2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-109
Tiara Priz Erizah ◽  
Agus Zainal Rachmat ◽  
Bayu Pradikto

This research was descriptive qualitative research aimed to describe the sewing training implementation for heterogeneous learning citizens methods and techniques of learning. Participants in this study were heads of administrative sub-sections, instructors and sewing training citizens learning. This research was conducted at UPTD Bengkulu Work Training on 10 to 31 March 2020. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observations and documentation. The data were analyzed and validated using triangulation data validity technique. From research results, the sewing training instructors apply lecture learning methods, question and answer learning methods, discussion learning methods, demonstration learning methods, group teaching learning methods and individual teaching learning methods. The instructional methods applied by instructors to heterogeneous learning citizens was different, namely by applying group teaching methods with participatory coaching learning techniques. Keywords: sewing training, learning citizens, heterogeneous. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 223
Manal M. Bayyat ◽  
Samira M. Orabi ◽  
Mohammad H. Abu Altaieb

<p>This study aims: (1) to examine life skills acquired by students attending different levels of swimming courses. (2) To investigate the relation between teaching/learning methods used by swimming teachers and the level of life skills acquired. The population of this study were students who attended one of the three levels of the swimming courses in the Faculty of Physical Education /University of Jordan (n= 236). The sample of the study consisted of 142 students. Both “Life skills through swimming context scale” and “Teaching/ Learning methods in swimming context scale” were used to collect the required data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and statistical analysis. Results showed that the sample acquired the life skills through swimming context on a high level scale. Students believed that communication and self-confidence/self-esteem were the most important skills acquired (86%), followed by teamwork (85%), decision-making/responsibility (84%) and problem-solving (80%). There was a significant relation between life skills acquired and the teaching/ learning methodologies used including brainstorming, demonstration and guided practice, small groups, games and situation analysis. Therefore swimming context using the efficient participatory teaching methods proved to have a positive effect on life skills and youth development.<strong></strong></p>

Cleonice Jose De Souza ◽  
Luciane Guimarães Batistella Bianchini ◽  
Solange Franci Raimundo Yaegashi ◽  
Juliana Gomes Fernandes ◽  
Bernadete Lema Mazzafera

A integração de ambientes virtuais e seus aplicativos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem possibilitam novas proposições aos alunos, bem como diversificam e apoiam as ações do professor. A presente pesquisa caracterizada como qualitativa analisou como 10 professores, de uma escola particular da cidade de Londrina (PR), consideram o uso do fórum de discussão para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem escolar presencial. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicadas quatro questões abertas. Os resultados indicaram que os fóruns, apesar de ainda serem pouco utilizados pelo grupo entrevistado, mostraram-se uma ferramenta muito útil para despertar no estudante o interesse por participar das atividades propostas pelo professor emitindo sua opinião e instigando o debate entre os colegas. Além disso, possibilita a articulação dos conteúdos presenciais da sala de aula com novos debates decorrentes das discussões, que transcendem para outros ambientes de aprendizagem. Palavras-chave: Ensino. Aprendizagem. Fórum. AbstractThe integration of virtual environments and their applications in the teaching and learning process offers new propositions to the students and it also diversifies and supports the teacher’s actions. The present qualitative research analyzed how ten teachers from a private school in the city of Londrina (PR), consider the use of the discussion forum for the process of onsite teaching and learning. For the data collection, four open-ended questions were applied. The results indicated that the forums, although still not frequently used by the interviewed group, proved to be a very useful tool to awaken the students’ interest in participating in the activities proposed by the teacher, expressing their opinions and instigating the debate among the classmates. In addition, it makes it possible to articulate classroom contents with new debates resulting from discussions that transcend to other learning environments. Keywords: Teaching. Learning. Forum.

heritage ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-59
Ana Nurin

Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe parenting patterns in developing children's social care. Parenting is a pattern of interaction between parents and children during care that has an important role in shaping the child's personality. Social care is a caring attitude towards the surrounding community. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research. The research location is Glengseran Hamlet, Suci Village, Panti District, Jember District. The method of selecting informants is purposive. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman's theories namely condensation, presentation, verification and conclusion. Data validity uses source triangulation.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola asuh orang tua dalam mengembangkan kepedulian sosial anak. Pola asuh orang tua merupakan pola interaksi antara orang tua dan anaknya selama pengasuhan yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak. Kepedulian sosial merupakan sikap perduli terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian yakni Dusun Glengseran Desa Suci Kecamatan Panti Kabupatrn Jember. Metode pemilihan informan dengan purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan Teori Miles dan Huberman yakni kondensasi, penyajian, verifikasi dan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber.   Kata Kunci: pola asuh, orang tua, kepedulian sosial

RevistAleph ◽  
2018 ◽  
Aimi Tanikawa De Oliveira ◽  
Helena Carla Castro Cardoso De Almeida ◽  
Rosane Moreira Silva De Meirelles

O estudo apresenta um relato de experiência decorrente da pesquisa qualitativa de doutorado/ Programa em Ensino em Biociências e Saúde/ IOC-Fiocruz. A pesquisa ocorreu na Fundação Municipal de Educação/Niterói - RJ. Teve por objetivo discutir os recursos de Comunicação Alternativa (CA) que viabilizam o acesso ao ensino de Ciências pelo discente com Deficiência Físico-Motora (DFM). O estudo foi realizado com três alunos DFM, envolvendo a formação de dois docentes de Sala de Recursos e a CA, na perspectiva inclusiva para o ensino de Ciências. A coleta de dados se realizou por meio de observação de campo do trabalho desses docentes e alunos, fotos e filmagens das intervenções pedagógicas e diário de campo. Resultados apontam a CA como um caminho para o ensino de Ciências de discentes DFM.The study presents an experience report from the qualitative research of PhD / Program in Teaching in Biosciences and Health / IOC-Fiocruz. The research was carried out at the Fundação Municipal de Educação / Niterói - RJ. The purpose of this study was to discuss the Alternative Communication (AC) resources that enable access to the teaching of Science by the student with Physical-Motor Deficiency (PMD). The study was carried out with three PMD students, involving the training of two Resource Room teachers and the AC, in an inclusive perspective for Science teaching. Data collection was carried out through field observation of the work of these teachers and students, photos and filming of pedagogical interventions and field diary. Results point to AC as a pathway to the science teaching of PMD students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-89
Meggi Lestari

There are many challenges faced by the teachers of English in SMA Karya Ibu Palembang. The challenges was come from the students and the facilities in the school.The aims of this study were to find out how the teachers’ challenges in teaching English, and to find out the the strategies in dealing the challenges. The participants of this study were the teachers of English of SMA Karya Ibu Palembang. The writer used qualitative research in this study. Interview was used to collect the data. Meanwhile, in order to find out the challenges that made the teachers were difficult in teaching, the data gained from interview was analyzed by using thematic analysis. The findings indicated It was found that there were five factors that made the teachers were difficult in teaching English.This study shows that the teachers were challenged by limited mastery of teaching methods, over-crowded class, inadequate facilities and resources. On the other hand, the other challenges coming from students’ side including lack of vocabulary mastery, low concentration, lack of motivation, pronunciation problem, and speaking problem.  In order to overcome those problem, there are some strategies that is used by the teachers in teaching English. First, applying various teaching methods and techniques. Second, the teacher used of available resources and facilities. The third is giving motivational feedback

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Reda Mohamed

The use of various teaching methods allows the teachers to accommodate the different learning styles of the students and allow the students to be active learners and to understand the subjects better as well as to be motivated to learn more. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was the first perfect teacher and instructor, and one of his duties was to teach people the revelations that he received from Allah. He selected the best and most effective brilliant methods of teaching, thus helping the listener to clearly understand and remember the knowledge he taught. The learning-teaching methods of the Prophet Muhammad were extracted from his education activities such as face- to-face lecturer, writing method, Question-Answer method, teaching by practice, practical lessoning, brainstorming, and drawing to teach the foundations of Islam. Learning-teaching methods and techniques that the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) used in spreading his mission were proven to be effective and successful by applying them in today’s educational understanding of veterinary anatomy. 

Lina Faridatul Hasanah ◽  
M. Kristanto ◽  
Mila Karmila

ABSTRAKLatar belakang yang mendorong penelitian ini adalah perilaku sosial anak saat bermain balok masih suka berebutan,belum mau berbagi, pilih-pilih teman, mengejek hasil karya teman, berteriak saat berbicara dengan temannya.Pola perilaku sosial anak dapat dilihat dalam semua kegiatan, salah satunya kegiatan bermain balok yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak.Maka dari itu, dalam penelitian ini peneliti ingin menggali dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan perilaku sosial saat anak bermain balok.Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kemampuan perilaku sosial yang terdapat dalam kegiatan bermain balok dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan perilaku sosial dengan temannya saat bermain balok.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, penelitian kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi obyek yang alamiah.Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara.Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi.Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, seleksi data, menyajikan data dan penarikan kesimpualan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya perbedaan perilaku sosial pada masing-masing anak dalam melakukan kegiatan bermain balok baik dalam perilaku meniru, persaingan, kerja sama, simpati, empati, dukungan sosial, membagi, dan perilaku akrab.Saran yang peneliti berikan sebaiknya orang tua mengajarkan anak untuk berperilaku baik, menjadi model buat anak untuk berperilaku baik, serta menjelaskan tentang perilaku baik dan perilaku buruk.Bagi guru mengajarkan pada anak berperilaku baik saat pembelajaran maupun diluar pembelajaran.Bagi sekolah menyediakan fasilitas yang mendukung untuk bermain balok.Kata kunci: Perilaku sosial, balok  ABSTRACTEncouraging background of this research is the social behavior of children while playing the beam is still fond of scrambling, not willing to share, picky friends, mocking the work of friends, screaming when talking with friends.Child's social behavior patterns can be seen in all activities, one of which is playing block activities performed by children. Therefore, in this study researchers want to explore and describe the ability of social behavior when children play blocks.The focus in this study is the analysis of social behavior capabilities contained in the playing of blocks with the aim of describing social behavior with friends while playing the beam.This research uses qualitative research, qualitative research is a research method based on postpositivism philosophy, used to examine the condition of natural objects. Methods of data collection using observation, documentation and interviews. The data validity technique uses triangulation. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data selection, presenting data and draw a conclusion.The results of the study showed that there were differences in social behavior in each of the children in performing good beam activities in imitative behavior, competition, cooperation, sympathy, empathy, social support, sharing, and familiar behavior.Suggestions that researchers give parents should teach children to behave well, be a model for children to behave well, and explain about good behavior and bad behavior. For the teacher to teach the children well behaved during learning and beyond learning.For schools providing supportive facilities for playing the beams.Keyword:Social behavior, Beam

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Ilska Torres Milanés ◽  
Osvaldo Jiménez Pérez de Corcho

The research has conducted at the EIDE, Captain Orestes Acosta of Santiago de Cuba in the sport of karate-do, to develop a psycho-pedagogical strategy to sensitize trainers, athletes, and others involved in the importance of intrinsic motivation for the teaching-learning process of the same. For the study, methods and techniques were applied such as: observation, semi-structured interviews, and surveys. The qualitative analysis of the results indicates that coaches have inadequacies in the domain of participatory methodologies and the conception and instrumentation of teaching methods, and in athletes the need to improve their teaching-learning processes predominates, wishing to develop effective strategies that favor an integral formation. The psycho-pedagogical strategy that is proposed has based on epistemological, theoretical, methodological, and didactic foundations that support its instrumentation and has made up of three stages with its corresponding actions. The aspects analyzed by the experts, both of the specific actions, and the strategy as a whole achieved positive assessments that validate the design for its subsequent implementation.

Marcelo Alves dos Reis

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ICTs USE IN THE GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGES TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESSANÁLISIS COMPARATIVO DEL USO DE LA TICs EN EL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA APRENDIZAJE DE LOS SABERES GEOGRÁFICOSEste trabalho trata da contribuição das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) para os saberes geográficos. A pesquisa elegeu como objetivo geral: Analisar a contribuição das TICs no processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos saberes de Geografia na Unidade Escolar Valdivino Tito, cidade de Campo Maior – PI, com os seguintes objetivos específicos: identificar se o uso das TICs, principalmente da Informática, auxilia o ensino-aprendizagem em Geografia; examinar a participação e o feedback dos alunos na utilização das TICs no ensino de Geografia; efetuar uma análise comparativa a fim de identificar se há uma melhor compreensão dos conteúdos geográficos com a utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual utilizamos, como instrumentos de coleta de dados, entrevistas e observações. As teorias que basearam esse estudo foram as abordagens de autores, tais como Moraes (1997), Santos (2009) e Libâneo (2010).Palavras-chave: TICs; Ensinar-aprender Geografia; Educação Geográfica.ABSTRACTThis work treats of the contribution Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs’) to geographical knowledge’s. The research chose like general objective: Analyze the ICTs’ contribution in the Geography knowledge’s teaching-learning process in the Unidade Escolar Valdivino Tito, Campo Maior – PI city, with the following specific objectives: identify if the ICTs’ use, mainly of the Computing, aids the teaching-learning in Geography; examine the participation and the students feedback in the ICTs’ utilization in Geography teaching; perform an comparative analysis in order to identify if there’s with the use of information and communication technologies a best understanding of the geographical contents. It treats of a qualitative research, in which we used as data collection instruments, interviews and observations. The theories that based this study were the approaches of authors such as Moraes (1997), Santos (2009), Libâneo (2010), among others.Keywords: ICTs; Teach-learn Geography; Geographical Education.RESUMENEste trabajo trata de la contribución de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) para los saberes geográficos. La investigación eligió como objetivo general: Analizar la contribución de las TICs en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los saberes de Geografía en la Unidade Escolar Valdivino Tito, ciudad de Campo Maior – PI, con los objetivos específicos: identificar si el uso de las TICS, principalmente de Informática, ayuda la enseñanza aprendizaje de Geografía; examinar la participación y el feedback de los alumnos en la utilización de las TIC en la enseñanza de Geografía; realizar un análisis comparativo para identificar si hay una mejor comprensión de los contenidos geográficos con la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, donde utilizamos, como instrumento la colecta de datos, entrevistas y observaciones. Las teorías basadas en este estudio fueron el enfoque de los autores como Moraes (1997), Santos (2009), Libâneo (2010), entre otros.Palabras clave: TICs; Enseñar-aprender Geografía; Educación Geográfica.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-44
Ratna Pangastuti ◽  
Yatimatul Huryanah ◽  
Nurul Qomaria ◽  
Siti Rahmah ◽  
Woro Susanti

Potential development in inclusive children is done by means of group learning methods and classroom teachers and supervisors who use their respective strategies according to the needs of students. The problems examined in this study are (1) The form of learning in the classroom in the development of the potential of inclusive children (2) Inhibiting factors in developing the potential of an inclusive child (3) The results of the teacher in developing the potential of an inclusive child. This type of research is a type of descriptive qualitative research that took place in TK Nurul Huda, Karangasem Bali Regency. Data collection is done by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is carried out by giving meaning to the data that was collected, then from that meaning conclusions are drawn. Checking the validity of the data is done by triangulation. The results showed (1) The form of learning conducted at TK Nurul Huda was a form of group learning, by uniting regular students with inclusive students (ABK) under the supervision of class teachers and special assistant teachers. (2) Inhibiting factors in developing the potential of inclusive children is inadequate facilities and infrastructure, lack of special assistant teachers. (3) The results of the development of the potential of inclusive children are quite good and proud of the principal, teachers, and student’s parents.

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