R.D. Urunova

The article is devoted to one of the ways of studying the plot of a fairy tale, which was developed as a result of a consistent comprehensive understanding of ideas and concepts in the Russian and French schools of plot composition. The article provides an analytical representation of the concepts of the actant and the actant model, as well as highlights the main stages of the procedure for identifying them from the text. Special attention is paid to the identification and analysis of the verbal expression of the functional and qualitative characteristics of the characters of a fairy tale. Functional characteristics allow us to determine the actant position of the hero in the plot model, and qualitative characteristics help to identify his spiritual traits. In the article, Greimas's methodology is used to correctly identify the plot structure of the Russian folk tale "The Tsar Maiden". To illustrate the research procedure, a fragment of the actant analysis of the fairy tale is given, which presents the procedure of studying a parallel corpus of statements, containing all characteristics and functional messages of one of the characters of the fairy tale. As a result of the semantic analysis of verbal qualitative and functional characteristics, the actant position of the character is determined, which helps to reconstruct the actant model, which is the constructive basis of the tale's plot.

Jack Zipes

This book explores the legacy of the Brothers Grimm in Europe and North America, from the nineteenth century to the present. The book reveals how the Grimms came to play a pivotal and unusual role in the evolution of Western folklore and in the history of the most significant cultural genre in the world—the fairy tale. Folklorists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm sought to discover and preserve a rich abundance of stories emanating from an oral tradition, and encouraged friends, colleagues, and strangers to gather and share these tales. As a result, hundreds of thousands of wonderful folk and fairy tales poured into books throughout Europe and have kept coming. The book looks at the transformation of the Grimms' tales into children's literature, the Americanization of the tales, the “Grimm” aspects of contemporary tales, and the tales' utopian impulses. It shows that the Grimms were not the first scholars to turn their attention to folk tales, but were vital in expanding readership and setting the high standards for folk-tale collecting that continue through the current era. The book concludes with a look at contemporary adaptations of the tales and raises questions about authenticity, target audience, and consumerism. The book examines the lasting universal influence of two brothers and their collected tales on today's storytelling world.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Зоряна Мацюк ◽  
Марія Фенко

У складних суспільних умовах дедалі більше розширюється коло проблем, які потребують педагогічного вирішення. Дієвий метод – казкотерапія, використовують для безпосереднього впливу на емоційно-почуттєву сферу особистості для зміни моделей поведінки, аналізу прихованих можливостей дітей. У статті обґрунтовано теоретичні засади використання казкотерапії в психолого-педагогічній практиці. Зокрема було визначено критерії та показники мовленнєвого розвитку дошкільників в ігрових казкових ситуаціях: 1) обізнаність із казками; уміння розповідати знайомі казки; уміння оцінювати свою розповідь і розповідь товариша; 2) самостійність складання дітьми сюжетів казкових ситуацій; оригінальність вигаданого казкового сюжету; наявність засобів творчого самовираження. Особливий акцент зроблено на творчому мовленнєвому самовиражені дітей, чому безпосередньо сприяє використання казкотерапії: відбувається занурення дітей у світ казки, що поглиблює максимальну мовленнєву активність дітей на навчально-виховному просторі дитячого навчального закладу; наявність позитивних емоційних стимулів у складанні творчих розповідей; створення ситуацій успіху в мовленнєво-ігровій діяльності; стимулювання мовленнєвого самовираження і творчої ініціативи дошкільників в казкових ситуаціях. Результати проведеного дослідження свідчать, що використання методу казкотерапії є доцільним і виправданим. Література References Алексеенко В. В. Играем в сказку. Воспитание и развитие личности ребенка 2–7 лет. – М.: РИПОЛ.Aleksеіenko, V.V. (2008). Igraem v skazku. Vospitanie i razvitie lichnosti rebionka 2–7 let. [Playing Fairy-Tale. Educating and Developing Personality from 2 -7]. Moscow: RYPOL. Бурчик О. В. Групова казкотерапія в особистісно-орієнтованому вихованні дітей // Высник Житомирського державного ун-ту ім. Івана Франка. – 2005, № 25. – С. 203-205.Bourchyk, O.V. (2005). Grupova kazkoterapia v osobystisno-orientovanomu vyhovanni ditej [Group Fairy-Tale Therapy in Personality-oriented Education of Children]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni I. Franka, 25, 203-205. Давыдова Т. Т. Сказка // Лит. Учеба. – 2003., № 1.Davуdova, T. T. (2003). Skazka [Сказка]. Lyt. Ucheba, 1. Деркач О. О. Педагогіка творчості: Арт-терапія та казкотерапія на допомогу вчителю, вихователю, праткичному психологу. Вінниця, 2003.Derkach, O. O. (2009). Pedahohika tvorchosti: Art-terapiia ta kazkoterapiia na dopomohu vchyteliu, vykhovateliu, praktychnomu psykholohu]. Vinnytsia. Кирилюк О. С. Універсалії культури і семіотика дискурсу : казка та обряд. – Одеса: ЦГО НАНУ, 2003. Kyryliuk, O. S. (2003). Universalii kultury i semiotyka dyskursu: kazka ta obriad [The Cultural Universals and Semiotics of Discourse: Fairy-Tale and Rite]. Odesa: TsHO NANU. Мелетинский Е. М. От мифа к литературе. – М.: РГГУ, 2000.Meletynskyij, E. M. (2000). Ot Mifa k Literature [From Myth to Literature]. Moscow: RGGU. Нассруллаева Н. Н. Влияние содержания и языковых средств народной сказки на образность и выразительность речи старшего дошкольника. – К.: Рад. школа, 1982.Nassrullaeva, N. N. (1982). Vlyianie soderzhansiia i yazykovykh sredstv narodnoij skazki na obraznost i vyraziytielnost rechy starsheho doshkolnyka [The Impact of Content and Linguistic Means of Folk-Tale on the Imagery and Expressiveness of Older Pre-schooler Speech]. Kyiv: Rad. Shkola. Померанцева Э. В. Русское народное поэтическое творчество. – М.: Учпедгиз, 1956.Pomerantseva, Е. V. (1956). Russkoe narodnoe Poetiycheskoe Tvorchestvo [Russian Folk Poetic Art]. Moscow: Uchpedgiz. Пропп В. Морфология волшебной сказки. Исторические корни волшебной сказки. – М.: АСТ, 1998.Propp, V. (1998). Morfolohyia volshebnoij skazki. Istoricheskie korny volshebnoij skazki [The Morphology of Fairy-Tale]. Moscow: AST. Соколов Д. Сказки и сказкотерапия. –М.: Экcмо-Пресс, 2001.Sokolov, D. (2001). Skazki i skazkoterapiia [Fairy-Tales and Fairy-Tale Therapy]: Moscow: Eksmo-Press. Вачков Я. Сказкотерапия: Развитие самосознания через психологическую сказку. –М.: Ос-89. – С. 144.Vachkov, Y. V. (2001). Skazkoterapiia: Razvitie samosoznanyia cherez psykholohycheskiju skazku [Fairy-Tale Therapy]. Moscow: Os-89. Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови/ Укл. і гол. ред. В. Т. Бусел. – К.; Ірпінь: Перун, 2004.Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy (2004). V. Busel, Ed. [Great Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Ukarinain]. Kyiv; Irpin: Perun. Якименко С. І. Формування основ світогляду у дітей молодшого шкільного віку засобами казки: теорія і практика. – Київ: Знання, 1999.Yakymenko, S. I. (1999). Formuvannia osnov svitohliadu u ditej molodshoho shkilnoho viku zasobamy kazky: teoriia i praktyka [Формування основ світогляду у дітей молодшого шкільного віку засобами казки: теорія і практика]. Kyiv: Znannia. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т. Формы и методы работы со сказками. – СПб: Речь, 2006.Zynkevych-Evstyhneeva, T. D. (2006). Formy i metodu raboty so skazkami [Forms and Methods of Working with Fairy-Tales]. S.-Petersburg: Rech.

1988 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-73 ◽  
Ester Zago

Maryna Malysheva

The article is devoted to religious discourse, which is the most specific and complex manifestation of communication units, in which linguistic laws operate according to semantic significance and pragmatically reflect unconventional correlations between morphological and syntactic grammatical categories; critical evaluation of linguopragmatic discursive theoretical studies was carried out; the questions of the modal correlation of reality and assertion in linguistics are covered; imperative as a grammatical category of the verb hasn’t only a predicative character, but also a modal which in religious discourse is represented by an opposite vector of functioning, in comparison with the classical modal split according to the types of relation to reality and modal values ​​through the prism of the category of “speaker's sight”; it is emphasized that the pragmatism of the referencing mechanism in combination with the logical-philosophical approach to understanding the imperative shades of modality are the main means of their functional-semantic analysis and definition in religious discourse; it’s noted that in religious discourse modality is based on the own plot structure of the institution, which is expressed through the pragmatic goal and it’s imperative realization, which ideally creates God and passes through the preacher to the addressee; modal shades of the ordering method in the religious environment are defined; imperative modal shades are differentiated according to the logical and intuitive perception of the religious texts of the researcher due to the force of evading the desired action by the addressee; the religious taxonomy of the imperative based on the principle of physical dispersion of light on the 7 basic spectra is created (order, prohibition, prompt, request, exhort, caveat, prevent, advice, wishes), the combination of which is formed by the strongest core imperative – an order (the least desirable for the fulfillment of the imperative action in greetings , and the biggest one - in prohibition); the absence of the notion of “order” in religious discourse is substantiated; peripheral imperative spectra provided a conceptual essence.

Tlalocan ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Arch McKinlay

Farón Farón is a European folk tale which like so many others has been incorporated into the folklore of Mexico. It was written down by Preciliano Carranza Díaz, born in Zicapa on the Balsas river, Gro. The informant presented the text to Mr. McKinlay in Cuernavaca, Mor., a few years ago.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Adinda Bunga Utami ◽  
Nanny Sri Lestari

This research discusses the meaning and function of the natural environment in one folk tale that is well known in the Javanese community. This folktale is known in all circles of society, despite having social differences. An interesting problem in this folklore is the placement of functions and environmental meanings as the main elements of stories or tales. The focus of this research is to raise the function and meaning of the natural environment contained in one story of Keong Mas. This study aims to explain carefully the function and meaning of the natural environment which is the background of a fairy tale. The background story that uses the natural environment as the main object of the story often gets no attention. In the story of Keong Mas, it is precisely the setting that contains the natural environment that has functions and meanings that are very important to understand. This study uses a qualitative research paradigm procedure, which gives researchers the opportunity to interpret available data. The results of the study show that the story of Keong Mas is not just an ordinary folktale. Keong Mas folklore has a very specific story setting, which is a particular natural environment. Keong Mas or Pila ampullacea are animals that can live on land or in water. Rural communities who live on the banks of the river by cultivating crops such as rice, can find these types of animals around their environment. No wonder this animal is an inspiration to make a story in the background of the natural environment in the countryside

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 511-518
Tatiana V. Govenko

The article deals with the main provisions of the theory of motive and plot of the outstanding Russian philologist A.N. Veselovsky (1838-1906) in the light of a folk tale. At the archaic stage, as the scientist believed, the composition of the fairy tale obeyed the laws of syncretic consciousness and dualistic worldview, which determined the specifics of not only its existence, but also the logical and semantic basis of the fairy-tale model. With the transition to the religious-historical paradigm of public consciousness, there is a semiotic and morphological reorganization of the plot of the fairy tale. The task is to find out how the scientific method of differentiated study of motive and plot allowed Veselovsky to prove that the operating system of the motive is strongly connected with apperception and suggestion, and the plot - with combination and discourse, that the motive is directly related to fiction, and the plot - to the idea, but at the same time their commonality is expressed by the ideological and artistic concept.

Б. В. Эльбикова

Исследование посвящено сравнительному анализу оригинального и переводных текстов калмыцкой народной сказки «Аю Чикт Авха Цецен хойр» («Аю Чикте и Авха Цецен») из репертуара сказителя М. Буринова. В процессе сличения исходного текста сказки на калмыцком языке (1960) и русскоязычного перевода М. Г. Ватагина (1964) отмечается характер разночтений и неточностей, обнаруженных в иноязычном нарративе в передаче смысла отдельных эпизодов сюжета, формульных выражений, словосочетаний, играющих важную роль в сказочном повествовании. Изучение фольклорного текста в его разноязычных воплощениях представляется актуальным в свете проблем, возникающих при взаимодействии текстов дистантных культур. Для передачи национальной специфики сказочной традиции требуется максимальная точность при переводе, имеющим важное значение для понимания исконного смысла оригинального текста. The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts of the Kalmyk folk tale "Ayu Chikt Avkha Tsetsn khoir" ("Ayu Chikte and Avkha Tsetsen") from the repertoire of the narrator M. Burinov. In the process of comparing the original text of the fairy tale in the Kalmyk language (1960) and the Russian translation by M. G. Vatagina (1964) notes the nature of the discrepancies and inaccuracies found in the foreign language narrative in the transfer of the meaning of individual episodes of the plot, formula expressions, word combinations), which play an important role in the fairy tale narration. The study of a folklore text in its multilingual embodiments is relevant in the light of the problems that arise within the interaction of texts of distant cultures. To convey the national specifics of the fairy - tale tradition, maximum accuracy is required when translating episodes, formulas and some words that are important for understanding the original meaning of an original text.

Vasilina Yur'evna Krasnova

The subject of this research is actualization of the value component of Japanese culture on the periphery of the original Japanese folkloreme “Issun-bōshi” in the nine English-language versions of eponymous fairy tale. The article examines the methods of verbal explication on the discourse level through the dialogues, descriptions, and events of the original Japanese fairy tale and its English interpretations. The author determines seven axiological characteristics of the Japanese folkloreme, such as acceptance, dependence, modesty, service, etc. It is demonstrated how depending on the dialogues and descriptions in different versions of the Japanese folk tale, the value orientations of Japanese culture are explicated inalterably or adjusted to the perceptions of the author of English version. The conducted research reveals the specificity of one culture through another language and culture, as well as variability of presentation of the value orientations, attitudes, and preferences through the prism of mentality and values of the author of the foreign-language version. The following axiological components of Japanese folkloreme were determined: designated environment; love and acceptance; service to the emperor; family ties; modesty; spiritual beauty; and the folkloreme of magic gavel. The author carries out a comparative analysis of explication of the Japanese folkloreme in different English versions of the fairy tale; reveals the axiological components explicated in the text of Issun-bōshi and the differences in value orientations described in the English versions of the fairy tale.

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