scholarly journals The Effect of Leadership and Job Pressure on Organizational Performance through Organizational Commitments on PT. NUSATAMA BERKAH

Dwi Wahyu Wibowo ◽  
Abdul Rivai ◽  
Bongsu Saragih

This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and job pressure on organizational performance simultaneously, the influence of leadership on organizational performance partially, the influence of work pressure on organizational performance partially, the influence of organizational commitment on organizational performance partially, the influence of leadership on organizational performance through organizational commitment and the effect of work pressure on organizational performance through organizational commitment. The research was conducted at PT. Nusatama Berkah. Sampling uses accidental samples involving 66 employees. Data analysis using path analysis. Based on the data analysis, it is known that leadership variables and job pressure affect the performance of the organization simultaneously. Leadership variables influence partially on organizational performance. Job stress variables partially influence organizational performance. Organizational commitment variables affect organizational performance partially. The direct influence of leadership on organizational performance is smaller compared to indirect effects through organizational commitment. The direct effect of work pressure on organizational performance is smaller than through organizational commitment. In this case, the organizational commitment variable is an intervening variable.

RA Dyah Widi Dananingrum ◽  
Suharto Suharto ◽  
Dr. Iwan Kurniawan Subagja

This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance, the effect of skills on organizational performance, the effect of organizational commitment on organizational performance, the influence of knowledge management on organizational commitment, the effect of skills on organizational commitment, the influence of knowledge management on organizational performance through organizational commitment, the influence of skills on the organizational performance of PT. Persariran through organizational commitment. The study was conducted on PT. Persariran. The sampling technique uses saturated samples involving 65 employees. Data analysis uses path analysis. Based on data analysis, it is known that knowledge management influences organizational performance partially. Work skill variables affect partially organizational performance. Variable organizational commitment partially affects organizational performance. Knowledge management variables affect organizational commitment partially. The skill variable partially influences organizational commitment. The influence of knowledge management on organizational performance is 0.522. The influence of knowledge management on performance through organizational commitment is 0.649 x 0.846 = 0.549. In this case, the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect so it can be said that the work organization's commitment variable is intervening. The direct effect of skills on organizational performance is 0.620. While the influence of skills on organizational performance through organizational commitment is 0.798 x 0.846 = 0.675. In this case, the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect so it can be said that the work organization's commitment variable is intervening.

Taufiq Masykur Abdillah ◽  
Suharto Suharto ◽  
Djoko Setyo Widodo

This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and integrity on organizational performance simultaneously, determine the effect of leadership on organizational performance partially, know the effect of integrity on organizational performance partially, determine the effect of organizational commitment partially on organizational performance, determine the effect of leadership on organizational performance through organizational commitment and determine the effect of integrity on organizational performance through organizational commitment. The study was conducted at PT. Menara Keep Forward Jakarta. Sampling using saturated samples involving 267 employees in all parts of the organization. Data analysis uses path analysis. Based on data analysis, it is known that leadership and integrity variables influence simultaneously organizational performance. Leadership variables affect organizational performance partially. Integrity variables affect organizational performance partially. Variable organizational commitment partially affects organizational performance. Organizational commitment can have an increasing impact between leadership and integrity on organizational performance.

Sri Rejeki ◽  
Harry Indratjahjo ◽  
P. Eddy Sanusi Silitonga

This study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and discipline on organizational performance simultaneously, determine the effect of emotional intelligence on organizational performance partially, determine the effect of discipline on organizational performance partially, determine the effect of job satisfaction on organizational performance partially, determine the effect of emotional intelligence on organizational performance through job satisfaction and determine the effect of discipline on organizational performance through satisfaction variables. The study was conducted at the compassion organization. Sampling uses a saturated sample involving 136 employees in all parts of the organization. Data analysis uses path analysis. Based on data analysis, it is known that emotional intelligence and discipline variables simultaneously influence organizational performance. The variable of emotional intelligence affects partially organizational performance. Discipline variables influence partially organizational performance. Job satisfaction variables partially affect organizational performance. The influence of emotional intelligence and discipline on organizational performance through job satisfaction. In this case, the direct effect is smaller than the indirect effect so it can be said that the job satisfaction variable is intervening.

Alpheus Riswanto ◽  
Abdul Rivai ◽  
Dr. Suharto

This study aims to determine the effect of citizenship organizational behavior and compensation to organizational performance simultaneously, determine the effect of citizenship organizational behavior to organizational performance partially determine the effect of compensation to organizational performance partially determine the effect of organizational commitment on organizational performance partially determine the effect of citizenship organizational behavior on performance through organizational commitment and determine the effect of compensation to organizational performance through organizational commitment variable. The study was conducted on the organization of PT. Merak Beton Jaya Cikarang. Sampling using saturated samples involving 90 employees in all parts of the organization. Analysis of data using path analysis. Based on data analysis known that variable of organizational citizenship behavior and compensation effect on organizational performance simultaneously. Organizational citizenship behavior variables affect the performance of an organization partially. Variable compensation effect on organizational performance partially. Organizational commitment variables affect the performance of an organization partially. The influence of organizational citizenship behavior and compensation to organizational performance is smaller than through the commitment of the organization of work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 304-315
Munawar ◽  
Sri Mifayetti ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin

This study aims to answer the problems of the five proposed hypotheses, namely: 1) Direct influence of principal leadership on work motivation, 2) Direct influence of principal leadership on work stress, 3) Direct influence of principal leadership on teacher performance, 4) Direct influence work motivation on performance, 5) The direct effect of job stress on performance. This study involved 270 high school teachers in Bireuen Regency who were taken by using proportional random sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert scale and the research data processing was analyzed through SPSS and path analysis. The results showed (1) principal leadership had a positive direct effect on work motivation (2) principal leadership had a positive direct effect on job stress (3) principal leadership had a positive direct effect on teacher performance (4) work motivation had a positive direct effect on performance (5) job stress has a positive direct effect on performance. The implication of the research result explains that the principal's leadership, work motivation, job stress and job satisfaction have a positive direct effect on teacher performance. This shows that teacher performance can be improved by increasing principal leadership, work motivation, and work. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab permasalahan dari lima hipotesis yang diajukan, yaitu: 1) Pengaruh langsung kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja, 2) Pengaruh langsung kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap stres kerja, 3) Pengaruh langsung kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru, 4) Pengaruh langsung motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja, 5) Pengaruh langsung stres kerja terhadap kinerja. Penelitian ini melibatkan 270 orang guru SMA Negeri Kabupaten Bireuen yang diambil dengan teknik Proportional Random Sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket dengan skala likert dan pengolahan data penelitian dianalisis melalui SPSS dan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukan (1) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap motivasi kerja (2) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap stres kerja (3) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap kinerja guru (4) motivasi kerja berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap kinerja (5) stres kerja berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap kinerja. Implikasi hasil penelitian menjelaskan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, motivasi kerja, stres kerja dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap kinerja guru. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja guru dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, motivasi kerja, dan stres kerja.

Rosmay Indah Sinaga ◽  
Paningkat Siburian ◽  
Wildansyah Lubis

This study aims to describe and know: (1) the influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction; (2) the influence of organizational culture on achievement motivation; (3) the influence of organizational culture to organizational commitment; (4) the influence of job satisfaction to organizational commitment; and (5) the influence of achievement motivation to the organizational commitment of SMP Negeri Teladan Timur subdistrict and City of Medan. The research method used is survey method that is exploratory. The research method used is quantitative method with path analysis model. The number of respondents as many as 143 people taken with Random Proportional Sampling. Research instrument in the form of questionnaire, is data analysis through path analysis and previously there is data normality test with Kolmogrof-Smirnov Test (Z), linearity test and regression significance with Variance Analysis at significance level α equal to 0,05. The results of this study were found: (1) there was a positive direct effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction with path coefficient ρ21 = 0,83, with influence of 69%; (2) there is a direct positive influence of organizational culture on achievement motivation with path coefficient ρ31 = 0,79 with influence of 62%; (3) there is a positive direct influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment with path coefficient ρ41 = 0,27 with influence 7%; (4) there is a positive direct effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment with path coefficient ρ42 = 0,43 with its influence equal to 18%; (5) there is a positive direct influence of achievement motivation toward organizational commitment with path coefficient ρ43 = 0,24 with influence 5,8%. The higher the influence of organizational culture, job satisfaction, and achievement motivation of teachers, the higher also in affecting the commitment of teacher organization SMP Negeri Teladan Timur subdistrict Medan City

Elly Rasmikayati ◽  
Gema Wibawa Mukti ◽  
Bobby Rachmat Saefudin

ABSTRAKCirebon sudah dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil mangga. Tetapi sampai sekarang, agribisnis mangganya belum mampu mempertahankan kualitas dan menjamin ketersediaan mangga sepanjang tahun. Permasalahan tersebut merupakan akibat dari dinamisnya perilaku agribisis yang dilakukan oleh para petaninya, sehingga pengembangan agribisnis mangga di era globalisasi harus didasarkan pada peningkatan perilaku agribisnis petani mangga ke arah yang lebih baik. Tujuan makalah ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang menentukan peningkatan perilaku agribisnis petani mangga. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik survey di Kecamatan Greged Kabupeten Cirebon menggunakan teknik simple ramdom sampling kepada 130 petani mangga. Teknik analisis data dilakukan menggunakan path analysis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa secara berurutan dari yang terbesar ke terkecil, faktor yang paling kuat pengaruhnya secara signifikan dalam menentukan peningkatan perilaku agribisnis petani mangga adalah faktor sumberdaya dengan pengaruh langsung sebesar 5,7% dan pengaruh tak langsung sebesar 3,5%, faktor berikutnya adalah faktor kelembagaan dengan pengaruh langsung sebesar 6,4% dan pengaruh tak langsung sebesar 1,8%, kemudian faktor budaya dengan pengaruh langsung sebesar 5,3% dan pengaruh tak langsung sebesar 1,7% dan terakhir faktor teknologi dengan pengaruh langsung sebesar 2,3% dan pengaruh tak langsung sebesar 2,5%.Kata kunci: Faktor penentu, dinamika perilaku agribisnis, agribisnis mangga, path analysisABSTRACTCirebon is already known as one of the mango-producing regions. But until now, mangosteen agribusiness has not been able to maintain quality and guarantee the availability of mangoes throughout the year. These problems are a result of the dynamic agribusiness behavior carried out by the farmers, so that the development of mango agribusiness in the era of globalization must be based on improving the agribusiness behavior of mango farmers in a better direction. The purpose of this paper is to analyze what factors determine the increase in agribusiness behavior of mango farmers. The research method used survey techniques in the Greged District of Cirebon Regency using a simple ramdom sampling technique to 130 mango farmers. Data analysis techniques are done using path analysis. The results of the study show that sequentially from the largest to the smallest, the most influential factor significantly in determining the increase in agribusiness behavior of mango farmers is the resource factor with a direct influence of 5.7% and indirect effects of 3.5%, the next factor is institutional factors with a direct effect of 6.4% and indirect effects of 1.8%, then cultural factors with a direct influence of 5.3% and indirect effects of 1.7% and finally technological factors with a direct effect of 2, 3% and indirect effect of 2.5%.Keywords: Determinants, dynamics of agribusiness behavior, mango agribusiness, path analysis

I Kadek Mahendra ◽  
Made Subudi

Competition that occurs between companies in the era of globalization requires companies to continue to make improvements or a change in order to remain competitive. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of organizational climate and reward system on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The sample was determined by 86 people with saturated sampling techniques. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires directly to CV employees. Wiracana and analyzed using calculative descriptive statistics and descriptive statistics in the form of classic assumption tests and path analysis. The results of data analysis show that organizational climate variables and reward systems have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. The organizational climate, reward system and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment on CV.Wiracana.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 5060
I Gusti Agung Gde Yoga Prawira ◽  
I Gusti Made Suwandana

Companies must be able to maintain employee performance to remain stable and even increase. Satisfied employees are effective and well-performing workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the direct effect of work stress and job satisfaction on employee performance, to determine work stress on employee job satisfaction, and to determine the effect of Job Satisfaction in mediating the effect of work stress on employee performance. The population in this study were 47 Fave Hotel Housekeeping Department employees. Sampling uses a saturated sample technique and the data was analyzed using path analysis techniques. The results showed that work stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction and employee performance, namely the higher the level of work stress that employees have, the lower the job satisfaction and employee performance that will be formed within the employee. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher job satisfaction felt by employees, the higher the performance of employees that will be formed. Job satisfaction is positively and significantly mediates the effect of work stress on employee performance. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, and Employee Performance

Elisabet Siahaan

Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. Stress triggered a negative behaviour from employees. In a long term, stress would decrease the whole organizational performance. This study aimed to understand the factor which led to employees’ stress within state-owned organization in Indonesia. All this time, each organization tried to improve their employees’ job satisfaction as it would commonly lead to a positive attitude from the employees. Employees’ organizational commitment was a key which led to organizational success. Work-family conflict had been manifested as a problem in the work-life as the employees could not balance their role as employees and as a family member. These variables were hypothesized to affect employees’ job stress level.The research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Medan, one of major state-owned firm in Indonesia. The research was focused on married employees and had been working for at least 3 years. There were 72 employees across division selected in the research. The sample was proportionally taken from each division. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The data was analysed with correlation and multiple regression analyses.Correlation analysis showed that stress had a strong positive relationship with work-family conflict. Stress moderately correlated with the employees’ organizational commitment level and satisfaction level. Multiple regression analysis showed that job satisfaction might reduce employees’ job stress but it was insignificant. Job stress was positively and significantly affectedby employees’ satisfaction and commitment. Employees’ organizational commitment negatively and significantly affected the stress level. These relationships explained 64% of job stress variance.

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