scholarly journals An Overview Of The Quality Of Nursing Services In Regional Public Hospital Liun Kendage Tahuna

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
Gracia Christy Tooy ◽  
Chatrina Maria Agustina Bajak

Introduction: Nursing services bring affect to the image of a hospital in the eyes of the public, which then demands the professionalism of nurses in providing and regulating nursing care activities. Facts indicate a serious problem in the quality of nursing services in Indonesia. data obtained in the field stated that 43% of the public expressed dissatisfaction with the nursing services organized by the health service. Objective: The purpose of the study to identify the quality picture of nursing services is reviewed from the dimensions of reliability, empathy, responsiveness, assurance, and physical appearance (tangibility) of nurses at Liun Kendage Tahuna Regional Hospital in Sangihe Islands Regency. Method: This research is a descriptive research using analytical survey method. The population of this research is all outpatients and inpatients at Liun kendage Tahuna Hospital. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling method with a total of 97 respondents.  Results: In this study, most respondents belonged to the productive age category of 25-54 years (55.7%) and the highest education achieved only to high school (35.1%). The results showed excellent reability dimension (99%), excellent empathy dimension (90.7%), excellent responsiveness dimension (93.8%), excellent assurance dimension (93.8%) as well as tangability dimensions that fall into the excellent category (80.4%). Conclusion: The quality of nursing services at Liun Kendage Tahuna Hospital belongs to the excellent category. It is necessary to do some activities such as the following; routine evaluation activities, motivational activities to nurses to always look neat and clean and activities to maintain the cleanliness of existing health facilities..

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Nana Rochana ◽  
Noeh Nuwa Djogotuga

Introduction: The quality of nursing services in the Emergency Department was greatly affected by the high number of stagnant patients resulting in their satisfaction. However, limited evidence was shown about the satisfaction level of stagnant patients in the Emergency Department in Indonesia. This study aims to know the satisfaction level of stagnant patients on the services in an Kupang Emergency Department. Methods: The total sample in this study was 109 respondents recruited by an accidental sampling method. Data were taken using a questionnaire of Brief Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Scale (BEPSS); and analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage). Results: The results of this study showed that as many as 89% of stagnant patients were satisfied with Emergency Department's  services. The responsiveness dimension had the highest level of stagnant patient satisfaction (99.1%) compared to the tangible dimension (78.9%). The quality of service provided to stagnant patients in the emergency department should be improved especially on the tangible dimension though the majority of patients were happy with the service. Suggestion: This study suggests to the hospital to manage a comfortable ED surrounding to the patients.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Lestari Makmuriana ◽  
Ade Risna Sari ◽  
Moelisa Nogueyan

Since the implementation of physical distancing and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on March 20, 2020, there was a decrease in patients at Cicendo Eye Hospital as much as 67.9% from March to April 2020. Encouragement to the public to keep their distance, avoid crowds, and the advice to stay at home resulted in a flow the process of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic has changed, such as the implementation of standard precautions for all patients and ensure early identification and source control. The existence of COVID-19 policies in the form of screening, service procedures, and the changing flow of the service process is thought to also affect patient satisfaction and the quality of nursing services. To analyze the quality of nursing services during the COVID-19 pandemic at Cicendo Eye Hospital. Using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. Data collection is carried out in outpatient and inpatient settings. Cicendo Eye Hospital. Sources of data in the form of primary data through questionnaires Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangible, Empathy and Reliability (RATER) and secondary data in the form of patient satisfaction data and service quality in 2019.

Dyah Nurfitri Maharani ◽  
Alwiyah Mukaddas ◽  
Indriani Indriani

Pharmacy is one place of the pharmaceutical care with aims to practice pharmacy by pharmacists and pharmaceutical supply distribution to the public. One of the indicators use to evaluate the quality of care in pharmacies was to measure the level of customer satisfaction.This research is aimedto find out the impact of patient satisfaction towards the quality of prescription service in dispensary of pharmacy installation in Public Hospital of Luwuk, Banggai regency which is related with five dimension of quality service, which are; tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This research was conducted used sampling method called accidental sampling using questioner with likert scale. The data was analyzed using doubled linear regression method with the total of 110 respondent. The result from these respondent showed tangible, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance and empathyvariablewhich significantly affected the satisfaction of patient, with significance score of 0,000 (P value< 0,05). Determination coefficient resulted is 0,482 which mean that the satisfaction level of patient towards the five variables is 48,2%.

Jurnal NERS ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 321
Abdul Muhith ◽  
Nurwidji Nurwidji

Introduction: Nowadays, the trend of hospital visits in Mojokerto is declining. It can caused by man (nurses), such as the quality of nursing services hasn’t been conducted optimally. This study was aimed to analyze the quality of nursing services at hospitals’ ward at Mojokerto. Method: This was explanatory research with survey method and cross sectional approach. The population were nurses and patients who undergo hospitalization minimally in three days at RSU. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo and RS Reksa Waluyo Mojokerto. The data were collected by using questionnaire, and then will be analyzed by using regression statistical test. Result: 1) There was positive significance influence of nurses capability, hospital’s ethic, and leadership to the commitment of nurses; 2) There was significant influence of capability work (identification, significance, autonomy, and feedback) to the improvement of nursing services quality; 3) There was significant influence of hospital’s ethics (communication, relatedness with industry, compulsion, and specification) to the improvement of nursing services quality; 4) There was significant influence of leadership (challenger risk, socialization in vision and mission, supporter, guiding, and supporting) to the improvement of nursing services quality; 5) There was significant influence of nurses’ commitment (sense of belonging, sense of linking, believable leader, and suitability of value) to the improvement of nursing services quality. Discussion: It can be concluded that in order to improve the quality of nursing service, management of RSU Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo and RS Rekso Waluyo Mojokerto should improve the ability of nurses, the enforcement of hospital ethics to all employees without exception, and develop hospital ethics that can represent various stakeholder interests, as well as maintain and improve leadership issue.Keywords: nurses, quality, services (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy)

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Binti Mutafarida

The development of sharia banking in Indonesia very rapidly grow up preceded by Bank Muamalat Indonesia and in 2013 ranked as the bank with the highest loyalty and the best among other sharia banking nationally. Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch of Madiun is one of the first branch in Madiun and currently has many competitors from other sharia banking. Based on this background, in this study take what factors affect the size of customer loyalty Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch of Madiun. Based on the result of research, it is found that the level of loyalty of customer of Bank Muamalat of Madiun branch is mostly influenced by product innovation with value of t test value obtained by t-count 2,493, while second factor is influenced by service quality with result of tcount 2,268. So the least influenced factor by the value of the customer is with value of 2.217. This research is a descriptive research method and associative / relationship, this matter to know the value of independent variable. While population of this research is funding customer of Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch of Madiun with amount of 22.196 customer by taking data using random sampling method as much as 108 customer. Keyword: Customer Value, Product Innovation AND Quality Of Service

Erwin Theofilius ◽  
Zahidah Hasan ◽  
Asep Agus Handaka ◽  
Herman Hamndani

This study conducted to determine the water quality of Situ Ciburuy based on the structure of the gastropod community as a bioindicator. The survey method used in this study based on collecting data directly at the research area (purpose sampling method).  For instance, species and density of gastropods were descriptively analyzed, using diversity index and evenes index. For instance, The findings showed that level of water quality in  Situ Ciburuy based on gastropods bioindicators was lightly polluted. That is indicated by the low to moderate diversity of gastropods, which ranges from 1.31-1.98. The Shannon evenness index (0,73-0.95) revealed low gastropod species diversity in Situ Ciburuy, indicating low evenness of gastropod in Situ Ciburuy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-262
Faudzi Ath Tho Azzam ◽  
Niniek Widyorini ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono

Sungai Lanangan merupakan bagian hulu Sungai Bengawan Solo yang terletak di Desa Daleman, Kecamatan Tulung, Kabupaten Klaten. Jenis limbah seperti limbah domestik, industri, pertanian, perikanan dan peternakan telah mencemari Sungai Lanangan. Limbah organik dari industri tepung aren dan mie soun yang dibuang di Sungai Lanangan mencapai 50 ton limbah per hari. Hal tersebut menyebabkan perubahan kualitas air dan komposisi fitoplankton di Sungai Lanangan.Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Januari - Februari 2018 di Sungai Lanangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan komposisifitoplankton serta mengetahui kualitas perairan berdasarkan struktur komunitas fitoplankton di Sungai Lanangan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei denganpengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Frekuensi pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap 1 minggu sekali selama 3 minggu. Sampel diambil dari 3 stasiun, dimana stasiun 1 dengan karakteristik perairan terbuka; Stasiun 2 dengan karakteristik dekat industri pengolahan tepung aren; dan stasiun 3 dengan karakteristik dekat dengan daerah budidaya air tawar.Hasil penelitian didapatkan 11 genera fitoplankton yaitu dari kelas Bacillariophyceae (4 genera), Cyanophyceae (2 genera), Chrysophyceae (1 genus), Ulvophyceae (2 genera), Zygnematophyceae (1 genus) dan Chlorophyceae (1 genus). Kelimpahan rata-rata fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun 2 dengan kelimpahan 1.989 ind/l yang didominasi oleh genus Oscillatoria. Indeks keanekaragaman rata-rata pada setiap stasiun adalah 1,68 pada stasiun 1; 1,63 pada stasiun 2; dan 1,52 pada stasiun 3. Dari hasil indeks keanekaragaman yang didapatkan tersebut menunjukkan kisaran nilai antara 1,52 hingga 1,68 yang berarti bahwa kualitas perairan Sungai Lanangan tercemar ringan.  Lanangan river is one upstream of Bengawan Solo river which located at Daleman, Tulung, Klaten. types of waste such as domestic waste, industrial waste, agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry polluted Lanangan river. Especially organic waste from palm starch and soun noodle industry that are dumped in the Lanangan river reaches 50 tonnes waste per day. This research was conducted from January to February 2018 in the Lanangan river. The purpose of this research is to find out the abundance and composition of phytoplankton; and to determine the water qualitybased on the structure of the phytoplankton community in Lanangan river. This research uses survey method and use purposive sampling method. The Frequency of sampling is done once a week for 3 week. The samples taken from 3 stations, where station 1 is open water; Station 2 is near palm starch and soun noodle industry; and station 3 is close to freshwater aquaculture area.The resultsof the research found 11 genus of phytoplankton in class Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Zygnematophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The highest average of phytoplankton abundance found in station 2 with 1,989 ind/l which is dominated by the genus of Oscillatoria. The average diversity index each station is 1.68 at station 1; 1.63 at station 2; and 1.52 at station 3. From the results obtained the diversity index indicates the range of values between 1.52 to 1.68 which show that the water quality of Lanangan River is lightly to moderate polluted.  

Cintia Koerich ◽  
Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann ◽  
Gabriela Marcellino de Melo Lanzoni

Objective: to understand how professional interaction takes place in the hospital organizational structure for the management of Permanent Education in Health, to guarantee patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Method: this is a qualitative study, which used the structuralist aspect of the Grounded Theory as a methodological framework. 27 interviewers participated in the study, who made up four sample groups. Results: six categories and 13 subcategories were presented, representing the studied phenomenon and highlighting particularities of the public health system and the influence of the manager’s support and management priority, the disposition of the organizational structure, the institutional culture, the external encouragement to institution, and the nurses’ initiative and leadership in the professional interaction for the management of the Permanent Education in Health, patient safety, and quality of care triad, revealing the need for cultural change through interdisciplinarity. Conclusion: the professional interaction in the hospital organizational structure requires the creation of new management models with an emphasis on more participative management, in order to improve the care processes in hospital institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Tiara Putri Ryandini ◽  
Lukman Hakim

The lack of patient satisfaction is due to the increasing demands of the patient's needs, but this is not accompanied by improvements in nurses' actions. If the customer feels dissatisfied with a service provided, then that service can be ascertained to be ineffective and inefficient. This is especially important for public services. Providing services to the community as done by RSUD Dr. R. Koesma Tuban, needs to get attention, especially in the quality of services to suit the needs and expectations of the community. This study focuses on the quality of nursing services and the level of patient satisfaction in the Asoka Hospital Dr. R. Koesma Tuban. This study aims to determine the relationship between the quality of nursing services with the level of patient satisfaction in the Asoka Hospital Dr. R. Koesma Tuban. This study uses analytic survey research with cross sectional approach, while the data analysis used is the Spearman Rank correlation test. The population used in this study were patients in the Asoka room of RSUD dr. R. Koesma Tuban who fit the inclusion criteria as many as 155, with a large sample of 112 respondents using a simple random sampling technique. The results showed that most patients were quite satisfied with the quite good nursing services. Spearmen Correlation Test Results (rs) obtained, the variable quality of nursing services (p <0.05) has a relationship to the level of patient satisfaction with moderate correlation (r = 0.476) and the direction of the positive correlation which means the better the quality of nursing services, the higher the level of satisfaction patient.Almost half of the nurses at Asoka Room  RSUD dr. R. Koesma Tuba have a good quality nursing service. Almost half of the patient at Asoka Room RSUD dr. R. Koesma Tuban feel satisfy with nurse’s service; there is a correlation between the quality of nurse service and the level of patient satisfaction  at Asoka Room RSUD dr. R. Koesma Tuban.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 7807-7809

The division of a general public into castes is a worldwide wonder not solely honed inside a specific religion or conviction framework. In South Asia, caste discrimination is generally established in the Hindu caste framework, as per which Dalits are considered 'pariahs'. Most Dalit understudies who go to a college are original students. The main objective of the study is to understand the caste discrimination in higher education with special reference to Chennai, and to identify the difference between caste discrimination in one’s educational life. Descriptive research is used and convenience sampling method is used to collect the samples. The statistical tools used here is ANOVA, independent sample t test, and chi-square. The sample size is 1860. The paper concludes that more awareness is needed among the public about the abolition of caste discrimination in higher education.

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