scholarly journals Growth and development, meat pig productivity at use in their diets unconventional feed additives in Yakutia

2020 ◽  
pp. 40-44
N. M. Chernogradskaya ◽  
R. L. Sharvadze ◽  
M. F. Grigorev ◽  
A. I. Grigoreva

Relevance. The article presents data on the influence of unconventional feed additives of the Suntar zeolite on growth and development, physiological parameters, as well as meat productivity of fattening pigs in Yakutia.Methods. For the experiments, 3 groups of animals were formed with 15 animals each. The rations of the experimental animals were identical, except for additional feeding of unconventional feed additives in the experimental groups.Results. The use of Suntar zeolite in experimental groups of pigs allowed to improve the growth and development of animals by 3.02% and 6.68%, respectively. At the same time, in terms of average daily growth, the control group of pigs yielded to experimental groups of animals by 7.42% and 15.17%. During the experiments, a difference was found in the indices of the morphological composition of fattening young pigs. The control group of young animals by the number of red blood cells yielded to experimental groups of pigs by 2.00% and 4.00%. By the number of leukocytes, the control group of the group lost 1.02% and 1.16% to the experimental groups of animals. At the end of the experiment, a control slaughter of animals was carried out. Qualitative differences were established between the superiority of the experimental groups over the control group in terms of carcass weight by 5.25% and 1.98%, by internal fat yield by 0.71% and 0.64%, slaughter yield by 0.71% and 0.64 %, according to the meat content by 0.9% and 2.97%, as well as the share of fat 0.54% and 0.74%. Thus, the use of unconventional feed additives of the Suntar zeolite in the fattening of young pigs has shown effectiveness.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-35
GAMKO L.N. ◽  

The article presents the data of production testing on young pigs on fattening when fed as part of a feed mixture of the best dosage of a serum-mineral-vitamin supplement in the amount of 30 g per day per head. The daily increase during the study period was 531 g in the control group and 548 g in the experimental group, or 3.2% more. The exchange energy costs per 1 kg of gain were 10.4% lower in the experimental group compared to the control group animals. The level of profitability of pork production was 1.6% higher in the experimental group.

N. A. Pozdnyakova ◽  
N. M. Kostomakhin

The use of natural sorbents such as aluminosilicates in particular bentonite clays as feed additives is promising now. The diverse mineral composition of bentonites combined with sorbing, buff ering, ion exchange and other features of clay minerals suggest that the physical and chemical properties of clay provide a productive eff ect by activating the regulatory mechanisms of metabolism. The purpose of the work was to identify the infl uence of natural sorbents on the dynamics of live weight and average daily growth of piglets during the fattening period, to determine their meat productivity and meat quality. The biggest infl uence on the absolute gain in live weight over the entire period of fattening was the introduction of 3,5 % bentonite into the diet of piglets (2nd experimental group). This indicator for this group was 71,15 kg, which was 7,65 kg or 12,05 % more than the analogs of the control group. In animals of the 1st and 3rd experimental groups the absolute gain was higher than the control group by 2,98 and 4,93 kg or by 4,69 and 7,76 %, respectively. The average daily gain in live weight during the rearing period was signifi cantly higher in animals of the 2nd experimental group by 64 g or by 12,10 % (P < 0,05). The biggest pre-slaughter weight, the weight of the cooled carcass and the length of the carcass were in animals of the 2nd experimental group. Their indicators exceeded the control group by 5,74, 9,13 and 2,13 %, respectively. The total indicator of the slaughter traits in pigs is the slaughter yield, which was 2,30 % higher in the piglets of the 2nd experimental group than in the analogs of the control group (P < 0,05). It has been found that the introduction of bentonite from the Zyryansky deposit as a mineral additive to the diets of fattening pigs has a positive eff ect on the meat and fattening traits of pigs, the optimal dose should be considered 3,5 % of the weight of compound feed.

V. V. Salomatin ◽  
Yu. A. Nebykova

Currently, the existing literature sources on the use of feed additives “Tetra+” and “Glimalask” do not fully reflect the data on the comparative study of their infl uence on the physiological state, meat productivity and pork quality of fattened young pigs. Under the conditions of the Lower Volga region comprehensive researches were carried out in a comparative aspect to improve meat productivity and pork quality through the use of feed additives “Tetra+” and “Glimalask” in the diets of young pigs on fattening. The purpose of the work was to increase the productive and pork quality of young pigs on fattening due to the use of feed additives “Tetra+” and “Glimalask” in their diets. The research was carried out in the period from 2012 to 2019. The experimental part of the work took place under the conditions of the stud farm named after Lenin in the Surovikinsky district in the Volgograd region. The object of research was young pigs of Large White breed. The positive influence of feed additives on the digestibility and use of nutrients in diets, meat productivity and pork quality, physiological indicators and economic effectiveness of pork production has been proven. It has been found that the level of profi tability of pork production was higher in the experimental groups in comparison with the control group by 5,03 and 4,48 %, respectively. At the same time the highest effectiveness has been obtained from the animals of the 1st experimental group, which received the feed additive “Tetra+” in the diet, which allowed to increase the live weight gain by 6,74 %, the level of profitability by 5,03 %. Thus, the feed additive “Tetra+” was the most effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55
T. M. Giro ◽  
A. V. Molchanov ◽  
A. N. Kozin ◽  
A. V. Giro ◽  
E. V. Fat’yanov ◽  

The article is devoted to preventive measures to eliminate the problem of dysmicroelementosis in order to increase the productivity of young sheep. The article presents the results of studies of the influence of feeding rations on the growth and development of young sheep of the Edilbaev breed, on the level of their meat productivity and the qualitative characteristics of biologically fortified lamb. Feed additives based on Yoddar-Zn and DAFS-25 were added to the main ration of lambs at the age of four months, once a day, being added into a fodder mixture with concentrates. For the experiment the herd of lambs was divided to four groups of 25 heads each.The changes in live weight at the age of four, five, six and seven months were analyzed, and it was found that at the age of seven months, the absolute average weight gain in the experimental groups varied from 3.45 kg to 4.49 kg, in the control group it was 3.1 kg, while the largest live weight gain was recorded in group III which received both feed additives based on Yoddar-Zn and DAFS-25.There were no significant differences in the parameters of body measurements, with the exception of group III, where the chest circumference increased by 7.2%, and the height of a lamb at the withers increased in average by 8.1%. It was found that group III had the highest meat density coefficient, equal to 3.9, and the cross-sectional area of m. Longissimus dorsi was equal to 13.61 cm2. It was noted that the amount of free amino acids of the lamb group III is 18.8% higher than the meat of the control group. The lamb obtained from the animals of the experimental groups showed a higher protein content and less fat. The ratio of water to protein in all samples was slightly higher than 3.7, which corresponds to the Federa number for meat raw materials. Enriching the rations of the Edilbaevskoy sheep with feed additives Yoddar-Zn and DAFS-25 promotes the stimulation of growth and development of animals, increases the productivity and nutritional value of lamb.

M. Grigoryev ◽  
N. Chernogradskaya

Animals imported to Yakutia from other regions fall into feeding and housing conditions that differ from their usual agro-climatic conditions, which causes the problem of their adaptation. Yakutia is one of the areas where the feed of its own production has a lack of basic minerals, which affects the health and productivity of animals, which has an additional negative influence on the adaptation process of imported cattle. In order to replenish macro- and microelements in the body, it is necessary to introduce various local mineral feed additives, premixes, and use mineral salts into the ration. Under the conditions of Central Yakutia the influence of local mineral feed additives (zeolite of the Khonguruu Deposit in the Suntar district and sapropels of local lakes) containing macro- and microelements that increase the meat productivity of steers has been studied. As a result of the research the influence of local mineral feed additives on meat productivity and physiological condition of Hereford steers has been established. Influence of zeolite and sapropel in a complex with mineral salts on digestibility of nutrients of the ration and use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus by experimental animals has been defined. The influence of feed additives on the quality of meat products has been studied. The results have shown that the use of local mineral feed additives in the composition of ration of steers during the fattening period at a dose of 0,7 g zeolite per 1 kg of live weight of the animal and 200 g of sapropel in combination with 10 g of mineral salts contributed to the gain in live weight, carcass weight, carcass yield, yield of edible parts, and economic efficiency of fattening. For the entire period of the experiment the gain in live weight in groups was: in control group 2222,9 kg, in the 1st experimental group 2396,2 kg, in the 2nd experimental group 2471,1 kg. The total economic effect for the 1st experimental group for the period of experiment amounted to 44,3 thousand Rubles, for the 2nd experimental group 78,0 thousand Rubles or per 1 head/day 14,06 and 24,76 Rubles, respectively.

S. Grikshas ◽  
N. Kulmakova ◽  
K. Spitsyna ◽  
A. Dar’in ◽  
T. Mittelshtein

Mycotoxins have been formed in feed are secondary metabolites of fungi and are quite stable substances that have teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. An effective way to combat mycotoxins in feed is the use of feed additives that adsorb toxins, prevent their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal and are excreted from the body. The infl uence of coconut enterosorbent Shelltic Es on fattening and meat qualities of young pigs has been studied. It has been found in the process of fattening that the highest feed digestibility was in pigs of the experimental group, in the diet of which enterosorbent has been added. The results of studies of the chemical composition and technological properties of pork have been provided. The positive eff ect of enterosorbent on precocity, absolute average daily gain of live weight and reduction of feed expenditures per 1 kg of gain has been revealed. In pigs from the experimental group the average thickness of the fat was higher and the area of the “muscle eye” was lower compared with animals of the control group, which indicates that higher rates of carcass yield have been obtained due to faster accumulation of fat tissue. The weight of internal organs of pigs indicates the intensity of metabolic processes in the body. In experimental animals the weight of the lungs was 0,1 kg lower, and the liver and heart were higher by 0,13 and 0,01 kg, respectively. Enterosorbent had no effect on the content of vitamins in the liver of pigs of the compared groups. The content of impurities of organochlorine toxicants and toxic elements in the meat and liver of animals of the experimental group was lower than that of control analogues. Therefore, the use of enterosorbent Shelltic Es promotes more active excretion of them from the body.


Изучены рост и развитие бычков — помесей красной степной с казахской белоголовой породой в равнинной провинции Дагестана. Установлено, что помесный молодняк, по сравнению с чистопородным скотом красной степной породы, имеет более высокую живую массу при рождении на 1,8 кг, или 7,3%. При отъеме в 8-месячном возрасте помеси имели живую массу 210 кг против 187,6 кг у красного степного молодняка, что на 22,4 кг, или 11,9% выше. В 12-, 15- и 18-месячном возрасте живая масса помесных бычков равнялась 291,8 кг, 359,7 и 436,6 кг, соответственно, или на 28 кг, 36 и 45,8 кг больше по сравнению с красным степным скотом. Среднесуточные приросты помесных бычков за период выращивания и откорма составили 760 г, что выше на 12,1% по сравнению с чистопородным красным степным молодняком. После заключительного откорма и убоя помесные бычки дали тяжеловесные туши с хорошим поливом. По массе парной туши они превосходили чистопородных аналогов на 31,3 кг, или 15,6% с преимуществом выхода туши на 2,4%. Убойный выход у бычков опытной группы составил 58,7%, контрольной — 55,8%. От помесных бычков были получены тяжеловесные шкуры массой 27,1 кг, от чистопородных — 21,6 кг, преимущество по этому показателю имели помесные животные 5,5 кг, или 25,4%. Для увеличения производства говядины в равнинной провинции Дагестана рекомендуем скрещивание коров красной степной породы с быками казахской белоголовой породы. The growth and development of bulls of red steppe crossbreeds with the Kazakh white-headed breed in the flat province of Dagestan were studied. It was found that young crossbreed animals in comparison with purebred red steppe cattle have a higher live weight at birth by 1,8 kg or 7,3%. When weaning at 8 months of age, cross-bred bulls had a live weight of 210 kg against 187,6 kg in red steppe young, which is 22,4 kg, or 11,9% higher. At 12, 15 and 18 months of age, the live weight of crossbred bulls was 291,8 kg, 359,7 and 436,6 kg, respectively, or 28 kg, 36 and 45,8 kg more than the red steppe cattle. The average daily growth of cross-bred bulls during the growing and fattening period was 760 g compared to 678 g, that is, they were 12,1% higher compared to purebred red steppe young. After the final fattening and slaughter, the cross-bred bulls gave heavy carcasses with good watering. By weight of the paired carcass, they were superior to purebred counterparts by 31,3 kg or 15,6% with an advantage of 2,4% carcass yield. The slaughter yield of bulls in the experimental group was 58,7%, 55,8% in the control group, respectively, with an advantage in favor of crossbreeds of 2,9%. Heavy skins weighing 27,1 kg were obtained from crossbreed bulls, 21,6 kg from purebred ones, and crossbreed animals of 5,5 kg or 25,4% had an advantage in this indicator. Studies have shown that in order to increase beef production in the lowland province of Dagestan, it is necessary to use crossbreeding of the breeding stock of the red steppe breed with bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed.

A. S. Ivanova ◽  
N. V. Dunaeva

Increasing the production of pork meat requires careful work not only in terms of breeding, but also in the organization of complete feeding of animals, the correct selection of feed and feed additives containing the necessary nutrients. The purpose of the work was to analyze the use of premix in feeding young pigs on fattening. Two groups of fattening young pigs (Large White×Landrace) have been selected for the researches using the method of analogous groups, taking into account the breed, age, and live weight per 20 heads in each group with a live weight of 35 kg. Pigs of the control group have received the main economic diet, and animals of the experimental group have received an additional premix Khutorok at the rate of 10 g of premix per 1 kg of feed. The results have shown that the best age to reach 100 kg was in the experimental group of pigs – 215,8 days, which received premix with feed that characterizes their higher precocity by 36,3 days (P < 0,001) than in the control group of animals. The use of this premix had a positive impact on the livability of young animals, in the experimental group it was by 9,3 abs.% more than in the control group of animals. Thus, the best fattening traits have been possessed by young pigl of the experimental group have been received the premix Khutorok in their diet at the rate of 10 g of premix per 1 kg of feed. The obtained data indicate the feasibility of using the premix Khutorok in the feeding pigs for fattening.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-32
Тагиров ◽  
Khamit Tagirov ◽  
Долженкова ◽  
Galina Dolzhenkova

The purpose of research focused on post-slaughter evaluation of meat productivity and meat quality the Kazakh White-headed breed when introduced into the diet of feed additives BioDarin. Presents the results of the control slaughter heifers 18 months old as well as the results of studies of morphological and chemical compositions of the carcass. The research was conducted post-slaughter evaluation of meat productivity and meat quality of heifers of Kazakh White-headed breed when introduced into the diet of feed additives BioDarin. Scientific and economic experiment was carried out on the basis of JSC AIC «Alga+» Tuimazinsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the experiment there were formed 4 groups of heifers of Kazakh white-headed breed: group I – control; group II heifers in addition to the basic diet received a feed additive in a dose of 0.5 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, the animals of group III received 1 kg of the feed additive per 100 kg of grain mixture, peers IV groups received 1.5 kg of a grain mixture. Among the studied groups, heifers of the III experienced group receiving feed additive at a dose of 1.0 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, had a high level of meat productivity. It was found that meat products of the best quality was got also from animals of group III.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
A I Grigoreva ◽  
M F Grigorev ◽  
D I Stepanova ◽  
S I Stepanova

Abstract The paper presents the results of fattening young cattle in the conditions of Yakutia with the use of complex feed additives from local natural raw materials in their diets. One of the ways to increase the meat productivity of livestock is to optimize feeding by inserting complex feed additives into their diets. Therefore, studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of complex feed additives in the fattening of young cattle in the conditions of Yakutia. At the beginning of the experiment, the live weight of the animals in the groups did not differ much, but starting from the age of 12 months, the superiority of the animals from the experimental groups is noted. In the period of 12-15 months of age, the animals from the experimental groups exceeded the growth rate of the control group by 6.70% and 4.76%. In the period of 15-18 months old, the animals of the control group were inferior to the experimental groups by 28.31% and 16.54%. On average, the animals of the experimental groups grew more intensively in comparison with the control group by 12.73% and 8.66 %. Analysis of animal slaughter data showed that the experimental groups were superior to the control group in a number of indicators, such as the mass of the steam carcass by 8.04% and 4.43 %, the mass of visceral fat by 18.59% and 7.39%. The organoleptic evaluation of meat products also confirmed the superiority of the experimental groups over the control group. Thus, the use of complex feed additives in the feeding of young cattle on fattening showed its effectiveness.

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