On the Dependence of Economic Growth on Government Intervention and Social Inequality

2007 ◽  
pp. 100-116 ◽  
S. Tsirel

On the basis of international statistics (WB, OECD, WEF) it is shown that the correlation between GDP per capita growth and government outlays is undergoing complex oscillations. The weak positive correlation of the 1970s gave way to a distinctly negative correlation of the 1980s. However, since the beginning of the 1990s the correlation has been subsiding. During the present decade the correlation has been at its lowest significance in the highly developed countries; in the countries similar to Russia it is, in fact, nil. The basic cause of it is the combination of the positive influence of the government support of R&D and the negative influence of high taxes together with financing non-effective enterprises. The correlation between economic growth and the degree of income discrepancy is also subject to the oscillations. At present the absence of correlation in highly developed countries and negative correlation in countries similar to Russia is noted. The decisive factor of correlation is the positive influence of human capital investment and, at the same time, differentiation of pay.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Нanna Telnova

Turbulent global processes, driven by the slowdown in the economy growing, including developed countries, require further understanding of the role of financial factors, the heterogeneous impact of which is conditioned by the globalization of financial markets. The analysis of existing conceptual approaches to economic growth allows identifying bottlenecks of the national financial architecture and specifying positive aspects of successful development. The study proved the need to generalize the provisions of the Keynesian and neo-liberal theory (avoiding unipolar compositions financial architecture), supplementing them with recommendations for implementing financial dirigisme in the face of economic shocks. Given the need to transform national financial policies, the focus is on creating conditions for development of the real economy, as a main source of economic growth, through the government support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Ibnu Muchtar Rosyidi ◽  
Heru Irianto ◽  
Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo

Indonesia's trade balance to India had been decreasing since 2013. That has been affected by the downward trend in agricultural export value of Indonesia. This problem has raised Government’s attention to increase the export performance. This research aimed to analyze the determinants of Indonesia’s leading agricultural commodities export to India. Panel data regression model was explored to analyze secondary data of the range year 2001 to 2017. The factors examined in this study were India’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, Rupiah exchange rate, export price of Indonesia agricultural commodities and India’s import tariff. Model testing used the Chow, Hausman and Lagrange tests to compare and select the best model. The determinant of the variables testing used statistical and classical assumption tests. The results showed that India’s real GDP per capita has positive influence to the export value which means an increase in the purchasing power of trading partners would increase the value of exports. The Rupiah exchange rate has negative influence to the export value which means that the depreciation of rupiah to dollar causes a decrease in the export value. The export price of Indonesia’s agricultural commodities have positive influence on the export value, however the tariff has no effect. The policy that can be suggested to the government is to provide support and encourage domestic producers to increase exports to India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 155-167
Tursun Shodiev ◽  
Bakhodir Turayey ◽  
Kamoliddin Shodiyev

The Government of Uzbekistan declared the year of 2020 as “The Year of Science, Education and Development of the Digital Economy” and is implementing the State Program, aiming at to liberalize the economy, improve market related incentives, encourage private enterprises, to reduce the role of the public sector by introducing ICT and Internet, developing digital economy. In order to understand the causal relationship between ICT investment and economic growth researchers have exert many effort in the world. The results are different: in developed countries the impact of ICT on economic growth is more powerful than in developing countries. This paper aims at finding and measuring causality between Economic growth and ICT development in emerging economies of Central Asian Countries by using panel data over  the period of  19 years  from 2000 – 2018. The research findings revealed that inflation, trade openness, final consumption expenditure and unemployment impact significantly on GDP per capita in Central Asian countries.  The econometric analysis showed  that ICT affects to GDP per capita positively and significantly: one percent increase in ICT contributes to GDP per capita 0.1669 percent (fixed broadband subscriptions) and 0.2218 percent (internet usage).Thus we concluded that information and communication technology together with economic indicators are key part of economic development in Central Asian countries. Reduction of inflation and unemployment allow expanding businesses, to create new job places in the digital economy.

L.S. Kabir

The present study reveals the trends and features of the current state of financing the foreign countries’ transition to a new «green» economic growth model. To summarize the contemporary experience of countries’ integration into public administration practice the approaches and standards in the field of «green» investments financing.The subject of the study is the set of measures implemented by countries to develop sources of finance for «green» economy projects.Tasks: 1) to consider the principal directions of the «green» investments state policy support, its purpose, and the tools used; 2) to identify the market’s role in the «green» economy financing; 3) to clarify the main issues constraining private investments in «green» projects. The countries’ approach to «green» economic growth financing is examined in the present paper by means of common methods of scientific knowledge.There reviewed the arguments justifying the government support for «green» investments. There revealed the problems constraining the market «green» financing development and speculations about their origins. The study concludes that the countries’ economic policies are aimed at improving the existing model’s efficiency, not at the transition to the new «green» economy model. Thus, through the state support tools, there being generated strong signals signifying the creation of favorable market conditions for the functioning of a new economy sector – the sector of «green» technologies.

2015 ◽  
pp. 28-46
Henrykus Sihaloho

Abstract The goals of this research were to acquire overview of Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) per capita and to design inclusive and righteous economic growth (growth with equity). Toba Samosir Regency’s Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) per capita at Current Market Prices 2000 in 2013 was increasing every year, meanwhile GRDP per capita in 2009-2013 at Constant Market Prices 2000 showed the economic growth increased significantly in Toba Samosir Regency and North Sumatera Province. In order to actualize inclusive and righteous economic growth in Toba Samosir Regency, the government of this regency will have to introduce mina-rice (fish-paddy) programme. Introducing thia programme with labor intensive will be potential to increase income and to provide job opportunities labor occasion as well as ti decrease overloaded fish nurture. The government of Toba Samosir Regency should invite investors to build some feed industries of corn-soybean meal.

Antonia Gkergki

This paper examines the relationship between the energy consumption and economic growth from 1968 to 2019 in Greece, by employing the vector error-correction model estimation. A series of econometric tests are employed concerning the stationary of the data, and the co-integration and the relationship among the variables during the long- and short-term. The em-pirical results suggest that there is no bidirectional relationship between economic growth and energy consumption. More specifically, GDP per capita does not affect the energy consump-tion of the three primary sources either in the long-term or the short-term. In other words, the economic crisis and its implications for GDP do not affect energy consumption, and they are not responsible for the considerable decrease in energy sources' consumption. On the other hand, the energy consumption of oil and coal negatively affect the GDP per capita. These re-sults are different from previous studies' conclusions for Greece; this is because the never been experienced before. These findings raise new research questions and also show the limi-tations of the Greek market, as it is regulated and controlled by the government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 9-16
Seng-Huat Tan ◽  
Meenchee Hong

Climate change is considered as the most severe and urgent environmental issue in this present era. There is a clear consensus that the climate change problem is much related to the rising level of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. The link between economic growth, urbanization and carbon emissions was examined extensively in the literature. Fast-paced economic growth will advance urbanization in a country and result in higher energy consumption to meet various needs in an urban economy. This conditions will trigger more carbon emissions and generate more pollution problem. This paper aims to discuss and compare the growth pattern of economic growth, urbanization and carbon emissions between five selected ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam for the period 1990-2018. All these five countries have recorded at least 4% economic growth rate in the year 2018. In the same period, Indonesia has the largest in term of total value added in manufacturing. Similarly, Vietnam has the largest growth of value-added in the same industry. Among all, Indonesia has the largest urban population whilst Malaysia has the highest rate in urbanization and carbon emissions per capita. The upward trend of urban population and carbon emissions per capita in these countries exhibit certain pressures and challenges to the countries’ environmental quality. Therefore, the government in these countries should pay attention to environmental governance to achieve sustainable urbanization while prioritizing economic growth

Bayu Kharisma ◽  
Adji Pratikto

The paper aims to examine how the growth impact of government spending in Indonesia, with a focus on several expenditure sectors, namely defense, education, health, agriculture, transport and communications, and manufacturing sectors. Based on the 17 sectors studied, only 6 sectors significantly influence economic growth, namely industrial sector, agriculture and irrigation sector, transportation and transportation sector, environment and spatial sector, political sector and mass media lighting, and security of order. Meanwhile, of the six sectors, only the security sector of order has a positive effect on economic growth, while the other five sectors negatively affect economic growth. If not paid attention to the level of significance, almost all sectors of development expenditure have a negative impact on economic growth, only 5 sectors that have a positive influence that is the labor sector, education sector, national culture, trust in God YME, youth and sports, housing and residential sector , the science and technology sector, as well as the security and order sectors. However, only the security sector of order has a significant effect, while the other four sectors have no significant effect. This result differs from previously conclusions, where their overall conclusion of the government development spending sector has a significant effect, the effect being positive. However, the same conclusions are generated for the security and order sectors, where the results are positive and significant.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 10013
Suryahani Irma ◽  
Susilowati Indah ◽  
S. B. M. Nugroho

Income inequality is an important issue in Indonesia. Currently the income inequality in Indonesia is worse than in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, although it is better than the Philippines and China. This study aimed to analyze the influence of economic growth per capita and foreign direct investment on income inequality in Indonesia.The study period was from 2007 to 2016. This study used a multiple linear regression. The results showed that economic growth per capita and foreign direct investmenthad positive influence onincome inequality. Therefore, the role of economic growth per capita and foreign direct investment will remain high in the future.

David I. Stern

The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) is a hypothesized relationship between environmental degradation and GDP per capita. In the early stages of economic growth, pollution emissions and other human impacts on the environment increase, but beyond some level of GDP per capita (which varies for different indicators), the trend reverses, so that at high income levels, economic growth leads to environmental improvement. This implies that environmental impacts or emissions per capita are an inverted U-shaped function of GDP per capita. The EKC has been the dominant approach among economists to modeling ambient pollution concentrations and aggregate emissions since Grossman and Krueger introduced it in 1991 and is even found in introductory economics textbooks. Despite this, the EKC was criticized almost from the start on statistical and policy grounds, and debate continues. While concentrations and also emissions of some local pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, have clearly declined in developed countries in recent decades, evidence for other pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, is much weaker. Initially, many understood the EKC to imply that environmental problems might be due to a lack of sufficient economic development, rather than the reverse, as was conventionally thought. This alarmed others because a simplistic policy prescription based on this idea, while perhaps addressing some issues like deforestation or local air pollution, could exacerbate environmental problems like climate change. Additionally, many of the econometric studies that supported the EKC were found to be statistically fragile. Some more recent research integrates the EKC with alternative approaches and finds that the relation between environmental impacts and development is subtler than the simple picture painted by the EKC. This research shows that usually, growth in the scale of the economy increases environmental impacts, all else held constant. However, the impact of growth might decline as countries get richer, and richer countries are likely to make more rapid progress in reducing environmental impacts. Finally, there is often convergence among countries, so that countries that have relatively high levels of impacts reduce them more quickly or increase them more slowly, all else held constant.

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