2018 sudah yang menandakan adanya indikasi overfishing dengan tingkat pemanfaatan terbesar di tahun 2014 yang mencapai nilai 155,09%.Kata Kunci: ikan tuna, Bitung, PPS Bitung, potensi lestari, MSY.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ladi Beatriex Deeng ◽  
Hanny A H Komalig ◽  
John S Kekenusa

LADI BEATRIEX DEENG. Determination of Utilization and Management Status of Bonito (Auxis Rochei) Caught in South Bolaang-Mongondow and East Bolaang-Mongondow Waters of North Sulawesi. Supervised by Mr. JOHN S. KEKENUSA as main supervisor, and Mr. HANNY A. H. KOMALIG as co-supervisor.Bonito (Auxis rochei), needs to be managed properly because even though it is a renewable biological resource, it can experience overfishing, depletion or extinction. One way to approach the management of fish resources is by modeling. The analysis was carried out aiming to determine the status of utilization and management of bonito and maximum sustainable yield (MSY) using the Surplus Production Model. Data on catching and efforts to catch bonito is collected from the Marine and Fisheries Service of South Bolaang-Mongondow Regency and East Bolaang-Mongondow of North Sulawesi. The surplus production model that can be used to determine the catch of bonito is the Schaefer model. The maximum sustainable catch of bonito is 869.556 tons per year, obtained at the level of catching effort of 933 trips. For 2017 the level of utilization is 64.95 % so that production can still be increased, with a level of effort of 73.74 % indicating the level of effort that is not optimal and can still be increased. Keywords : Bonito, Surplus Production Model, South Bolaang-Mongondow and   East Bolaang-Mongondow Regency

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 260-277

This study aims to determine the effect of Administrative Sanctions and Forced Letters on Optimizing Disbursement of Tax Arrears at the Pratama Tax Office North Makassar. Data collection uses secondary data obtained from the Pratama Makassar North Tax Service Office. The population is 36 tax payers and the sample is 36. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that administrative sanctions show a positive and significant. This means that administrative sanctions have a positive effect on optimizing the disbursement of tax arrears. The forced letter shows positive and significant. This means that forced letters have a positive and significant effect on optimizing the disbursement of tax arrears.

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