scholarly journals LA INFLUENCIA DEL LUGAR

2020 ◽  
pp. 279-287
Pablo Jara-Espinoza

Ante la necesidad de contar con criterios de orden que otorguen identidad a la arquitectura, y ante la evidente identidad que posee la arquitectura vernácula, considerando la relación de aproximadamente 3600 años entre humano y entorno, inicia la búsqueda de los criterios de orden de esta arquitectura. Al comprobar que sus criterios provienen del lugar, resulta que la universalidad de la naturaleza está presente en su forma. Mediante el análisis de las similitudes entre la arquitectura vernácula y la arquitectura moderna, se identifica la universalidad de los criterios compartidos. Tanto la arquitectura moderna como la vernácula descubren la forma arquitectónica solo al final de un proceso riguroso, en el que la estrategia estructural es resuelta simultáneamente con el programa y las particularidades del lugar, mediante una serie de decisiones tomadas con autenticidad y solvencia, dan como resultado una forma arquitectónica coherente con el entorno natural y cultural, teniendo como protagonista al ser humano. En este sentido, partiendo de los resultados de la investigación, en la cual, se comprobó que el orden formal de la arquitectura vernácula depende de los factores constantes que el lugar posee, este artículo sintetiza los resultados encontrados para analizarlos desde las similitudes teóricas respecto a la relación entre arquitectura moderna y lugar presente en la obra de Mies van der Rohe. Una vez encontradas las similitudes más evidentes se procede a identificar la universalidad en sus estrategias, de esta manera se obtienen criterios de orden que al ser aplicados otorgan identidad a los proyectos arquitectónicos contemporáneos. Palabras clave: Arquitectura, vernáculo, forma, modernidad, lugar, entorno, identidad. AbstractGiven the need to have order principles that give identity to architecture, and faced with the evident identity that vernacular architecture has, considering the relationship of approximately 3600 years between humans and the environment, the search for order principles for this architecture begins. By confirming that its criteria come from the place, it turns out that the universality of nature is present in its form. Through the analysis of the similarities between vernacular architecture and modern architecture, the universality of the shared criteria is identified. Both, modern and vernacular architecture, discover the architectural form only at the end of a rigorous process, in which the structural strategy is resolved simultaneously with the program and the particularities of the site, through a series of decisions taken with authenticity and solvency, resulting in an architectural form consistent with the natural and cultural environment, with the human being as the protagonist. In this sense, starting from the results of the investigation, in which it was proved that the formal order of the vernacular architecture depends on the constant factors that the place has, this article synthesizes the results found and analyzes them by taking into account the theoretical similarities between modern architecture and the place present in Mies van der Rohe's work. Once the most evident similarities are found, the universality in their strategies is identified; in this way, order criteria are obtained, that when applied, give identity to contemporary architectural projects. Keywords: Architecture, vernacular, form, modernity, place, environment, identity.

Elenchos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-194
Angela Longo

AbstractThe following work features elements to ponder and an in-depth explanation taken on the Anca Vasiliu’s study about the possibilities and ways of thinking of God by a rational entity, such as the human being. This is an ever relevant topic that, however, takes place in relation to Platonic authors and texts, especially in Late Antiquity. The common thread is that the human being is a God’s creature who resembles him and who is image of. Nevertheless, this also applies within the Christian Trinity according to which, not without problems, the Son is the image of the Father. Lastly, also the relationship of the Spirit with the Father and the Son, always within the Trinity, can be considered as a relationship of similarity, but again not without critical issues between the similarity of attributes, on the one hand, and the identity of nature, on the other.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-107
Lizeth Benavides ◽  
Natasha Cabrera_Jara ◽  
Belén Campoverde_Bermeo

El cambio de modelo urbano asumido durante el siglo XX, trajo un sinnúmero de problemas como la priorización del vehículo, por lo que en la última década han surgido esfuerzos para dotar de importancia al ciudadano de a pie, en el espacio público. Esta investigación estudió las condiciones físico-espaciales de un corredor urbano donde el modelo centrado en el vehículo se acentúa, con la fnalidad de generar posibles estrategias que reviertan esta situación. Se tomó como caso de estudio a la Av. 24 de Mayo, en Azogues, y se lo analizó mediante una metodología mixta, que evaluó, detalladamente, tres zonas de estudio, determinando que la falta de accesibilidad y conectividad y el modelo de movilidad defendido por la ciudadanía, en general, infuyen directamente en las condiciones del espacio público peatonal y por ende en la habitabilidad urbana, perjudicando los desplazamientos a pie. Palabras clave: Espacio público; habitabilidad urbana; conectividad; accesibilidad; percepción. AbstractThe change of urban model assumed during the 20th century, brought countless problems such as the prioritization of vehicles, so in the last decade eforts have emerged to give importance to the citizen on foot in the public space. This original research studied the relationship of urban habitability with the physical-spatial conditions of an urban corridor, where the vehicle-centered model is accentuated, to generate possible strategies to reverse this situation. The Av. 24 de Mayo in Azogues was taken as a case study and analyzed using a mixed methodology that evaluated in detail three study areas, determining that the lack of accessibility and connectivity and the mobility model defended by citizens in general have a direct infuence on the conditions of the pedestrianpublic space and, therefore, on urban habitability, which afects walking Keywords: Public space; urban habitability; connectivity; accessibility; perception.

2018 ◽  
Μαριάννα Χαριτωνίδου

H διατριβή δομείται σε τέσσερα μέρη που αντιστοιχούν σε τέσσερις γενιές αρχιτεκτόνων, αναδεικνύοντας τα εννοιολογικά εργαλεία και τις μεθόδους προβληματοθεσίας που βρίσκονται στο επίκεντρο του αρχιτεκτονικού λόγου και της συνθετικής διαδικασίας κάθε ιστορική στιγμή. Διερευνάται ο μετασχηματισμός της αλλαγής του αντικειμένου της αρχιτεκτονικής μέσα από την ανάλυση των μεταλλαγών των μέσων αναπαράστασης που βρίσκονται στο επίκεντρο του ενδιαφέροντος σε κάθε γενιά που εξετάζεται και του στόχου απεύθυνσής τους. Στο πρώτο μέρος της διατριβής αναδεικνύεται ότι αυτό που ήταν στο επίκεντρο του ενδιαφέροντος ήταν ο ατομικός και αστικός χαρακτήρας του αποδέκτη της αρχιτεκτονικής και η αρχιτεκτονική συμβολίζει την αξία της κατοχής της από τον αποδέκτη. Εξετάζονται οι λόγοι για τους οποίους οι αρχιτέκτονες Ludwig Mies van der Rohe και Le Corbusier προσδίδουν ιδιαίτερη σημασία στη χρήση της προοπτικής αναπαράστασης. Στο δεύτερο μέρος της διατριβής, που εστιάζει στο έργο των το έργο των Ludovico Quaroni, Ernesto Nathan Rogers και Team 10, εξετάζεται η εντατικοποίηση του ενδιαφέροντος για την έννοια του χρήστη και η επίδραση της τυποποίησης της αρχιτεκτονικής στη διαμόρφωση της έννοιας του μαζικού χρήστη. Στο τρίτο μέρος της διατριβής, που εστιάζει στο έργο των Peter Eisenman, John Hejduk, Aldo Rossi και Oswald Mathias Ungers, εξετάζεται η μεταστροφή από την κατανόηση του αποδέκτη της αρχιτεκτονικής ως χρήστη προς την κατανόηση του αποδέκτη της αρχιτεκτονικής ως υποκειμένου. Παράλληλα, αναδεικνύεται πως η μετάβαση από την κατανόηση του αποδέκτη της αρχιτεκτονικής ως χρήστη στην αντίληψή του ως υποκειμένου υποδηλώνει ότι η σημασιοδότηση της αρχιτεκτονικής συν-διαμορφώνεται από τον αρχιτέκτονα και τον αποδέκτη. Επιχειρείται μια διεξοδική διερεύνηση των επιστημολογικών μεταλλαγών που συνοδεύουν τον παραπάνω αναπροσανατολισμό της κατανόησης της έννοιας του αποδέκτη της αρχιτεκτονικής. Στο τέταρτο μέρος της διατριβής εξετάζονται οι διαδικασίες μέσω των οποίων οι αρχιτέκτονες Rem Koolhaas και Bernard Tschumi μετατρέπουν την έννοια του προγράμματος της αρχιτεκτονικής σε μηχανισμό αρχιτεκτονικής σύνθεσης, λαμβάνοντας ως σημείο εκκίνησης της σχεδιαστικής διαδικασίας τον δυναμικό χαρακτήρα των αστικών συνθηκών. Αναδεικνύεται ότι οι προσεγγίσεις των παραπάνω αρχιτεκτόνων και η σημασία που προσδίδουν στην κιναισθητική εμπειρία της αρχιτεκτονικής βασίζεται στην παραδοχή ότι εντός του ίδιου υποκειμένου υπάρχουν αντιμαχόμενες μεταξύ τους τάσεις και δυνάμεις. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής, παρουσιάζονται τα κύρια σημεία του μετασχηματισμού του αντικειμένου της αρχιτεκτονικής, που ακολουθούσε τον μετασχηματισμό αυτού στον οποίον απευθύνεται η αρχιτεκτονική σε κάθε εποχή. Η επιλογή να διερευνηθεί ένα ειδικό μέσο για την αρχιτεκτονική, όπως οι τρόποι λειτουργίας της αναπαράστασης, έγινε προκειμένου να διαγνωσθούν οι μεταλλάξεις του τρόπου με τον οποίο η αρχιτεκτονική ενσωματώνει ή ανταποκρίνεται σε καταστάσεις που ανήκουν σε ευρύτερες σφαίρες, όπως οι κοινωνικοί και πολιτικοί τομείς, οι αρθρώσεις μεταξύ της ειδικότητας της αρχιτεκτονικής και του κοινωνικού και θεσμικού πλαισίου της. Επίσης, αναδεικνύεται ότι οι σχέσεις μεταξύ των μέσων της αρχιτεκτονικής και της ευρύτερης σφαίρας μπορούν να γίνουν κατανοητές όταν η ανάλυση έχει ως αφετηρία την εξέταση του τι διακυβεύεται σε συγκεκριμένα αρχιτεκτονικά έργα. Η διατριβή συστήνει ένα μεθοδολογικό εργαλείο κατανόησης των επάλληλων μετασχηματισμών του αντικειμένου του αρχιτεκτονικού σχεδιασμού μέσα από τον πραγματικό και φαντασιωτικό μετασχηματισμό αυτού στον οποίον απευθύνεται. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση έχει δοθεί στην ανάλυση των μεταλλαγών των μεθόδων διδασκαλίας στις σχολές αρχιτεκτονικής που εξετάζονται και στη σχέση των μεταλλαγών αυτών με τους μετασχηματισμούς του επιστημολογικού αντικειμένου της αρχιτεκτονικής. Παράλληλα, διερευνάται η εξέλιξη της σχέσης της φιλοσοφίας με την αρχιτεκτονική κατά τον 20ο και 21ο αιώνα.

Ryan Patrick Hanley

Chapter 6 turns to Fénelon’s theology, focusing on his treatment of hope and its significance for his political philosophy. It argues that he regarded hope not just as a key theological virtue, but also as a key virtue of political rulers and political reformers. Its discussion of the political implications of Fénelon’s theology proceeds in three parts. It first examines the role of hope in Telemachus. It then turns to the treatment of hope in Fénelon’s theology, focusing on three particular discussions: the place of hope in love, the relationship of hope to self-interest, and the place of hope in prayer. The final section turns to two aspects of Fénelon’s theology beyond hope which also have significant implications for his political philosophy: his understanding of the relationship of human being to divine being, and his arguments for the existence of God and their implications for universal order.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
pp. 03002
Vibha Gajjar ◽  
Foram Bhavsar

Most notable vernacular settlements of the past had a potential of generating stimulating ambiance because of their “organicness”. The understanding of the “Nature of order” in this informality can identify the factors or parameters generating the definite spatial character appropriate for the time and place. The spatial character generates the spirit of the place, what we call the genius loci. This paper analyses the relationship of spatial organization and ambiance of the old city settlements in hot and dry climatic regions of two selected cities of India − Ahmedabad and Jodhpur at various levels. Both the selected cities are informal in nature and rich with its ambiance. Space syntax and digital simulations are used to decode the parameters of the spatial organization. The spatial morphology is analysed using tools such as justified graph analysis, visibility graph analysis, isovists analysis, agent movement analysis and sunlight study. The result of the study is summarised in tabular format and presented in a graphical manner for better understanding. This analysis is valuable in the derivation of the constants and variables to define the learning from the vernacular spatial organization.

Siti Rukiyah ◽  
Emzir Emzir ◽  
Sakura Ridwan

Thisreserachaimsto gain a deep understanding of the moral values ​​contained in the novel Laskar Pelangi and Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata with the study of genetic structuralism. This research uses qualitative approach with content analysis technique. The data in this researcth is words, sentences, in the form of phrases, description of characters and dialogue of figures and dialogues among the characters that indicate the existence of moral values ​​in the novel. Based on the result of the research indicate that novel Laskar Pelangi and Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata have moral value in the form of: a) the relationship of human being with God, b) the relationship of human being with themselves, that is self awareness about obligation on themselves, c) the relationship of human beingwith human being in the social atmosphere, ie one's consciousness towards himself and the social sphere and d) the relationship of human being with the nature.  Moral values ​​in terms of the author's world view in the novel include a) the relationship of human being with the God, b) the relationship of human being with themselves, c) the relationship of  human beingwith human being in thesocialatmosphere, and d) therelationship of human beingwiththenature.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (296) ◽  
pp. 847-866
Volney José Berkenbrock

Na tradição do pensamento ocidental, as diversas ciências que lidam com o ser humano – da filosofia à psicologia, da teologia à medicina – são herdeiras de um conceito dualista: matéria-espírito; corpo-alma; físico-psíquico. O modo de pensar yorubano, que chegou ao Brasil pelos escravos, e sobreviveu, sobretudo na religião do Candomblé, tem um conceito diverso deste dualista. O ser humano é multidimensional e constitui-se a partir da relação harmônica entre as diversas dimensões. Quais são estas dimensões e como elas concorrem para a composição de um conceito de ser humano serão o objeto das considerações desta contribuição.Abstract: In the tradition of Western thought, the various sciences that deal with human beings - from philosophy to psychology, from theology to medicine - are heirs of a dualistic concept: matter-spirit; body-soul; physical-psychic. The thinking of yoruba-people, who arrived in Brazil by slaves, and survived, especially in religion Candomble, have a different concept of this dualistic. The human being is multidimensional and is constituted by the relationship of various dimensions. What are these dimensions and how they contribute to the composition of a concept of human being will be the object of consideration of this contribution.Keywords: Human being. Candomblé. Religious anthropology. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
Riaan Rheeder

God did not create once and then put an end to it. Testimony from Scripture shows that God continuously establishes or creates new things. Humans can therefore expect to always see and experience new things in creation. With this pattern of reasoning, one can anticipate that the human being as image of God will continuously establish new things in history. Although nature has value, it does not have absolute value and therefore it can be synthesised responsibly. The thought that humans are stewards of God is no longer adequate to, theologically put into words, the relationship human beings have with nature. New biotechnological developments ask for different answers from Scripture. Several ethicists are of the opinion that the theological construction of humans and created co-creators can help found the relationship of the human being to nature. Humans developed as God’s image evolutionary. On the one hand, this means humans themselves are a product of nature. On the other hand, the fact that humans are the image of God is also an ethical call that humans, like God, have to develop and create new things throughout history. Synthetic biology can be evaluated as technology that is possible, because humans are the image of God. However, it should, without a doubt, be executed responsibly.Sintetiese biologie eties geëvalueer: Die skeppende God en medeskeppende mens. God het nie net eenmaal geskep en daar gestop nie. Uit Skrifgetuienisse kan afgelei word dat God voortdurend nuwe dinge tot stand bring of skep. Daarom kan die mens verwag om gedurig nuwe dinge in die skepping te sien en te beleef. Hiermee saam kan verwag word dat die mens as beeld van God voortdurend nuwe dinge in die geskiedenis tot stand sal bring. Alhoewel die natuur waarde het, het dit nie absolute waarde nie en kan dus verantwoordelik gesintetiseer word. Die gedagte dat die mens rentmeester van God is, is nie meer voldoende om die mens se verhouding tot die natuur teologies te verwoord nie. Nuwe biotegnologiese ontwikkelinge vra na ander antwoorde vanuit die Skrif. Verskeie etici is van mening dat die teologiese konstruksie van die mens as geskepte medeskepper kan help om die mens se verhouding tot die natuur te begrond. Die mens het deur ’n evolusionêre proses tot God se beeld ontwikkel. Aan die een kant beteken dit dat die mens self ’n produk van die natuur is. Aan die ander kant is beeldskap ook ’n etiese oproep dat die mens, soos God, nuwe dinge in die geskiedenis moet ontwikkel en skep. Sintetiese biologie kan gesien word as tegnologie wat moontlik is omdat die mens na die beeld van God geskape is. Sonder twyfel moet sintetiese biologie egter verantwoordelik beoefen word.

1964 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 815-825 ◽  
John E. Rasmussen

This study was designed to examine systematically the relationship of Erikson's concept of ego identity to psychosocial effectiveness as actually demonstrated in daily living. Two groups of Navy recruits, one composed of individuals making a highly adequate psychosocial adjustment and the second containing persons demonstrating minimally adequate adjustment, served as Ss. Highly significant differences were obtained on an operational measure of ego identity. Evidence of construct validity was adduced in terms of the predicted relationship of ego identity and a self-concept measure as well as through inter-correlation of subscores on the ego identity instrument. The results lend support both to the value of Erikson's theory in the systematic study of personality and his position that an adequate ego identity is necessary for a person to cope effectively with his social and cultural environment.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (19) ◽  

O objetivo principal deste trabalho é discutir a relação entre história e memória, tendo como pano de fundo a relação de Ricardo Rojas, ex-morador e ex-coveiro, com o Quadro Antigo do Cemitério Ecumênico São Francisco de Paula, na cidade de Pelotas (RS). Portelli afirma que, ao pesquisarmos um lugar, pesquisamos também sobre os que o criaram e que ali se formaram e sobre as circunstá¢ncias particulares desse lugar e dessas pessoas. Assim, ao pesquisarmos o Quadro Antigo do Cemitério, pesquisamos também o senhor Ricardo e sua famá­lia, que viveram e trabalharam no loca,l entre 1914 e 2009. A história oral é uma metodologia que busca, através de suas fontes, um caminho para a produção de versões e interpretações sobre a história, em suas múltiplas dimensões. Afinal, segundo Alberti, a história oral permite, ao pesquisador, recuperar aquilo que não foi encontrado em documentos de outra natureza. No caso do Quadro Antigo do Cemitério, os registros encontrados são á­nfimos, existem apenas documentos administrativos da mantenedora, o que torna ainda mais importantes os relatos do senhor Ricardo. Palavras-chave: Quadro Antigo. Memória. História.  HISTORY AND MEMORY: old frame of São Francisco de Paula ecumenical cemeteryAbstract: The main objective of this paper is to discuss the relationship between history and memory, with the backdrop of the relationship of Ricardo Rojas, former resident and caretaker/gravedigger with the Old Frame of the São Francisco de Paula Ecumenical Cemetery in the city of Pelotas (RS). Portelli states that when we research a place, we also research about who created it and who was formed in there and the specific circumstances surrounding this place and these people. Thus, when we research the Old Frame of the Cemetery we also researched Mr. Ricardo and his family, who lived and worked in there between 1914 and 2009. Oral history is a methodology that seeks, through its sources, a path to produce versions and interpretations of history in its plural dimensions. After all, according to Alberti, oral history allows the researcher to recover what was not found in other types of documents. The Old Frame records founded are poor, there are only administrative documents of the directors, which makes the Mr. Ricardo”™s reports even more important. Keywords: Old Frame. Memory. History.  HISTORIA Y MEMORIA: viejo marco del cementerio ecuménico San Francisco de Paula Resumen: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es discutir la relación entre historia y memoria, con el telón de fondo de la relación de Ricardo Rojas, ex residente y ex sepulturero, con el Viejo Marco del Ecuménico Cementerio San Francisco de Paula en la ciudad de Pelotas (RS). Según Portelli, cuando se investiga un lugar también se investiga sobre sus creadores y formadores y las circunstancias particulares de este lugar y sus poblaciones. Asá­, investigando el Cuadro Antiguo del Cementerio, se investigó también el Sr. Ricardo y su familia, que vivieron y trabajaron allá­ entre 1914 y 2009. La historia oral es una metodologá­a que busca, a través de sus fuentes, un camino alas versiones de producción y las interpretaciones de la historia en sus múltiples dimensiones.Después de todo, según Alberti, la historia oral permite a los investigadores recuperar lo que no es encontrado en otros tipos de documentos. En el caso del Viejo Marco, los registros son vistos como insignificantes, se encuentran solamente documentos administrativos del patrocinador, lo que hace aun   los relatos de Ricardo más importantes. Palabras clave: Viejo marco. Memoria. Historia.

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