scholarly journals Analisis Perbandingan Waktu Perjalanan dan Biaya antara Kendaraan Pribadi dan Transjakarta menggunakan Metode PCI (Studi Kasus : TJ Koridor IX Pinang Ranti-Pluit)

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-159
Adita Utami ◽  
William Kurnia Rubin Natio

Selection of the use of transportation modes to travel from origin to destination is influenced by various factors. Factors that must be considered include travel time, vehicle operating costs (VOK), and the value of travel time. The purpose of this study is to determine which model will be chosen by the user to travel and discusses the comparative analysis of travel time and cost of public transportation modes, namely Transjakarta and private cars. This research was conducted in DKI Jakarta, precisely in the Transjakarta corridor IX Pinang Ranti-Pluit. Measurement of travel time is done by riding each mode with the same route and time. Secondary data as calculation material was obtained from agencies related to this research. This study analyzes Vehicle Operational Costs (VOK) using the Pacific Consultants International (PCI) method. The results showed that during peak hours, the use of Transjakarta was more effective in terms of time because the travel time required was 11 minutes faster than in private vehicles. Then for the costs incurred, it is also more efficient to use Transjakarta at the cost of Rp. 3,500 per trip. Meanwhile, using a private vehicle of Rp. 14,784 per person with a passenger car capacity of 7 people. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a provision for a passenger car capacity limit of 4 people. So the cost of using a private vehicle per person can reach Rp. 25,871.ABSTRAKPemilihan penggunaan moda transportasi untuk melakukan perjalanan dari asal ke tujuan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor. Faktor yang diperhatikan antara lain waktu tempuh, Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) dan nilai waktu perjalanan. Untuk memperkirakan mode apa yang akan dipilih oleh masyarakat untuk bepergian, penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis perbandingan waktu tempuh dan biaya moda transportasi umum yaitu transjakarta dan mobil pribadi.  Penelitian ini berlokasi di provinsi DKI Jakarta tepatnya pada koridor IX transjakarta Pinang Ranti-Pluit. Pengukuran waktu perjalanan dilakukan dengan cara menaiki masing-masing moda dengan rute dan waktu yang sama. Data sekunder sebagai bahan perhitungan, diperoleh dari instansi yang terkait dengan penelitian ini. Analisis Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Pacific Consultants International (PCI) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada jam sibuk penggunaan Transjakarta lebih efektif secara waktu karena waktu tempuh yang diperlukan lebih cepat 11 menit dibandingkan dengan kendaraan pribadi. Kemudian untuk biaya yang dikeluarkan juga lebih efisien menggunakan Transjakarta dengan biaya sebesar Rp 3.500 sekali perjalanan. Sedangkan jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi sebesar Rp 14.784 perorang dengan kapasitas mobil penumpang sebanyak 7 orang. Pada masa pandemic covid-19, terdapat ketentuan batas kapasitas mobil penumpang sebanyak 4 orang. Sehingga biaya menggunakan kendaraan pribadi perorangnya dapat mencapai Rp. 25.871.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-40
Ayuta Puspa Citra Zuama ◽  
Cut Mutia Dinda ◽  
Djalu Pamungkas

Abstrak Moda transportasi umum mengalami perkembangan teknologi yang cukup memudahkan akses bagi para calon penumpangnya. Perubahan dan perkembangan moda transportasi dari yang semula konvensional menjadi transportasi online merupakan suatu bentuk fenomena perubahan sosial masyarakat yang tercipta sebagai inovasi karena kehendak untuk memperoleh kemudahan dalam menggunakan transportasi umum. Namun, operasional perusahaan penyedia jasa transportasi online dianggap ilegal karena sejak awal tidak memenuhi ketentuan pasal 1 angka 21 Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan (UU LLAJ) karena perusahaan ini tidak mengantongi izin usaha sebagai penyedia jasa transportasi umum. Belum memperoleh titik terang dari permasalahan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait dengan operasional ojek online, pada Tahun 2019 Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia justru mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 12 Tahun 2019 tentang Perlindungan Keselamatan Pengguna Sepeda Motor yang Digunakan untuk Kepentingan Masyarakat. Peraturan Menteri ini keluar menghiraukan kesemrawutan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya sebagai terobosan baru yang diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan pengaturan ojek online. Apakah peraturan menteri ini sungguh-sungguh dapat mengurai problematika legalitas ojek online di Indonesia, atau justru menambah persoalan peraturan hukum yang ada di Indonesia mengingat terang sekali peraturan menteri ini bertentangan dengan UU LLAJ yang secara hierarki peraturan perundang undangan merupakan peraturan yang lebih tinggi. Berdasarkan problematika hukum terkait dengan regulasi ojek online penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai kebutuhan hukum untuk melakukan regulasi terhadap ojek online di Indonesia berdasarkan perspektif filsafat fenomenologi hukum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penulisan hukum normatif yang bersifat preskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan referensi hukum berupa penelaahan regulasi bagi ojek online di Indonesia dalam perspektif filsafat fenomenologi hukum. Kata Kunci: Regulasi, Ojek Online, Filsafat, Fenomenologi, Hukum   Review of Online Ojek Regulation in Indonesia from the Perspective of Phenomenological Philosophy of Law Abstract Public transportation modes are experiencing technological developments that make it easy for prospective passengers to access. The change and development of transportation modes from conventional totransportation online is a form of social change phenomenon that is created as an innovation because of the desire to gain convenience in using public transportation. However, the operations oftransportation service providers are online considered illegal because from the start they did not meet the provisions of article 1 number 21 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law) because this company does not have a business license as a public transportation service provider. Not yet clear on the problem with the provisions of laws and regulations related tomotorcycle taxi operations online, in 2019 the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia issued Ministerial Regulation Number 12 of 2019 concerning Safety Protection of Motorcycle Users Used in Public Interest. This Ministerial Regulation disregards the clutter of other laws and regulations as a new breakthrough which is expected to be a solution to the problem of regulatingmotorcycle taxis online. Does this ministerial regulation really solve the legality problem ofmotorcycle taxis online in Indonesia, or does it add to the problem of existing legal regulations in Indonesia, given that this ministerial regulation clearly contradicts the LLAJ Law which hierarchically constitutes a higher regulation. Based on legal problems related to the regulation ofmotorcycle taxis online, the authors are interested in conducting research on the legal need to regulatemotorcycle taxis online in Indonesia based on the perspective of the philosophy of legal phenomena. This study uses a prescriptive normative legal writing method. The type of data used is secondary data using qualitative analysis techniques. This research produces a legal reference in the form of a review of regulations formotorcycle taxis online in Indonesia from the perspective of the philosophy of legal phenomena. Keywords: Regulation, Ojek Online, Philosophy, Phenomenology, Law

Mengying Fu ◽  
Raoul Rothfeld ◽  
Constantinos Antoniou

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is a recent mobility concept with the potential to reduce travel time and change travel patterns. When evaluating the introduction of UAM, understanding the potential users’ choice behavior regarding current available urban transportation modes and autonomous transportation services is essential to demand estimation. This preliminary research intends to gain insight into the travel behavior impacts of autonomous transportation modes, especially UAM, by deriving measures for transportation service attributes and identifying characteristics of potential users who might adopt autonomous transportation services, particularly the services of UAM. Thus, a stated preference questionnaire was designed and distributed in Munich metropolitan region. A main mode choice multinomial logit model and several sub-models, based on market segmentation, were estimated regarding four transportation alternatives: private car, public transportation, autonomous taxi, and autonomous flying taxi. The results indicate that travel time, travel cost, and safety may be critical determinants in autonomous transportation mode adoption. The potential consumers may be willing to pay more for using autonomous transportation modes, especially the service of UAM. Among different market segments, younger individuals, as well as older individuals with high household income, are more likely to adopt UAM. In addition, during the market entry stage, potential travelers may favor UAM particularly for performing non-commuting trips.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 455-464
Junaidi Junaidi ◽  
Yulmardi Yulmardi ◽  
Hardiani Hardiani

This study aims to analyze the Jambi City community transportation modes' needs and diversity and influencing factors. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from a sample of households in Jambi City. Meanwhile, secondary data comes from related agencies or institutions at the National, Provincial, and City of Jambi levels related to transportation macro conditions. This study uses descriptive statistical analysis to analyze the diversity of transportation modes used in Jambi City. Meanwhile, to analyze the factors that influence transportation mode choice, it is estimated using logit ordinal regression models. The analysis results found that the primary mode of transportation used by the Jambi City community was personal motorbikes. Public transportation is the second choice, and the use of private cars is the third option. The choice of transportation mode is influenced by gender, main activity, car ownership, motorcycle ownership, and household income.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 38-43 ◽  
Xiao Wei Hu ◽  
Jian Wang ◽  
Guang Lin Sun

Urban passenger transportation market in China now is composed by three public transportation modes, including the conventional bus, taxi and the subway (or light rail). There are both cooperation and competitive behavior existing among these three different transportation modes. This paper aims to describe how these three operators make their operational decisions in the competitive environment. A bi-level programming operational model is proposed to model urban passenger transportation operators’ decision behavior, which is based on the game theory to describe the behavioral conjectures among the management authority, different operators and passengers. The upper-level model described the management authority’ regulation on the fares of each mode, which aimed to achieve the comprehensive social objectives, indexed by the travel time cost, air pollution cost and energy consumption cost. The lower-level model described the three operators’ aiming to maximize the profit by determining the service frequency, which can reflect the operators’ cooperation and completive behavior under urban passenger transportation economic policy. A Logit model is proposed to analyze passengers’ mode choice behavior with the maximization of their travel utilities, which considers the total travel time, waiting time and total travel fare of each mode. This research will provide more evidence for urban passenger transportation development and contribute to urban passenger transportation economic policy establishment and implementation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Aris Munandar

ABSTRACT This study aimed to get a general idea about the selection of transportation modes resident in the buffer after the comuter line. The research time of the month from May to July 2014. The population in this study were all passengers in the Depok , Bekasi , Tangerang stasiun . The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling, passengers who choose rail transportation mode before applying commuterline using other modes . Each station 30 so that the total of 90 respondents. Characteristic of the youngest respondents aged 16 years and the oldest 50 years with an average of 26.9 years . The Based work on non-civil . Based on the level of respondents at most high school education. Based on user characteristics of respondents have either two-wheel motor vehicles and driving licence (SIM) equipped . Motor vehicles used by the respondent as a feeder . Average of the marital status of unmarried respondents . For those who are married earned income respondents said inadequate needs . Inadequate income would find it difficult to save . Respondents largely did not participate in the community commuter line . Based on the characteristics of the movement of the majority of respondents travel destinations for work purposes . Based on the characteristics mode facility, respondents to travel departing in the morning , come home in the afternoon rush hour . Respondents went on a trip with other existing modes . Respondents do not make the shift from the other trains . Travel time required respondents to make every trip is in accordance with her wishes . For short trips ( 10 stasion ) takes 50 minutes . Resonden not rest / sleep when the train . The cost for short trips ( 10 stations ) of Rp 3,000 , including low cost . Respondents were more likely to use multi- trip cards than single trip. The respondents were unable to seat. Keywords : comuter line , election , mode , transportation

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 03021
Anita R. Rakhmatulloh ◽  
Diah I Kusumodewi ◽  
Djoko Suwandono

Managing epidemics will be more complicated for cities that have high levels of urbanization. This is exacerbated by the use of public transportation modes, which can be one of the places where there is a high risk of spreading the virus. Prevention of spreading through clean living patterns, and maintaining distance in open areas such as public vehicles, public places, and pedestrian routes is important to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This research aims to find out the condition of pedestrian ways in the Jakarta transit area to be able to plan the design of pedestrian ways following health protocols that can prevent the spread of the virus in the future-using descriptive methods. Data is obtained from secondary data and health regulations/protocols issued by data provider institutions related to COVID-19. Data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis to get the results of the discussion juxtaposed with related theories. The results showed that city planning needs innovation to prepare the city to be more resilient when facing a pandemic. Innovation planning in the pedestrian route widens the lane and circulation, using automatic doors in-transit area and new street furniture that can reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

TAPPI Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 29-35 ◽  

During the last several years, the increasing cost and decreasing availability of mixed southern hardwoods have resulted in financial and production difficulties for southern U.S. mills that use a significant percentage of hardwood kraft pulp. Traditionally, in the United States, hardwoods are not plantation grown because of the growth time required to produce a quality tree suitable for pulping. One potential method of mitigating the cost and supply issues associated with the use of native hardwoods is to grow eucalyptus in plantations for the sole purpose of producing hardwood pulp. However, most of the eucalyptus species used in pulping elsewhere in the world are not capable of surviving in the southern U.S. climate. This study examines the potential of seven different cold-tolerant eucalyptus species to be used as replacements for, or supplements to, mixed southern hardwoods. The laboratory pulping and bleaching aspects of these seven species are discussed, along with pertinent mill operational data. Selected mill trial data also are reviewed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-257
Anisa Putri

The aim to be achieved in this study is to analyze the quality and productivity costs of case studies at the Islamic University of 45 Bekasi. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The location of the study was conducted at the Islamic University of 45 Bekasi. The data used is secondary data from the financial statements of Islamic University of 45 Bekasi in the academic year 2013/2014. Methods of data collection using interviews and observation. The highest quality cost discussion results are prevention costs at the cost of seminars and training for lecturers as much as Rp. 450,561,400, -. The lowest quality cost is the assessment fee at the cost of lecturer accreditation of Rp. 1,925,000, -. The percentage of quality costs is 2.1% smaller than the fairness of the total quality costs of 2.5%. The realization of the output of new student admissions was obtained in the 2013/2014 school year as many as 1,339 people. Total students 6,364 people. The study period is more than 4 years and has not graduated as many as 992 people. Failure costs as much as 16% of total students. Realization of financial output was achieved in the amount of Rp. 39,384,232,556, - ​​Input Rp. 35,606,307,800, - used to obtain output. Company productivity is efficient because output is greater than input. Company productivity is effective because the company achieves financial goals by obtaining a surplus of Rp. 3,777,924,756, - The conclusion that can be drawn is that quality costs are able to obtain output in the form of income exceeding its input value so that productivity is efficient and effective and surplus.

2020 ◽  
pp. 0013189X2094950 ◽  
Marc L. Stein ◽  
Julia Burdick-Will ◽  
Jeffrey Grigg

The challenge of a long and difficult commute to school each day is likely to wear on students, leading some to change schools. We used administrative data from approximately 3,900 students in the Baltimore City Public School System in 2014–2015 to estimate the relationship between travel time on public transportation and school transfer during the ninth grade. We show that students who have relatively more difficult commutes are more likely to transfer than peers in the same school with less difficult commutes. Moreover, we found that when these students change schools, their newly enrolled school is substantially closer to home, requires fewer vehicle transfers, and is less likely to have been included among their initial set of school choices.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 4748
Adrian Serrano-Hernandez ◽  
Aitor Ballano ◽  
Javier Faulin

Urban distribution in medium-sized cities faces a major challenge, mainly when deliveries are difficult in the city center due to: an increase of e-commerce, weak public transportation system, and the promotion of urban sustainability plans. As a result, private cars, public transportation, and freight transportation compete for the same space. This paper analyses the current state for freight logistics in the city center of Pamplona (Spain) and proposes alternative transportation routes and transportation modes in the last-mile city center distribution according to different criteria evaluated by residents. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was developed. A number of alternatives have been assessed considering routes and transportation modes: the shortest route criterion and avoiding some city center area policies are combined with traditional van-based, bike, and aerial (drone) distribution protocols for delivering parcels and bar/restaurant supplies. These alternatives have been evaluated within a multicriteria framework in which economic, environmental, and social objectives are considered at the same time. The point in this multicriteria framework is that the criteria/alternative AHP weights and priorities have been set according to a survey deployed in the city of Pamplona (Navarre, Spain). The survey and AHP results show the preference for the use of drone or bike distribution in city center in order to reduce social and environmental issues.

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