scholarly journals Glutamate in Male and Female Sexual Behavior: Receptors, Transporters, and Steroid Independence

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Vic Shao-Chih Chiang ◽  
Jin Ho Park

The survival of animal species predicates on the success of sexual reproduction. Neurotransmitters play an integral role in the expression of these sexual behaviors in the brain. Here, we review the role of glutamate in sexual behavior in rodents and non-rodent species for both males and females. These encompass the release of glutamate and correlations with glutamate receptor expression during sexual behavior. We then present the effects of glutamate on sexual behavior, as well as the effects of antagonists and agonists on different glutamate transporters and receptors. Following that, we discuss the potential role of glutamate on steroid-independent sexual behavior. Finally, we demonstrate the interaction of glutamate with other neurotransmitters to impact sexual behavior. These sexual behavior studies are crucial in the development of novel treatments of sexual dysfunction and in furthering our understanding of the complexity of sexual diversity. In the past decade, we have witnessed the burgeoning of novel techniques to study and manipulate neuron activity, to decode molecular events at the single-cell level, and to analyze behavioral data. They pose exciting avenues to gain further insight into future sexual behavior research. Taken together, this work conveys the essential role of glutamate in sexual behavior.

Endocrinology ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 146 (10) ◽  
pp. 4340-4348 ◽  
Johanna S. Schneider ◽  
Carly Burgess ◽  
Nicole C. Sleiter ◽  
Lydia L. DonCarlos ◽  
John P. Lydon ◽  

Reproductive and behavioral functions of progesterone receptors (PRs) in males were assessed by examining consequences of PR gene deletion. Basal hormone levels were measured in male progesterone receptor knockout (PRKO) mice and compared to wild-type (WT) counterparts. RIA of serum LH, testosterone, and progesterone levels revealed no significant differences. Levels of FSH were moderately but significantly lower and inhibin levels were higher in PRKOs; these differences were not accompanied by gross differences in testicular weight or morphology. PRKOs exhibited significant alterations in sexual behavior. In initial tests PRKOs exhibited reduced latency to mount, compared with WT. In second sessions, PRKOs again showed a significantly reduced latency to mount and increased likelihood of achieving ejaculation. RU486 treatment in WT produced increased mount and intromission frequency and decreased latency to intromission. In anxiety-related behavior tests, PRKO mice exhibited intermediate anxiety levels, compared with WT, suggesting that enhanced sexual behavior in PRKOs is not secondary to reduced anxiety. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed significantly enhanced androgen receptor expression in the medial preoptic nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of PRKO. We conclude that testicular development and function and homeostatic regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary testicular axis are altered to a lesser extent by PR gene deletion. In contrast, PR appears to play a substantial role in inhibiting the anticipatory/motivational components of male sexual behavior in the mouse. The biological significance of this inhibitory mechanism and the extent to which it is mediated by reduced androgen receptor expression remain to be clarified.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Ioannis Legakis ◽  
Konstantinos Syrigos

Recent molecular studies have described a number of abnormalities associated with the progression and dedifferentiation of thyroid carcinoma. These distinct molecular events are often associated with specific stages of tumor development. In particular, remarkable advances have occurred in several major biological areas of thyroid cancer, including the molecular alterations for the loss of radioiodine avidity of thyroid cancer, the pathogenic role of the MAP kinase and PI3K/Akt pathways and their related genetic alterations, and the aberrant methylation of functionally important genes in thyroid tumorigenesis and pathogenesis. Recognition of these features is crucial to the management of patients with thyroid cancer. Novel treatments are being designed based on our enhanced understanding of this disease process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 220-238
Katarzyna Knopp

Risky sexual behavior of young people have a number of adverse consequences in the health, psychological and social dimension. Therefore, it is extremely important to undertake actions promoting proper sexual behaviors among young people and more conscious and responsible attitudes towards this sphere of life. In order for the introduced educational and preventive actions to be effective, it is necessary to precisely recognize the factors protecting from risky sexual behavior and the factors increasing the risk of such behaviors.  The paper attempts to answer the question about the role of emotional intelligence of adolescents as a protective factor against risky sexual behavior. The first part outlines the problem of risky sexual behavior of adolescents - its types, sources and consequences. Next, the most important models of emotional intelligence are presented, and its relation to the effectiveness of functioning on different levels of life is discussed. Finally, the article describes the relations between emotional intelligence of adolescents and the tendency to engage in risky sexual behavior, referring to both psychological theories and empirical data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Chindy Kencana Sari ◽  
Marselius Sampe Tondok ◽  
Darmawan Muttaqin

Sexual desire can be one of the antecedents for individual premarital sexual behavior. Otherwise, sexual self-control can prevent individuals from engaging premarital sexual behavior. This study aimed to examine the role of self-control in moderating the relationship between sexual desire and premarital sexual behavior. This study involved 209 emerging adults (18-25 years old) who were dating and not undergoing a long-distance relationship. The current study used Premarital Sexual Permissiveness measurement, dyadic sexual desire subscale from Sexual Desire Inventory-II, general sex-drive and stimulus-elicited sex-drive subscales from Perceived Sexual Control to measure premarital sexual behavior, sexual desire, and sexual self-control respectively. Results of regression analysis showed that sexual self-control did not moderate the relationship between sexual desire and kissing (∆R2 = 0.006, p > 0.05), as well as sexual desire and petting (∆R2 = 0.001, p > 0.05). However, self-control could be a moderator in the relationship between sexual desire and intercourse (∆R2 = 0.027, p < 0.01).

Endocrinology ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 153 (5) ◽  
pp. 2223-2233 ◽  
Yuanzhong Xu ◽  
William G. O'Brien ◽  
Cheng-Chi Lee ◽  
Martin G. Myers ◽  
Qingchun Tong

It is well established that leptin regulates energy balance largely through isoform B leptin receptor-expressing neurons (LepR neurons) in the brain and that leptin activates one subset of LepR neurons (leptin-excited neurons) while inhibiting the other (leptin-inhibited neurons). However, the neurotransmitters released from LepR neurons that mediate leptin action in the brain are not well understood. Previous results demonstrate that leptin mainly acts on γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons to reduce body weight, and that leptin activates proopiomelanocortin neuron activity by reducing GABA release onto these neurons, suggesting a body weight-promoting role for GABA released from leptin-inhibited neurons. To directly examine the role of GABA release from LepR neurons in body weight regulation, mice with disruption of GABA release specifically from LepR neurons were generated by deletion of vesicular GABA transporter in LepR neurons. Interestingly, these mice developed mild obesity on chow diet and were sensitive to diet-induced obesity, which were associated with higher food intake and lower energy expenditure. Moreover, these mice showed blunted responses in both food intake and body weight to acute leptin administration. These results demonstrate that GABA plays an important role in mediating leptin action. In combination with the previous studies that leptin reduces GABA release onto proopiomelanocortin neurons through leptin-inhibited neurons and that disruption of GABA release from agouti gene-related protein neurons, one subset of LepR-inhibited neurons, leads to a lean phenotype, our results suggest that, under our experimental conditions, GABA release from leptin-excited neuron dominates over leptin-inhibited ones.

2016 ◽  
Vol 371 (1688) ◽  
pp. 20150115 ◽  
Jenny Clarkson ◽  
Allan E. Herbison

Sex differences in brain neuroanatomy and neurophysiology underpin considerable physiological and behavioural differences between females and males. Sexual differentiation of the brain is regulated by testosterone secreted by the testes predominantly during embryogenesis in humans and the neonatal period in rodents. Despite huge advances in understanding how testosterone, and its metabolite oestradiol, sexually differentiate the brain, little is known about the mechanism that actually generates the male-specific neonatal testosterone surge. This review examines the evidence for the role of the hypothalamus, and particularly the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, in generating the neonatal testosterone surge in rodents and primates. Kisspeptin–GPR54 signalling is well established as a potent and critical regulator of GnRH neuron activity during puberty and adulthood, and we argue here for an equally important role at birth in driving the male-specific neonatal testosterone surge in rodents. The presence of a male-specific population of preoptic area kisspeptin neurons that appear transiently in the perinatal period provide one possible source of kisspeptin drive to neonatal GnRH neurons in the mouse.

Antonio Pérez-Pérez ◽  
Flora Sánchez-Jiménez ◽  
Julieta Maymó ◽  
José L. Dueñas ◽  
Cecilia Varone ◽  

AbstractReproductive function is dependent on energy resources. The role of weight, body composition, fat distribution and the effect of diet have been largely investigated in experimental female animals as well as in women. Any alteration in diet and/or weight may induce abnormalities in timing of sexual maturation and fertility. However, the cellular mechanisms involved in the fine coordination of energy balance and reproduction are largely unknown. The brain and hypothalamic structures receive endocrine and/or metabolic signals providing information on the nutritional status and the degree of fat stores. Adipose tissue acts both as a store of energy and as an active endocrine organ, secreting a large number of biologically important molecules termed adipokines. Adipokines have been shown to be involved in regulation of the reproductive functions. The first adipokine described was leptin. Extensive research over the last 10 years has shown that leptin is not only an adipose tissue-derived messenger of the amount of energy stores to the brain, but also a crucial hormone/cytokine for a number of diverse physiological processes, such as inflammation, angiogenesis, hematopoiesis, immune function, and most importantly, reproduction. Leptin plays an integral role in the normal physiology of the reproductive system with complex interactions at all levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis. In addition, leptin is also produced by placenta, where it plays an important autocrine function. Observational studies have demonstrated that states of leptin excess, deficiency, or resistance can be associated with abnormal reproductive function. This review focuses on the leptin action in female reproduction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Lucille Lakier Smith

Typically, the development of anorexia nervosa (AN) is attributed to psycho-social causes. Several researchers have recently challenged this view and suggested that hypothermia and hyperactivity (HyAc) are central to AN. The following hypothesis will attempt to clarify their role in AN. Anorexia nervosa patients (ANs) have significantly lower core temperatures (Tcore) compared to healthy controls (HCs). This reduced temperature represents a reset Tcore that needs to be maintained. However, ANs cannot maintain this Tcore due primarily to a reduced basal metabolic rate (BMR); BMR usually supplies heat to sustain Tcore. Therefore, to generate the requisite heat, ANs revert to the behavioral-thermoregulatory strategy of HyAc. The majority of ANs (~89%) are reportedly HyAc. Surprisingly, engagement in HyAc is not motivated by a conscious awareness of low Tcore, but rather by the innocuous sensation of “cold- hands” frequently reported by ANs. That is, local hand-thermoreceptors signal the brain to initiate HyAc, which boosts perfusion of the hands and alters the sensation of “cold-discomfort” to one of “comfort.” This “rewarding” consequence encourages repetition/habit formation. Simultaneously, hyperactivity increases the availability of heat to assist with the preservation of Tcore. Additionally, HyAc induces the synthesis of specific brain neuromodulators that suppress food intake and further promote HyAc; this outcome helps preserve low weight and perpetuates this vicious cycle. Based on this hypothesis and supported by rodent research, external heat availability should reduce the compulsion to be HyAc to thermoregulate. A reduction in HyAc should decrease the production of brain neuromodulators that suppress appetite. If verified, hopefully, this hypothesis will assist with the development of novel treatments to aid in the resolution of this intractable condition.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Hafid Mahesa Romulo ◽  
Sukma Noor Akbar ◽  
Marina Dwi Mayangsari

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual remaja awal di SMP Anggrek Banjarmasin. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 106 orang yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala perilaku seksual dan angket pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi. Berdasarkan uji regresi linear sederhana diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,033 dengan R = -0,207 , dan nilai  persamaan Y = 89,679 + - 1,040X yang berarti pengetahun kesehatan reproduksi mempunyai peranan negatif terhadap perilaku seksual sehingga setiap kenaikan satu poin pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi (misalnya 89,679 -> 90,679), maka perilaku seksual akan mengalami penurunan sebesar -1,040. Selain itu diperoleh R Square sebesar 0,043 menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi memiliki sumbangan peranan terhadap perilaku seksual sebesar 4,3 %. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada peranan negatif pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi terhadap perilaku seksual, sehingga semakin tinggi pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi maka akan semakin rendah perilaku seksual remaja awal di SMP Anggrek Banjarmasin.  Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Perilaku Seksual, Remaja Awal The objective of this study was to find out the role of reproductive health knowledge towards early adolescents’ sexual behaviors at SMP Anggrek Banjarmasin. The samples in this study were 106 students who were taken by purposive sampling technique. The data collection instruments in this study were sexual behavior scale and reproductive health knowledge questionnaire. The simple linear regression showed that the significance value was 0.033 with R = -0.207, and the equation value Y = 89.679 + - 1.040 X, which indicated that reproductive health knowledge had a negative role towards sexual behavior, so each one-point increase in reproductive health knowledge (e.g. 89.679 - > 90.679) made sexual behavior decreased by -1.040. It also obtained R Square of 0.043 indicating that reproductive health knowledge contributed to the role of sexual behavior at 4.3 %. It can be concluded that there was a negative role of reproductive health knowledge towards sexual behavior; therefore the higher the reproductive health knowledge that the early adolescents at SMP Anggrek Banjarmasin had, the lower their sexual behaviors. Keywords: Knowledge, Reproductive Health, Sexual Behavior, Early Adolescent

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