scholarly journals «The primitive communist society and its decomposition»: the prehistorical past of the territory of Belarus by V. K. Shcharbakou

Aliaksandra U. Vaitovich ◽  
Palina S. Kurlovich

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of the «primitive communist society» set out by the famous scientist and organizer of science in the 1930s, the first dean of the historical faculty of Belarusian State University V. K. Shcharbakou in his «Essay on the history of Belarus» (1934). This book was the first attempt in native historiography to systematically illuminate the initial period of the history of our country in a marxist manner. The researcher did not set himself the goal of preparing a full-fledged archaeological publication. Creating a synthetic review of the history of Belarus, he included in it only certain topics related to primitive and early medieval archaeology. The scientist’s methodological approaches to the study of ancient history corresponded to the theoretical developments of Soviet historical science in the 1920s – at the beginning of the 1930s, and the work no longer match the new «settings» by the time of release. The authors of the article determined the contribution of V. K. Shcharbakou to the interpretation of the primitive history of Belarus, which allows to understand better the history of Belarusian archaeological and historical thought of the interwar period.

S. V. Alkin ◽  

The history of archaeological studies of Siberia is counting more than 300 years of its existence, while active archaeological studies of Korean peninsula date back to the early 20th century. Russian and Korean archaeologists’ mutual interest in ancient and medieval history of Siberia and Korean peninsula relates to the territorial proximity and historical interrelations. During the last few decades the cooperation between Russian and Korean archaeologists is developing in several directions: specialists training, carrying out archaeological excavations in both Korea and Russia (Siberian and Far Eastern territories), publishing joint researches, holding scientific seminars and conferences. Main fields of studying include Stone Age, Early Iron Age and medieval archaeology. Siberian center of cooperation are Novosibirsk (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberian Branch of the RAS and Novosibirsk State University). The first archaeological excavations with participation of Novosibirsk and Korean archaeologists were held in Khabarovsk region in 1999. Nowadays joint researches cover territories of Primorye and Amur region, Russian Altai and southern part of Korean Peninsula. Several famous Korean specialists got their PhD degree in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok. Joint studies of two territories, which are considered as important parts of world’s history, have enriched historical science with large amount of new archaeological data. Moreover, scientific discussions between specialists make a great contribution to solving common problems of the initial ways of East Asia’s settlement, formation of ancient cultures and civilization.

2007 ◽  
pp. 18-26
Dmytro V. Bazyk

At the present stage of scientific research, one of the undefined problems in religious studies is, first of all, the problem of the expediency and relevance of the use of the term "primitive religions" or "primitive religious beliefs" in relation to both representatives of Aboriginal peoples of the present and the analysis of the development of religions in the history of forms of religion. discovered in general. The problem of determining the original religion and its forms of expression is somewhat compounded by the fact that the use of special terminology in theoretical developments depends not only on the various features of research methodological approaches, but also on the language in which studies are commonly published. Therefore, the use of one or the other terminology requires the isolation of a possible synonym for relatively adequate nomination (naming) of these religious manifestations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Lyasovich Vsevolod I. ◽  

Today, an understanding of the state of knowledge of the Pianobor and Kara-Abyz archaeological cultures is quite relevant for archaeologists of the Urals and Prikamye. A variety of scientific approaches to understanding the nature of the above cultures gave rise to a lot of questions and problems in the scientific literature relating to the reconstruction of the ancient history of the Southern Urals. This article cites and analyzes recent works related to the history of studying the antiquities of the Pianobor and Kara-Abyz archaeological cultures of the Southern Urals of the early Iron Age. Based on them, thematic historiographic blocks are identified and conceptual directions in the study of the above-mentioned cultures are determined. Today’s situation shows that in the field of studying the forest-steppe cultures of the Ural region of the Early Iron Age, certain scientific trends have developed, in which theoretical knowledge of the ancient history of this region is developing. Moreover, each of them touches upon a specific feature of the functioning of the Kara-Abyz and Pianobor archaeological cultures in the Early Iron Age in the Southern Urals. The author outlines six actual lines of development of studies of the above-mentioned cultures: 1) historiography; 2) natural science methods in archaeological research; 3) analysis of trade relations; 4) the introduction into the scientific circulation of excavation materials; 5) problems of chronology; 6) problems of the genesis and historical fate of archaeological cultures. In many cases, these theoretical developments of scientists overlap, forming a circle of problems and interests, creating discussions, or complementing each other’s scientific concepts. The latter trend allows us to form a unified system of knowledge and characteristics in understanding the historical development of the Pianobor and Kara-Abyz archaeological cultures. Keywords: Early Iron Age, pianoborskaya culture, kara-abyzskaya culture, South Ural, Pre-Ural, forest-steppes Pre-Ural, historiography

Maria Voronova

The article is devoted to the scientific and organizational activities of O. Prytsak in Ukraine after 1991. It was during this period against the background of favorable political circumstances that the scientist was able to come to Ukraine and begin his active work on the development of historical science in our country. The key directions to which the scientist’s activity was directed are considered. First of all, much attention is paid to the establishment of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as the revival of the journal “Eastern World”. In addition to the development of Oriental studies, O. Prytsak dealt with other issues concerning the development of historical science in Ukraine. He proposed to create the Department of Historiosophy at Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko. At the historical faculty of this university O. Prytsak gave lectures on philosophy and methodology of history. During the study period, the scientist had repeatedly acted as a dissertation supervisor and was an official opponent in the defense of dissertations. In the personal archive of the scientist one may find reviews and responses to works on the history of Ukraine of the Middle Ages, the age of the Cossacks, the history of nomadic peoples of Asia, oriental linguistics, general linguistics, as well as political and cultural history. The article highlights O. Prytsak’s participation in the scientific events, in which he made reports that were the results of his research in the field of the Ukrainian history and oriental studies. As a result of the study, it was concluded that O. Prytsak made a great contribution to the revival of Oriental Studies in Ukraine, was active in establishing the Department of Historiosophy at Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko, brought up a whole galaxy of students who are currently well-known and authoritative researchers both in Ukraine and abroad. The scientific activity of the scientist has received recognition all over the world, as evidenced by his numerous international awards and distinctions.

Natalia Rybchynska

In the 1930s, the scientific and bibliographical activity was localized in the western Ukrainian lands and in the emigration centers. As far as a thorough and comprehensive study of the bibliographic product, as a separate segment of the Ukrainian book publishing process during this period, has not been carried out, the disclosure of the methodological approaches and methods for making bibliographic indexes, in view of their thematic and genre characteristics, is relevant and important. The research being done, has shown that the bibliographic segment of the repertoire of the western Ukrainian and the whole Ukrainian emigration books of the 1930s was formed by the auxiliary advisory, book publishing guides of different genres. The most significant were the auxiliary indexes, which were divided into universal, sectoral, thematic, and personal ones. The members of the Bibliographic (since 1934 – the Bibliologic) Comission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) in Lviv Volodymyr Doroshenko, Yevhen Yulij Penenskyj, Petro Zlenko, Ivan Shendryk played a decisive role in their preparation. These editions are perfect in their level of the methodology, as far as their compilers were real experts. The reference bibliographic indexes and lists, represented primarily by the editions of «Prosvita», corresponded the cultural and educational objectives of this Institution. The book catalogs advertised the production of numerous publishers and bookstores, among which the bookstore of NTSh was the most active. The content indexes of periodicals, especially «Novi Shlachy» by Ivan Krushelnytskyj and «Nova Zoria» by Olexandr Moch, should be mentioned. The results of the research can be used for studies in the history of the bibliography of the interwar period, the study of the scientific inheritance of bibliographers and scientific societies, publishers and bookstores.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Tatiana A. Abramova

Introduction. 2021 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of one of the outstanding scientists of the Mordovia State University, doctor of historical sciences, professor A.V. Kleyankin. The purpose of the study is to evaluate his scientific contribution to the development of historical science and local lore of the Republic of Mordovia and the Volga region. Research Methods. The research is based on the biographical method. The use of general scientific methods made it possible to present the problem under study as a process within the framework of a concrete historical situation, the tasks to be solved, and to analyze the essence and content of A. V. Kleyankin’s scientific and pedagogical activities. The article introduces the materials of the archives of Ogarev Mordovia State University and the Central State University of the Republic of Mordovia, and uses the documents of electronic resources. Results and Discussion. The article is dedicated to the memory of Professor Alexey Vasilyevich Kleyankin of Ogarev Mordovia State University. The study provides biographical information about the scientist, presents the scientific and educational activities of the scientist-historian, focuses on the main scientific works. Conclusion. The contribution of A.V. Kleyankin to the history of the region is significant and not forgotten. A. V. Kleyankin devoted his entire life to science. From 1971 until the last days of his life, he worked at the Mordovia State University, was listed in the Book of Honor of the Mordovia State University, was awarded a Certificate of Honor by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR, and became an Honored Scientist of the Mordovian ASSR. His role as a researcher and representative of the school of economic history is important. A.V. Kleyankin is the author of dozens of works on the economic history of the Amur region, the Volga – Oka interfluve, and the Volga region.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 23-31
Э.С. Парастаева

Вопрос изучения имени личного представляет очень большой интерес как для науки, так и для общества в целом. Вся совокупность имен личных (и шире – собственных) относится, как известно, к той части лексической системы языка, исследования которой представляют огромную ценность. В научном языкознании для изучения имени определена отдельная отрасль – ономастика. Деэтимологизация ономастических единиц является важнымне только для языкознания, но и для различных отраслей знания, в частности, для исторической науки в деле изучения древнейшей истории народов (реконструкции архаичных социальных систем, верований, религий, быта), мест их расселения в различные периоды. В настоящей статье нами рассмотрены имена людей – антропонимы в социально-историческом аспекте нового и новейшего времени, времени тотальной глобализации и демократизации. Исторически сложившаяся система наименования людей уходит в глубокую древность, но она не была консервативна и с течением времени, со сменой эпох, постепенно менялась. Когда-то закрытые национальные именные системы (именники), под влиянием все более усиливающихся социальных и культурных взаимодействий народов мира, медленно, но верно «сдавали свои позиции». Началось активное взаимозаимствование личных имен среди различных по этнической принадлежности групп. В современных национальных именных системах вполне мирно уживаются исконные и заимствованные (чужестранные) имена. В то же время между ними наблюдается некий антагонизм, вызванный к жизни понятием исконности/неисконности, который, в свою очередь, основан на значении слова (апеллятива), из которого произошло имя. Есть имена пришлые (заимствованные), которые на чужой почве принимающего языка получают облик, соответствующий нормам последнего. Транснациональными именами, по нашему мнению, следует считать ономастические единицы, не знающие этнических и государственных преград, легко преодолевающие географические барьеры. Именно они служат одним из действенных инструментов глобализации. The question of studying the personal name is of very great interest both for the researchers and for the society as a whole. The entire set of personal (and more broadly - proper) names refers to that part of the lexical system of any language, the research of which is of great value. In linguistics a separate branch is defined for the study of a name - onomastics. De-etymologization of onomastic units is important not only for linguistics, but also for various branches of knowledge, in particular, for historical science in the study of the ancient history of peoples (reconstruction of archaic social systems, beliefs, religions, everyday life), places of their settlement in different periods. In this article, we examined the names of persons - anthroponyms in the socio-historical aspect of the new and modern times, the time of total globalization and democratization. The historically established system of naming people goes back to antiquity, but it was not conservative and gradually changed over time, with the change of eras. Once closed national nominal systems (names), under the influence of ever-increasing social and cultural interactions of the peoples of the world, slowly but surely "gave up their positions." An active inter-borrowing of personal names began among groups of different ethnicity. In modern national naming systems, primordial and borrowed (foreign) names coexist quite peacefully. At the same time, there is a certain antagonism between them, brought to life by the concept of originality / non-originality, which, in turn, is based on the meaning of the word (appellative) from which the name originated. There are new names (borrowed), which, on the basis of the foreign soil of the receiving language, acquire an appearance that corresponds to the norms of the latter. In our opinion, transnational names should be considered onomastic units that do not know ethnic and state barriers, easily overcome geographic barriers. They serve as one of the most effective tools for globalization.

2020 ◽  
pp. 34-40
Л. Лучка

The research deals with creating a diverse reader image of an intellectual personality of a historian. V.K. Yakunin started his reading career as a student of Dnipropetrovsk State University in the 1960’s. During his studies he constantly visited the scientific library. It was at this time when he first became acquainted with rare and valuable editions on historical subjects. The reading experience of the historian is about 60 years. While writing his Candidate dissertation (1972) and PhD thesis (1990), he worked with a significant number of sources and literature, and he also used interlibrary loan services. He was a high-level bibliographer, he constantly searched and selected carefully new books of political and historical content. V.K.Yakunin began to collect his own library from the late 1960s. The analysis of his reader cards from the departments of scientific literature and fiction shows that scientist V.K. Yakunin paid primary attention to documents, book sources and periodicals. He perfectly knew the works of foreign historical science classics. He was interested in memoir literature. Psychological and art literature was not ignored by the scientist. The historian always turned to classical works and editions of contemporary Ukrainian writers. V. K. Yakunin’s private library totals about 2000 copies in Ukrainian, Russian and German. It has been stored in the Scientific Library since 2017. Each copy of the professor’s book collection received the stamp «Professor V.K. Yakunin’s Library». The chronological limits of the book collection cover the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. Most publications are books of social and humanitarian directions. He was interested in the history of the 20th century: political history, public opinion, World War II, history of Nazism, the Ukrainian national movement. Memories held a special place in the book collection. Ways of acquisition to the Library: donations and purchasing. The historian was surrounded by books during his life. Thus, the value of the book collection of Professor V.K. Yakunin is in the presence of a large number of publications that give an idea of the state of book publishing in Ukraine and Russia and indicate the high intellectual level of its owner.

Irina Veselova

The subject of this research is scientific activity of the Mexican philologist and historian Ángel María Garibay (1892-1967), who dedicated his life to accumulation, translation and analysis of various types of texts written in the Nahuatl language during the pre-colonial period and Spanish colonization of the Americas. The goal consists in clarification of schoolar’s contribution to the development of Mexican historical science, namely the ancient history of Mexico. The article analyzes the key stages in scientific career of A. M. Garibay, as well as examines his major works. The persona of this scholar and his writings unfortunately did not receive due attention in the Russian Latin American Studies. The conclusion is made that the works of A. M. Garibay predetermined the vector of research in the area of culture of pre-Columbian period of Mexico for decades ahead. His outlook upon the history of pre-Columbian civilizations in a remarkable manner intertwines with the perception of ancient history of the region by Creole historians of the late XVIII century. Garibay alongside Creole historians analogizes the culture of ancient Mexicans with the cultures of European antiquity. This article can be valuable to national researchers dealing with Mexican historiography and Mexican history overall.

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