2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
I Made Rudita ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Wiwin Astari

ABSTRAK   Pada dasarnya nilai pendidikan karakter mempunyai tiga bagian yang saling bekaitan, yaitu pengetahuan moral, penghayatan moral dan perilaku moral. Oleh karena itu seseorang dengan karakter yang baik, mengetahui, menginginkan, dan melakukan yang baik. Ketiganya merupakan syarat untuk menuntun hidup yang bermoral dan membangun kematangan moral. Dalam melakukan pendidikan karakter tidak harus dengan menambah program tersendiri, melainkan bisa melalui transformasi budaya, salah satunya nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter bisa disampaikan melalui seni pertunjukan drama, khususnya pertunjukan drama klasik. Untuk menjawab masalah di atas, dalam hal mengetahui nilai  pendidikan karakter melalui transformasi budaya Bali berupa pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini, perlu dibuat suatu penelitian mengenai nilai pendidikan karakter dalam pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater  Mini dengan lakon Dewa Ruci. Penelitian ini berjudul “Struktur Dramatik  Pada Pertunjukan Drama Klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci”.Kajian  (Bentuk dan Fungsi)” adalah hasil studi yang mendalam struktur dramatik pada pertunjukan drama klasik. Penelitian ini mengangkat dua pokok masalah yaitu : 1) untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bentuk struktur dramatik pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci ;  2) untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis fungsi pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci. Secara umum, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan peranan penting dari nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam pertunjukan pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci . Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk struktur dramatik dan fungsi pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci. Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan dua teori : teori estetika dan teori fungsional struktural. Metode-metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan kepustakaan.Seluruh data diolah menggunakan tehnik deskriptif interpretatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut ; Bentuk struktur dramatik pertunjukan drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci  adalah sebagai berikut   : (1) tema, (2) alur,  (3) latar, (4) penokohan, (5) insiden dan (6) amanat. Sedangkan fungsi drama klasik Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci  adalah sebagai  berikut : (1) fungsi ekonomi,   (2) fungsi hiburan, (3) fungsi promosi  dan (4) fungsi komunikasi.  ABSTRACT Basically, the value of character education has three interrelated parts, namely moral knowledge, moral appreciation and moral behavior. Therefore someone with good character, knows, wants, and does good. All three are conditions for guiding a moral life and building moral maturity. In doing character education does not have to add a separate program, but it can be through cultural transformation, one of which is the values ​​of character education can be conveyed through drama performing arts, especially classical drama performances. To answer the above problem, in terms of knowing the value of character education through the transformation of Balinese culture in the form of a classic Mini Theater studio performance, it is necessary to make a study of the value of character education in the performance of the Sanggar Teater Mini classic drama with Dewa Ruci play. This research entitled "Dramatic Structure of the Classical Drama Performance of Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci". Studies (Forms and Functions) "are the results of an in-depth study of the dramatic structure of classical drama performances. This research raises two main issues, namely: 1) to find out and analyze the dramatic structural forms of the Sanggar Teater Mini classical drama performance Dewa Ruci play; 2) to find out and analyze the function of the Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci performance. In general, this study aims to find out the existence and important role of character education values ​​in the performance of the classic Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci performance. Specifically, this study aims to explain the dramatic structure and function of the classical drama performances of Sanggar Teater Mini Dewa Ruci play. This research was designed as qualitative research using two theories: aesthetic theory and structural functional theory. Data collection methods used include observation, interviews, documentation and literature. All data are processed using interpretive descriptive techniques. The results of this study are as follows; The form of the dramatic structure of the Sanggar Teater Mini classical drama performances by Dewa Ruci are as follows: (1) theme, (2) plot, (3) background, (4) characterization, (5) incident and (6) mandate. While the function of the classical drama Sanggar Teater Mini lakon Dewa Ruci is as follows: (1) economic function, (2) entertainment function, (3) promotion function and (4) communication function.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Katja Plemenitaš

The paper focuses on the description of film musicals as a subgenre of the genre family of musicals. Their dramatic structure is examined in terms of the generic elements that constitute the progression of a story expressed through the combination of spoken dialogue, songs and dance. The function of songs in the generic structure of film musicals is examined in the framework of the systemic-functional theory of register and genre. Special attention is given to the role of songs in the unfolding of the narrative. The theoretical observations about the role of songs in the register and genre of film musicals are then illustrated with an analysis of the use of songs in the TV musical High School Musical 2.

Babel ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-369 ◽  
Joseph N. Eke

The Postcolonial text is a political and ideological text that is differentiable in translation. This is because of its location in the dialogic and discursive communicative exchange between former coloniser and former colonised cultures and societies. This communicative exchange takes place in the situation and condition of asymmetrical relations and relations of inequality and involves the contestation of histories, cultures, meanings, identities and representations. The functionality of the postcolonial text with its message is fixated on this dialogue and discourse; and each postcolonial text is a single statement directly and specifically responding to this dialogue and discourse in some way. This paper examines the African postcolonial text* and its communicative location in the light of postcolonial theory and the possibility offered by the skopos functional theory in translation to set aside the purpose and function of the source text intended by the author. Using Chinua Achebe’s texts, It would conclude that the mediatory role of the translator in the dialogic and discursive exchange between former coloniser and former colonised cultures and societies need not become interference in the application of the skopos theory.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-245
Ni Made Ruastiti ◽  
Anak Agung Indrawan ◽  
I Ketut Sariada

This article aims to discuss the Renteng Dance in Saren Village, Nusa Penida, which is actually the forerunner of the Rejang Renteng Dance performance, which is now widely danced by mothers in the context of the dewa yadnya ceremony in Bali. Supposedly, as the forerunner of ceremonial dance performances, the Balinese people know the Renteng Dance. However, in reality, this is not the case. Balinese people seem to know more about the Rejang Renteng Dance than the Renteng Dance. (1) What is the form of the Renteng Dance in Saren Village? (2) Why is the Renteng Dance the source of the creation of ceremonial dance in Bali? This study uses a qualitative method with research data sources such as Renteng Dance performances, dancers, musicians, traditional elders, community leaders, and journals related to research results. Aesthetic theory and structural-functional theory were used to analyze all the data gathered during the observation, interviews, and literature review. The study results show that: (1) the community in Saren Village presents Renteng Dance in the form of a freelance dance (without a play). It can be seen from the way of presentation, the structure of the show, the make-up of clothes, and the musical accompaniment of the performance; and (2) the existence of Renteng Dance is the source of the creation of ceremonial dance in Bali because it has a unique appearance that is easy to imitate, according to their aesthetic taste and faith. The new findings of this research show that the level of conflict, aesthetic taste, and faith of the actors greatly influence the development and preservation of the performing arts.

2021 ◽  
Robby Hidajat ◽  
. Pujiyanto ◽  
Surasak Jamnongsam ◽  
Muhammad ‘Afaf Hasyimy

Over the years, the methods of preserving traditional performing arts have undergone a transformation in many states of Southeast Asia. In that, the performing art societies in Indonesia and Thailand have also made a shift in their conservation strategy from organizing the performing arts as a sacred rite with few participants to massive shows to entertain bigger audiences. This research intended to review the role of Maecenas (art protector) in enforcing the existence of Ramayanaperforming arts in three destinations in Indonesia and Thailand, namely Uluwatu’s Kecak Ramayana in Bali and Prambanan’s RamayanaBallet in Central Java, both located in Indonesia, and Khon Theater in Bangkok, Thailand. The research used a qualitative descriptive method with a functional theory approach. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and document review, following which they were analysed through interpretation. The result of the research showed that the aesthetical transformation of Ramayana performing arts in Indonesia and Thailand is determined by three factors, namely locality, time, and management. Keywords: performing arts, Ramayana, art protector, conservation

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Mr. Basukiyatno ◽  
Mr. Budiyono ◽  
Beni Habibi

This study attempts to mendiskripsikan management character education at the university of pancasakti tegal. This research adopting descriptive-qualitative namely research that only describes the phenomena of subject research in they are, by exposure to the results of the study qualitatively. Informants as a source of data were chosen purposively, that is set in the a person who is regarded know a lot about problems the treatment. This informant covering officials, lecturers teaching MPK, and students in a limited number of. The result of research give a description, that in oops tegal character education carried out by of several units of institutions, among others. (1) management unit matakuliah develop the character of (MPK), (2) units for student activities, (3) a unit spirituality. Concluded that third implementation unit character education has yet to walk by satisfactory. The findings from the field indicated distortion, deficiency, obstacles and overlapping management in character education. MPK can’t run optimal, both in terms of management, lecturers, management learning, and evaluation. Activities kemahasiswaan had a role good for participants , honey do not all students come in it , unit spirituality is not widely known and interested in. The implications of the result of this research is character education in oops will participate and function optimally, when university pancasakti tegal could compatibly combine three implementation unit character education so the all parties concerned can optimize the role of each others. Keywords: management , character education , student activities.

Grace C.H. Yang

The size and organization of collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix is an important determinant of tissue structure and function. The synthesis and deposition of collagen involves multiple steps which begin within the cell and continue in the extracellular space. High-voltage electron microscopic studies of the chick embryo cornea and tendon suggested that the extracellular space is compartmentalized by the fibroblasts for the regulation of collagen fibril, bundle, and tissue specific macroaggregate formation. The purpose of this study is to gather direct evidence regarding the association of the fibroblast cell surface with newly formed collagen fibrils, and to define the role of the fibroblast in the control and the precise positioning of collagen fibrils, bundles, and macroaggregates during chick tendon development.

Edna S. Kaneshiro

It is currently believed that ciliary beating results from microtubule sliding which is restricted in regions to cause bending. Cilia beat can be modified to bring about changes in beat frequency, cessation of beat and reversal in beat direction. In ciliated protozoans these modifications which determine swimming behavior have been shown to be related to intracellular (intraciliary) Ca2+ concentrations. The Ca2+ levels are in turn governed by the surface ciliary membrane which exhibits increased Ca2+ conductance (permeability) in response to depolarization. Mutants with altered behaviors have been isolated. Pawn mutants fail to exhibit reversal of the effective stroke of ciliary beat and therefore cannot swim backward. They lack the increased inward Ca2+ current in response to depolarizing stimuli. Both normal and pawn Paramecium made leaky to Ca2+ by Triton extrac¬tion of the surface membrane exhibit backward swimming only in reactivating solutions containing greater than IO-6 M Ca2+ Thus in pawns the ciliary reversal mechanism itself is left operational and only the control mechanism at the membrane is affected. The topographic location of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels has been identified as a component of the ciliary mem¬brane since the inward Ca2+ conductance response is eliminated by deciliation and the return of the response occurs during cilia regeneration. Since the ciliary membrane has been impli¬cated in the control of Ca2+ levels in the cilium and therefore is the site of at least one kind of control of microtubule sliding, we have focused our attention on understanding the structure and function of the membrane.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 1393-1404 ◽  
Thomas Brand

Abstract The Popeye domain-containing gene family encodes a novel class of cAMP effector proteins in striated muscle tissue. In this short review, we first introduce the protein family and discuss their structure and function with an emphasis on their role in cyclic AMP signalling. Another focus of this review is the recently discovered role of POPDC genes as striated muscle disease genes, which have been associated with cardiac arrhythmia and muscular dystrophy. The pathological phenotypes observed in patients will be compared with phenotypes present in null and knockin mutations in zebrafish and mouse. A number of protein–protein interaction partners have been discovered and the potential role of POPDC proteins to control the subcellular localization and function of these interacting proteins will be discussed. Finally, we outline several areas, where research is urgently needed.

1999 ◽  
Vol 81 (06) ◽  
pp. 951-956 ◽  
J. Corral ◽  
R. González-Conejero ◽  
J. Rivera ◽  
F. Ortuño ◽  
P. Aparicio ◽  

SummaryThe variability of the platelet GP Ia/IIa density has been associated with the 807 C/T polymorphism (Phe 224) of the GP Ia gene in American Caucasian population. We have investigated the genotype and allelic frequencies of this polymorphism in Spanish Caucasians. The T allele was found in 35% of the 284 blood donors analyzed. We confirmed in 159 healthy subjects a significant association between the 807 C/T polymorphism and the platelet GP Ia density. The T allele correlated with high number of GP Ia molecules on platelet surface. In addition, we observed a similar association of this polymorphism with the expression of this protein in other blood cell types. The platelet responsiveness to collagen was determined by “in vitro” analysis of the platelet activation and aggregation response. We found no significant differences in these functional platelet parameters according to the 807 C/T genotype. Finally, results from 3 case/control studies involving 302 consecutive patients (101 with coronary heart disease, 104 with cerebrovascular disease and 97 with deep venous thrombosis) determined that the 807 C/T polymorphism of the GP Ia gene does not represent a risk factor for arterial or venous thrombosis.

2010 ◽  
Vol 30 (03) ◽  
pp. 150-155 ◽  
J. W. Wang ◽  
J. Eikenboom

SummaryVon Willebrand factor (VWF) is a pivotal haemostatic protein mediating platelet adhesion to injured endothelium and carrying coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation to protect it from premature clearance. Apart from the roles in haemostasis, VWF drives the formation of the endothelial cell specific Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs), which serve as a regulated storage of VWF and other thrombotic and inflammatory factors. Defects in VWF could lead to the bleeding disorder von Willebrand disease (VWD).Extensive studies have shown that several mutations identified in VWD patients cause an intracellular retention of VWF. However, the effects of such mutations on the formation and function of its storage organelle are largely unknown. This review gives an overview on the role of VWF in WPB biogenesis and summarizes the limited data on the WPBs formed by VWD-causing mutant VWF.

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