scholarly journals E-Commerce Pandemic Covid-19 Home Industries and SMEs

D Kurniasih ◽  
F M Akbar ◽  

This study aims to identify and analyze the impact of the Covid-19 on the home industry and SMEs sector. The research method used was a literature study. Literature study is method research conducted by examining ten previous studies on strategies to survive the SMEs during the pandemic. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are on the edge of a cliff. The Covid-19 pandemic caused the economic downturn. The lockdown stopped economic activity, reduced demand, and reduced interactions with others. At the beginning of the lockdown, SMEs one by one suffered losses and went bankrupt. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the home industry and SMEs sector is certainly influential because it has made a significant contribution to the economy in this field. The results showed that the use of information technology had been applied quite widely in various areas. Quite a lot of offline shops have also tried to open shops online, e-commerce sites, and even web e-commerce, apart from being accessed via the web, are also widely available. From the use of computers and the internet in managing their business. The conclusion that millennial customers' online buying interest during the Covid-19 outbreak was not influenced by product prices but influenced by millennial customer trust.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-23
Mariza Devega ◽  
Susi Handadayani ◽  

Banyak sector yang merasakan dampak pandemi global (covid-19) yang sudah terjadi hampir satu tahun belakangan ini. Pandemi global yang dirasakan hampir semua negara ini, mengakibatkan perekonomian menjadi lumpuh. Banyak perusahaan yang terpaksa harus gulung tikar, yang otomatis membuat semakin banyaknya pengangguran. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan secara tentative selama masa pandemic ini, orang semakin banyak berjualan online. Berjualan secara online menjadi pilihan, karena selain tidak membutuhkan modal yang banyak, juga bisa dipasarkan seluas-luasnya. beberapa produk yang dijual baik produk jadi maupun produk olahan, sudah memiliki tampilan yang baik, karena proses pengambilan gambar dan editing dilakukan oleh tenaga professional. Namun, berbeda dengan pelaku usaha yang baru terjun dalam jual beli online yang memiliki modal seadanya tentu tidak bisa menyewa tenaga professional untuk menampilkan keindahan dan estetika dari produk yang akan dijual. Oleh karena itulah di berikan pelatihan Digital Imaging ini dilakukan untuk membantu pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) dalam editing produk, sehingga produk yang dijual dapat bersaing. Editing produk yang dilakukan pun cukup mudah, hanya dengan memaksimalkan Smart Phone dengan mengunduh beberapa aplikasi yang mendukung dalam proses editing ini. Banyak sector yang merasakan dampak pandemi global (covid-19) yang sudah terjadi hampir satu tahun belakangan ini. Pandemi global yang dirasakan hampir semua negara ini, mengakibatkan perekonomian menjadi lumpuh. Banyak perusahaan yang terpaksa harus gulung tikar, yang otomatis membuat semakin banyaknya pengangguran. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan secara tentative selama masa pandemic ini, orang semakin banyak berjualan online. Berjualan secara online menjadi pilihan, karena selain tidak membutuhkan modal yang banyak, juga bisa dipasarkan seluas-luasnya. beberapa produk yang dijual baik produk jadi maupun produk olahan, sudah memiliki tampilan yang baik, karena proses pengambilan gambar dan editing dilakukan oleh tenaga professional. Namun, berbeda dengan pelaku usaha yang baru terjun dalam jual beli online yang memiliki modal seadanya tentu tidak bisa menyewa tenaga professional untuk menampilkan keindahan dan estetika dari produk yang akan dijual. Oleh karena itulah di berikan pelatihan Digital Imaging ini dilakukan untuk membantu pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) dalam editing produk, sehingga produk yang dijual dapat bersaing. Editing produk yang dilakukan pun cukup mudah, hanya dengan memaksimalkan Smart Phone dengan mengunduh beberapa aplikasi yang mendukung dalam proses editing ini. Abstract: Many sectors have felt the impact of the global pandemic (Covid-19) which has occurred for almost a year. The global pandemic that is being felt by almost all of these countries has caused the economy to become paralyzed. Many companies have gone out of business, which automatically creates more unemployment. Based on observations made tentatively during this time of the pandemic, more and more people are selling online. Selling online is an option, because it doesn't require a lot of capital, it can also be marketed as widely as possible. some of the products sold, both finished products and processed products, already have a good appearance, because the shooting and editing processes are carried out by professionals. However, it is different from business actors who are new to online buying and selling who have limited capital, of course they cannot hire professionals to display the beauty and aesthetics of the products to be sold. Therefore, Digital Imaging training is provided to assist Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in editing products, so that the products sold can compete. Product editing is also quite easy, just by maximizing the Smart Phone by downloading several applications that support this editing process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 894-907
Sara EL ABOUDI ◽  

This article seeks to empirically assess the effect of inflation and external debt on economic growth in Morocco. The estimates cover the period from 1985 to 2019. The results from the ARDL model show that external debt negatively influences the country's growth in the short and long terms. Due to its direct effect, inflation slows down economic activity and leads to lower GDP growth. The econometric estimate indicates that the low level of inflation leads to difficulties in repaying debt and, consequently, reduced economic growth. Low inflation also hurts economic competitiveness among small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Although the inflation rate is lower than the interest rates, it reduces the profit margins of companies and leads to lower investment. The negative effect on economic competitiveness leads to decreased sectoral added value, reducing future economic growth rates. Based on the results, two main measures are proposed to mitigate the negative effect of inflation and debt on economic growth. First, we must develop better institutional and governance quality. The latter allows debt funds to be well spent on non-rent-producing sectors capable of reviving the Moroccan economy. Second, we have to look for good inflation, in other words, inflation that stimulates economic activity without creating economic distortions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Aldilla Adam Kurniawan

COVID-19 has had a considerable impact on social and cultural problems that exist in society, especially those related to economic problems. Since the emergence of this pandemic, many companies and corporations have finally granted employment termination, this has also been done by companies to support government policies in the form of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to reduce the spread of the virus. Another problem of concern is that poverty and unemployment could increase quite drastically. Because companies and corporations alone are not only one or two in Indonesia. From the above background, the purpose of this study is to find out the impact of COVID-19 on the country's economy, as well as to find out programs for community empowerment as a solution to overcoming poverty and unemployment that occur after the pandemic. The method that researchers used in writing this article was a qualitative approach, supported by the thick description method. In addition, with literature study which will be used as a supporting method to find valid data. The results of the study found that the government is less empowering the informal sector and also these Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In fact, jobs in the informal sector and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs can be an alternative medium to reduce poverty and unemployment. Through CSR programs from existing companies, it is hoped that the community can be empowered as well as the informal sector and MSMEs. When corporations or companies carry out empowerment activities for the informal sector and also MSMEs, it is possible that the problems of poverty and unemployment that have occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic can be reduced and overcome.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-249
Arifah Hidayati ◽  
Melvi Yansi

This study aims to explain how the role of social media in marketing MSME products during the Covid 19 pandemic in DKI Jakarta. This research method is qualitative by using phenomenological predictions. The results of this study explain that MSMEs are more dominant in using the TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp applications in promoting their products because they are easier to implement and can attract more consumer interest through interesting videos and photos. Therefore, social media provides a good prospect for increasing the sales of MSME products in DKI Jakarta which is experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the digital marketing system provides an online buying and selling platform, in order to facilitate the ordering and purchasing process. So that consumers can interact with MSME owners to make transactions directly. The results of this study suggest that MSME have to understand and add insight into the importance of digital marketing strategies to support the sustainability of MSME businesses. Digital marketing is an opportunity that can be developed to achieve maximum business benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-170
Finnah Fourqoniah ◽  
Muhammad Fikry Aransyah

This article discusses the efforts of the East Kalimantan Government handling cases of development of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) during the COVID-19. The handling strategy can be assessed by understanding the measures, steps, and policies formulated and implemented by the East Kalimantan government. A deliberative policy analysis approach was used to analyze this case. This approach analyzes the narratives and arguments of the authorities to understand decision-making and policy implementation. The writing of this article uses a qualitative approach by utilizing the descriptive analysis method. The data collection technique used is a literature study using books, journal articles, newspapers, online news, and traditional institutions' websites. First, this paper's essential findings are reallocation and refocusing of the Covid-19 Budget for the cost of economic stimulus to strengthen capital for affected businesses and small industry players. Second, relaxation and credit restructuring. Third, the temporary closure policy for cafes or restaurants is due to residents' ignorance or non-compliance with government calls regarding health protocols. As a result, efforts to deal with it have stalled because the wider community does not support it. Combining these three factors complicates the provincial government's efforts to deal with MSMEs' development during the COVID-19 pandemic in East Kalimantan. Policy recommendations for the recovery of MSMEs in East Kalimantan Province, namely increasing the role of Indagkop through fostering and educating MSMEs in utilizing technology to sell online and the one-door policy for MSMEs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Imas Sumiati ◽  
Yayan Mulyana ◽  
Tine Ratna Poerwantika

Based on the result of research in the Cooperative Office, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Bandung and the Department of Trade and Industry Bandung, there is work performance that has not been maximized, it can be seen from the indicators: the quantity of work, job knowledge and personal quality. This is due to: the complexity and formalization that have not been optimize. This research used combination research method by using Sequential Model that is with data and quantitative data analysis in first stage and with qualitative data in second stage. Technique collective data consist of literature study, field study (participant and non-participant observation, in-depth interviews with two heads of service, questionnaires distributed to 28 persons, Division Head and Section Head of both Focus Group Discussion), research design, data and data sources, key informant and informant, and documentation studies. The result of this research is quantitative result of 68.9% result of organizational design on work performance in Cooperation Department, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade and Industry Office of Bandung City that have a high enough influence. The result of qualitative research is micro business that became a municipality affair then small enterprises are provincial affairs, and medium enterprises are the affairs of central government. This showed that there are still overlapping in work specialization and the authority that has not optimize yet from central to region, thus it needs a new concept or research findings that will certainly enrich organizational theory and study related to organizational structure and public institutional related to work performance. Keywords: Organizational Structure, Work Performance, New SOTK.

Svetlana L. Sazanova

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the modern global economy; the share of products of small and medium enterprises in the gross product and exports not only of the developed but also of developing countries is growing. Innovation processes cover all sectors of the economy, and more and more people are involved in entrepreneurial activity, which contributes to the penetration of entrepreneurial thinking and business values in all areas of the socioeconomic life of society. The Institute of Entrepreneurship plays an increasingly prominent role in the institutional environment of socio-economic systems. This actualizes the problem of studying the relationship of the institution of entrepreneurship with the institutions of law, culture, management. This requires a methodology that allows you to explore the impact on the institute of entrepreneurship not only economic, but also non-economic factors. The methodology of the “old” institutionalism possesses such a tool, it is structural modeling (pattern modeling), which allows to explore the diversity of interrelationships of the institution of entrepreneurship with other components of the institutional and economic environment. The article explored the features of the development of the institution of entrepreneurship in Russia, established the relationship between the institution of entrepreneurship, values, motives and incentives for entrepreneurial activity, built a structural model of the institution of entrepreneurship based on the methodology of the old institutionalism (pattern modeling). The structural model of the institution of entrepreneurship reveals the relationship between the institution of entrepreneurship, the values of entrepreneurial activity, its motives and incentives; as well as the relationship between the institution of entrepreneurship with the institutions of governance, cultural and religious institutions, legal institutions and society.

Mwinyihija M.

Africa’s renaissance is inevitable and rapidly emerging as a reality in tandem with the continent’s continued exploration of its natural resources in a more sustained way than previously done. Currently, the clarion call is to value add, avoid plundering and involve its population through the SME’s to adapt modern methods of entrepreneurship. During the study, critical aspects that are envisaged to trigger the growth and development of Africa, included the entry of major countries of the continent into the global emerging markets such as MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). For the leather sector, certain socioeconomic indicators such as the youthful participation in the value chain, ownership status, literacy levels and acquired experiences are all contributing to a vibrant sector. It was observed that these indicators if well aligned with individual member states of African Union Commission and structured than productivity and competitiveness of leather products will be attained. As such, ease of either foreign direct investment, local recapitalization and development of the SME’s could become feasible. Indeed, with the emergence of over 300 million youth at middle level income level is construed to start building on the impact of the continents purchasing power. Therefore, Africa needs to respond by address on development of ICT, develop affordable financial support to provide stimulus packages to SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) to transform, improve on inter and intra trade to optimize on unexplored synergies and enhance mobility of persons with in Africa as preamble to Africa’s renaissance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 298
Muhamad Marwan

The aim of this study is to determine the impact of networking on SME’s ability to access government financial support through legal channels in Asia Pacific. This study is quantitative in nature in which the data has been gathered from 281 employees and managers working in SMEs through survey questionnaire. The SEM technique was utilised for the purpose of analysing and testing the mediation effect. The study found that there is a partial mediation of government financial support through legal channels among the relationship between networking with officers and access to finance. This study is restricted to the SMEs operating in the region of Asia Pacific.

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