scholarly journals Rosa’s Theory of Resonance: Its Importance for (the Science of) Religion and Hope

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 797
Bojan Žalec

This article deals with the resonance theory of the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa, which has aroused a lot of interest among scholars in the humanities and social sciences, including researchers in the field of religion. The article focuses on its importance for religion, particularly the science of religion and hope. The author presents Rosa’s theory first from the anthropological and sociological aspect. He then turns to Rosa’s understanding of religion. On this basis, the author draws his conclusions, which are as follows: The main significance of the resonance theory for religion and the science of religion is in the rehabilitation of religion as an anthropological constant. It follows that Rosa’s theory of resonance is an important contribution to substantiating the importance of religion and supporting its cultivation. Secondly, Rosa’s theory is an important contribution and support to the flourishing of hope due to its scientific support for religion. Another contribution of Rosa’s theory to hope is that it helps us understand the connection between resonance, existential hope, and meaning, and thus contributes to our being more successful in developing existential hope and discovering the meaning of our lives and world. This is important for our quality of life.

Poligrafi ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 5-22
Bojan Žalec

German sociologist Hartmut Rosa has developed an integral resonance theory, which is a theory of our relationship to the world. This theory has aroused much interest in recent years not only among sociologists but also among representatives of other humanities and social sciences, including representatives of the science of religion. Therefore, the author considers it worth discussing. The article deals with religion and nature in light of Rosa’s theory. Rosa understands religion and nature as two of the main axes and areas of man’s search for vertical resonance in modernity. In the section devoted to religion, the author presents Rosa’s view that the essence of religion is man’s need for a response. In light of resonance theory, the author examines phenomena such as prayer, worship, religious rites, certain holidays (Christmas), and sin. Schleiermacher, Buber, Gerhardt, Luther and Camus are singled out as particularly relevant thinkers and creators. On this basis, he discusses existential violence, which stems from the need for resonance and the rejection of alienation as its opposite. The section devoted to nature is mainly focused on the problems that hinder modern man in their quest to fulfil their longing for resonance with nature. The author explains Rosa’s thesis that the ecological crisis is, at its core and origin, an existential and cultural crisis and not a crisis of resources. The author draws conclusions concerning the importance of religion and modern man’s fear of the loss of resonance.

2019 ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova ◽  
Olga Alexandrovna Manankova

The article deals with the analysis of distance education in the modern globalization, as well as the problems and difficulties faced by teachers and students in the process of this form of training. Distance learning system provides an excellent opportunity for higher education to those who did not have or want to get a second education with the aim of improving the quality of life, as well as their material and spiritual needs. This article, highlighting some of the difficulties and problems of training in modern globalization, can help teachers to allow and overcome some of these new problems.

2022 ◽  
pp. 223-241
José G. Vargas-Hernández

The present chapter analyzes two cases of a joint venture stage to determine the successes and failures undertaken by the PROMUSAG and Uber as a model and strategies of collaborative economies to improve the quality of life. First, it is analyzed PROMUSAG as a program to finance women entrepreneurship aimed to improve the quality of life and the second case aims to analyze the different strategies taken by Uber to join the global market successfully, positioning itself in different countries. The analysis concludes that the empirical knowledge of entrepreneurs, in this case were not sufficient to direct the business to success, and that the lack of structured knowledge and adequate scientific support for this project strongly directed towards the non-permanence on the market. Taking terms as work global, it is considered Uber as a technology-based company and sees it from an overall, same strategy refers to a strategy that follows the company having a worldwide standardized product, another issue that would revise the importance of the theory of institutions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 647
Izelina Helena de Freitas Antônio ◽  
Thatiara Lima Barroso ◽  
Agueda Maria Ruiz Zimmer Cavalcante ◽  
Luciano Ramos de Lima

ABSTRACTObjective: to determine the quality of life (QL) of cardiac patients eligible for implantation of a pacemaker (PM) in a cardiac hospital in the inland cities of Goiás States. Method: a cohort study, prospective, longitudinal quantitative approach. Purposeful sample applied to 25 patients who underwent implantation in the first half of 2009. The instrument used was the Short Form Healthy Survey (SF-36). The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0. The study was approved by the Ethics in Research of the University Center of Annapolis, protocol number 183/2008. Results: Chagas was the most frequent indication for implantation (68%), time of diagnosis of 1 to 25 years (56%), and 13 patients were undergoing treatment and 64% of patients with 1 insertion of pacemaker (PM), without changing so far. The major areas of life scores were Social Aspects (M=72,7), and the minor ones were Functional Capacity (M=31,6), demonstrating that QL is compromised because most of the areas did not exceed the average 50. There was no significance between age and QOL (p>0,05). Conclusion: we conclude that cardiac patients have significant negative impact on QL. Descriptors: quality of life; pacemaker, artificial; nursing; heart diseases; cardiac pacing, artificial; nursing assessment; chagas disease.    RESUMOObjetivo: determinar a qualidade de vida (QV) dos cardiopatas elegíveis à implantação de marca-passo (MP) em um hospital no interior de Goiás. Método: estudo de coorte, prospectivo, longitudinal, quantitativo. Amostra intencional aplicada a 25 pacientes submetidos ao implante de MP no primeiro semestre de 2009.  O instrumento utilizado foi o Short Form Healthy Survey (SF-36). Os dados foram analisados pelo Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro Universitário de Anápolis, com protocolo 183/2008. Resultados: Chagas foi a indicação mais frequente para implante (68%), com tempo de diagnóstico de 1 a 25 anos (56%), sendo que 13 pacientes realizavam tratamento e 64% dos pacientes com a 1ª inserção de MP. O domínio de maior escore para QV foi os Aspectos Sociais (M=72,7) e menor Capacidade Funcional (M=31,6), demonstrando que a QV é comprometida já que a maioria dos domínios não ultrapassou a média 50. Não houve significância entre idade e QV (p>0,05). Conclusão: os cardiopatas apresentam importante impacto negativo na QV. Descritores: qualidade de vida; marca-passo artificial ; enfermagem; cardiopatias; estimulação cardíaca artificial; avaliação em enfermagem; doença de chagas.    RESUMEN Objetivo: determinar la calidad de vida (CV) de los pacientes cardiacos elegibles para la implantación de un marcapasos (PM) en un hospital cardíaco del interior de Goiás. Método: estudio de cohorte, prospectivo, longitudinal de enfoque cuantitativo. Con propósito de la muestra aplicada a 25 pacientes que se sometieron a la implantación en el primer semestre de 2009. El instrumento utilizado fue la Encuesta Healthy Short Form (SF-36). Los datos fueron analizados mediante el Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15,0. El estudio fue aprobado por la Ética en la Investigación del Centro Universitario de Anápolis, con el protocolo 183/2008. Resultados: Chagas fue la indicación más frecuente para implante (68%), el tiempo de diagnóstico de 1 a 25 años (56%), y 13 pacientes fueron sometidos a tratamiento y el 64% de los pacientes con la inserción de 1 MP, ningún cambio en la tiempo. La principale área de cuentas de la vida fue los aspectos sociales (M=72,7), y los menores fueron la capacidad funcional (M = 31,6). No hubo significación entre la edad y la calidad de vida (CV) (p>0,05). Conclusión: se concluye que los pacientes cardíacos tienen un impacto negativo significativo en la CV. Descriptores: calidad de vida; marcapaso artificial; enfermería; cardiopatías; estimulación cardíaca artificial; evaluación en enfermería; enfermedad de chagas.   

José G. Vargas-Hernández

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the case of a joint venture stage to determine the successes and failures undertaken by women entrepreneurship aimed to improve the quality of life. The analysis is based on the theory of resources and skills of entrepreneurship and business. It is intended to answer the question, what were the successes and failures committed by entrepreneurs to run the business plan aimed to improve the quality of life in this particular case? The answers were found relating the situations described in the case with the theories of resources and skills and entrepreneurship. The analysis concludes that the empirical knowledge of entrepreneurs, in this case were not sufficient to direct the business to success, and that the lack of structured knowledge and adequate scientific support for this project strongly directed towards the non-permanence on the market.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
Stanisław Kowalik ◽  

Despite the vast knowledge concerning factors determining the level of quality of life accumulated in social sciences there are still difficulties with its application to improve human existence. Limited possibilities of rational moulding of this feature may be traced back to the dichotomous approach to social and psychological determinants of the course of human life (the conflict between psychological individualism and sociological holism). Resorting to dimensional thinking may be a solution to this problem. By analysing various functions played by imagination in the lives of both individuals and communities it has been demonstrated how imagination can be used to improve the quality of life. Key words: quality of life, social sciences, psychology, imagination

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