2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  

Abstract. Preliminary Study on Fiduciary in Fiqh Contemporary of Islamic Economics Studies. The main purpose of Islamic law is for the benefit of the people. The benefit is measured by the jurisprudence usul doctrine known as al kulliyatul kahms or sharia maqashid. One of the goals of Islamic law is hifdz al-mal (to maintain and guarantee of property ownership). The implementation of economic law to regulate all economic activities should be ensured to give benefits to Muslims. Therefore, Islam provides the rules of muamalah in commercing, leasing, fiduciary, etc. Nowadays, the diversity forms of economic transactions increasing rapidly, one of them is fiduciary. Fiduciary is a form of guarantee that adopted by the legal system of law in Indonesia from Netherlands since the colonial era to the present. Fiduciary guarantee begins popular used as a follow-up agreement on financing transactions; this is because the collateral still handling in the guarantor, also provide the convenience for the guarantor to take the advantage from the collateral. This model almost not discussed in the classical fiqh muamalah although some jurists have discussed about it. As the response of the development of economic transactions, it would need to practice more about the fiduciary in the discourse perspective of Islamic economics law. In order to avoid the Maisir, Gharar, Haram, and Riba in Islamic transactions, therefore, the National Sharia Council (DSN) issued the fatwa Number. 68 /DSN-MUI/III/2008 about the Rahn Tasjily that similar to the fiduciary while still complying with the rules of fiqh muamalah.Abstrak. Ekonomi Islam Dalam Kajian Fiqh Kontemporer Studi Awal Tentang Jaminan Fidusia. Studi Awal Tentang Jaminan Fidusia Dalam Kajian Fiqh Kontemporer Ekonomi Islam. tujuan utama hukum dalam Islam adalah untuk kemaslahatan ummat. kemaslahatan tersebut diukur dengan doktrin ushul fiqh yang dikenal dengan sebutan al kulliyatul kahms atau maqashid syariah. Salah satu tujuan dari hukum Islam adalah hifdz al-mal yaitu memelihara dan menjamin kepemilikan harta benda. Pelaksanaan hukum ekonomi untuk mengatur segala kegiatan ekonomi haruslah dapat dipastikan memberi kemanfaatan bagi ummat Islam. Oleh karena itu, Islam memberikan aturan-aturan dalam muamalah seperti jual beli, sewa-menyewa, gadai dan sebagainya. Kini bentuk transaksi ekonomi semakin beragam, salah satunya adalah bentuk jaminan fidusia. Fidusia merupakan bentuk jaminan yang dipraktekkan di Belanda kemudian diadopsi oleh sistem hukum di Indonesia sejak zaman kolonialisme hingga sekarang. Jaminan fidusia semakin populer digunakan sebagai perjanjian ikutan dalam transaksi pembiayaan, karena barang jaminan tetap dalam penguasaan pemberi jaminan sehingga memberi kemudahan bagi pemberi jaminan untuk memanfaatkan barang jaminan. Model jaminan seperti ini tidak banyak dibahas dalam fiqh muamalah klasik walaupun beberapa fuqaha telah membahasnya. Sebagai respon dari perkembangan transaksi ekonomi, perlu kiranya praktek jaminan fidusia ini diangkat dalam wacana perspektif hukum ekonomi Islam. Dengan pertimbangan kemaslahatan ummat agar terhindar dari transaksi ekonomi yang mengandung Maisir, Gharar, Haram, Riba, dan Bathil. Oleh karena itu, Dewan Syari’ah Nasional (DSN) mengeluarkan fatwa Nomor 68/DSN-MUI/III/2008 tentang rahn tasjily yang memiliki bentuk perjanjaian yang hampir sama dengan jaminan fidusia namun tetap memenuhi kaidah-kaidah fiqh muamalah

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Titik Triwulan Tutik

AbstrakAbortion practice could be noted as hidden phenomenon by its enigmatic andmore over is layered by the actor, community also government. Obstructionitself is under bearing of legal system, social norms, culture, religion thoseliving in the people lifes. Under her research the author sets up reconfimationthat both Islamic Law and Health Law have same dogma thatabortion practice is criminal conduct. But under specific circumstanceabortion possibly will be achieved. That might is ought to refers to medicalethic as if then in pratice should not worse impact to the woman whomraped. Under Islamic Law preference is also ought to refers to stipulatedsyar'i.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-24
Neni Hardiati ◽  
Atang Abdul Hakim

Cooperation agreement in the principles of Tabadul al-manafi and An'taradhin is very effectively applied. For this is evident from the fundamentals of the law. This principle is aqidah, shari'ah and morals. This economic system is based on Islamic values, namely equality, usefulness, balance, kindness and universality (rahmat li al-aalmin), so that the people of Indonesia in the future experience improved economic welfare on the basis of sharia principles. According to thrifty authors that the cooperation agreement has the benefit to be applied to the actors of the production of halal food products.  The source of the law that underlies all economic activities, and other philosophical foundations of Islamic law that form the basis in developing the Islamic economy anywhere and in any form, and should not be out of the sharia corridor. Benefit is the main objective in Islamic economic activities and avoids all forms of normality. Through this paper by qualitative research method, with normative juridical approach through literature study. So that with this method can be excavated filosifis values in the development of Islamic economy in the field of halal product production.

Rukhul Amin

This paper describes the importance of sad al-dzari'ah in determining Islamic law, especially in relation to the business-economy world which tends to be dynamic. Sadd al-dzari'ah is a legal instrument in Islam that is good if it is applied properly, in accordance with the rules of syara '. It can be a tool that can be used to create the benefit of the people and prevent it from being damaged. One example that can be seen in seeing the importance of sadd al-dzariah in the national legal system is the application of the actio paulina principle, the regulations of which can be found in Articles 1341 and 1061 of the Civil Code and Articles 41 to 47 of the bankruptcy law. However, as it plays a very important role in the search for law, on the one hand sadd al-dzari'ah can also be something negative. This can happen if the use or application is not / not done carefully, especially if it is not based on broad social piety in the community. Keyword: Sadd/Fath al-Dzari’ah, Maqashid al-Syariah, Actio Paulina

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Panji Adam

ABSTRAK Legislasi adalah proses yang berlangsung di lembaga legislatif, yakni pembuatan dan pengundangan peraturan perundang-undangan. Materi hukum Islam dapat menjadi muatan dalam proses legislasi melalui mekanisme positivisasi. Salah satu sub bidang dalam kajian hukum Islam adalah hukum ekonomi syariah. Hukum ekonomi syariah merupakan subsistem dalam sistem hukum Islam yang dari waktu ke waktu mengalami perkembangan yang cukup signifikan. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya positivisasi hukum melalui upaya legislasi hukum. Tujuan penelitian ini pertama untuk mengetahui kedudukan hukum ekonomi syariah menurut konsep sistem hukum; kedua, untuk mengetahu produk regulasi hukum ekonomi syariah apa sajakah yang bersumber dari norma hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, pertama, komponen sistem hukum terdiri atas 3 unsur, yaitu struktur, substansi dan budaya hukum. Kedudukan hukum ekonomi syariah dalam ketiga sistem hukum tersebut sudah teraplikasikan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya lembaga-lembaga atau pranata-pranata ekonomi yang berbasiskan nilai-nilai syariah. Terdapat beberapa regulasi dibidang hukum ekonomi syariah yang telah dibuat oleh lembaga legislatif yang bersumber dari norma-norma hukum Islam; kedua, produk-produk regulasi dibidang hukum ekonomi syariah yang bersumber dari noma-norma hukum Islam antara lain adalah sebagai berikut: (1) UU No. 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat; (2) UU No. 41 Tahun 2004 tentang Wakaf; (3) UU No. 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Surat berharga Syariah Negara; dan (4) UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah.  Kata Kunci: Legislasi, Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Regulasi   ABSTRACT Legislation is the process that takes place in the legislature, namely the making and enactment of laws and regulations. Islamic legal material can be the content of the legislative process through the positivisation mechanism. One sub-field in the study of Islamic law is sharia economic law. Sharia economic law is a subsystem in the Islamic legal system that from time to time experiences significant development. Therefore, it is necessary to have legal positivisation through legal legislation efforts. The purpose of this study is first to determine the position of sharia economic law according to the concept of the legal system; secondly, to find out what products of Islamic economic law regulation derive from Islamic legal norms. The results of the study show that, first, the legal system component consists of 3 elements, namely the structure, substance and culture of law. The position of Islamic economic law in the three legal systems has been applied. This can be seen from the number of economic institutions or institutions based on Islamic values. There are several regulations in the field of sharia economic law that have been made by the legislature which are derived from Islamic legal norms; second, regulatory products in the field of Islamic economic law derived from Islamic legal norms include the following: (1) Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning the Management of Zakat; (2) Law No. 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf; (3) Law No. 19 of 2008 concerning State Sharia Securities; and (4) Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking. Keyword: Legislation, Sharia Economic Law, Regulation  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Tutik Nurul Janah

Islamic Law System is generally applied in Islamic countries. An Islamic state is a country that uses Islamic law as the formal law of the state. Indonesia is a country with a dominant legal system using the Civil Law System. However, despite the dominant use of the Civil Law System, the Islamic Law System is also quite influential in Indonesia, especially in Privat law and economic law. The influence of the Islamic Law System in Indonesian economic law can be seen from the passing of the Law on Sharia Banking and other Legislation relating to Islamic economics. The dynamics of the speed of the needs of economic actors for legislation makes economic law the most dynamic field of law among other fields of legal study. Nevertheless, the legal norms must not be in conflict with human rights and humanity in order to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 222
Angkat Poetra Pratama ◽  
Hari Sutra Disemadi ◽  
Paramita Prananingtyas

The Islamic economy in Indonesia has the potential to continue to grow and has great benefits for the welfare of the economy. The Islamic economic system has also penetrated the real sector with the presence of several types of sharia businesses that include halal food and medicine, Islamic fashion, and even sharia tourism. This study aims to determine the existence and position of Islamic economic law in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is normative juridical. The existence of the Islamic economy is marked by the mushrooming of Islamic-based financial institutions, for example, Islamic Banking, and Islamic Non-Bank Financial Industry (IKNB). The position of Islamic economic law in the Indonesian legal system is no longer just because of historical demands and population because the majority are Muslim but the needs of the wider community. Sharia economic law is felt to be fair so that it can oversee the welfare of the people aspired by the Indonesian people.

Irawaty Irawaty ◽  
Diyantari Diyantari

Indonesia implements civil law system. There are three sub legal systems which are implemented until today. They are: positive/national law system, Islamic law system, and Adat law system. The majority of Indonesians are Islamic believers. The people claim that they are a religious nation. However, the implementation of the inheritance law in accordance with the Islamic law and the Adat law is sometimes different. One of the ethnic groups which has different regulation in heritance is Minangkabau. Minangkabau inheritance adat law has been a controversy. It is because while they claim that all Minangkabau people are Islam, they implement an inheritance law that is said as violating the Islamic inheritance law. In Islam, inheritance is passed down to children, both daughter(s) and son(s)  with the composition son(s) inherits two parts compared to daugther(s). Many people  mislead that the Minangkabau inheritance law passes down the inheritance to daughter(s) only. This paper discusses: 1) how are inheritance matter regulated in each of the aforementioned sub legal system? 2) how is inheritance matter regulated in Minangkabau ethnic group?    

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Fathoni

In Southeast Asian countries today, Islamic law issues besides worship and ahwal al-syakh­siyyah field (Family) are a cultural phenomenon of the people which the background can be seen from various aspects. Islamic law in Malaysia has expe­rienced a dynamic and sustainable development, both through the channel of political infrastructure and superstructure. In addition, the dynamics of development is motivated by the realities, demands and support, as well as the will for transformation efforts of Islamic law into the legal system of Malaysia. This paper will attempt to explore the social and political situation of the applicability of Islamic law in Malaysia

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Adi Sulistiyono

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This writing aims to give explain about the urgentcy of law reform on the development economic. In the next stage the umbrella law that exist will create the conducivity of business climate that also be a demand of economic. On the culmination sustainble economic law development, do develop not again doing ‘disassembly’ clauses in the legislation or making ne statute, but also attent and empower any aspect such as: reforms the substance of economic law, available of dispute resolution mechanism that authoritative and efficient, nationalism of legislator, and legal politics of president and vice president that makes law as general that guide economic activities conduciveness and firmly punish for the offenders destroy economic of nation. The all activities has done consistent based on vision and mission the government today and RPJPM. With this approach be ecpected developing economic law will be able to improve of national competitiveness, make high economic growth and also be law as guiding radar or guide of economic growth quality to decrease of poverty, press unemployment, and welfare the people</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword: law reform, business climate, and conducive.</em></strong><em> </em></p><p align="center"> </p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penulisan berikut bertujuan memberikan penjelasan mengenai urgensi pembaharuan hukum terhadap perkembangan bidang ekonomi. Pada tahap selanjutnya payung hukum yang eksis akan menciptakan kondusifitas iklim usaha yang tentu saja menjadi tuntutan bagi bidang ekonomi. Pada kulminasi inilah pembangunan hukum ekonomi berkelanjutan (<em>sustainable economic law development</em>), melakukan pembangunan tidak lagi sekedar melakukan ‘bongkar pasang’ pasal-pasal dalam perundang-undangan atau pembuatan undang-undang baru saja,  tapi juga  memerhatikan dan memberdayakan aspek yang lain yang mencakup: reformasi substansi hukum ekonomi; tersedianya mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang berwibawa dan efisien; nasionalisme anggota Legislatif;  dan adanya politik hukum presiden dan wakil presiden yang menjadikan hukum sebagai panglima yang memandu aktifitas ekonomi yang kondusif dan tegas menghukum bagi pelanggar hukum yang merusak ekonomi bangsa. Semua aktifitas tersebut dilakukan secara konsisten sesuai visi dan misi pemerintahan saat ini dan RPJMN. Dengan pendekatan tersebut diharapkan pembangunan hukum ekonomi akan mampu mewujudkan daya saing bangsa,  menghasilkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi, dan  juga mampu menjadikan hukum sebagai radar  pemandu atau pengarah agar pertumbuhan ekonomi agar berkualitas untuk mengurangi kemiskinan, menekan angka pengangguran, dan  menyejahterakan  rakyat.</p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> pembaharuan hukum, iklim usaha, kondusif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-151
Hisam Ahyani ◽  
Memet Slamet ◽  

This research aims to build the value of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Indonesian economic development at 4.0 era from the perspective of philosophy and shariah economic law. The role of both is considered important regarding with freedom to do any economic activities in Indonesia as the non-Islamic state in the formal term yet at the same time is known as a sharia economic community due to its world’s largest Moslem population. This literature-normative research is  qualitative with a statutory, historical, comparative and conceptual approach. It found that first, rahmatan lil 'alamin (sheltering the entire ummah and not exclusive to Moslem only) value enables the philosophy of Islamic law to contribute in developing Indonesian economy. The goal of Islam as a religion to guide its believers toward the happiness of the world and the hereafter and the triangle concept among philosophy of God, human, and nature, for example, make it possible for Islamic economic with its rahmatan lil 'alamin values to cover deficiencies of the conventional economic system. Second, the philosophy of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Islamic economics can be manifested by organizing social services, such as waqf, relying on the spirit of building justice in life, narrowing social gaps, as well as enlivening Islamic values. In the era of 4.0, implementation of the value can be adjusted to recent demands and situations, such as cash waqf, halal industry, halal food, halal tourism and so on(Riset ini bertujuan menggali nilai-nilai rahmatan lil ‘alamin dalam perekonomian Indonesia era 4.0 menurut tinjauan filsafat dan hukum ekonomi syariah. Peran keduanya dianggap penting terkait kebebasan berekonomi dalam konteks Indonesia yang bukan merupakan negara Islam secara formal namun memiliki komunitas ekonomi Syariah sebagai negara Muslim terbesar di dunia. Penelitian kepustakaan-normatif ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, sejarah, perbandingan, serta konseptual. Ia sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa, pertama, konsep rahmatan lil ‘alamin  yang menaungi seluruh ummat—tidak hanya umat Muslim—memungkinkan filsafat hukum Islam berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan perekonomian Indonesia. Tujuan Islam untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dunia-akhirat serta konsep triangle antara filsafat Tuhan, manusia dan alam, misalnya, memungkinkan tertutupinya kekurangan dalam sistem ekonomi konvensional dengan sistem ekonomi Islam. Kedua, nilai rahmatan lil ‘alamin dalam hukum ekonomi Islam dapat diwujudkan dengan menyelenggarakan kegiatan-kegiatan sosial seperti wakaf dengan semangat menciptakan kehidupan yang berkeadilan, mengurangi kesenjangan sosial serta menghidupkan nilai-nilai keislaman. Di era 4.0, implementasi nilai rahmatan lil’alamin dapat disesuaikan dengan tuntutan zaman semisal wakaf tunai, industri halal, makanan halal, wisata halal, dan lain sebagainya)

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