scholarly journals Strategies for Teaching Chemistry at Medium Professional and Technological Level Present in Scientific Articles

Marcia Lopes Correa ◽  
Claudio Alberto Gellis de Mattos Dias ◽  
Amanda Alves Fecury ◽  
Euzébio de Oliveira ◽  
Carla Viana Dendasck ◽  

Chemistry teaching is not such an easy task for teachers trained in contemporary times. The process of updating your resume should be a constant in the profession. The teacher needs to plan his classes with a language that can make it easier for the student to understand the contents explained. One of the ways of working with chemistry could be with the student actively participating in the process. Agrochemicals are feasible topics to be mediated in this way and can potentially increase students’ interest in the discipline. This article aims to identify the strategies for teaching chemistry at a high professional and technological level present in scientific articles with the theme “pesticides”. The methodology chosen for this study was a qualitative approach centered on being concerned with reality. The observation of this brief survey allows us to conclude that the teaching of chemistry in high school groups can and must be related to the area of ​​research and scientific dissemination; there are several didactic tools that enable more assertive ways related to teaching chemistry; and relating the content of chemistry to interdisciplinary and specific subjects, such as pesticides, can help a better understanding of the content of chemistry in high school students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 391-411
Núbia Duarte da Cruz ◽  
Glesia Gomes da Costa Messias ◽  
Marcel Thiago Damasceno Ribeiro

Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar quais são as contradições presentes nas percepções dos estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola situada no município de Campo Verde - MT, sobre os agrotóxicos e sua relação com o meio ambiente, a saúde humana e a Química.  Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, cujo percurso metodológico consistiu na aplicação de um questionário e análise textual discursiva do mesmo. Os agrotóxicos fazem parte do cotidiano dos estudantes residentes no município, cuja base econômica é a agricultura. Como resultado se percebe que os estudantes apresentam um nível de conhecimento prévio satisfatório sobre os agrotóxicos, embora haja muitas contradições em suas percepções e o tema não esteja presente na maioria dos livros didáticos. Portanto, é necessário realizar processos de informação e sensibilização quanto aos aspectos atitudinais e aos conhecimentos científicos, considerando a abordagem CTSA, o contexto dos estudantes e o tema controverso que envolve os agrotóxicos.Palavras-chave: Agrotóxicos; Contradição; CTSA; Ensino de Química. Abstract: This research aims to analyze what are the contradictions present in the perceptions of third year high school students of a school located in the municipality of Campo Verde - MT, pesticides and their relationship with the environment, human health and Chemistry. A qualitative approach was adopted, whose methodological path consisted of the application of a questionnaire and discursive textual analysis of the same. Pesticides are part of the daily lives of students residing in the municipality, whose economic base is agriculture. As a result, it was noticed that students have a satisfactory level of prior knowledge about pesticides, although there are many contradictions in their perceptions and the theme is not present in most textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out information and awareness processes regarding attitudinal aspects and scientific knowledge, considering the CTSA approach, the students' context and the controversial topic involving pesticides.Keywords: Pesticides; Contradiction; CTSA; Chemistry teaching.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Maolidda Auliya ◽  
Hernawan Hernawan

The background of this research is the lack of students' understanding of Sundanese sentences, they are considered confused in selecting the spelling, words or appropriate sentence patterns. This research aims to describe the form and structure of sentences in articles written by students. The method used in this study is descriptive with a qualitative approach, with the techniques used in data collecting are test technique and record keeping technique. The result of this research are, first, there is a description of the sentence forms in the article. Second, the structure of Sundanese sentences found in student articels. The result of this research can be used as learning material for teachers to introduce Sundanese grammar to students especially 12th grade in twelve senior high school students IPS 2. AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian ini yaitu kurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap kalimat-kalimat bahasa Sunda dalam memilih ejaan, kata, ataupun struktur kalimat yang sesuai. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan struktur kalimat dalam artikel karangan siswa. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data yaitu teknik tes dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pertama, adanya deskripsi tentang bentuk-bentuk kalimat yang terbagi menjadi kalimat tunggal dan kalimat majemuk. Kedua, struktur kalimat bahasa Sunda yang ditemukan pada artikel siswa SMA kelas XII terdiri atas fungsi dan kategori. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan pembelajaran guru untuk mengenalkan tata bahasa Sunda kepada siswa khususnya di SMAN 12 Bandung kelas XII IPS 2.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Sarah Cecil ◽  
H.H. Daniel Tamburian

Communication is the most important thing in life. Communication is an interaction between one person and one or more people. This study will focus on interpersonal communication that occurs between mother and child in building self-confidence. The character of a child is determined by a mother, because of the closeness of a mother while at home. Child time with mother at home is much more than father. Therefore, the nature of a child is completely passed on by the mother. A mother's love and concern greatly affect a child's self-confidence. The mother communicates with her child so that the child feels happy and comfortable. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by means of semi-structured interviews with mothers and children who are high school students. This research shows that the closeness between the child and the mother is not determined by gender. Mothers have a crucial role in making children appear confident. You do this by reminding children to be themselves, supporting children's hobbies, inviting intensive communication, reprimanding without violence, and creating a comfortable atmosphere at home.Komunikasi merupakan hal yang terpenting dalam kehidupan. Komunikasi merupakan interaksi antara satu orang dengan satu orang atau lebih. Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada komunikasi antarpribadi yang terjadi antara ibu dengan anak dalam membangun rasa percaya diri. Karakter seorang anak ditentukan oleh seorang ibu, karena adanya kedekatan seorang ibu selama berada di rumah. Waktu anak dengan ibu di rumah jauh lebih banyak daripada seorang ayah. Oleh karena itu, sifat seorang anak sepenuhnya diturunkan oleh ibu. Kasih sayang dan rasa perhatian seorang ibu sangat mempengaruhi rasa percaya diri anak. Ibu  berkomunikasi pada anaknya agar anak merasa senang dan nyaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara semiterstruktur pada ibu dan anak yang merupakan siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, kedekatan antara anak dan ibu tidak ditentukan oleh jenis kelamin. Ibu memiliki peran krusial dalam membuat anak tampil percaya diri. Caranya dengan mengingatkan anak untuk menjadi diri sendiri, mendukung hobi anak, mengajak berkomunikasi secara intensif, menegur tanpa kekerasan, serta menciptakan suasana yang nyaman di rumah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Hanne Ayuningtias Elsa ◽  
Eyus Sudihartinih

This study aims to obtain a description of the errors of high school students on linear program topics by using the Newman Error Analysis. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. This research was conducted by giving a test to participants consisting of a three-word problem on the topic of a linear program then conducting interviews as a data collection technique. Participants in this study were five female students of class XI in one of the senior high schools in Bandung, including four people who were students majoring in Sciences studies and one person who was a student majoring in Social studies. Based on the results of a research according to the Newman Error Analysis, all participants made several types of errors on the topic of a linear program. Errors made by the participants include transformation errors made by three students, the process skill errors made by two students, and writing error answers made by two students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Wiwik Widodo

<p><em>The chemistry teaching at Vocational High School which tends to be theoretical and not directly connected to vocational lesson has caused students to have low interest, low motivation, and low achievement.  The problem is becoming more complex due to limited time allotment and limited teaching materials. One of the efforts to solve the problem is by providing the relevant teaching material using contextual learning approach.  The aims of this Research and Development (R&amp;D) research are: (1) to produce an appropriate chemistry teaching material on electrochemistry integrated with skill program subjects using Contextual approach for Vocational High School students of  Machinery Engineering Department; (2) to know the feasibility of development result of teaching material. The development of the teaching material uses 4D developmental model from Thiagarajan et al consisting of four phases namely Define, Design, Develop, and Desiminate. The dominate phase was not done. The scores of evaluation of the feasibility or the appropriateness of the product from the content expert are 88.75% (very feasible) for the teachers’ book and 91.25%  (very feasible) for the students’ book. The expert on media gave 89.25% (very feasible) for the teachers’ book and 89.9% (very feasible) for the students’ book. The result of readability test shows that the teachers’ book is feasible (83.81%) and the students’ book is very feasible (93.61%).</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords:<em> </em>Teaching material on electrochemistry, Machinery Engineering Department of Vocational High School, Contextual  Approach</strong></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Marlinda Indah Eka Budiarti

This study aims to explore and describe the process of problem solving geometry reach the level of visualization, analysis and informal deduction based on the Van Hiele theory. This type of research is descriptive explorative and qualitative approach. Subject of the study was obtained from the high school students who were tested on the level of Van Hiele geometry. Each level of visualization, analysis and informal deduction taken two learners who can communicate well. The results of this study indicate that solving problems in geometry learners who attained think visualization is to identify problems and set goals using the language question. Troubleshooting on the geometry of learners who attained think theanalysis is through fifth troubleshooting step IDEAL using their own language, but less systematic. Troubleshooting on the geometry of students who reach a level of thinking is through the informal deduction fifth troubleshooting step IDEAL by systematically using their own language.

2021 ◽  

New technologies in education have brought challenges to the educational environment for the school and, above all, for the teacher's practice outside and within the classroom, as it now requires a new profile of educator who is no longer one who only exposes content and after demanding the results in the assessments, the teacher must have the role of mediator between the student and knowledge. Starting from this initial position, this paper seeks to analyze the challenges faced by the school and the teachers to insert and work with the student in the world of new technologies, while trying to identify the problems faced by teachers in the context of the classroom and the challenges to insert the student in the use of new technologies. The methodology used was a bibliographical research combined with a field research, starting from a quantitative and qualitative approach with students and teachers on the use of these resources in the classroom. The research had the participation of thirty-two first-year high school students and ten teachers from different areas of knowledge, from the Monsenhor Vicente Freitas State High School, located in the city of Pombal in the State of Paraíba. The main authors who contributed with important reflections for the construction of this work were: FREIRE, GADOTI and KENSKI.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Muhamad Abdul Roziq Asrori

This research was aimed at describing Pesantren Gunung Jati (SGJ) in internalizing the strategic value of mental revolution in Islamic Senior High School students SGJ through local wisdom as well as revealing the strategies implemented to manage the its supporting points and obstacles. This research was qualitative approach and classified into case study. The result shows the values of “Panca Jiwa Pondok” have been able to shape students’ personality with the B3K3N character. Various characteristics used as parameters the success of empowering students’ characteristics were: the advisors example, the student’s parent trust. The multicultural background of students was an obstacle of the implementation. Strategies implemented to success were became the role model and a happy friend as well as a motivator for students to be patterns of model in building emotional bond.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Marlinda Indah Eka Budiarti

AbstractThis study aims to explore and describe the process of problem solving geometry reach the level of visualization based on the Van Hiele theory. This type of research is descriptive explorative and qualitative approach. Subject of the study was obtained from the high school students who were tested on the level of Van Hiele geometry. Each level of visualization. The results of this study indicate that solving problems in geometry learners who attained think visualization is to identify problems and set goals using the language question. 

Alexsandro Ferreira de Souza Silva ◽  
Adson dos Santos Bastos ◽  
Fabrício Oliveira da Silva

A pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as concepções de estudantes do Ensino Médio da rede pública sobre as estratégias metodológicas do Centro Juvenil de Ciência e Cultura de Senhor do Bonfim, BA, compreendido como espaço não formal de ensino e aprendizagem em Ciências. Utilizamos uma metodologia de caráter exploratório e cunho qualitativo, que teve como instrumento de produção e de coleta dados um questionário fechado, que aplicado após a realização de uma oficina na área de Ciências. As oficinas integraram as ações metodológicas para poder compreender como aquele espaço se configura na ótica dos estudantes como um lócus não formal de aprendizagem, em se tratando das questões relativas à área do ensino de Ciências. Como resultados preliminares percebemos a importância que o referido Centro Juvenil logra no processo educacional dos sujeitos envolvidos.Palavras-chave: Estratégias Didáticas. Espaço não formal. Educação em Ciências.Educational experience in Youth Center of Science and Culture: a space of non – formal learningABSTRACTThe research aimed to analyze the concepts of high school students from public schools on the methodological strategies of the Youth Center of Science and Culture of Senhor do Bonfim, BA, understood as non - formal teaching and learning of Science. We use used an exploratory methodology and qualitative approach that had as an instrument of production and data collection A questionnaire, which was applied after conducting a workshop in the area of Sciences. The workshops integrated methodological actions to be able to understand how the space is configured in the view of students as a non-formal locus of learning, in the case of matters relating to the science of education. As preliminary results we realize the importance that that achieves Youth Centre in the educational process of the subjects involved.Keywords: Teaching Strategies. Non formal space. Science Education.Experiencias educativa en el Centro Juvenil Ciencia y Cultura: um espacio no formal de aprendizajeRESUMENLa investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las concepciones de estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media de la red pública sobre las estrategias metodológicas del Centro Juvenil de Ciencia y Cultura de Señor del Bonfim, BA, comprendido como espacio no formal de enseñanza y aprendizaje en Ciencias. Utilizamos una metodología de carácter exploratorio y cuño cualitativo, que tuvo como instrumento de producción y de recolección de datos un cuestionario cerrado, que se aplicó tras la realización de un taller práctico en el área de Ciencias. Los talleres prácticos integraron las acciones metodológicas para poder comprender cómo aquel espacio se confi gura en la óptica de los estudiantes como un locus no formal de aprendizaje, en lo que se refiere de las cuestiones relativas a la enseñanza de Ciencias. Como resultados preliminares percibimos la importancia que el referido Centro Juvenil logra en el proceso educativo de los sujetos involucrados.Palabras clave: Estrategias Didácticas. Espacio no formal. Educación en Ciencias

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