Avhustiuk M.M.

Purpose. Of special importance of the current study is the observation of some theoretical and methodological aspects of the peculiarities of measures of metacognitive monitoring. In particular, we highlight some common in the psychological research approaches to the measures and discrepancies of metacognitive monitoring. We provide the description of the factors that can moderate metacognitive monitoring judgments accuracy, the reasons of its importance, the summary of three general classes of cues, and some significant studies about the measures of metacognitive monitoring. The types of outcome measures of metacognitive monitoring (such as absolute accuracy, relative accuracy, bias, scatter, and discrimination) are also analyzed. Moreover, we describe some major impacts of effective calibration on the assessment of subjective confidence.Methods. The theoretical and comparative methods of studying metacognitive monitoring accuracy and peculiar nature of different measures of metacognitive monitoring have been taken into account. The necessity in studying such aspects of metacognitive monitoring accuracy measures has been caused by its impact on students’ learning activity.Results. Metacognitive monitoring is an important component of metacognition, as well as of self-regulated learning. The research provides hindsight into the background of metacognitive monitoring measures. The current intention was to describe some theoretical and methodological aspects of the accuracy and discrepancies of metacognitive judgments. The learners’ ability to discriminate what is known and how it is possible to get to accurate knowledge judgments is an inevitable part of the learning process and is worthy further investigation in both psychological and educational studies.Conclusions. The results of the theoretical analysis found in the study play a significant role in the studying of metacognitive monitoring of university students’ learning activity. The peculiarities of measures of metacognitive monitoring are an important issue for future research.Key words: metacognitive monitoring, measures, absolute accuracy, relative accuracy, calibration. Мета. Стаття зосереджена на аналізі деяких теоретичних та методологічних аспектів огляду способів вимірювання метакогнітивного моніторингу. Зокрема, ми виділяємо деякі наявні в психологічних дослідженнях підходи до вивчення способів вимірювання точності та розбіжностей метакогнітивного моніторингу. Ми досліджуємо чинники, які можуть зменшити точність суджень метакогнітивного моніторингу, причини важливості питання, подаємо короткий аналіз трьох загальних класів підказок метакогнітивних суджень, а також опис цілої низки важливих досліджень щодо особливостей вимірювання точності метакогнітивного моніторингу. Також аналізуються види показників точності, що вини-кають у результаті здійснення суджень метакогнітивного моніторингу (це абсолютна точність, відносна точність, упередженість, розкид (розсіювання) значень та дискримінація). Навіть більше, ми описуємо деякі основні наслідки ефективного калібрування на оцінку суб’єктивної впевненості студентів.Методи. У дослідженні використані теоретичні та порівняльні методи вивчення точності метакогнітивного моніторингу та способів її вимірювання. Необхідність вивчення таких аспектів цього питання зумовлена впливом точності метакогнітивного моніторингу на навчальну діяльність студентів. Результати. Метакогнітивний моніторинг є важливим складником як метапізнання, так і саморегульованого навчання. У дослідженні здійснено огляд способів вимірювання метакогнітивного моніторингу. Метою було – здійснити аналіз особливостей способів вимірювання метакогнітивного моніторингу, описати деякі теоретичні та методологічні аспекти точності та розбіжностей метакогнітивних суджень. Здатність тих, хто навчається, розрізняти між тим, що відомо і що ні, а також способи сприяння точності метакогнітивних суджень, є невід’ємною частиною навчального процесу, і тому питання потребує подальшого вивчення.Висновки. Pезультати теоретичного аналізу, виявлені в дослідженні, відіграють вагому роль у вивченні метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяльності студентів. Врахування особливостей способів вимірювання метакогнітивного моніторингу є важливим для подальших досліджень.Ключові слова: метакогнітивний моніторинг, вимірювання, абсолютна точність, відносна точність, калібрування.

Maria Avhustiuk

Purpose. The paper is focused on the theoretical analysis of some theoretical and methodological aspects of the relationship between metacognitive monitoring accuracy and learning achievement success of university students. In particular, we highlight some approaches to the relation between metacognitive monitoring accuracy and learning achievement success that is a quite common problem in the university learning activity. Methods. The theoretical and comparative methods of studying metacognitive monitoring accuracy and learning achievement success of university students have been used in the study. The necessity in studying some theoretical and methodological aspects of the notion has been caused by the impact of metacognitive monitoring accuracy on students’ learning activities. Results. The study aimed at revealing the role of metacognitive monitoring in the university learning activity, studying the extent to which changes in monitoring cause changes in the nature of the students’ control over their own cognitive activities, specifying the nature of relationship between levels of confidence and students successes in learning, etc. A noteworthy finding is that students are generally overconfident in their self-assessments and this overconfidence effect is greatest for students of poorer abilities as they are doubly cursed: they lack knowledge of the material, and lack the awareness of the knowledge that they do and do not possess. The erroneous belief that information is understood when it is not is regarded as the illusion of knowing or overconfidence in knowing; the notion can be a significant obstacle to the effectiveness of the learning activities. Conclusions. The results of the analysis found in the study can play an important role in the process of understanding the relationship between metacognitive monitoring accuracy and learning achievement success of university students.

Maria Avhustiuk

Purpose. The paper is aimed to analyze some key features of the illusion of not knowing in metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students. Among the main conceptions of the influence of the illusion of not knowing on metacognitive monitoring accuracy of the learning activity of university students we tend to study and to analyse different types of the learned information, as well as personal, cognitive, metacognitive, and individual psychological characteristics of students. Moreover, the study may allow to clarifying the phenomenon of the illusion of not knowing and its influence on metacognitive monitoring accuracy measures. Methods. The theoretical and comparative practical methods of studying the illusion of not knowing in metacognitive monitoring of university students have been used in the study. The participants learned texts, statements and pairs of words in Ukrainian. They performed JOLs, aJOLs, RCJs, and aRCJs. Calibration procedure helped to define average indicators of both the illusion of knowing and the illusion of not knowing. Results. The findings indicate that the illusion of not knowing as an error of metacognitive monitoring accuracy (alongside the illusion of knowing) can occur in all types of metacognitive judgments, especially in the prospective judgments of learning. The highest levels of the illusion of not knowing are shown in learning pairs of words, smaller texts of all styles, and in ‘Yes’/‘No’/‘Do not know’ questions. Moreover, the effects of personal, cognitive, metacognitive, and individual psychological characteristics are also allocated. Conclusions. The paper provides an account of the effects of different types of information chosen for the experiment, and of personal, cognitive, metacognitive, and individual psychological characteristics of university students. The findings indicate the illusion of not knowing as an error of metacognitive monitoring accuracy alongside the illusion of knowing. These findings might help to solve the problem of metacognitive monitoring accuracy in the learning activity of university students.

Rylan G. Egan ◽  
Mingming Zhou

In this chapter, the authors challenge the traditional differentiation between metacognitive monitoring and control in text-based self-regulated learning (SRL). Building on Pieshl (2009), the authors presented a case for conceptualizing and measuring calibration as the interaction between metacognitive monitoring and control under the assumption that learners adjust metacognitive judgments as they monitor and control their learning both within and between trials. To this end they describe three separate but related measures of calibration – assessment, internal, and strategic calibration – to address such questions as what kind of test will be given; how will I perform on such a test; and what can I do to improve my performance, respectively. Each type of calibration is mutually exclusive; however, overall calibration accuracy relies on the hierarchical interplay among all three types. Finally, they provide examples of how trace data for each type of calibration may be collected in a multimedia-learning environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-341 ◽  
Maria Mykolaivna Avhustiuk ◽  
Ihor Demydovych Pasichnyk ◽  
Ruslana Volodymyrivna Kalamazh

The aim of the paper is to analyse the illusion of knowing in metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students (n = 262). The analysis focuses on the effects of the different types of information proposed and of personal, cognitive, metacognitive, and individual psychological characteristics of the participants. The research has shown that the illusion of knowing can occur in all types of metacognitive judgments, but is more evident in prospective judgments and depends on the type of information, its length and style, task type, etc. There are empirically established correlations between the selected personal, cognitive, and metacognitive characteristics. Gender and age differences in the manifestation of the illusion of knowing are not observed, although it is found that women tend towards overconfidence. The results also showed that the illusion of knowing is more typical for younger students, especially for those with lower levels of academic achievements.

2012 ◽  
Vol 65 (11) ◽  
pp. 2231-2257 ◽  
Michael J. Serra ◽  
Benjamin D. England

Metacognition researchers have recently begun to examine the effects of framing judgements of learning (JOLs) in terms of forgetting (rather than remembering) on the judgements' magnitude and accuracy. Although a promising new direction for the study of metamemory, initial studies have yielded inconsistent results. To help resolve these inconsistencies, in four experiments we had college students ( N = 434) study paired associates and make JOLs framed in terms of either remembering or forgetting over two study–test trials. Our goals were to further document the effects of framing on the magnitude and accuracy of JOLs and to consider explanations for why specific patterns tend to emerge. The present experiments provide evidence that (a) judgements of forgetting are psychologically anchored at the midpoint of the JOL scale, whereas judgements of remembering are anchored at a lower point, (b) differences in absolute accuracy (calibration) by frame are largely artefactual and stem from differences in anchoring, (c) differences in JOL magnitude and absolute accuracy by frame do not obtain when memory cues are salient to participants, and (d) a forget frame impairs the relative accuracy (resolution) of JOLs across trials by reducing participants' reliance on cues such as memory for past test performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00106
Indhira Asih Vivi Yandari ◽  
Hepsi Nindiasari ◽  
Etika Khaerunnisa ◽  
Aan Subhan Pamungkas ◽  
Karso ◽  

This study is back grounded by the importance of self- regulated learning in mathematics pre-service teachers. By possessing self-regulated, students will be able to evaluate learning process, set learning target, arrange the strategy in learning to achieve the goal, search relevant supporting materials for the lectures and show self efficacy. One task which play a role to make students successful to become professional teacher is by creating explorative learning tools. The development of this explorative tools very support learning activity process in class. This study aims to see to what extent self-regulated learning among students in developing explorative learning tools. The method of study is experimental quasi by treatment which is initiated with explorative learning and then explorative module learning is given to one class. The subjects in this study are students of mathematics department with total of 21 students, consist of 4 males and 17 females. Quantitative analysis was performed using the average difference test. The result of study shows that the average of students’ self-regulated learning after treatment is in good category and there is significant difference in self regulated learning before and after treatment. It can be concluded that these treatment give good contribution to develop students’ self-regulated learning.

1994 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 207-213 ◽  
Thomas O. Nelson ◽  
John Dunlosky ◽  
Aurora Graf ◽  
Louis Narens

We contrasted several ways that an individual's judgments of learning (JOLs) can be utilized when allocating additional study (“restudy”) during the learning of Swahili-English translation equivalents The findings demonstrate how metacognitive monitoring can be utilized to benefit multitrial learning Computer-controlled allocation of restudy based on people's JOLs was equivalent to most people's own allocation of restudy (indicating that the computer algorithm can provide a sufficient account of people's allocation of restudy) and was more effective than a computer-controlled allocation based on normative performance (indicating that people's metacognitive monitoring of idiosyncratic knowledge has functional utility in causal chains for learning)

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Марія Августюк

Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню цілеспрямованого педагогічного супроводу в оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяльності студентів. Визначено пріоритетні за­в­дан­ня педагога, що спрямовані на сприяння оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяль­ності і можливі через визначення, oрiєнтування та кooрдинування пiзнавальнoї дiяльнoстi студентiв. Так, ви­кладач пoвинен звертати увагу на рiвень рoзвитку oсoбистiсних, кoгнiтивних та метакoгнiтивних харак­теристик студентiв; зважати на викoристoвуванi для перевiрки пoтoчнoгo та пiдсумкoвoгo кoнт­рoлю знань студентiв характеристики iнфoрмацiї та завдань (з метoю запoбiгання виникненню iлюзiї знання); враховувати особливості прояву ілюзії знання в метакогнітивних судженнях; враховувати ефекти склад­ності/легкості запам’ятовування, впливу емоційного забарвлення та цікавості інформації, впливу поперед­ніх навчальних успіхів; враховувати специфіку психологічних механізмів, що лежать в основі різних видів метакогнтивного моніторингу; сприяти метакогнітивному моніторингу студентів через зворотний зв’язок, самозвіт щодо розвитку відчуття істинності власного знання тощо. Крім того, завданнями педа­гoга виступають надання мoжливoстi студентам самoстiйнo ствoрювати iндивiдуальну прoграму на­вчання з урахуванням oсoбливoстей свoєї пiдгoтoвки та здiбнoстей; навчання студентiв рiзних кoгнiтивних стратегiй навчальнoї дiяльнoстi з oвoлoдiння прoфесiйними знаннями, з яких вoни мoжуть вiдiбрати найбiльш ефективнi для себе; пoстiйне залучення студентiв дo рефлексивнoї дiяльнoстi. Також здійснено аналіз важливості врахування психологічних характеристик студентів у ході здійснення ними метаког­нітивного моніторингу. Зокрема, підкреслено важливість стимулювання навчальної мотивації студентів, формування у них адекватної самооцінки, розвитку високих показників рефлексивності, метакогнітивних обізнаності, знань та активності, здатності до самостійного оцінювання своєї діяльності та її резуль­татів. Окреслені перспективи подальших розвідок з цієї проблеми The article is dedicated to the theoretical description of the goal-oriented pedagogical assistance in optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students. In particular, we highlighted priority tasks of university teachers that are oriented to provide assistance with optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity and are possible through definition, orientation, and coordination of the cognitive activity of university students. Thus, the pedagogical tasks are to provide students with the opportunity to create a self-study program taking into account their own learning backgrounds and interests; training students for different cognitive strategies of the learning activity in the sphere of professional knowledge, from which they are able to choose the most effective ones for themselves; constant involvement of students in reflexive activities. Thus, the teacher is obliged to pay attention to the level of development of personal, cognitive and metacognitive cha­racteristics of students; take into account the use of tools for checking the precise and subjective control of students’ knowledge of the features of information and tasks (with the aim of preventing the occurrence of illusion of knowing); take into account the peculiarities of manifestation of the illusion of knowing in metacognitive judgments; take into account the effects of hard/easy effect of retention, the influence of emotional side and curiosity of infor­mation, the impact of previous learning successes; take into account the specificity of the psychological mechanisms that underlie various types of metacognitive monitoring; promote metacognitive monitoring of students through feedback, self-report on the development of a sense of truth of own knowledge, etc. In addition, an analysis of the importance of psychological characteristics in students’ judgments of metacognitive monitoring was carried out. Among the most important characteristics, student motivation, academic achievements, feedback, and self-regu­lation are the characteristics aimed to provide better understanding of the nature of metacognitive monitoring effectiveness and can help in the annihilation of the negative impact of the illusion of knowing. In particular, the importance of stimulating students’ learning motivation, forming of their adequate self-esteem, development of high indicators of reflectivity, metacognitive awareness, knowledge and activity, ability to independently evaluate their activity and its results is emphasized. The prospects for further researches on this problem are outlined

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78 ◽  
Lisa Nur Aulia ◽  
Susilo Susilo ◽  
Bambang Subali

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar siswa dengan menerapkan model pembelajaaran problem based learning yang dibantu dengan media edmodo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one grup pretest posttest. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI penjurusan MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Demak tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Aspek kemandirian yang diteliti meliputi aspek persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket kemandirian belajar, wawancara terhadap siswa dengan kemandirian rendah, sedang, dan tinggi, angket respon siswa, dan lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifan penerapan model problem based learning berbantuan edmodo. Berdasarkan analisis hasil penelitian tingkat keefektifan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning berbantuan edmodo adalah 94,11%. Peningkatan kemandirian belajar diketahui dengan menggunakan uji n-gain didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,32 dengan kriteria sedang. Peningkatan kemandirian yang paling optimal terjadi pada indikator evaluasi kegiatan belajar dan penarikan kesimpulan pengalaman belajar. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi edmodo dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar siswa. Efforts to increase student self-regulated learning with problem-based learning model use Edmodo AbstractThe purpose of this study is to improve students' self-regulated learning by applying model problem based learning use edmodo. The research method is experimental method with one group pretest posttest research design. The subjects of the study were the students of science class grade XI of SMA Negeri 1 Demak academic year 2017/2018. The aspects of self-regulated learning examined include aspects of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques used questionnaire of self-regulated learning, interviews of students with low, middle, and high self-regulated learning, student response questionnaires, and learning activity sheet to determine the level of effectiveness of the implementation of problem-based learning model use edmodo. Based on the analysis of research results, the effectiveness level of learning implementation with problem based learning model use edmodo is 94.11%. Increased learning independence is known by using the n-gain test results obtained by 0.32 with middle criteria. The most optimal improvement of independence occurs in indicators of evaluation of learning activities and conclusions of learning experiences. So it can be concluded that the use of edmodo applications in learning can improve student’s self-regulated learning.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-116 ◽  
Aleksander Nowak

AbstractThe European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) thanks to geostationary satellites covers an area of whole Europe, including Baltic and North Sea. It allows to fix the coordinates of object position with typical absolute accuracy of 1,5 m. Previous research have shown that relative accuracy is usually higher than absolute one [Nowak A., 2010; Nowak A., 2011], so probably it could be possible to use EGNOS to determine direction in space. The research described in the paper concerned relative accuracy of three homogeneous EGNOS receivers, in context of the ability to determine the ship’s hull spatial orientation. Theoretical basis, the process of the experiment and the results of recorded data analysis were described. The research were conducted in the summer of 2014. Three homogenous Leica Viva series receivers were used. They were configured to receive a differential messages of the EGNOS system. Recorded data were analyzed in context of fixes relative accuracy. On the basis of achieved results, a conclusion about the possibility of construction the measurement system for the automatic determination of the ship’s hull spatial orientation angles in real time was drawn. The further research directions were pointed out, too.

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