2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Abdul Gafur

Issues of particular campus study programs in Information Systems scheduling and ratings contained the data redundancy. Through the website is expected to solve the problem of redundancy scheduling and assessment so that students can get the desired information through access to the website of civil enggineering at Islamic University Of Indragiri ( did not need to come directly to the college / Academic Division in Islamic University Of Indragiri. Profile information such as information about the university, class schedules, grades and information and announcements. So that the efficiency and effectiveness in terms of time, effort, and cost can be achieved with either. The method used in this study is based on qualitative methods and action. While the system development using SDLC with Waterfall Model. The software used is: Windows XP Professional, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 and Xampp 1.7.8. Based on the above, the result of this research is an application called: Website Development of Civil Enggineering at Islamic University Indragiri.                Keywords: Academic, website, civil enggineering, SDLC

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Dwi Cita Septia Candra ◽  
Lutfi Syarifullah ◽  
Muhammad Nur Faiz

The Tuition Payment Information System was designed because at this time the payment of tuition at SMP Islam Cilacap still uses the general ledger, causing inaccuracies in payment data by employees (administrative). The purpose of this research is to help solve problems in the processing of tuition payment data, making payment data reports, searching payment data, knowing payment data information, and knowing the school money payment report. The system is designed using MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and SMS Gateway notifications as well as system development methods using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall model. In addition, the system design uses PHP and HTML programming languages, database management is MySQL and uses the Laravel framework. Based on the results of the system test and the results of the questionnaire by 10 respondents that 14% stated enough, 44% stated well and 42% stated very well calculated by the calculation of the Likert scale of 86% entered the excellent qualification which means successful. So it can be concluded that this system can solve existing problems by facilitating the processing of payment data, assisting in the creation of school money payment reports, helping in speeding up the search for payment data, knowing the payment information of tuition without having to come to school, and knowing the payment data report quickly without having to go through a long recap process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Rafika Akhsani ◽  
Ahmad Taufiq Hidayat

Abstract The organization is a unit that is a means to achieve various goals or targets carried out through joint activities. In achieving organizational goals certainly will not be separated from various problems. One way to solve the problem is to discuss the problem in a meeting. Meetings are used to find solutions to problems that are expected to reach consensus, resolution, and decision. In this study will develop an application that is used for meeting management. The meetings that have been held will be grouped according to their main activities. So it can be seen how many times a meeting has been held and what the results will be. Office internal applications for documentation of web-based meeting results are built using the PHP programming language and using a MySQL database. The framework used is Laravel. System development method with a waterfall model. From the results of testing with the blackbox method it is known that the office's internal application for the documentation of the results of the web-based meeting is 100% as planned. Keywords: Internal Office Application Meetings, Frameworks, Laravel, Meeting Information Systems. __________________________ Abstrak Organisasi merupakan suatu kesatuan yang merupakan sarana untuk mencapai berbagai tujuan atau sasaran yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan bersama. Dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi tentunya tidak akan lepas dari berbagai permasalahan. Salah satu cara untuk memecahkan permasalan adalah dengan mendiskusikan permasalahan tersebut dalam suatu rapat. Rapat digunakan untuk menemukan solusi dalam suatu permasalahan yang diharapkan dapat mencapai suatu mufakat, penyeleseian, dan keputusan. Pada penelitian ini akan mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk pengelolaan rapat. Rapat-rapat yang telah dilakukan nantinya akan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan kegiatan utamanya. Jadi dapat diketahui sudah berapa kali mengadakan rapat dan hasilnya seperti apa. Aplikasi internal kantor untuk dokumentasi hasil rapat berbasis web dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan database MySQL. Framework yang digunakan adalah Laravel. Metode pengembangan system dengan model waterfall. Dari hasil pengujian dengan metode blackbox telah diketahui bahwa aplikasi internal kantor untuk dokumentasi hasil rapat berbasis web 100% sudah sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Kata Kunci: Rapat Aplikasi Internal Kantor, Framework, Laravel, Sistem Informasi Rapat. __________________________

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 229-236
Eka Puspita Sari ◽  
Eni Pudjiarti

CV. Prima Kreasi Framedia is a printing company located in East Jakarta. CV. Prima Kreasi Framedia started its operation in 2013. The main business of printing books, banners, brochures, and others is an affiliated company or not a group's subsidiary, but purely a company that operates independently. But the marketing system on the CV. Prima Kreasi Framedia is still not good enough. The way used in marketing the product is still using print media such as putting up banners and banners and even printing and distributing leaflets. For bookings and purchases, always can not be done online, requiring customers to come directly to the company to make booking and purchase transactions, the way is considered very inefficient. It takes an attractive website to market products and improves services and transactions more effectively and efficiently. The research method used consists of observation, interview, and literature study, while the system development model used is waterfall model, with PHP programming language and database used is MySQL. The result of this research is Website Based Printing Service Sales Information System. The website created can be used to source information about products and can also conduct transactions online efficiently.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-94
Bambang Adiwinoto ◽  
Yohanes Setiawan Japriadi ◽  
Lukas Tommy

The verification system of tuition and thesis payment at ISB Atma Luhur which is running is felt to be less effective and efficient because students must come directly to campus with proof of payment during working hours to verify the payment. Also, there is the possibility of negligence by the finance department that only stamped the payment slip without doing a flag, consequently, related students were unable to carry out the selection of lecture groups and thesis supervisors when the schedule began. This caused them to not get the favorite lecture groups and thesis supervisors because the quota had run out. To overcome this problem, an information system for verification of tuition payment and web-based thesis verification will be developed with an adaptive layout design so that it can be accessed by laptop or smartphone users without reducing comfort during operation. The system development model and tool used in this research are the waterfall model and the Unified Modeling Language (UML), respectively. The developed system can be used by students to upload proof of payment and monitor the verification status of proof of payment that was previously uploaded. The system can also be used by the finance department to verify payments, as well as display and print payment verification reports. The developed system can be accessed anywhere and anytime so that the efficiency and effectiveness of the verification process are increased.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Christian Tonyjanto ◽  
Devi Marlita Martana

ABSTRACT<br />This study purpose is to produce Web-based applications that serve as a tool of<br />conducting the process of submission of functional positions or lecturer academic positions<br />conducted every 2 years. Currently conducted by the University, and in particular the Study<br />Program is still doing the file form lecturers who have been submitted in the last 2 years or 2<br />years to come physically or hardcopy. This is not very much in line with the university's goal of<br />doing GO-Green Campus. With this application, it is expected that the University can apply GOGreen<br /><br />Campus, have the track record of lecturer and assist the lecturer's task in calculating the<br />credit score already obtained at the time will increase the credit score.<br />Keyword : Information Systems, Track Record, and Web.<br />ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Aplikasi berbasis web yang berfungsi<br />sebagai alat bantu dari melakukan proses pengajuan jabatan fungsional atau jabatan akademik<br />dosen yang dilakukan setiap 2 tahun. Saat ini yang dilakukan oleh Universitas, dan secara<br />khususnya Program Studi masih melakukan penyimpanan file borang dosen yang telah diajukan<br />pada 2 tahun yang lalu atau 2 tahun yang akan datang secara fisik atau hardcopy. Hal ini sangat<br />tidak sejalan dengan tujuan universitas untuk melakukan GO-Green Kampus. Dengan adanya<br />Aplikasi ini, diharapkan Universitas bisa menerapkan GO-Green Kampus, memiliki data rekam<br />jejak dosen dan membantu tugas dosen dalam menghitung angka kredit yang sudah didapatkan<br />pada saat akan melakukan kenaikan angka kredit.<br />Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Rekam Jejak<br />(<br />Track Record<br />)<br />, Dosen, dan Web

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-144
Dian Nurdiana

Abstract: The Information Systems Study Program is one of the study programs at the Open University. The duties and responsibilities of the study program are managing academic and non-academic services. Management of incoming and outgoing mail is one of the tasks that must be carried out so that the service process is maximized. But the management is still manually so that problems occur such as difficulty in finding incoming or outgoing mail because it is still stored in folders, can only be accessed by one person because it is still stored on a computer and it is difficult to classify incoming mail. Therefore there must be a web-based incoming and outgoing mail management application. The purpose of this research is to implement a web-based incoming and outgoing mail application in the Information Systems Study Program. The model used for its development uses the waterfall model, while the testing model uses a black box. The results of this study are knowing the usability of implementing incoming and outgoing letters in the Information Systems Study Program.                  Keywords: Black Boxes; Outgoing Letters; Incoming Letters; Waterfalls; Web Applications.  Abstrak: Program Studi Sistem Informasi merupakan salah satu program studi yang ada di Universitas Terbuka. Tugas dan tanggung jawab program studi adalah mengelola layanan akademik maupun non akademik. Pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar merupakan salah satu tugas yang harus dijalankan agar proses layanan menjadi maksimal. Namun pengelolaannya masih secara manual sehingga terjadi permasalahan seperti sulitnya mencari surat yang masuk atau surat yang keluar karena masih di simpan dalam folder-folder, hanya bisa di akses oleh satu orang karena masih disimpan dalam sebuah komputer dan sulit mengklasifikasikan surat yang masuk. Oleh sebab itu harus ada sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar berbasis web. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan aplikasi surat masuk dan surat keluar berbasis web di Program Studi Sistem Informasi. Model yang digunakan untuk pengembangannya menggunakan model watelfall, sedangkan model pengujiannya menggunakan black box. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui usability dari implementasi surat masuk dan surat keluar di Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kata kunci: Aplikasi Web; Black Box; Surat Keluar; Surat Masuk; Waterfall.

Imam Tantowi

This research was conducted based on existing problems in the registration system, scheduling, and announcement of the results of the TOEFL test at the Language Center of the University of Mataram. Where registration, scheduling, and the announcement of TOEFL test results are done manually which requires prospective participants to register directly at the language center of the University of Mataram. This system is expected to simplify the registration process, scheduling, displaying available quotas and checking TOEFL test results. This system was built using a CodeIgniter framework, XAMPP as a web server and MySQL PhpMyadmin as its database server and built with the waterfall model as a system development method. This system is tested by the black box method and user interface testing will be used subjectively testing using the mean opinion score (MOS) by involving several respondents. Based on the test results of the Mean Opinion Score method, it can be concluded that 66.1% of the respondents agreed and 33% of the respondents strongly agreed with the TOEFL Information System Design in UNRAM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 185-192
Ibnu Rusdi ◽  
Bekti Kurniasih

The Covid-19 pandemic requires adaptation to the New Normal in its application. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Falah Depok designed a web-based application to bridge this so that information about students reaches their parents without having to come to school. With internet media intermediaries, of course, the process of delivering information will be faster, the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model in the development of academic information systems that the author uses in designing a good system is the Waterfall model. The proposed database design is Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Logical Record Structure (LRS), for system design using Unified Modeling Language (UML). Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and literature study. With the design of a web-based academic information system at MI Nurul Falah, it is hoped that the process of delivering information will be more effective and efficient, so that school residents, especially students and teachers, can find out the information available anytime and anywhere. The development of technology is very fast and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is hoped that the use of this application will be one of the solutions in helping schools to convey the assessment of students at Nurul Falah Ibtidaiyah Madrasah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-130
Nadya Rosanna ◽  
Hery Hery ◽  
Andree E. Widjaja

Many companies have implemented technology in conducting their business, one of them is by using information systems in managing their business. The business process that runs on the Konveksi A&N is still manual because the Konveksi A&N has not implemented or is familiar with information systems like other companies has. This causes all the data collection process of goods, production, and transactions are all documented in different books, making it possible for errors in recording and calculating the data. In addition, the owner also needs to come directly to the location to find out new data or updated data where this takes more time. This research aims to establish a web-based system that can make business processes in Konveksi A&N more effective. This web-based system will be built using a system development methodology in the form of a prototyping method that uses the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language. System modeling was developed using UML 2.5, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. The final result of this study is a website-shaped information system that can document all data contained in the Konveksi A&N such as the existence of a master data that contains all the data of convection, production data, and also transaction data to facilitate the owner in checking back all activities that are occurs in Konveksi A&N. There are also some reports about the transaction that can display information related to data contained in the system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-32
Ari Apriyansa ◽  
Rusmono Rusmono ◽  
Muhammad Yusro

Keberagaman Program Studi Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) merupakan suatu hal yang menarik untuk dipelajari. Seperti yang tercantum dalam Spektrum PSMK tahun 2016 bahwa Sekolah Kejuruan memiliki 142 Kompetensi Keahlian yang tersebar di Indonesia, maka dengan jumlah yang banyak tersebut masyarakat akan menemui kesulitan dalam mengetahun kompetensi keahlian yang akan dicari. Program studi Energi Terbarukan merupakan salah satu program studi yang jarang sekali diketahui masyarakat umum. Total dari program studi ini hanya ada 14 sekolah dari total 164.07 SMK di Indonesia sehingga jarang diketahui masyarakat umum dibanding dengan program studi seperti akuntansi dan pemasaran. Seiring perkembangan teknologi dibidang pendidikan yang begitu pesat, maka perlu dibentuknya media informasi khusus yang menampilkan kompetensi keahlian agar memudahkan masyarakat dalam mencari informasi. Media Informasi ini berbentuk website dengan tujuan dapat diakses melalui jaringan internet dimanapun dan kapanpun. Pengembangan penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian R&D dengan menggunakan Waterfall Model atau dapat disebut juga System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan tahapan pengembangan: 1. Analysis, 2. Design, 3. Implementation, 4. Testing, dan 5. Maintenance. Selain mempermudah masyarakat dalam mencari kompetensi keahlian tertentu, Dunia Usaha/Dunia Industri (DU/DI) juga akan terbantu dalam memenuhi pegawai sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan. Abstract The Diversity of Study Program in Vocational School (SMK) is an interesting thing to be learned. As stated in Spectrum PSMK 2016 that Vocational School has 142 Skill Competences spread over in Indonesia, so with that great amount, people will find difficulties in knowing competence skill to be sought. Renewable Energy study program is one of the study programs that is rarely known by general public. Total of this study program there are only 14 schools of total 16,407 SMK throughout Indonesia so rarely known to the general public compared with courses such as accounting and marketing. Along with the development of technology in the field of education is so rapid, it is necessary to establish a special information media that displays the skill competence in order to facilitate the public in finding information. This Information medium is shaped of website with the aim to be accessed through internet network wherever and whenever. The method of this research is R & D (research & development) using Waterfall Model or can be called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the development stages are: 1. Analysis, 2. Design, 3. Implementation, 4. Testing, and 5. Maintenance. In addition to facilitate the community in searching for a particular skill competence, business sector or industrial sector will also be helpful in meeting employees in accordance with the required competencies.  

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