scholarly journals Study Benefits of Smartphones: Perceptions of Female Emirati Pre-Service Teacher Undergraduates

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 817
Nicolas Gromik ◽  
David Litz

Smartphones are becoming ubiquitous and can be very useful study tools. We explored female Emirati undergraduates’ perceptions of smartphone use in the classroom. Furthermore, we investigated the age at which participants received their first smartphones, the number of smartphones to which they had access at the time of the study, and the influence of these aspects on the use of smartphones as a learning tool. An online survey of 189 participants revealed that the age of receiving their first smartphone, combined with the number of smartphones they owned or had access to at the time of the study, did not correlate with their perceptions of the usefulness of smartphones as a learning tool in a statistically significant manner. However, participants in their first year of study had fewer positive perceptions about the use of smartphones in the classroom than participants in subsequent study years. We surmise that this might be attributable, in part, to the further experiences older students have had or classes they have taken or to student teaching experiences in which they might have firsthand observed the benefits of phone use in the classroom as a learning tool.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Momin Kashif ◽  
Mirza Nisar Baig

Background: The rapid growth and availability of smartphones and social media platforms (SMP) have changed the medical students' approach to learn and manage the information about their academic, personal and professional lives. Methods: An online survey was done in undergraduate medical students of PIMS, Karimnagar to collect information about usage pattern and perception of SMP, and willingness to participate for using SMP as a learning tool in medical education. Results: Total 433 (Females – 275) out of 600 students participated in the survey from the first year (125), secondyear (151) and third-year (157) MBBS students. Everyone is using some type of SMP. They find SMP nearly equal to lecture materials and subject notes as a useful learning tool and there was significantly increasing trend of perception of SMP being a useful learning tool from the first-year (79%), second-year (83%) to third-year (92%), (p=0.01). Almost 93% want to see SMP used at institute level in medical education. Female students (52.4%) are significantly more willing for active participation than male students (43%), p=0.04. First-year students (56%) are more ready for active participation followed by third (48.4%) and second (43.7%) year students, p=0.08. Conclusion: Most students are willing to include SMP in medical education as a learning tool and ready to participate in different activities if they get the required training. As all students have smartphones and efficiently utilizing different services on their devices, SMP can become an effective learning tool in medical education.

Anne Koch ◽  
Misook Heo ◽  
Joseph C. Kush

This study evaluated the perceptions of pre-service teachers in their ability to integrate technology into a learning environment based on coursework and student teaching experiences. Pre-service teachers were surveyed using the 2008 ISTE/NETS*T standards as a framework. Results were collected across four academic years at a university that has identified technology as an underlying theme. Conclusions from the study provide an insight into technology savvy characteristics of pre-service teachers. Results also show that technology modeling and program design within a teacher education program can have a significant impact on pre-service teachers, thus improving their perceptions about their ability to integrate technology.

2020 ◽  
pp. 237337992097842
Rimante Ronto ◽  
Alexandra Bhatti ◽  
Josephine Chau

Twitter has gained attention in recent years as a tool to use in higher education to enhance students’ learning, engagement, and reflective writing. This study explored public health students’ perceptions on the usefulness of Twitter as a learning tool, engagement with their peers, staff, and the broader public health community. Participants were Master of Public Health students from a public university based in Sydney, Australia. A mixed methods approach was used combining content analysis of tweets, an online survey and two focus groups. Students were asked to engage with Twitter by reflecting on each week’s teaching content and by liking and replying to their peers’ tweets. Participation and engagement in this task were high initially and declined toward the end of semester. Most student tweets aligned with topics taught during the semester. Survey and focus group data indicated most students had positive views on using Twitter and reported finding engagement with Twitter beneficial in obtaining current information on health promotion news and trends, increasing their professional networks and allowing them to connect with their peers and teaching staff. Results indicate Twitter is a promising interactive approach to enhance public health students’ engagement and overall learning experience, as well as being useful for professional networking. Larger scale empirical studies are needed to investigate the impact of the use of social media platforms such as Twitter to various learning outcomes longitudinally and beyond this course.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 205
Saija Benjamin ◽  
Visajaani Salonen ◽  
Liam Gearon ◽  
Pia Koirikivi ◽  
Arniika Kuusisto

Initiatives for preventing radicalization and violent extremism through education (PVE-E) have become a feature of global educational policy and educational institutions across all phases, from early childhood to universities, also in Finland. If schools may be regarded as safe spaces here for identity and worldview construction and experiences of belonging, the specific subject matter of PVE-E is also dangerous territory. Not least because of PVE-E’s focus on radicalization, but above all because of perceptions of schools being used as an adjunct of governmental counter-terrorism policy. We argue that understanding young people’s views on issues related to radicalization and violent extremism is critical in order to develop ethical, sustainable, contextualized, and pedagogical approaches to prevent hostilities and foster peaceful co-existence. After providing some critical framing of the Finnish educational context in a broader international setting, we thus examine young people’s views (n = 3617) in relation to the safe spaces through online survey data gathered as a part of our larger 4-year research project Growing up radical? The role of educational institutions in guiding young people’s worldview construction. Specifically focused on Finland but with potentially wider international implications, more understanding about the topic of PVE-E is needed to inform teacher education and training, to which our empirical data makes some innovative contribution.

Alessio Gori ◽  
Eleonora Topino

This study aimed at investigating the psychological effect of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy by analysing the trends of perceived stress, post-traumatic symptoms, state anxiety, worry, and civic moral disengagement in four different moments from March 2020 to March 2021. The study involved a total of 1827 Italian participants (30% men and 70% women; Mage = 34.72; SD = 12.40) divided into four groups to which an online survey was administered. The first group completed the survey in March 2020, the second one in August 2020, the third one in November 2020, and the fourth one in March 2021. Results highlighted significant decreases in post-traumatic symptoms and a significant increase in civic moral disengagement over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The levels of perceived stress, worry, and state anxiety remained constant. The correlations between the variables at different times were also explored, as well as gender differences over the year. The COVID-19 emergency has had significant effects on the mental state of the population, with important repercussions for individual and collective well-being during but probably also after the pandemic. This study offers a clear snapshot of the psychological outcomes over one COVID-19 pandemic year, providing important information that may contribute to tailor more effective interventions for mental health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 1216-1216
Holly E Cooke ◽  
Claudia Jacova

Abstract Objective This study aimed to understand the implications that smartphones have for prospective memory (PM) performance. We examined normal adults’ performance on an event-based PM task embedded in an online survey, and its relationship with the PM strategies used prior to the PM cue. Method Participants included 349 individuals aged >18— (M = 38.31; SD = 11.15); 62% male; non-Hispanic (83.38%); with education = HS diploma or less (8.31%), some college (12.61%), and college degree (79.08%)—recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk. Participants completed the survey on their smartphones. The PM task required participants to respond “N/A” to a question presented later in the survey. Follow-up questions were asked about the use of external reminders, internal monitoring, recollections, and level of importance participants attributed to the PM task. Results One third of participants were successful on the PM task. Of those who had PM success, 11.50% used external reminders, 53.10% used internal monitoring strategies, 62.83% had recollections, and 95.56% considered the task at least somewhat important to remember. Logistic regression revealed that non-Hispanic ethnicity, ≤ high school education, and high perceived importance predicted PM success (Table 1). Interestingly, 40% of individuals with PM failure used external reminders, showing a significant negative relationship with PM success. Conclusions We found that external reminders, internal monitoring, and recollections may make PM success less likely during smartphone use—strategies which were associated with PM success in previous research. Only perceived importance predicted PM success, akin to previous findings. Implications reveal that smartphones may change the demands of PM tasks.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1534
Seyit Ateş

Writing, which is defined as a statement of thoughts, emotions, and knowledge in a writing form, is an important skill used by any individual during lifelong. Due to this fact, writing skill have drawn more attention from educators and researchers and a number of empiric and theoretical researches have been conducted on how to acquire and develop this skill. Additionally, how this skill is transferred into classroom setting has an interest. The current research aimed to explore the writing practices in the classroom settings from the pre-service teachers’ perspectives. This research employed qualitative case study method and the data was collected though the structured observations and semi-structured focus group interviews. The fourth-year pre-service teachers studying at elementary school classroom teaching and their experienced teachers in their student teaching experience schools constituted the research sample. The data was analyzed by using descriptive techniques. The overall findings of the research showed that there was a relative lack of the practice used for developing writing skills in the classroom setting. While the grade level changed, the practices for writing di not differentiated. Based on the research findings, the recommendations were given. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetZihindeki duygu, düşünce ve bilgilerin yazılı bir şekilde ifade edilmesi olarak tanımlanan yazma bireyin hayatı boyunca kullanacağı önemli bir beceridir. Bu nedenle yazma her zaman eğitimcilerin ve araştırmacıların ilgi odağı olmuş, bu becerinin kazanımı ve geliştirilmesiyle ilgili kuramsal ve uygulama temelli çok sayıda araştırma yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmaların sınıflara nasıl yansıdığı ise merak konusudur. Bu araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının perspektifinden sınıfta gerçekleştirilen yazma çalışmalarının betimlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nitel yaklaşımla gerçekleştirilmiş olup veriler yapılandırılmış katılımlı olmayan gözlemler ve katılımcılarla yapılan odak grup görüşmeler yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Sınıf öğretmenliği eğitimi son sınıf öğrencileri ve bu öğrencilerin staja gittikleri okullardaki öğretmenler araştırmanın çalışma grubunu oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada gözlem ve görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler betimsel analizle çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmadan çıkarılan en genel sonuç ilkokul sınıflarında yazmanın geliştirilmesine yönelik uygulamaların yetersiz olduğu yönündedir. Sınıf düzeyinin değişmesine rağmen yazma öncesinde, yazma sırasında ve yazma sonrasında sınıflarda yapılan çalışmalar farklılaşmamaktadır. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda uygulamaya yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir.

Shikha Gautam ◽  
Salamah Parveen Imteyaz ◽  
Mohammed Iqbal Alam

Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic has involved nearly all the countries of the world. The lockdowns and closure of educational institutes to reduce the risk of disease transmission has brought a change in the medium of teaching as most educational institutes have moved to the online mode. There is a widespread increase in stress as the number of cases and mortality associated with Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) continue each day. Aim: To assess the stress status of first year undergraduate medical students in reference to the coronavirus pandemic and the perception of first year undergraduate medical students in reference to the E-learning being carried out during the coronavirus pandemic. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional web-based online survey that was conducted using a questionnaire in August 2020 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, India. The questionnaire was prepared and reviewed by the involved faculty members of the project and it was approved by a faculty from Department of Psychiatry. Reliability of questionnaire was measured using Cronbach’s alpha (0.89). A questionnaire with 20 questions was administered via Google forms to all 100 students of first year MBBS course. Some of the questions in the questionnaire were framed to assess the stress status of the students; some were designed to study students’ perception of E-learning. Data was represented as the percentage distribution of response for each question. Results: Ninety five responses were received, after accounting for exclusion factors; data was compiled for 91 respondents. Out of the 91 participants in the study, 48.4% were males (n=44) and 51.6% were females (n=47). Most of the students in this study (84.6%) felt that online teaching had helped in learning Physiology theory; around 43% students found online practical teaching useful. Around 39% students have reported internet connectivity issues all the time while 59% faced problem sometimes. Total 51.6% of students had difficulty in accessibility to devices. Due to coronavirus pandemic, 37.4% of students have reported to be under stress. Around 33% reported feeling unsafe all the time while 39.5% felt unsafe some of the times. Conclusion: Students found online teaching more helpful in learning Physiology theory than practical. Majority of class reported internet connectivity issues. All the responders agreed that this pandemic affected their regular life. Most of the students felt that online classes have helped them to remain positive and motivated towards study.

Tanwi Ghosal (Sen) ◽  
Anirban Sadhu ◽  
Parijat Mukherjee ◽  
Paramita Mukhopadhyay

Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has necessitated closure of physical classroom for maintaining social distancing norms, prompting learning environment to shift from offline to online. Medical education has also undergone similar changes, and online education and assessment methods had to be implemented. Student’s perception regarding the same was assessed through this study. Aim: To assess the perception of first year MBBS students about the online education and assessment during the lockdown period of two months. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on the first year MBBS students of North Bengal Medical College (NBMCH) during the COVID-19 Lockdown period. All first year MBBS students of NBMCH were added in WhatsApp groups created for academic purposes by Department of Anatomy, NBMCH during the lockdown period. Respective teachers in the academic groups carried out sharing of Digital Education Material (DEM), holding Online Interaction (OI) and correspondence with students, and taking Online Assessments (OA) through sharing questions framed in Google Forms. After two months, the perception of the students was assessed through a voluntary participation based online survey designed in google forms, the results of which were tabulated later and analysed. Results: A total 95 students (54 Male, 41 Female) out of 200 had participated in the survey. Most students were reliant on smartphones (n=90, 94.7%) and mobile internet (n=78, 82%). Most agreed on DEM being relevant (83.2%) and informative (80.7%) but showed diverging opinion on ease of understanding, revision and overall fulfillment of learning objective. On OI majority students responded positively on promptness, relevancy, informative and helpfulness but only46.8% considered DEM and OI fulfilled the overall learning objective. Regarding OA students had an overall positive opinion. Comparing the online mode with offline, students mostly preferred the latter, though agreeing that online method of education was effective and it was easier to score in OAs. Conclusion: While most students accepted online education, interaction and assessment positively, at the end most of them still preferred offline mode of education and assessment. This could reflect lack of student-student interaction and indicated need of further studies to explore the matter, to help us approach online education better.

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