Analisis Kepuasan Nasabah Terhadap Pelayanan Jasa Perbankan Secara On Line Melalui Ponsel (Mobile Banking M-BCA) pada PT. BCA Tbk. KCP Cibubur

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Yustiana Wardhani ◽  
Vevi Firmayanti

   Increasing number of banks in Indonesia and the increased facilities owned by each bank, making the level of competition among banks is also increasingly fierce. Any banks compete to provida services and the best service for the community. Strategis in the travel by the banks, among others, improve the quality of the product or service and convenience in transaction facilities. Bank Central Asia (BCA) as one of the banks in Indonesia, of course must be responsive in the face of such competition. In this case trying to get products and services are more specific in order to provide maximum satisfaction to its customers and also attract a wider consumer, so that excel in competition, because customer satisfaction is not only derived from the product features alone but must be a combination of features and quality service provided.    Based on the analysis of IPA which is a mapping of each attribute of service into the cartesian diagram Attributes that are in quadrant I or high priority are (1) Speed of service m-BCA m-payment transactions (credit card payments, electricity, telephone, etc.), (2) Speed of service m-BCA conduct m-commerce transactions (purchase refill pulse), (3) Speed of service m-BCA in providing information, (4) Ease of service m-BCA m-payment transactions (credit card payments, electricity, telephone, etc.), and (5) Ease of service m-BCA m-commerce transactions (purchase refill pulse).    Attributes that are quadrant II or maintain performance are (1) Speed of service m-BCA in conducting transactions m-info (&mutations account balance), (2) Speed of service m-BCA in the m-transfer transactions (inter BCA & inter-Bank), (3) Ease of service m-BCA in conducting transactions m-info (& mutations account balance), (4) Ease of service m-m-BCA transfer transactions (inter BCA & inter-bak), (5) Security uses m-BCA in financial transactions, and (6) Security using m-BCA in non-financial. transactions.    Attributes that are in quadrant III or low priority are (1) The ability of providing the promised services, and (2) m-BCA service instructions, and attributes that are at or excessive quadrant IV are (1) Display service menu m-BCA easily understood, (2) tidiness on screen service menu m-BCA, (3) Speed of service m-BCA in conducting transactions m-admin (activation of m-BCA, change PIN), and (4) Ease of service m-BCA in conducting transactions m-admin (activation 0f m-BCA, change PIN).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1118
Charissa Kezia Rahmawati ◽  
Bayu Arie Fianto

This research presents an initial study of customer satisfaction as measured by five mobile banking (m-banking) quality services dimensions using descriptive statistics and mean score. The survey data were obtained from 100 respondents of mobile banking (m-baking) users by using a purposive sampling method. The data is processed using validity and reliability test to check the quality of the data. The results shown in this research are explanatory or extracting information on which factors the customer shows high and low satisfaction.Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Descriptive Statistic, Mobile Banking, Quality Service Dimension

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Ratnawaty Marginingsih

Abstract  - The utilization of technology in the banking industry such as mobile banking or often referred to as m-banking provides convenience in financial transactions. There are services on mobile banking, covering payments transfer, history, and others.The use of mobile banking services in cell phones allow that customers can more easily to run their banking activities indefinitely space and time.This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of mobile banking services on BRI Bank customer satisfaction in the city of Depok. A total of 100 respondents were surveyed online using the convenience sampling method. The form of research used is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The data is processed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are obtained partially and simultaneously the quality of service using the variables reliability and responsiveness, assurance and security, convenience in banking, mobile banking efficiency and easy to use on customer satisfaction to obtain positive and significant results. This shows that good service is one of the keys to the success of an organization Keywords : Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Mobile Banking

Merita Bernik

Health is the most common thing and becomes the primary need of every human being. One way to keep us healthy is to diligently exercise. There are various kinds of sports that can be done, and there are also many facilities provided for sports. One of the facilities that can be utilized is the fitness center. One fitness center in Bandung has an increasing number of consumers and members. This shows the existence of consumer satisfaction, one of the variable to meet customer satisfaction is the existence of good quality service. The method used in this study is a descriptive method using primary data and secondary data, the data that has been obtained is then processed, analyzed and entered into the Cartesian diagram. The results obtained from the quality of services provided are in a fairly good category and many indicators are included in the B quadrant where quality is considered important as a factor supporting consumer satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Nia Budi Puspitasari ◽  
Susatyo Nugroho Widyo Pramono ◽  
Yoana Ellen Pertiwi

Persaingan yang ketat antara perusahaan dalam pelayanan bus antar kota antar provinsi membutuhkan perbaikan pelayanan kualitas untuk mempertahankan pelanggan. Adanya ketidakpuasan pelanggan terhadap fasilitas dan layanan yang diberikan oleh PO Rosalia Indah menjadi suatu permasalahan yang harus diperbaiki sehingga dengan menerapkan metode ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan PO Rosalia Indah dan loyalitas penumpang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kepuasan pelanggan PO Rosalia Indah dengan mempertimbangkan keberadaan pesaingnya yaitu PO Pahala Kencana dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan terhadap atribut fasilitas yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Importance Performance Competitor Analysis (IPCA). Pengambilan data dilakukan terhadap dua kelompok responden yaitu responden PO Rosalia Indah dan responden PO Pahala Kencana. Penelitian ini mengukur tingkat pelayanan kualitas berdasarkan 3 dimensi yaitu kendaraan (15 butir pernyataan), sopir dan kru (8 butir pernyataan) dan manajemen (13 butir pernyataan). Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dengan IPCA didapatkan bahwa terdapat 21 butir pernyataan yang masuk dalam kuadran Urgent Action dan memerlukan perbaikan. Rekomendasi perbaikan dilakukan dengan metode Numerical Group Technique (NGT) yang berasal dari lima ahli yang mengerti dalam bidang transportasi bus.Abstract[The Customer Satisfaction of PO Rosalia Indah using Importance Performance Competitor Analysis (IPCA)] The intense competition between companies in intercity bus services between provinces requires the improvement of quality services to retain customers. The existence of customer dissatisfaction with the facilities and services provided by PO Rosalia Indah becomes a problem that must be improved so that by applying this method can improve the quality of service Rosalia Indah PO and passenger loyalty. This research aims to analyze customer satisfaction of PO Rosalia Indah by considering the existence of its competitor that is PO Pahala Kencana and give recommendation improvement to the facility attribute which become the priority of improving. This research uses Importance Performance Competitor Analysis (IPCA) method. The data were collected from two groups of respondents namely PO Rosalia Indah and respondent’s PO Pahala Kencana. This study measures the level of quality service based on 3 dimensions of the vehicle (15 points statement), driver and crew (8 points statement) and management (13 points statement). Based on the results of data processing with IPCA found that there are 21 items of statements that enter the Urgent Action quadrant and require improvement. The improvement recommendation was made by Numerical Group Technique (NGT) method which is derived from five experts who understand in the bus transportation field.Keywords: customer satisfaction; numerical group technique; IPCA

2015 ◽  
Vol 815 ◽  
pp. 304-312 ◽  
Haeryip Sihombing ◽  
Rosidah Jaafar ◽  
M.Y. Yuhazri

The purpose of this study is to identify the quality of the product and the key product features based on customer satisfaction through the Kansei Engineering (KE) and Kano Model (KM). There were 509 respondents involved in this survey to answer the questionnaires developed that contains of 8 shampoo bottles design, 6 words representing emotional quality based on Kansei Words (such as Dull~Attractive; Difficult to Use ~ Easy to Use; Common ~ Unique; Stiff ~ Elegant; Complicated ~ Simple; Awkward ~ Comfortable), and 6 questions towards functional and dysfunctional attributes of quality based Kano method. Mostly of survey respondents feels that the proposed of shampoo bottle designs as 'Indifferent' (I) quality attributes. Also, the results showed that of the “K2” (in-out mechanism toward liquid inside the shampoo bottle) using 'flip top' cap is mostly having siginificant correlation with the design in the eyes of customers based on 'Stiff ~ Elegant' (SE), 'Difficult ~ Easy' to use (DE) and 'Dull ~ Attractive' (DA). This study found and showed the design of products can be interpreted using Kansei Words towards what the articulation of the design profile that represented the customers' emotional design.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Imam Safi'i

This study aims to determine the classification of mobile banking services that improve customer satisfaction based on the dimensions of E-Servqual using the Kano Model method. The classification is needed so that the banks were able to make improvements and innovations in the performance of the quality of their mobile banking services. From the results of data processing using Kano, it is known that the service attributes that need to be improved are the m-banking facility, which features a cash withdrawal service via ATM. This will have a major impact on customer satisfaction because these attributes have the highest satisfaction coefficient value of 0.67 in one-dimensional classification. Furthermore, service attributes that need to be improved and innovated are m-banking has a fast application reactivation service with a satisfaction coefficient of 0.61 in the attractive classification

Sofiati Sofiati

The objective of this study is to test the relationship beetween quality service with customer satisfaction and loyalty .The subject matter we addressed three research questions. The first was: is quality quality service positif relatonship with customer satisfaction? The second research question addressed was: is customer satisfaction positif relationship with customer loyalty?Our the third research question was: is quality service positif directly with customer loyalty? Quality service is measured with SERVQUAL in five dimensions: tangibles, reability, responsiveness,assurance, and empathy.The population covers 800 students PTS “X”, while the taken sample was 210 students PTS “X”. The sample that used in this study is master of management student in management program and accounting program in PTS “X”. The data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Empirical evidence supports the first hypothesis that the quality of service (Service Quality) consisting of; physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have a significant positive relationship with satisfaction. With the increasing quality of service provided by the management of PTS “X” then will also increase student satisfaction. Empirical evidence does not support the two hypothesis that Satisfaction has a positive relationship with Loyalty. This conclusion means that students who feel satisfaction does not necessarily have a sense of loyalty to the alma mater. Empirical evidence does not support the three hypothesis that states Quality has a positive relationship with Loyalty. This conclusion means that to increase customer loyalty, it is not enough to only pay attention to the quality of services, but more important is to increase customer satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-69
Suchi Wati Dewi ◽  
Rafika Rahmawati

The development of Islamic banks this time, the quality of service and customer satisfaction isa key factor that will become a competitive advantage of a company. Therefore a company is largelydetermined by the ability of banks to provide the best quality service compared to its competitors.This research is a descriptive qualitative approach. The object of this research is BPRS Harta InsanKarimah Branch Of Cikarang. While the subject is a customer of BPRS Harta Insan Karimah BranchOf Cikarang, amounting to 5 (five) people with 1 (one) the informant of BPRS Harta Insan KarimahBranch Of Cikarang. Methods of data collection by observation, interview and documentation. Forvalidation data using triangulation sources. Data analysis techniques there are three, namely: DataReduction, Presentation Of Data, and nteresting Conclusion and Verification. These results indicatethat (1) the service quality of BPRS Harta Insan Karimah Branch Of Cikarang is quite satisfactory forour customers. However,there are still factors that make customers feel quite satisfied, namely on timeconstraints. (2) There are four factors that determine the quality service pick-up of savings productson customer satisfaction at BPRS Harta Insan Karimah Branch Of Cikarang, namely Responsivness,Reliability, Assurance, and finally Emphaty (Empathy). (3) The quality level of savings product pick-upon customer satisfaction is carried out by BPRS HIK Cikarang Branch, namely by providing the bestquality service and fulfilling customer desires with that customers will be satisfied with the servicesprovided by BPRS HIK Cikarang Officers.

Ida Bagus Udayana Pidada

PT Pandawa Marine Adventures is a company that is operated in the sector of marine tourism as a place for water recreation which is very popular among the travellers for playing water sport activities in the area of Tanjung Benoa. This study aims to analyse customer satisfaction related to the service quality of PT Pandawa Marine Adventures. The research used 100 respondents selected as the samples by using accidental sampling method. The collected data were then analyzed by descriptive qualitative method.The result of this study show that the tourists satisfaction related to the quality service of PT Pandawa Marine Adventures were measured into five satisfaction dimensions (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) by using 20 variables. The tangible dimension with four variables obtaining average value as amount 4,18 with satisfied category. Reliability with three variables obtaining average value as amount 4,06 with satisfied category. Responsiveness has six variables obtaining average value as amount 4,09 with satisfied category. Assurance has four variables and obtaining average value 4,07 with satisfied category. Empathy has three variables and obtaining average value 4,27 with very satisfied category.

Mukarramah Modupe Adeola ◽  
Sulaimon Olanrewaju Adebiyi

The success of airlines depends majorly on the ability to identify customers‟ wants and needs, and factor it in the quality service that would meet customers‟ satisfaction. Thus, there is need for continuous research so as to assist all the players survive in the changing business environment.This paper examines service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction as the determinant of choice of airline by air travellers in Nigeria. Survey method was employed using primary data obtained through the use of questionnaires. 220 questionnaires were administered by the researcher through purposive sampling to air travellers at MM2 in Lagos which 200 were returned and properly filled. The questionnaires were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression with the support of SPSS 17. The study revealed that the income/social status, poor states of roads as well as the insecurity accounts for the sudden rise in air transport travellers and that service quality, perceive value influences their satisfaction level on the choice of airline. Therefore, airline companies in Nigeria should increase the quality of service since many users of the air transport requires it and make sure passengers fare paid should commensurate the service delivered so as to enhance travellers patronage.

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