Akademika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 66-82
Abdul Hadi

Most Ofall Religions Andislam Without Exception, Are Has Theirs Own View OnPersonality, Either Directly Or Indirectly. This Study Aims To Explain The Religious ValuesAnd Personality According To Islamic Point Of View and education technology approach. ToAchieve This Goal The Author Take Referrence On Two Main Sources Of Knowledge InIslamic Philosophy, Namely: First, Divine Knowledge (Revelation) The Essence Of TruthWhich Is Believed To Right All The Times By The Adherents Of Islam. The Second Is TheParaneal Knowledge (Science) Which Is The Observations Rezult Of Scientists AndPhilosopy About God, Humans, And The Universe. Implementing for concept and prinsip ofvalues them need to be concreted in order the values of then can be measured byeducational tecnology approach. The Approach Used In This Study Is The QualitativeMethod With A Library Research Of Islamic Treasures Related To This Title. Religion AndPersonality Are Like Two Sides Of A Metal Currency Surface Where One And The OtherCannot Be Separated, The Islamic Teachings In Human Behviours Are Believed To Be TheMost Important Components In Personality In Order To Accordance With Their OriginalNature.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-135
Samsul Bahri

Abstract This dissertation is based on the demand of changes towards boarding school institution, which becomes academic debates about tradition and modernization of boarding school education system by Islamic scholars and thus becomes challenges for boarding schools. This research discussed boarding school education system based on the point of view of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid. This research design by using library research as the instrument with a descriptive analysis of historical approach and pedagogical comparative. The primary source of the data is the work by KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, such as Menggerakkan Tradisi; Esai-Esai Pesantren, BungaRampai Pesantren: Kumpulan KaryaTulis Abdurrahman Wahid, “Pesantren as a subkultur, in M. Dawam Rahardjo (ed), Pesantren dan perubahan, Islam kosmopolitan, Islamku Islam Anda Islam Kita, as primary sources.                 This paper concludes that the thinking of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid about boarding school education system is essential in responding to the changes by keep referring to the boarding schools subcultures. It can be seen from some of KH Abdurrahman Wahid’s thoughts, such as, first, the aim of boarding school education is dynamic does not only mean to tafaqqu fi al-din, but also to gain knowledge on religious sciences and others. So that students have extensive knowledge, religious knowledge, and general knowledge and skills. Second, the educational program of boarding school education is adaptively by maintaining integrated the curriculum of Islamic sciences and others by simplifying the boarding school curriculum and adjusting it into the development of sciences and technology. Third, the process of boarding school education is innovative by maintaining learning methods sorogan and wetonanthe main characters of boarding school education; however, efforts to the perfect educational system at boarding school must be continually made, especially those related to methods of teaching and implementation of materials in the boarding school. Besides promoting the important findings above, this dissertation recommends to manager and development of boarding school education system to be more competitive, relevant to the needs of society, and able to answer the demands of the times in accordance with the potential and distinctiveness Islamic boarding schools. Abstrak                 Disertasi ini dilatarbalakangi pada terjadinya tuntutan perubahan terhadap institusi pendidikan pesantren yang menjadi debat akademik tentang tradisi dan modernisasi sistem pendidikan pesantren yang dikemukakan para tokoh-tokoh pendi dikan Islam yang banyak memunculkan tantangan bagi pesantren. Karena itu, penelitian ini dirumuskan untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pendidikan pesantren berdasarkan pemikiran KH. Abdurrahman Wahid. Kajian ini, menggunakan instrumen penelitian kepustakaan (library research), berdasarkan metode deskriptis-analitis dengan pendekatan historis, paedagogik serta komparatif. Sumber utama Menggerakkan Tradisi; Esai-Esai Pesantren. Bunga Rampai Pesantren; Kumpulan Karya Tulis Abdurrahman Wahid, sebagai sumber primer melalui metode dokumentasi.                 Disertasi ini berhasil menyimpulkan bahwa pemikiran KH. Abdurrahman Wahid tentang sistem pendidikan pesantren adalah bersifat integral dalam merespon perubahan dengan tetap merujuk pada subkultur pesantren. Kebenaran  kesimpulan ini didasarkan pada beberapa aspek yaitu: Pertama, aspek tujuan pendidikan pesantren bersifat dinamis tidak hanya pada upaya tafaqquh fi al-din, tetapi juga diperluas dengan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sehingga santri memiliki wawasan yang luas, menguasai ilmu agama dan ilmu pengetahuan umum serta keterampilan. Dengan demikian, tujuan bergerak ke arah integrasi tujuan yaitu keseimbangan antara keimanan, ketaqwaan (Imtaq) dan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan (Iptek). Tujuan ini harus dirumuskan secara tertulis. Kedua, aspek program pendidikan bersifat adaptif dengan tetap mempertahankan kitab-kitab klasik untuk mempertahankan reproduksi ulama, dan menggunakan integrasi kurikulum antara ilmu-ilmu agama dan umum, dengan menyederhanakan kurikulum pesantren, yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan pengetahuan dan teknologi. Ketiga, aspek proses pendidikan pesantren, bersifat inovatif dengan tetap menerapkan metode pembelajaran sorogan dan wetonan yang menjadi ciri khas pendidikan pesantren, namun sebaiknya ada usaha-usaha untuk menyempurnakan sistem pengajaran yang ada di pesantren harus diteruskan,  dan mengenai materi pelajaran sepanjang menyangkut tata nilai dan pandangan hidup yang ditimbulkannya di pesantren, harus tetap dikembangkan karena memiliki cukup banyak kelebihan.                 Selain mempromosikan temuan penting di atas, disertasi ini merekomendasikan kepada pengelolah dan pengembangan sistem pendidikan pesantren untuk  lebih kompetitif, relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan mampu menjawab tuntutan zaman, sesuai dengan potensi dan kekhasan pendidikan pesantren itu sendiri, dengan tetap mempertahankan budaya pesantren. Kata Kunci: sistem pendidikan pesantren karakter bangsa

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Nur Hidayah

<p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan redefinisi ontologi aswaja dalam pendidikan ma`arif di era kontemporer. Pendekatan dalam peneltian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Makna Aswaja selalu mengalami pergeseran dari waktu ke waktu. Di sisi lain, konsep aswaja selalu memiliki makna yang berbeda ketika sudah berafiliasi dengan kelompok tertentu. Tak terkecuali, Nahdhatul Ulama sebagai organisasi kemasyarakatan juga memiliki konsep yang khas mengenai aswaja. Hal ini secara langsung berpengaruh pada lembaga-lembaga yang bernaung dibawahnya, seperti halnya Ma’arif. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, aswaja NU menjadi semakin ekslusif akibat dari pemahaman para pengikutnya. Banyak kritikan-kritikan dari para tokoh NU kontemporer yang muncul. Definisi aswaja kemungkinan besar akan kembali menjadi ekslusif di kalangan NU. Dari sini diperlukan definisi baru dari sudut pandang lain. Hasil dari kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sikap taat dan tunduk pada Allah secara total yang bermuara dari ilmu yang senantiasa diamalkannya adalah definisi baru dari Aswaja ditinjau dari sudut pandang ontologi yang penulis coba tawarkan dalam penulisan ini.</p><p>Kata kunci: ontologi aswaja, pendidikan ma’arif, kontemporer</p><p><em>RE</em><em>D</em><em>E</em><em>FINITION </em><em>O</em><em>F </em><em>A</em><em>S</em><em>W</em><em>A</em><em>JA ONTOLOGY </em><em>I</em><em>N THE CONTEM- PORARY ERA OF MA’ARIF  EDUCATION.  This study aims to describe the redefinition of aswaja ontology in ma’arif education in the contemporary  era. The approach of this study is library research. The meaning of Aswaja has always experienced a shift from time to time. On the other hand, the concept of aswaja has always had a different meaning when it was affiliated with a particular group. No exception, Nahdhatul  Ulama as a civic organization   also  has a distinctive concepts regarding aswaja. It is directly influential on the institutions which take shelter below, as does Ma’arif. Along with the development of the times, aswaja NU are becoming increasingly exclusive as the result of understanding his followers understanding. Much of the criticisms from the contemporary proponents of NU has been appeared. The definition of aswaja will most likely return to being exclusive among NU. Consequently, it takes a new definition from another point of view. The result of this study sum that attitude of obedience and submission to God in total that rises from the science that always be applied is the new definition of Aswaja reviewed from the viewpoint of ontology that the writer tries to offer in this writing.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>A</em><em>s</em><em>w</em><em>aja </em><em>o</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>o</em><em>logy, </em><em>m</em><em>a</em><em>’</em><em>a</em><em>r</em><em>i</em><em>f</em><em> </em><em>educat</em><em>ion, </em><em>co</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>em</em><em>p</em><em>o</em><em>r</em><em>a</em><em>r</em><em>y</em></p>

2019 ◽  

Basic shape is one of the most important components of the learning design process. Using Western design thinking to understand shape, color and composition layout and attempting to reinterpret the application of traditional calligraphy from a design point of view—whether it is the expression of form or the meaning of content—are both important aspects of design thinking. The writing patterns of traditional calligraphy and the design creation of modern experiments may have different biases. If the artistic value of "the brush and ink of the time" is compared to the science and technology of innovation as the main appeal, the expressiveness of the traditional writing mode is obviously difficult to achieve. Using science and technology as an option for design creation is a difficult way to proceed; however, technology, ideas and thinking can still be in sync with the cultural issues of an entire era. This is also the test of the times to which contemporary creations are subjected. There are infinite possibilities for development, and it is worthwhile to explore these possibilities together with artistic aspirants. On the other hand, if we follow the well-beaten path of the status quo, the creativity of traditional calligraphic art will wither, it will deviate from the larger environment of the era in which it operates, and it will inevitably be neglected and pushed out by other art categories. The design and creation process uses the traditional calligraphy characters and drums as the theme, assisted by digital tools in the creation, and finally transforms the traditional calligraphy visual form into an expression of the art of science and technology.

Globus ◽  
2020 ◽  
I. Bagandova ◽  

This study is devoted to the study of the features of the archetype of the Dargins, the formation of which dates back to the times of paganism and, which was imprinted by both religious ideas and historical events that had a significant impact on the worldview and worldview of the people. This work is the first attempt to analyze the archetype of the Dargins from the point of view of its inherent fatalism on the basis of proverbs, sayings and legends of the Dargin people, which represent the wealth of oral folk art and reflect the specifics of the psychological formation of the people that have been taking shape for millennia

1967 ◽  
Vol 113 (501) ◽  
pp. 813-822 ◽  
Örnulv Ödegård

My choice of Kraepelin as a point of departure for this lecture has definite reasons. If one wants to stay within the field of clinical psychiatry (as opposed to psychiatric history), that is as far back as one can reasonably go. By this no slight is intended upon the pre-Kraepelinian psychiatrists. For our topic Henry Maudsley would indeed have been a most appropriate starting point, and by no means for reasons of courtesy. His general point of view is admirably sound as a basis for the scientific study of prognosis in psychiatry. I quote: “There is no accident in madness. Causality, not casualty, governs its appearance in the universe, and it is very far from being a good and sufficient practice simply to mark its phenomena and straightway to pass on as if they belonged not to an order but to a disorder of events that called for no explanation.” On the special problem of prognosis he shows his clinical acumen by stating that the outlook is poor when the course of illness is insidious, but this only means that these cases develop their psychoses on the basis of mental deviations which go very far back in the patient's life, so that in fact they are generally in a chronic stage at the time of their first admission to hospital. Here he actually corrects a mistake which is still quite often made. He shows his dynamic attitude when he says that prognosis is to a large extent modified by external conditions, in particular by the attitude of friends and relatives. Maudsley's dynamic reasoning was limited by the narrow framework of the degeneration hypothesis of those days. He had a sceptical attitude towards classification, which he regarded as artificial and dangerously pseudo-exact. His own classification was deliberately provisional, with very wide groups. He held that a description of various sub-forms of chronic insanity was useless, as it would mean nothing but a tiresome enumeration of unconnected details.

Think ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (60) ◽  
pp. 33-49
William Lyons

The author sets out to respond to the student complaint that ‘Philosophy did not answer “the big questions”’, in particular the question ‘What is the meaning of life?’ The response first outlines and evaluates the most common religious answer, that human life is given a meaning by God who created us and informs us that this life is just the pilgrim way to the next eternal life in heaven. He then discusses the response that, from the point of view of post-Darwinian science and the evolution of the universe and all that is in it, human life on Earth must be afforded no more meaning than the meaning we would give to a microscopic planaria or to some creature on another planet in a distant universe. All things including human creatures on Planet Earth just exist for a time and that is that. There is no plan or purpose. In the last sections the author outlines the view that it is we humans ourselves who give meaning to our lives by our choices of values or things that are worth pursuing and through our resulting sense of achievement or the opposite. Nevertheless the question ‘What is the meaning of life?’ can mean quite different things in different contexts, and so merit different if related answers. From one point of view one answer may lie in terms of the love of one human for another.

2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 2275-2279 ◽  

Extra-dimensional theories contain additional degrees of freedom related to the geometry of the extra space which can be interpreted as new particles. Such theories allow to reformulate most of the fundamental problems of physics from a completely different point of view. In this essay, we concentrate on the brane fluctuations which are present in brane-worlds, and how such oscillations of the own space–time geometry along curved extra dimensions can help to resolve the Universe missing mass problem. The energy scales involved in these models are low compared to the Planck scale, and this means that some of the brane fluctuations distinctive signals could be detected in future colliders and in direct or indirect dark matter searches.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (14) ◽  
pp. 1830009
Virginia Trimble

A large majority of the physics and astronomy communities are now sure that gravitational waves exist, can be looked for, and can be studied via their effects on laboratory apparatus as well as on astronomical objects. So far, everything found out has agreed with the predictions of general relativity, but hopes are high for new information about the universe and its contents and perhaps for hints of a better theory of gravity than general relativity (which even Einstein expected to come eventually). This is one version of the story, from 1905 to the present, told from an unusual point of view, because the author was, for 28.5 years, married to Joseph Weber, who built the first detectors starting in the early 1960s and operated one or more until his death on 30 September 2000.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-104
Muhammad Istiqamah

This study aimed to examine the various interpretations of al-Mutakallimun on the attributes of Allah from the point of view of Salafiyah Theology, then the reasons behind the occurence of these interpretations as well as the Salafiyah Theological criticism against that understanding. The method used in this study was library research referring to classical and modern literature. The research conducted in this study shows that there are several Salafiyah Theological criticisms against these various interpretations of al-Mutakallimun on the attributes of Allah. Among other things, there is a fallacious perception that if one were to define the attributes of Allah in accordance with their meanings, one would fall on tasybih on those attibutes or on the consequences of those attribute. Therefore, some al-Mutakallimun find solutions in Tafwidh and Ta’wil, and claim that the two are the way to purify and glorify Allah. Besides, there is a mistake in understanding Arabic expressions according to the context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Husni Thamrin, M.Si

Anthropocentric paradigm has distanced humans from nature, as well as causing the humans themselves become exploitative in attitude and do not really care about the nature. In relation, ecological crisis also can be seen as caused by mechanistic-reductionistic-dualistic of Cartesian science. The perspective of anthropocentric is corrected by biocentrism and ecocentrism ethics, particularly Deep Ecology, to re-look at the nature as an ethical community. The concept of ecoculture is already practiced from the beginning by indigenous or traditional societies in elsewhere. The perspective of the human being as an integral part of the nature, and  the behaviour of full of resposibility, full of respect and care about the sustainability of all life in the universe have become perspectives and behaviours of various traditional people. The majority of local wisdom in the maintenance of the environment is still surviving in the midst of shifting currents waves by a pressure of anthropocentric perspective. There is also in a crisis because a pressure of the  influences of a modernization. While others, drifting and eroding in the modernization and the anthropocentric perspective.In that context, ecoculture, particularly Deep Ecology, support for leaving the anthropocentric perspective, and when a holistic life perspective asks for leaving the anthropocentric perspective, the humans are invited to go back to thelocal wisdom, the old wisdom of the indigenous people. in other words, environmental ethics is to urge and invite the people to go back to the ethics of the indigenous people that are still relevant with the times. The essence of this perspective is back to the nature, back to his true identity as an ecological human in the ecoreligion  perspective.

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