scholarly journals Uji Signifikansi Bangunan Istana Maimun Sebagai Bangunan Cagar Budaya

W.M.T Yudhaa ◽  
R. Fadli R. Fadli ◽  
S. Astari S. Astari ◽  
S. Yulisma S. Yulisma ◽  
R. M. Siahaan R. M. Siahaan ◽  

Istana Maimun adalah istana kebesaran Kerajaan Deli yang dibangun pada tahun 1888. Saat ini istana maimun sudah beralih fungsi menjadi museum dan hunian untuk keluarga keturunan sultan. Istana Maimun memiliki daya tarik tersendiri terutama sebagai bukti perjalanan sejarah kebudayaan Kota Medan. Dalam Penelitian ini Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dengan menguji signifikansi kondisi Istana Maimun sebagai bangunan bersejarah Kota Medan melalui nilai sejarah, nilai ilmu pengetahuan, nilai agama dan nilai kebudayaan seperti yang ditetapkan dalam UU No.11 Tahun 2010. Dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi dan konservasi lapangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadikan Istana Maimun menjadi bangunan bersejarah cagar budaya Nasional.   Maimun Palace is an oversized palace of the Kingdom of Deli which was built in 1888. At present Maimun Palace has turned into a museum and residence for families of descendants of the Sultan. Maimun Palace has its own charm, especially as evidence of the journey of the history of the city of Medan. In this study the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method, namely by testing the significance of Maimun Palace as a historical building in Medan through historical values, the value of science, religious values and cultural values as stipulated in Law No.11 of 2010. By collecting data through interviews, field documentation, and conservation. The results of this study are expected to make Maimun Palace a historic building of national cultural heritage.

The city of Belém, capital of the Brazilian state of Pará, a four hundred years old city, is considered rich with history and cultural diversity. Amongst its historical constructions, the Library “Arquivo Público” - Public Archives – stands out for its great importance, not only for its own history and architecture, but also for keeping very relevant documents in its collection. Among the archives, the oldest document is dated from 1649, close to the year of the city’s foundation. However, until the beginning of 2014, the building was in a dreadful preservation state. Aiming the conservation of the city’s historic and cultural heritage, the renovation of the building was initiated, focusing especially on the restoration of the original architectural pieces, preserving the artistic heritage of the construction. This paper aims to analyze the pathologies found on site and evaluate the restoration process of this historical building, to verify the repair procedures made and to present the results of the construction work.

Imam Nuraryo

The purpose of this study are firstly, to find out what is the history of the batik (a traditional textile originating from the island of Java) in Pekalongan City, Indonesia and what cultural values are contained in the batik design of the archipelago exhibited in the batik museum in Pekalongan. Secondly, to find out how the cultural values contained in batik are communicated to the community. Thirdly, how the museum made an efforts in helping preserve batik as a product of cultural heritage to strengthen the city image of Pekalongan City as the World’s City of Batik. The results of this study indicate that the cultural values contained in batik patterns are strongly influenced by the culture of migrants who arrived in the city of Pekalongan. Pekalongan as a coastal city on the north coast of Java is very easily accessed by migrants from various ethnic groups such as Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and even Dutch. They came to Pekalongan with the aim to trade, religion propaganda, even to war. Batik Museum in Pekalongan also plays an active role in socializing the history and values contained in each batik displayed by considering the arrangement of display space and organizing events such as fashion shows or short course to make batik for teenagers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Fauzan Hidayat

This research is a study of policy implementation that focuses on resistance to the changes in pattern of village heads general election (pilkades) policy form the conventional to the electronic way (e-voting). The study began with a demonstration against this policy conducted by a number of village heads in Sleman Regency. The e-voting system in the pilkades is not a new thing in the history of democracy in Indonesia. Some districts such as Jembrana, Boyolali, Pemalang, Musi Rawas and other regions have implemente this new pattern of elections without any significant problems especially in the form of resistance form the communit. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, by describing what is expressed by the informant of a phenomenon that occurs in the midst of the community in addressing such technology adoption (e-voting). Based on the results of this study found two categories of reasons for resistantion, namely : objective reasons and subjective reasons, including: (1) Objective Reasons: Not Easy, Economic Threats, Damaging Regulatory Values, and Fear of Loss of Status and POwer. (2) Subjective Reasons: Fear of Failure, Damaging Cultural Values, and Low Trust. Those reasons are in harmony with the nine causes of resistance to change as stated by Gary A. Yukl in his book entitled “Leadership in Organization” (2010). he nine reasons for the emergence of resistance are mady by the author as a theoritical basis in studying the resistance factor of the e-voting election policy.   Keywords : resistance, e-voting, pilkades, change, policy

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Weni Fatmawati ◽  
Ramadhan Saleh Lubis ◽  
Fitri Juniati Sinaga ◽  
Ratnauli Sipayung ◽  
Wilda Deratih M

This research is entitled Analysis of Multicultural Values in the novel Assalamualaikum Beijing. This study aims to (1) know multicultural values (2) describe the multicultural values contained in the novel Assalamualaikum Beijing. The main data source in this study is the Assalamualaikum Beijing novel published in 2013 by Asma Nadia with a thick 360-page book. The novel was chosen because the content of the story presented was very interesting giving fresh meaning to the state of multicultural value difference in Beijing with in Indonesia. The focus of this study is related to Multicultural values found in the Assalamualaikum Beijing novel. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used in this study are using library techniques and content analysis (analysis content). The results of this study are aimed at the public that the multicultural values contained in the Assalamualaikum Beijing novel include values of tolerance, democratic values, religious values, and cultural values. The researcher conducts this research with the aim that the public realize the importance of multiculturalism values such as tolerance values, democratic values, religious values, and cultural values applied in life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-205
Luluk Ulfa Hasanah ◽  
Novi Andari

The purpose of this research is to explore the oral traditions that exist in the Becirongengor village as well as the social and cultural values ​​contained in these oral traditions so that these values ​​can provide learning for the local community. Starting from the problem that the oral tradition that develops in society is starting to lose its existence. Currently the role of oral tradition has begun to be replaced by the existence of social media that has mushroomed in the community. The question is how the oral tradition is able to provide social and cultural values ​​among the community, especially the Becirongengor Village community. The qualitative descriptive method is the chosen research method. The results found that there are still oral traditions that develop in the community, namely (1) the history of Beciro and Ngengor; (2) Haul Mbah Janten and Mbah Surogati; (3) the Kleman Tradition; (4) Paseban Karang Jiwo; (5) MBET traditions; and (6) Slametan. The social and cultural values ​​implicit in the oral tradition are the values ​​of mutual cooperation, andap ashor, tepo seliro, aji mareng sesepuh, friendship, tolerance, religious, and historical values. Of course, oral tradition also provides benefits in social science and cultural education among people, who have experienced the process of transmitting social values ​​that function for entertainment, reminiscing about the past (meaning to history studying), solidarity and togetherness, religious or religious functions, social control, and education.        

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Emusti Rivasintha Marjito ◽  
Karel Juniardi

This study entitled Urgency in Cultivating Cultural Values Based on Saprahan Traditions in Learning History in Pontianak City. This study aims to find out the tradition of saprahan in Pontianak City, cultural values in the tradition of the saprahan in Pontianak City, and the cultivation of cultural values based on the saprahan in learning local history in the city of Pontianak. This study uses the literature or literature method by reviewing books, journals, and other written sources related to the research theme. The results of the study recommend that the saprahan tradition is very important to be preserved in Pontianak City because it contains cultural values such as religious values, togetherness, hospitality, and brotherhood; cultural values in the saprahan tradition in Pontianak City can be implemented in learning local history; and the cultivation of cultural values based on the saprahan in learning local history in Pontianak City can be done through contextual learning.

2019 ◽  
Runnah Nur Iffah ◽  
Tian Fitriara Huda

Banyuwangi Jaranan Dance is a traditional art that is rich in artistic and cultural values, this dance is also very thick to the impression of magical and spiritual value. Jaranan dance is a very famous art in banyuwangi spread in several districts, such as District Banyuwangi, Kabat, Rogojampi, Kalipuro, Licin, Singonjuruh, Rogojampi, Giri and Glagah district. The usual research on Jaranan has been done a lot. From several studies on jaranan, this study is very different from the initial research that focuses on the initial research of jaranan art, the values / meaning of jaranan art, the art of jaranan performance, and the art of jaranan performance. This research is more focused on the culture of "Kesurupan" which includes the process of ritual possession, the meaning of possession and culture in ritual jaranan Banyuwangi. Researchers took data in three sub-districts of Banyuwangi, namely Jaranan Baluk Group, Glagah sub-district, Jaranan Karang Asem Group and Giri Sub-District, Tresno Budoyo Jaranan Group. Researchers use qualitative descriptive method with data recognition techniques, interviews and documentation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Irfan Sabarilah Hasim

AbstrakTanaman sangat penting untuk menunjang kehidupan sebagai penunjang kesehatan, pengendali iklim mikro, menyerap polusi bahkan berguna meningkatkan kualitas visual. Kehadiran tanaman di lingkungan perkotaan semakin sulit, mengingat lahan-lahan perkotaan semakin sempit terutama di lingkungan permukiman kota yang umumnya padat dan menyisakan sedikit ruang untuk tanaman. Berbeda dengan permukiman-permukiman padat pada umumnya, Kampung Cibunut RW 07 khususnya RT 05 Kota Bandung terlihat lebih asri, banyak sekali tanaman di lingkungan ini, meskipun lahan terbuka sedikit, gang juga tidak terlalu besar dan teras-teras rumah sangat terbatas. Melihat perkembangan yang sangat baik di Kampung Cibunut, maka penelitian ini layak untuk dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jumlah dan jenis tanaman, serta cara dan metoda penanaman di ruang sempit dan mengetahui luas diameter tajuk tanaman. Digunakan metoda deskriptif kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui survey dan studi pustaka. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi lapangan, pengukuran dan pencatatan langsung di lapangan. Setiap tanaman diberi nomor, dan dicatat kemudian seluruh data akan dimasukan ke dalam matrik untuk memudahkan perhitungan. Pembahasan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan ragam jenis tanaman, sistem dan cara penanaman, dan luas total tajuk tanaman. Diharapkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat ditiru dan diterapkan di permukiman padat sejenis di kota Bandung agar dapat meningkatkan keasrian kawasan dan penyerapan polusi.Kata kunci : Tanaman, Unsur Hijau, Lahan sempit, permukiman padat. AbstraCTPlants are very important to support life as health support, control the microclimate, absorb pollution, and even improve visual quality. The presence of plants in urban environments is increasingly difficult, given that urban lands are increasingly narrow, especially in urban residential areas which are generally dense and leave little room for plants. Unlike the dense settlements in general, Kampung Cibunut RW 07, especially RT 05 Kota Bandung, looks more beautiful, there are lots of plants in this environment, although there is little open land, the alleys are not too big and the terraces of the houses are very limited. Seeing the excellent development in Cibunut Village, this research is feasible to do the aim of identifying the number and types of plants, as well as methods and methods of planting in narrow spaces and knowing the diameter of the plant canopy. Qualitative descriptive method is used, data is collected through surveys and literature studies. Primary data obtained through field observations, measurements, and direct notes in the field. Each plant is numbered, recorded and then all data will be entered into a matrix to facilitate calculation. Discussions were conducted to obtain various types of plants, planting systems and methods, and the total area of the plant canopy. It is hoped that the results of this research can be replicated and applied in similar dense settlements in the city of Bandung to increase the beauty of the area and the absorption of pollution. Keywords: Plants, Green Element, Narrow land, dense settlement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Irfan Setiawan ◽  
Muh Ilham ◽  
M. Nawawi

The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of smart governance and the strengthening of city resources in order to support Smart Governance in the city of Balikpapan. This research adopts qualitative descriptive method using interview and observation techniques, and data were then analyzed. Results found that the application of smart governance in the city of Balikpapan was not yet well implemented so it was necessary to strengthen local government resources that include institutions, budgets, and IT (information technology) tools, in the dimensions of local government, and increase community participation and community use for the application in the community dimension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Rangga Alfara ◽  
Dasrun Hidayat

Virtual photoshoot is a photography trend nowadays. Where virtual photoshoots are an alternative business activity for photographers in the midst of a social distancing policy due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The method in this study used a qualitative descriptive method, and then a phenomenological study approach was carried out. The research sampling was carried out through purposive sampling method, namely the virtual photoshoot actors in the city of Bandung. The results in this study indicate the creative aspects of the virtual photoshoot which consist of methods, creative processes and obstacles. Meanwhile, the aspect of consumer trust consists of establishing a portfolio, educating the virtual photoshoot stage and targeting new potential markets. Whereas the virtual media photoshoots used consisted of social media references, media technology and the relationship between technology and photography media in order to improve business activities amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

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