scholarly journals Contextualización del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas en ingeniería y el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico matemático en estudiantes

José Alfredo Aguirre-Puente ◽  
Ariana Gómez-Contreras ◽  
Verónica de Jesús Morales-Félix ◽  
Humberto Ramos-López

Currently in the process of teaching-learning of mathematics, a panorama of a science with an abstract nature is glimpsed. In such a way that the acquisition of knowledge is in a mechanized way and the teacher's word is taken as dogma. The problems and equations formulated to the student are formulated under a mathematical conception with strong cohesion towards the nature of the operation to be solved, under a perspective that is irrelevant to the student within the process of assimilation of knowledge, leaving even more the aspect of its application within the context of their daily life and therefore how relevant their learning can become. From this area of opportunity arises the concern of this research project based on the improvement of the teaching-learning process based on the contextualization of scenarios that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, mathematical critical thinking and the ability to locate the field of application of The same, developing their own methodologies, taking into account the teacher and student expertise, thereby trying to achieve a meaningful teaching-learning process, simpler acquisition and retention for the student and to achieve for the teacher.

Khairani Sarwinda ◽  
Eli Rohaeti ◽  
Mirra Fatharani

The study aims at developing the valid Contextual Teaching-Learning (CTL) Approach-based audio visual learning media in order to improve the learning motivation and the critical thinking skills significantly and also at identifying the effectiveness level of the Contextual Teaching-Learning (CTL) Approach-based audio visual learning media in improving the students’ learning motivation and critical thinking skills. Therefore, autoatically the nature of the study is research and development. During the conduct of the study, the data were gathered by using the random sampling technique. Then, the data gathering instruments that had been implemented were the media assessment questionnaire, the observation, the motivation questionnaire and the critical thinking skills test. The results of the study show that the Contextual Teaching-Learning (CTL) Approach-based audio-visual learning media that has been developed by using the Borg & Gall model is considered valid. The students’ learning motivation has increased as having been confirmed by the fact that the students are more enthusiastic, more interested and happier in attending to the learning process. Furthermore, the results of the students’ critical thinking skills test in the experimental group show that 25 students have met the passing grade while the remaining 6 students have not met the passing grade. On the other hand, the results of the students’ critical thinking skills test in the control group show that 20 students have met the passing grade while the remaining 12 students have not met the passing grade. In other words, these findings show that the learning process through the use of the Contextual Teaching-Learning (CTL) Approach-based audio-visual learning media is able to improve the students’ learning motivation and critical thinking skills.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Herly Jannet

<p class="IIABSBARU">This study aimed in general to determine and describe the religious education in a democratic school culture is one of potential strategies in disseminating religious de-radicalization in schools. Applying qualitative naturalistic approach with case study, this study focused the location in Christian High School Urimessing Ambon. The object of this research was the all democratic phenomena found in the process of teaching and learning of Christian education. The results of this study can be described as follows: religious education in a democratic school culture has the potential to disseminate de-radicalization because the learning process optimized the attitude of critical thinking on freedom, independence, and accountability that were assumed to build the belief, attitude and norm of student to: (1) deepen and believe their own religious teachings; (2) commit to transform their religious teacgings in their daily life, both individually and socially; and (3) be­come the real who got off from violence and anarchy in realizing their objectives.</p><p class="IIABSBARU" align="center">***</p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan Pendidikan Agama dalam kultur sekolah demokratis sebagai salah satu strategi membumikan deradikalisasi agama di sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuali­tatif naturalistik dengan strategi studi kasus dan mengambil tempat penelitian di SMA Kristen Urimessing Ambon. Objek penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan gejala demokratis dalam proses belajar mengajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Hasil pe­nelitian dapat dideskripsikan sebagai berikut, Pendidikan Agama dalam kultur sekolah demokratis berpotensi membumikan deradikalisasi, karena dalam pro­ses belajar mengajar mengoptimalkan sikap kebebasan berpikir kritis, ke­mandiri­an, dan akuntabilitas sehingga dapat membentuk keyakinan, sikap dan nor­ma pe­serta didik untuk: (1) mendalami dan meyakini ajaran agamanya sendiri; (2) ber­komitmen mentransformasikan ajar­an agamanya secara baik dalam ke­hidupan pribadi maupun sosial ber­masyarakat; dan (3) memberi teladan secara konkret tidak terjebak menggunakan kekerasan dan anarkisme dalam mewujudkan keinginan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Ari Ranadhana

One effort to improve the quality of the learning process by applying a learning model. Critical thinking can be interpreted as an effort to examine the truth of an information using the availability of evidence, logic, and awareness of bias. Lack of concept knowledge in students on the momentum material that is associated with daily life. There has been an increase in students by applying the ICARE learning model. Creative thinking is expected that students will be able to relate everyday life to the impulse momentum material with the problem to be solved

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 720
Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah ◽  
Tukiran Tukiran ◽  
Wahono Widodo

This research is a research development of teaching materials a model cooperative with inquiry approach on chemistry learning sub-subject factors that affect the rate of reaction, including: syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, student’s book and assessment sheet. This research was conducted at SMAN 5 Tuban through three stages: 1) Development of teaching materials with the model Thiagarajan, 2) Validation of teaching materials, and 3) Field try out with design One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of this study are: 1) Teaching materials arranged by using cooperative learning model with inquiry approach are declared valid to be used in learning; a) the results of validation toward teaching materials that had been developed have good category and it can be used in teaching learning process; b) The level of difficulty for teahing materials developed are low and easy to be understood; c) Readability of instrument is high and the materials easy to understand by student; 2) The teaching materials is effective to be used in learning process, supported by: a) Learning outcome (product) is increase of high categories, b) student’s critical thinking skills is increase of with high categories, c) students responded positively to the teaching materials developed, and 3) The teaching materials developed is practical to be used in learning process shown by; a) the lesson plan used is in good category; b) The student’s activities are  dominated by forms of inquiry activities, presentations, and group discussions. Based on the results of this research can be concluded that the teaching materials with cooperative learning model with inquiry approaches that have been developed fulfills the validity, effectiveness, and practical, feasible to implement to improving students' critical thinking skills. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model kooperatif dengan pendekatan inkuiri pada pembelajaran kimia SMA sub pokok bahasan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju reaksi, meliputi: silabus, RPP, LKS, Buku Ajar Siswa, dan Lembar Penilaian. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 5 Tuban melalui tiga tahap, yaitu 1) Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model Thiagarajan, 2) Validasi perangkat pembelajaran, dan 3) Uji coba lapangan dengan rancangan “One Group Pretest-Posttest Design”. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Perangkat pembelajaran model kooperatif dengan pendekatan inkuiri dinyatakan valid untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran model kooperatif dengan pendekatan inkuiri; a) hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berkategori baik dan dapat diterapkan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar; b) Tingkat kesulitan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan rendah dan mudah dipahami siswa; dan c) Keterbacaan perangkat pembelajaran tinggi dan materi mudah dipahami oleh siswa; 2) perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan efektif untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, yang didukung oleh; a) Tes hasil belajar produk meningkat dengan kategori tinggi, b) Keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori tinggi,  dan c) Siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, dan 3) Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan bersifat praktis untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran yang ditunjukkan dari; a) keterlaksanaan RPP dalam kategori baik; b) Aktivitas siswa didominasi bentuk-bentuk kegiatan inkuiri, presentasi, dan diskusi kelompok. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran model kooperatif dengan pendekatan inkuiri yang telah dikembangkan memenuhi unsur kelayakan, keefektivan dan kepraktisan, sehingga layak diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa.

Retos ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 381-386
Laura Fernández-García ◽  
Javier Fernández-Río

Es habitual que nuestros alumnos, en ciertos momentos, experimenten emociones que bloquean su aprendizaje. Una vez en esta situación, la mayoría no saben qué están sintiendo y tampoco saben cómo dominarlo. Por eso es crucial ofrecerles ayuda en la identificación y el manejo de sus emociones. De aquí surge el Proyecto Wonderwall, que sitúa al estudiante en el centro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través del desarrollo de las inteligencias intra e inter-personales. Fue denominado así porque todos los recursos desarrollados fueron presentados en una pared del aula, donde los alumnos podían acudir siempre que lo necesitaran, para trabajar las emociones, haciéndose preguntas a sí mismos para entender qué sentían y cómo controlar lo que sentían. Pretendía fomentar la autonomía del alumno en la gestión de sus emociones, de forma que sea él mismo el que logre alcanzar el estado emocional adecuado para el desarrollo de su aprendizaje El primer paso para enseñar a los alumnos a ser inteligentes emocionalmente es dejar que experimenten sus propias emociones, e identificar con ellos qué señales y rasgos caracterizan cada una de ellas para poder analizar si son positivas o negativas. Una vez que los alumnos saben cómo identificar sus emociones, pasamos a la fase más ambiciosa: el manejo de éstas. Se les ofrece a través de displays, diferentes pautas, estrategias de afrontamiento, para canalizar lo que sienten; siendo diferentes para cada emoción. Todas ellas con un alto componente motriz, que pueden ser fácilmente extrapoladas a diferentes contextos de la vida diaria.Abstract. It is common for our students to at times experience emotions that block their learning. When that happens, the majority do not recognize what their feelings are and how to control them. This is the reason why it is crucial to help them identify and handle their emotions. From this idea, the Project Wonderwall emerged, which situates students at the center of the teaching-learning process through the development of intra and inter-personal intelligences. The project name comes from the fact that all resources used were presented in one of the class walls. Students had the opportunity to go there whenever they needed, to work on their emotions, asking themselves questions to understand what they were feeling and how to control them. The goal was to promote students’ autonomy handling their emotions, as well as to help them achieve by themselves the correct emotional state to keep on learning. The first step to teach students to be emotionally intelligent is to let them experience their own emotions, and identify with them which signals and traits characterize each of them so to understand whether they are good or bad. Once students know how to identify their emotions, teachers can move to the most ambitious phase: how to handle them. Students are offered coping strategies, different guidelines for each feeling, and other methods to channel their emotions. They all involved high motor demands, which can be easily used in different daily life contexts.

Kyvete Shatri ◽  
Kastriot Buza

Many researches has been conducted for the need to increase critical thinking of students (in (different fields, (also many researches has been done on the importance and the role of critical thinking for students achievements. In this context this requires a critical approach. To achieve this should be used effective teaching methods that develop critical thinking and also facilitate and enhance the learning of students and their performance in general, making them able to solving problems in their fields. A visualization approach increase communication, increase critical thinking and provides analytical approach to various problems. Therefore, this research is aimed to investigate visualization for the purpose of examining its role in developing critical thinking. In order to achieve this it was made an experiment for the use of visualization and from this experimentation are extracted the results of the effect of using the visualization for the aspect of developing and increasing critical thinking. The results which are taken from this research highlight the positive effect that the use of visualization in teaching and learning process has in developing the critical thinking of students and their overall performance. The results also shows that the visualization motivates students to learn, making them more cooperative and developing their skills for critical approach. Keywords: visualization, critical thinking, teaching, learning, student performance

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 6-12
Bhawani Prasad Mainali

Critical thinking is a recent educational paradigm. It is a powerful thinking skill that empowers learners and facilitates creative and qualitative teaching/learning process. This article deals with the concept of critical thinking for quality education. Moreover, it also identifies the rationale of critical thinking and its implications in Nepalese education . Keywords Critical thinking, creativity, concretization, culture of silence, quality education. DOI: Academic Voices 2011; 1: 6-12

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Rahmi Rahmi

The general puposes of experiencing math subject to elementary and middle school students are; first preparing the students to face the changing of real life through the thinking rehearsal based on the effective, effisien, honesty, critical, rationale, and logical way of thinking, and second, preparing the students to apply the mental principle of math in their daily life and as basic in learning other disciplines. Regarding to the importance of learning this subject, teacher of math should be able to create an effective teaching learning process to stimulate and to rise students enthusiasm in learning match. One of the strategy that can increase students desire in learning math is PAILKEM (Pembelajaran Aktif, Inovatif, Lingkungan, Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menarik). There is an interactive dialoque between teacher students and students-students, during teaching-learning process.This creates a condusive situation in wich students feel free to discuss their problems in learning math to their teachers and their classmates. At the end, through this strategy, students can increase their ability in learning and it is hoped that teaching learning process will be done in optimal achievement. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Yuyun Yulia ◽  
Fenita Rizki Budiharti

As Goronga (2013) notes that classroom interaction encourages students to actively participate in teaching learning process. Teacher question plays an important role to trigger students' critical thinking or Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). This paper highlights questions revealed in teaching learning process that triggering students' critical thinking. Class observation and interview is conducted and then analyzed based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Data eventually show that remembering is mostly uttered to stimulate the students to state what they know about the topic and recall particular information. This means teachers find difficulties to practice questions with HOTS aspects. Teachers need to have more practice on how to encourage students to have critical thinking as one of skills in this disruptive era.

Juan Esteban Escalante ◽  
Sara Aguilar-Barrientos

Experiential learning contributes to the development of thought-related abilities, such as critical thinking and creative thinking. This article evinces the contribution of this theoretical and conceptual proposal through a specific experience with the CAMBRIA project, a solar electric vehicle built at Universidad EAFIT, that potentiated aspects related to multidisciplinary work amongst undergraduate students and, in turn, brought about pedagogical changes at the Institution. CAMBRIA opened a panorama for exploring new alternatives in the teaching-learning process and, through participation in non-simulated activities, led to the restatement of certain core aspects of the University’s educational activities. An analysis of this topic also leads to the formulation of a learning and competency acquisition model. Finally, project results and conclusions are presented, which include elements derived from the proposed model and testimonies from some of the participating students, who were interviewed in depth.

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