scholarly journals Comparative Analysis of Rain Gauge and Radar Precipitation Estimates towards Rainfall-Runoff Modelling in a Peri-Urban Basin in Attica, Greece

Hydrology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Apollon Bournas ◽  
Evangelos Baltas

In this research work, an analysis is conducted concerning the impact on rainfall-runoff simulations of utilizing rain gauge precipitation measurements against weather radar quantitative precipitation estimates. The study area is the Sarantapotamos river basin, a peri-urban basin located in the greater area of Athens, and measurements from a newly installed X-Band weather radar system, referred to as rainscanner, along with ground rain gauge stations were used. Rainscanner, in contrast to rain gauges, is able to provide with higher resolution surface precipitation datasets, but due to signal errors, uncertainty is involved, and thus proper calibration and evaluation of these estimates must be first performed. In this context, this research work evaluates the impact of adopting different precipitation datasets and interpolation methods for generating runoff, through the use of a lumped based rainfall-runoff model. Initially, the analysis focuses on the correlation between the rain gauge and the rainscanner estimations for each station, as well as for the calculated mean areal precipitation. The results of the rainfall-runoff simulations show that even though a different spatial and temporal variability of the rainfall field is calculated through the two datasets, in a lumped-based scheme, the most important factor that dictates the runoff generation is the amount of total precipitation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3184
Petr Novák ◽  
Hana Kyznarová ◽  
Martin Pecha ◽  
Petr Šercl ◽  
Vojtěch Svoboda ◽  

In the past few years, demands on flash flood forecasting have grown. The Flash Flood Indicator (FFI) is a system used at the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute for the evaluation of the risk of possible occurrence of flash floods over the whole Czech Republic. The FFI calculation is based on the current soil saturation, the physical-geographical characteristics of every considered area, and radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) and forecasts (QPFs). For higher reliability of the flash flood risk assessment, calculations of QPEs and QPFs are crucial, particularly when very high intensities of rainfall are reached or expected. QPEs and QPFs entering the FFI computations are the products of the Czech Weather Radar Network. The QPF is based on the COTREC extrapolation method. The radar-rain gauge-combining method MERGE2 is used to improve radar-only QPEs and QPFs. It generates a combined radar-rain gauge QPE based on the kriging with an external drift algorithm, and, also, an adjustment coefficient applicable to radar-only QPEs and QPFs. The adjustment coefficient is applied in situations when corresponding rain gauge measurements are not yet available. A new adjustment coefficient scheme was developed and tested to improve the performance of adjusted radar QPEs and QPFs in the FFI.

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1332-1346 ◽  
Rebekka Erdin ◽  
Christoph Frei ◽  
Hans R. Künsch

Abstract Geostatistics provides a popular framework for deriving high-resolution quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) by combining radar and rain gauge data. However, the skewed and heteroscedastic nature of precipitation is in contradiction to assumptions of classical geostatistics. This study examines the potential of trans-Gaussian kriging to overcome this contradiction. Combination experiments are undertaken with kriging with external drift (KED) using several settings of the Box–Cox transformation. Hourly precipitation data in Switzerland for the year 2008 serve as test bed to compare KED with and without transformation. The impact of transformation is examined with regard to compliance with model assumptions, accuracy of the point estimate, and reliability of the probabilistic estimate. Data transformation improves the compliance with model assumptions, but some level of contradiction remains in situations with many dry gauges. Very similar point estimates are found for KED with untransformed and appropriately transformed data. However, care is needed to avoid excessive transformation (close to log) because this can introduce a positive bias. Strong benefits from transformation are found for the probabilistic estimate, which is rendered positively skewed, sensitive to precipitation amount, and quantitatively more reliable. Without transformation, 44% of all precipitation observations larger than 5 mm h−1 are considered as extremely unlikely by the probabilistic estimate in the test application. Transformation reduces this rate to 4%. Although transformation cannot fully remedy the complications for geostatistics in radar–gauge combination, it seems a useful procedure if realistic and reliable estimation uncertainties are desired, such as for the stochastic simulation of QPE ensembles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 2347-2365 ◽  
Ali Jozaghi ◽  
Mohammad Nabatian ◽  
Seongjin Noh ◽  
Dong-Jun Seo ◽  
Lin Tang ◽  

Abstract We describe and evaluate adaptive conditional bias–penalized cokriging (CBPCK) for improved multisensor precipitation estimation using rain gauge data and remotely sensed quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE). The remotely sensed QPEs used are radar-only and radar–satellite-fused estimates. For comparative evaluation, true validation is carried out over the continental United States (CONUS) for 13–30 September 2015 and 7–9 October 2016. The hourly gauge data, radar-only QPE, and satellite QPE used are from the Hydrometeorological Automated Data System, Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System, and Self-Calibrating Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval (SCaMPR), respectively. For radar–satellite fusion, conditional bias–penalized Fisher estimation is used. The reference merging technique compared is ordinary cokriging (OCK) used in the National Weather Service Multisensor Precipitation Estimator. It is shown that, beyond the reduction due to mean field bias (MFB) correction, both OCK and adaptive CBPCK additionally reduce the unconditional root-mean-square error (RMSE) of radar-only QPE by 9%–16% over the CONUS for the two periods, and that adaptive CBPCK is superior to OCK for estimation of hourly amounts exceeding 1 mm. When fused with the MFB-corrected radar QPE, the MFB-corrected SCaMPR QPE for September 2015 reduces the unconditional RMSE of the MFB-corrected radar by 4% and 6% over the entire and western half of the CONUS, respectively, but is inferior to the MFB-corrected radar for estimation of hourly amounts exceeding 7 mm. Adaptive CBPCK should hence be favored over OCK for estimation of significant amounts of precipitation despite larger computational cost, and the SCaMPR QPE should be used selectively in multisensor QPE.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-182 ◽  
Francisco J. Tapiador ◽  
Andrés Navarro ◽  
Eduardo García-Ortega ◽  
Andrés Merino ◽  
José Luis Sánchez ◽  

AbstractAfter 5 years in orbit, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission has produced enough quality-controlled data to allow the first validation of their precipitation estimates over Spain. High-quality gauge data from the meteorological network of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) are used here to validate Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) level 3 estimates of surface precipitation. While aggregated values compare notably well, some differences are found in specific locations. The research investigates the sources of these discrepancies, which are found to be primarily related to the underestimation of orographic precipitation in the IMERG satellite products, as well as to the number of available gauges in the GPCC gauges used for calibrating IMERG. It is shown that IMERG provides suboptimal performance in poorly instrumented areas but that the estimate improves greatly when at least one rain gauge is available for the calibration process. A main, generally applicable conclusion from this research is that the IMERG satellite-derived estimates of precipitation are more useful (r2 > 0.80) for hydrology than interpolated fields of rain gauge measurements when at least one gauge is available for calibrating the satellite product. If no rain gauges were used, the results are still useful but with decreased mean performance (r2 ≈ 0.65). Such figures, however, are greatly improved if no coastal areas are included in the comparison. Removing them is a minor issue in terms of hydrologic impacts, as most rivers in Spain have their sources far from the coast.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-31 ◽  
Sunil Ghaju ◽  
Knut Alfredsen

High spatial variability of precipitation over Nepal demands dense network of rain-gauge stations. But to set-up a dense rain gauge network is almost impossible due to mountainous topography of Nepal. Also the dense rain gauge network will be very expensive and some time impossible for timely maintenance. Satellite precipitation products are an alternative way to collect precipitation data with high temporal and spatial resolution over Nepal. In this study, the satellite precipitation products TRMM and GSMaP were analyzed. Precipitation was compared with ground based gauge precipitation in the Narayani basin, while the applicability of these rainfall products for runoff simulation were tested using the LANDPINE model for Trishuli basin which is a sub-basin within Narayani catchment. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency calculated for TRMM and GSMaP from point to pixel comparison is negative for most of stations. Also the estimation bias for both the products is negative indicating under estimation of precipitation by satellite products, with least under estimation for the GSMaP precipitation product. After point to pixel comparison, satellite precipitation estimates were used for runoff simulation in the Trishuli catchment with and without bias correction for each product. Among the two products, TRMM shows good simulation result without any bias correction for calibration and validation period with scaling factor of 2.24 for precipitation which is higher than that for gauge precipitation. This suggests, it could be used for runoff simulation to the catchments where there is no precipitation station. But it is too early to conclude by just looking into one catchment. So extensive study need to be done to make such conclusion.Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology, Vol. 8(1) p.22-31

2007 ◽  
Vol 135 (7) ◽  
pp. 2506-2524 ◽  
Philippe Lopez ◽  
Peter Bauer

Abstract The one- plus four-dimensional variational data assimilation (“1D+4DVAR”) method currently run in operations at ECMWF with rain-affected radiances from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager is used to study the potential impact of assimilating NCEP stage-IV analyses of hourly accumulated surface precipitation over the U.S. mainland. These data are a combination of rain gauge measurements and observations from the high-resolution Doppler Next-Generation Weather Radars. Several 1D+4DVAR experiments have been run over a month in spring 2005. First, the quality of the precipitation forecasts in the control experiment is assessed. Then, it is shown that the impact of the assimilation of the additional rain observations on global scores of dynamical fields and temperature is rather neutral, while precipitation scores are improved for forecast ranges up to 12 h. Additional 1D+4DVAR experiments in which all moisture-affected observations are removed over the United States demonstrate that the NCEP stage-IV precipitation data on their own can clearly be beneficial to the analyses and subsequent forecasts of the moisture field. This result suggests that the potential impact of precipitation observations is overshadowed by the influence of other high-quality humidity observations, in particular, radiosondes. It also confirms that the assimilation of precipitation observations has the ability to improve the quality of moisture analyses and forecasts in data-sparse regions. Finally, the limitations inherent in the current assimilation of precipitation data, their implications for the future, and possible ways of improvement are discussed.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2550 ◽  
Masoud Meshkat ◽  
Nosratollah Amanian ◽  
Ali Talebi ◽  
Mahboobeh Kiani-Harchegani ◽  
Jesús Rodrigo-Comino

The geometry of hillslopes (plan and profile) affects soil erosion under rainfall-runoff processes. This issue comprises of several factors, which must be identified and assessed if efficient control measures are to be designed. The main aim of the current research was to investigate the impact of surface Roughness Coefficients (RCs) and Complex Hillslopes (CHs) on runoff variables viz. time of generation, time of concentration, and peak discharge value. A total of 81 experiments were conducted with a rainfall intensity of 7 L min−1 on three types of soils with different RCs (i.e., low = 0.015, medium = 0.016, and high = 0.018) and CHs (i.e., profile curvature and plan shape). An inclination of 20% was used for three replications. The results indicate a significant difference (p-value ≤ 0.001) in the above-mentioned runoff variables under different RCs and CHs. Our investigation of the combined effects of RCs and CHs on the runoff variables shows that the plan and profile impacts are consistent with a variation in RC. This can implicate that at low RC, the effect of the plan shape (i.e., convergent) on runoff variables increases but at high RC, the impact of the profile curvature overcomes the plan shapes and the profile curvature’s changes become the criteria for changing the behavior of the runoff variables. The lowest mean values of runoff generation and time of concentration were obtained in the convex-convergent and the convex-divergent at 1.15 min and 2.68 min, respectively, for the soil with an RC of 0.015. The highest mean of peak discharge was obtained in the concave-divergent CH in the soil with an RC of 0.018. We conclude that these results can be useful in order to design planned soil erosion control measures where the soil roughness and slope morphology play a key role in activating runoff generation.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1038 ◽  
Mario Guallpa ◽  
Johanna Orellana-Alvear ◽  
Jörg Bendix

Weather radar networks are an excellent tool for quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE), due to their high resolution in space and time, particularly in remote mountain areas such as the Tropical Andes. Nevertheless, reduction of the temporal and spatial resolution might severely reduce the quality of QPE. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the impact of spatial and temporal resolutions of radar data on the cumulative QPE. For this, data from the world’s highest X-band weather radar (4450 m a.s.l.), located in the Andes of Ecuador (Paute River basin), and from a rain gauge network were used. Different time resolutions (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 min) and spatial resolutions (0.5, 0.25, and 0.1 km) were evaluated. An optical flow method was validated for 11 rainfall events (with different features) and applied to enhance the temporal resolution of radar data to 1-min intervals. The results show that 1-min temporal resolution images are able to capture rain event features in detail. The radar–rain gauge correlation decreases considerably when the time resolution increases (r from 0.69 to 0.31, time resolution from 1 to 60 min). No significant difference was found in the rain total volume (3%) calculated with the three spatial resolution data. A spatial resolution of 0.5 km on radar imagery is suitable to quantify rainfall in the Andes Mountains. This study improves knowledge on rainfall spatial distribution in the Ecuadorian Andes, and it will be the basis for future hydrometeorological studies.

2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. 3419-3434 ◽  
O. Rakovec ◽  
P. Hazenberg ◽  
P. J. J. F. Torfs ◽  
A. H. Weerts ◽  
R. Uijlenhoet

Abstract. Sound spatially distributed rainfall fields including a proper spatial and temporal error structure are of key interest for hydrologists to force hydrological models and to identify uncertainties in the simulated and forecasted catchment response. The current paper presents a temporally coherent error identification method based on time-dependent multivariate spatial conditional simulations, which are conditioned on preceding simulations. A sensitivity analysis and real-world experiment are carried out within the hilly region of the Belgian Ardennes. Precipitation fields are simulated for pixels of 10 km × 10 km resolution. Uncertainty analyses in the simulated fields focus on (1) the number of previous simulation hours on which the new simulation is conditioned, (2) the advection speed of the rainfall event, (3) the size of the catchment considered, and (4) the rain gauge density within the catchment. The results for a sensitivity analysis show for typical advection speeds >20 km h−1, no uncertainty is added in terms of across ensemble spread when conditioned on more than one or two previous hourly simulations. However, for the real-world experiment, additional uncertainty can still be added when conditioning on a larger number of previous simulations. This is because for actual precipitation fields, the dynamics exhibit a larger spatial and temporal variability. Moreover, by thinning the observation network with 50%, the added uncertainty increases only slightly and the cross-validation shows that the simulations at the unobserved locations are unbiased. Finally, the first-order autocorrelation coefficients show clear temporal coherence in the time series of the areal precipitation using the time-dependent multivariate conditional simulations, which was not the case using the time-independent univariate conditional simulations. The presented work can be easily implemented within a hydrological calibration and data assimilation framework and can be used as an improvement over currently used simplistic approaches to perturb the interpolated point or spatially distributed precipitation estimates.

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