Zaradi okoliščin, v katerih so se znašle zahodne vojaške organizacije pri izvajanju po- konfliktnih operacij, je bilo nujno najti ustrezne načine obveščevalne priprave bojišča, ki bi zamenjali osredotočenost na nasprotnika z osredotočenostjo na prebivalstvo. Kot del širše reorganizacije in evolucije obveščevalne dejavnosti so oborožene sile ZDA uveljavile koncept družbene geografije, ki vključuje znanstvenike s področja druž- boslovja. Namen prispevka je predstaviti in osvetliti sistem znanstvene analize druž- benega okolja v podporo poveljevanja (HTS) in pomen družboslovnih znanosti ter poudariti vlogo sistema pri podpori bojnemu odločanju. Avtor predstavi dosežke in uporabnost sistema znanstvene analize družbenega okolja na primeru Afganistana ter sklene z ugotovitvijo, da je treba kljub očitnim pomanjkljivostim sistema nadaljevati njegov razvoj, še posebno z večjo udeležbo vseh držav članic Nata. Due to the circumstances encountered by western military organizations when executing post conflict operations, the urgent need for more adequate intelligen- ce preparation of the battlefield arose, where the enemy-orientated intelligence should be replaced by a population-centric one. As part of a broad reorganization and evolution of the intelligence community, the US Armed Forces introduced the concept of Human Terrain System based on the active participation of social science academia. The aim of the article is to present the Human Terrain System and the im- portance of the social sciences, as well as to highlight its importance in support of military decision making. The author uses Afghanistan as a model to demonstrate the system’s results and utility. In the conclusion, he argues that, regardless of its obvious shortcomings, the development of the Human Terrain System should continue with special emphasis being put on greater involvement of all NATO member states