Noble custody in the public authorities system of the Russian Empire (based on the materials of the State Archives of Zhytomyr Region)

Kolesnyk Victor ◽  
Loza Anna ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-25
Timur A. Kovrov ◽  
Vladimir S. Okolotin

This article is devoted to the law ensuring of the activities of the accounting and loan committees at the branches of the State Bank of the Russian Empire in the post-reform period. On May 31 (old style) (June 12 new style), 1860, Emperor Alexander II signed a decree establishing the State Bank of the Russian Empire. At the same time, the charter of the State Bank was adopted. 13 articles of the charter were devoted to the activities of the accounting and loan committees at local branches of the State Bank. The authors cite extracts from these articles of the charter that regulate the activities of the committees and attempt to analyse them. The provisions of the articles of the charter of the State Bank are confirmed by examples from the documents of the State Archives of Ivanovo and Vladimir regions. A study of the articles of the charter showed that industrialists and merchants – representatives of the merchant class of the region of the branch – were approved as the members of the committees at the local branches of the State Bank. Industrialists and traders, who worked as members of the committee at the branch of the State Bank, informed the bank about the state of various branches of trade and industry, they gave recommendations on the issuance of a loan by the bank and they were guarantors of the loan repayment to the bank. For their useful activities for the committee's affairs, the State Bank awarded them with honorary awards, recognising their merits in the public activities of the city. At the end of the article, the authors conclude that the accounting and loan committees at the branches of the State Bank were created and functioned on the basis of the institution of public-private partnership.

Dmytro Vashchuk ◽  

The privilege which was given to Kamianets city in Podillia by Princes Yuriy (George) and Alexander Koriatovych in 1374 is quite famous in the scientific community. It is believed that due to this privilege Kamianets received Magdeburg Law. Up to now it only has been preserved in a few lists which were studied in detail by Yu. Sitsinskyi in his work "Podillia under the Rule of Lithuania". According to him two lists were kept in Kamianets Historical and Archaeological Museum: one in the diploma of King August III dated June 17, 1735, the second one in the diploma of King Stanislaw Augustus dated May 29, 1765. Besides in the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast we managed to come across several lists of this document. We are talking about the fund no. 120 "Podillia Chief Court" which has 4043 units of storage for the period 1796–1831 years. Until 2003 it was stored in Kamianets-Podilskyі City Archive. After the fire which occurred in April 2003 all materials were transported to the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast and restored. The texts of this privilege are contained in the following cases: 1) Inventory 1, case 3352: The case of lands belonging to the city of Kamianets. Volume 1. It was begun in 1537. It was completed in 1730. It had 240 sheets; 2) Inventory 1, case 1631: concerning the boundaries of Kamianets-Podilskyi city with adjacent possessions and state settlements. Volume 1: It was begun on November, 24 1799. It was completed on June, 11 1800. It had 130 sheets. In the first case we have only one version of the privilege in Polish (no. 1). The document was restored, glued of two parts with an offset of one line. The privilege is dated November 7, 1374. We do not know anything about this list at the moment. In the second case four lists were preserved. Polish versions are on sheets of 20–20 versus (no. 2) and 56–57 versus (no. 3) which had been dated November 7, 1374 and two translations into Russian are on sheets 6–6 versus. (no. 4) 21–22 versus (no. 5) with similar dating. Exactly this case is very interesting since this document had been used in the lawsuit concerning land demarcation in Kamianets-Podilskyi after the capture of Podillia by the Russian Empire in 1793. At the end of the article an academic version of the text privilege in Polish as well as a Russian translation of these archival cases are published.

С.А. Экштут

Рецензия на сборник документов «Россия и независимость Финляндии: 1899–1920 гг.» (М.: «Политическая энциклопедия», 2021). В трех томах опубликовано 1358 документов (более 42% предстают перед читателем впервые) из ГА РФ, РГИА, РГАСПИ, РГАЭ, РГАВМФ, РГВА, из архивов МИДа ‒ АВПРИ и АВП РФ, Архива Президента Российской Федерации и Национального архива Финляндии. The article presents f review of the collection of documents "Russia and the independence of Finland: 1899-1920." (Moscow: "Political Encyclopedia", 2021). In three volumes, 1358 documents were published (more than 42% appear before the reader for the first time) from the State Archives of the Russian Federation, RGIA, RGASPI, RGAE, RGAVMF, RGVA, from the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - AVPRI and AVP RF, Archive of the President of the Russian Federation and the National Archives of Finland.

2021 ◽  
pp. 426-435
R. O. Reinhardt

The issue of periodization and  establishment of chronological frames of  the  stages of the diplomatic service of J.-C. de Ludolf, who represented the Kingdom of Naples abroad from 1805, and after its unification with the Sicilian Kingdom in 1816 and un  til the abolition  in  1861  —  the  Kingdom  of the Two Sicilies. It is shown that, despite Ludolf's many years of work in the Russian direction in various qualities, the coverage of the role and place of his figure in foreign policy processes is very fragmentary in Russian historiography. With the aim of the initial reconstruction of the key milestones in the diplomatic career of this historical person, study of foreign sources: materials from the State Archives of Naples, the memoirs of his daughter, as well as biographical works was carried out. By analyzing and systematizing the information presented in them, four periods of Ludolf's diplomatic activity are highlighted and briefly characterized. His most important achievements at each of the respective stages are outlined, while it is noted that a long stay in the service line in the Russian Empire at least had a significant impact on the professional development of a diplomat. It was revealed that St. Petersburg became the first and last point of his career path, during which he managed to work there as an attaché, plenipotentiary envoy and ambassador-at-large.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Timur A. Kovrov ◽  
Vladimir S. Okolotin

This article is devoted to the award promotion for the members of the accounting and loan committees at the branches of the State Bank of Vladimir Province. The consequences of the reforms of Emperor Alexander II included the development of the Russian economy and the formation of a commercial and industrial bourgeoisie. Within it, stable and large industrial dynasties arose. For many representatives of these dynasties in post-reform Russia, the established reputation meant honest businessmen who valued their position in society and sought to increase their merits before it. It is to this category of entrepreneurs that the State Bank of the Russian Empire drew attention to during the organisation of the accounting and loan committees for the development of lending of industry and trade in the post-reform period. This decision of the State Bank served as the basis for the formation of the future institute of public-private partnership in the national economy of the Empire. This topic has already been developed in the research activities of the authors of the article. In this publication, it is viewed through the system of the state awards, as a form of recognition of the merits of the entrepreneurs of Vladimir Province in successful cooperation with the branches of the State Bank in Vladimir and Ivanovo-Voznesensk. For their useful activities, the State Bank presented the members of the committees to be awarded with various awards – the civil medals for the wearing on the neck or the chest, the orders on the ribbons, the coronation medals and the honorary titles. The practice of the presenting of the members of the committees to the awarding of the medals and orders is confirmed by examples from the documents of the State archives of Vladimir and Ivanovo regions. The conclusion about the work of the accounting and loan committees at the branches of the State Bank on the basis of the institution of the state-private partnership is drawn.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Sergey Lyubichankovskiy

The article is devoted to the analysis of life and activities in the Orenburg region of Bronislaw Zalessky and Kandid Zelenko, who were exiled there for political reasons in the first half of the XIX century. The theoretical basis of the article is the concept of acculturation. The study is based primarily on unpublished sources from the State Archives of the Orenburg region, with respect to which the method of historical reconstruction has been used. It is concluded that people who were exiled to a remote province eventually became embedded in the structure of the local society in such a way that they became the vehicles of European culture and education in the Orenburg region. At the same time, they themselves in the course of living in exile fell in love with the place of their exile, became its patriots and popularizers outside the borders of the Russian Empire.

S. V. Lyubichankovskiy

In the article, the author presents an analysis of the formation and development of the educational system of the Orenburg region during the period from the establishment of the Orenburg province and up to the entry of the Russian Empire during the revolutionary upheavals of the early XX century. The main stages of this process are highlighted: the appearance of the first educational institutions in the conditions of the formation of the Orenburg region as a new administrative space of the Russian Empire (1730s 1770s); the development of the educational system of the Orenburg region in the conditions of stabilization of the frontier zone and systematization of the state educational policy (late XVIII mid XIX century); the development of the educational system under the conditions of post-reform modernization (second half of the XIX early XX century). He revealed the key reasons for the change in the educational system related to the specific needs of the region and changes in state policy in the field of education. He concluded that during the period under study, the educational system of the Orenburg region simultaneously solved two key tasks providing the region with educated personnel and the formation of a loyal stratum of foreign (national) intelligentsia. The research is based on both archival (from the funds of the State Archives of the Orenburg region) and published historical sources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Viktor Kotsur ◽  
Andrii Boiko-Haharin

The purpose of the article is the analysis of the main parts of the state protecting politics over the process of the coins and banknotes counterfeiting in Russian Empire. Research methods: analytical, synthetic, logical, retrospective, mathematical and illustrative. Main results. The article reveals the processes of coins and banknote counterfeiting in the Russian Empire referred to the material from state historical archives, official government laws and pre-Soviet periodicals (newspapers). The authors paid main attention to the question of state policy against money counterfeiting that includes legislative analyses of that time, in particular Conclusion of Criminal Punishment and Penitentiary, issues of 1845s and 1866s, Monetary Statute, issue of 1857 as well as nominal imperial edicts, regulations and manifestos of Senate as to forgery counteractions and coins protection, published in Complete Edition of Collected Laws in the Russian Empire. Practical significance. The material presented in the article will allow a thorough analysis of the aspect of counterfeiting money in Ukraine in the imperial period. Originality. The corpus of analyzed sources allowed us to form conclusions as to efficiency state in fighting politics against money forgery in Russian Empire in the 19th and the beginning of 20th century. The perspective of the further research we see in the widening of sources base that will help us to conduct deeper aspect analyses on money forgery in Ukraine as part of Russian Empire. Scientific novelty. The basic constituents of public policy are considered in relation to a fight against forgery counteractions, which is population informing of imitations appearance with the list of their signs; implementation of investigation features based upon population encouragement to the malefactors’ exposure; state expert assessment implementation of suspicious and forged money extracted during the investigation; legal procedure and punishment for committed crimes in money and banknotes counterfeiting; in investigation cases of State Archives Fund some unknown before facts within state fight against money counterfeiting have been found and a new stamp on physical evidence has been implemented into the scientific circulation, the absence reasons for money and loan-bills forgery in the Fund of State Museums have been estimated. The research is based upon unknown sources, most of which have been implemented into the scientific circulation for the first time. Analyses of legislative system of that time against money forgery, peculiarities of investigation, trial and sentence helped us to find out some misconceptions in factual decisions from those, fixed in laws and layouts. Article type: analytical.

T.G. Nedzelyuk ◽  
I.N. Nikulina ◽  
M.N. Potupchik ◽  
O.A. Litvinova ◽  
D.V. Zhilyakov

The article is dedicated to the history of the development of public education in Altai in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The authors focus on the process of establishing primary and secondary schools and vocational education institutions in the region. Economic processes (the decline of mining production in Altai, the intensification of resettlement processes in the region) and sociocultural changes in the country and the region - the growth of the number of educated people in Siberia and democratization of the education system in the Russian Empire as a whole - are considered as objective conditions for the development of education. The authors show the role of the public in the formation of primary schools in Altai. Speaking about the development of primary education in the region, such as the resettlement process, the authors of the article referred to the analysis of the activities of schools in the context of changing ethnic and religious composition of students and to the characterization of the educational policy of the State with regard to migrants of non-Russian origin. Studying the process of formation of gymnasium education in Altai, the authors focused on the opening of a men's gymnasium in Barnaul, considering that this event became a landmark for the development of the city. According to the authors’ opinion, studying the process of opening this gymnasium makes it possible to understand the dialectic of relations of the state and the society, the center and the regions. The article gives special attention to studying the impact of the military situation on the activities of educational institutions, for solving new tasks operating in wartime. In the end of the article, it was concluded that power institutions pursue utilitarian goals in the implementation of educational policy in remote regions.

Artyom A. Gravin ◽  
Oleg Y. Levin

The study is devoted to the activities of an official on special instructions B.P. Mansurova in Palestine and his relationship with the chiefs of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission - Archimandrite Porfiry (Uspensky), Bishop of Melitopol Kirill (Naumov), Archimandrite Antoninin (Kapustin). The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the need to restore the overall picture of the Russian presence formation in the Holy Land. The novelty of the study consists in introducing into the scientific circulation sources from the personal fund of the Mansurovs’ documents from the State Archives of the Tambov Region (F. 978). It is shown that a significant part of B.P. Mansurov correspondence with Porfiry (Uspensky) was devoted to the problem of finding and organizing a marina for the reception of Russian pilgrims on Mount Athos. The Russian Society of Shipping and Trade was to act as a carrier of pilgrims. We reveal that B.P. Mansurov relations with Kyrill (Naumov) and Antonon (Kapustin) were accompanied by constant conflicts. The reason was the discrepancy between the interests of the Church and the state in the Holy Land. The church was oriented toward caring for the Mission, spiritual enlightenment, the life of pilgrims, and the state pursued the goal of protecting the interests of the Russian Empire in the Middle East. We establish that in the relations of B.P. Mansurova with the leaders of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission clearly manifested the problems of church and state relations of the Synodal period. In its activities, the Mission had to be guided by the instructions and consent of state institutions of the Russian Empire, sometimes to the detriment of inter-church relations, the cause of Christian enlightenment of the people.

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