scholarly journals Explication of axiological component of the Japanese folkloreme Issun-bōshi in the English versions of eponymous fairy tale

Vasilina Yur'evna Krasnova

The subject of this research is actualization of the value component of Japanese culture on the periphery of the original Japanese folkloreme “Issun-bōshi” in the nine English-language versions of eponymous fairy tale. The article examines the methods of verbal explication on the discourse level through the dialogues, descriptions, and events of the original Japanese fairy tale and its English interpretations. The author determines seven axiological characteristics of the Japanese folkloreme, such as acceptance, dependence, modesty, service, etc. It is demonstrated how depending on the dialogues and descriptions in different versions of the Japanese folk tale, the value orientations of Japanese culture are explicated inalterably or adjusted to the perceptions of the author of English version. The conducted research reveals the specificity of one culture through another language and culture, as well as variability of presentation of the value orientations, attitudes, and preferences through the prism of mentality and values of the author of the foreign-language version. The following axiological components of Japanese folkloreme were determined: designated environment; love and acceptance; service to the emperor; family ties; modesty; spiritual beauty; and the folkloreme of magic gavel. The author carries out a comparative analysis of explication of the Japanese folkloreme in different English versions of the fairy tale; reveals the axiological components explicated in the text of Issun-bōshi and the differences in value orientations described in the English versions of the fairy tale.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. p299
Dr. Mohammad Dayij Suleiman Al.qomoul

The study aimed at investigating the Islamic values basically (faith, worship, moral, and social) that could be implemented in the English language syllabuses of the first three grades in Jordan. The researcher revised those three syllabuses and found some fundamental Islamic values which affect the students’ behavior. “Words, phrases and sentences” are taken as original units for analysis and investigations. The subject of the study consisted of all the English language textbooks (Student’s Books and Activity Books) of the first three grades in Jordan. The sample of the study is the subject of the study itself, since the researcher analyzes all the English language books for the three primary grades in Jordan. The selected values are important in realization of goals and behaviors of learning, in general and in learning English as a foreign language, in particular. For values have the power of developing personality, which in turn, makes learning more effective and permanent. The findings of the study show that some fundamental Islamic values were implemented in these textbooks with some variation from one grade to another and some others are totally absent as shown in the Tables (1-5). Based on the findings of the study, the researcher attempts to figure out some remarkable suggestions and recommendations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 88-95
O. A. Maslovets

The article represents an effort to specify the essential characteristics of the relationship between the intentionality of consciousness, language and culture, and on this basis to reveal the features of the process of foreign language teaching.The author considers intentionality as a phenomenon that defines and provides the content of consciousness, allowing one to commit an act of self-determination and gaining subjectivity. In the activity of consciousness, the author distinguishes intentional flows of both relatively objects and subjects, which is a prerequisite for comprehending another I, a different cultural entity, and at the same time a condition for self-knowledge and deeper penetration into one’s own culture.Culture is a complex semiotic text, it is a context in which the language being studied as a secondary modeling system acts as a means where various phenomena can be sequentially described and interpreted by students.The openness of the subject to the world, nurtured in the course of intentional teaching of language and culture, allows its utter uniqueness, and at the same time utmost universality, to manifest itself. Such an attitude actualizes the internal regularity of human actions, the possibility of self-development and the formation of a system of deferred actions, which allows a person to realize, take place, actualizes the intentional field of his capabilities.The author comes to the conclusion that the process of foreign language teaching should be interpretative, significative, semiotic in nature. Taking into account during teaching а foreign language the intentional conditioning of any action, including speech, will ensure the achievement of a coordinated consciousness.

С.М. Кравцов ◽  
Т.Л. Черноситова

Постановка задачи. Исследование билингвальных художественных произведений, созданных писателями-транслингвами, использующими несколько языков в своей творческой деятельности, является одной из наиболее актуальных проблем теории языка, в частности таких ее областей, как социолингвистика, стилистика, язык и социум, язык и культура. Подобные произведения, переведённые автором с одного языка на другой и адресованные представителям разных этнических сообществ, носят лингвосоциокультурный характер, который достигается писателем посредством создания интертекста, содержащего внутритекстовые вкрапления, основанные на аллегориях, реминисценциях, аллюзиях, цитациях и аппликациях. При этом аппликации принадлежит весьма важная роль в решении задачи формирования лингвокультурного диалога в билингвальном романе. Результаты исследования. Во франкоязычной версии романа Нэнси Хьюстон «Cantique des plaines», созданной в результате осуществленного ею самоперевода англоязычного романа «Plainsong», выявлено много текстовых аппликаций в виде фрагментов песен, с помощью которых автор формирует лингвокультурный диалог, а также создает не только смысловой, но и музыкальный фон произведения. Установлено, что с целью формирования лингвокультурного диалога в билингвальном романе аппликации в виде отрывков песен могут не совпадать в англоязычной и франкоязычной версиях. Данный эффект достигается во франкоязычной версии благодаря использованию цитат с расширением их посредством сочетаний слов; использованию лексем с более конкретным, точным значением, чем у их английских аналогов; использованию паронимов их английских аналогов; использованию дословного перевода песен с английского языка на французский; использованию включения в перевод на французский язык строфы из англоязычной песни с сохранением при переводе рифмы без искажения исходного смысла самой песни. Выводы. Результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод о том, что аппликация песенных фрагментов в романе Нэнси Хьюстон «Cantique des plaines» / «Plainsong» является довольно продуктивным стилистическим приемом и имеет несколько видов реализации в зависимости от потребности автора в создании определенного смыслового, эмоционального и музыкального фона произведения. Благодаря широкому использованию и адекватному выбору писателем-транслингвом того или иного вида аппликации она служит эффективным способом формирования лингвокультурного диалога в билингвальном романе Нэнси Хьюстон «Cantique des plaines» / «Plainsong. Problem statement. The study of bilingual novels created by translingual writers who use several languages in their creative activities is one of the most urgent problems of language theory, specifically in such areas as sociolinguistics, stylistics, language and society, language and culture. Such works, translated by the author from one language to another and addressed to representatives of different ethnic communities, are of a linguistic and socio-cultural nature, which is achieved by the writer through the creation of an intertext containing intra-textual inclusions based on allegories, reminiscences, allusions, citations and applications. At the same time, the application plays a very important role in problem solving of forming a linguistic and cultural dialogue in a bilingual novel. The results of the study. In the French-language version of Nancy Huston's novel «Cantique des plaines», created as a result of self-translation of the English-language version of her novel «Plainsong», many text applications in the form of fragments of songs are revealed, by means of which the author forms a linguistic and cultural dialogue, and creates not only a semantic, but also a musical background of the novel. It is established that in order to form a linguistic and cultural dialogue in a bilingual novel, applications in the form of song fragments may not coincide in the English and French versions. This effect is achieved in the French-language version through the use of citations with their extension by word combinations; the use of lexemes with a more specific, accurate meaning than their English counterparts; the use of paronyms of their English counterparts; the use of a literal translation of songs from English into French; the use of including a stanza from an English-language song in the translation into French, while preserving the rhyme without distorting the original meaning of the song itself. Conclusion. The results of the analysis lead to the conclusion that the application of song fragments in Nancy Huston's novel «Cantique des plaines» / «Plainsong» is a rather productive stylistic technique and has several types of implementation, depending on the author's need to create a certain semantic, emotional and musical background of the work. Due to the wide use and adequate choice of a particular type of application by a translingual writer, it serves as an effective way of forming a linguistic and cultural dialogue in Nancy Huston's bilingual novel «Cantique des plaines» / «Plainsong». The results of the study indicate that it is relevant not only for the theory of language, but also for Romance and Germanic linguistics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Reza Anggriyashati Adara

Investigating demotivating factors can help teachers to avoid them and provide more insights on sustaining learners’ interest in FL learning. The present study aimed to analyse demotivating factors in FL learning. To obtain the findings, the present study applied a mixed method approach. A set of questionnaires adapted from Sakai and Kikuchi’s (2009) questionnaires were distributed to thirty eight university students whereas interviews were conducted to three of them. The findings indicated teacher’s competence and lack of intrinsic motivation as the most salient factors that caused demotivation among the participants. In this consideration, teachers were perceived as incompetent by the participants when teachers have poor English pronunciation and do not provide communicative classrooms. On the other hand, lack of intrinsic motivation was indicated by the loss of students’ interest in learning and their goal to be an English speaker. Providing a communicative classroom with a fluent teacher as well as promoting students’ interest in English language and culture seem to be the solutions to reduce students’ demotivation. [Penelitian tentang faktor-faktor yang menurunkan motifasi (demotivation) dapat membantu para guru untuk menghindari factor-faktor tersebut dan memberikan wawasan untuk mempertahankan minat peserta didik dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor demotivasi dalam pembelajaran Bahasa asing. Untuk memperoleh jawaban dari beberapa pertanyaan, penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan metode campuran. Seperangkat kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari model Sakai dan Kikuchi (2009) didistribusikan kepada tiga puluh delapan mahasiswa sedangkan wawancara dilakukan terhadap tiga dari mahasiswa tersebut. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi guru dan kurangnya motivasi intrinsik merupakan faktor yang paling menonjol yang menyebabkan demotivasi di antara para peserta. Dalam hal ini, guru dianggap tidak kompeten oleh para peserta ketika guru memiliki pelafalan bahasa Inggris yang buruk dan tidak menyediakan ruang kelas yang komunikatif. Di sisi lain, kurangnya motivasi intrinsik ditunjukkan oleh hilangnya minat siswa dalam belajar dan tujuan mereka untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Menyediakan ruang kelas yang komunikatif dengan guru yang fasih serta mempromosikan minat siswa dalam bahasa dan budaya Inggris tampaknya menjadi solusi untuk mengurangi demotivasi siswa]

2013 ◽  
pp. 193-202
Tadeusz Pacholczyk

The contemporary glottodidactics is an interdisciplinary science, which is reflected, among others, in the transition from mono- to bi- and multiculturalism. The main objective of this paper is to define the relationships between, and conditions of, intercultural teaching and foreign language communication. The following issues will be explored in detail: - discussion of the main assumptions of the post-communicative paradigm of contemporary glottodidactics; - definition of the subject of cultural studies and linguistics in the context of the relationships between “language and culture”; - development of relationships in terms of communication and intercultural competence; - definition of the main objective of intercultural communication; - analysis of relationships as well as intercultural teaching and communication based on examples.

Б. В. Эльбикова

Исследование посвящено сравнительному анализу оригинального и переводных текстов калмыцкой народной сказки «Аю Чикт Авха Цецен хойр» («Аю Чикте и Авха Цецен») из репертуара сказителя М. Буринова. В процессе сличения исходного текста сказки на калмыцком языке (1960) и русскоязычного перевода М. Г. Ватагина (1964) отмечается характер разночтений и неточностей, обнаруженных в иноязычном нарративе в передаче смысла отдельных эпизодов сюжета, формульных выражений, словосочетаний, играющих важную роль в сказочном повествовании. Изучение фольклорного текста в его разноязычных воплощениях представляется актуальным в свете проблем, возникающих при взаимодействии текстов дистантных культур. Для передачи национальной специфики сказочной традиции требуется максимальная точность при переводе, имеющим важное значение для понимания исконного смысла оригинального текста. The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts of the Kalmyk folk tale "Ayu Chikt Avkha Tsetsn khoir" ("Ayu Chikte and Avkha Tsetsen") from the repertoire of the narrator M. Burinov. In the process of comparing the original text of the fairy tale in the Kalmyk language (1960) and the Russian translation by M. G. Vatagina (1964) notes the nature of the discrepancies and inaccuracies found in the foreign language narrative in the transfer of the meaning of individual episodes of the plot, formula expressions, word combinations), which play an important role in the fairy tale narration. The study of a folklore text in its multilingual embodiments is relevant in the light of the problems that arise within the interaction of texts of distant cultures. To convey the national specifics of the fairy - tale tradition, maximum accuracy is required when translating episodes, formulas and some words that are important for understanding the original meaning of an original text.

2019 ◽  

The subject matter of the present paper is the linguo - stylistic and psychological analysis of Rudyard Kipling’s “Just So Stories” as emotional means to motivate children to study English as a foreign language. “Just So Stories” are tales for children, where the author tells how the world, surrounding the child, was created, why everything in this world is “just so”, answers the questions that children like to ask so much: “what and why and when and how and where and who?” For children, who are not adapted to studying, and who achieve information with the help of games, fairy tales in general and Kipling’s “Just so stories” in particular serve as a ground for not only developing the intellect, sense of humor and imagination of children, but also take away all boundaries in perceiving information in a foreign language and enhance interest towards the origin of familiar and unusual things. The knowledge, contained in tales is inmost and conveys great information about animals, people, the world they live in and the interrelation of everything in life. Fairy tales develop not only the imagination of children but also establish some kind of bridge between the fantasy and the real life. Fairy tale reading attracts children, increases the motivation of learning a foreign language. Tale has an impact on children’s emotional state: it reduces anxiety, fear and confusion and gives food for perception, empathy and communication with favorite heroes, creates a fairy atmosphere full of enthusiasm and joy. The importance of the fact that all "just so stories" end with a poem cannot be underestimated. Firstly, poems and chants are short, emotionally colored and easy to remember. Secondly, poetic texts are great materials for practicing rhythm, intonation of a foreign speech and for improving the pronunciation. And thirdly, multiple repetitions of foreign words and word combinations with the help of poems do not seem artificial. Accordingly, the use of poetry contributes to the development of different language skills, like reading, listening and speaking.

2004 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-346

Our policy is to annotate all English-language books on economics and related subjects that are sent to us. A very small number of foreign-language books are called to our attention and annotated by our consulting editors or others. Our staff does not monitor and order books published; therefore, if an annotation of a book does not appear six months after the publication date, please write to us or the publisher concerning the book. An Index of Authors of New Books appearing in the Annotated Listings will appear at the end of the General Index in the December issue. The annotations appearing in this section were written by Ms. Ann Norman. The articles appearing in the Subject Index in e-JEL, JEL on cd, and EconLit were classified under the direction of Professor Asatoshi Maeshiro, Editorial Consultant, assisted by Ms. Helen Lafferty, Dr. Charles McCann, Dr. Manhar Vyas, Ms. Jane Caldwell Wallace, Dr. Jerry Wells, and Ms. Katherine Wolfe.

2002 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-107
Toru Shimizu

Summary This article is the written text of a presentation made at a workshop on cooperation between authors and their translators at a symposium in Nice in November 1983 on the subject "French, a foreign language". Part of the author's ideas are based on his experience in translating the works of Michel Butor. Language imposes a certain vision of the world on speakers, but not in a rigid and non-modifiable way. In this respect, translation has always played and continues to play an important role in shaping Japanese culture through experimentation with new styles and new approaches. In Japan, translation of literature is considered as participation in literary creation : most translations of literary and theoretical texts are done by academics, critics and writers, and the translated text of a book is generally followed by a rather long essay by the translator. In France, translators are generally not considered as literary personalities and their social status is accordingly low, in spite of a number of significant exceptions. And yet, translation forces one to innovate conceptually and linguistically, and therefore culturally; hence the positive nature of its contribution to the host culture, in particular through cooperation between authors and their translators.

1961 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-260 ◽  
Manoel Cardozo

By the end of the nineteenth century the American public, if it had cared to enlarge upon its knowledge of the Empire of Brazil, could easily have done so without even the necessity of learning a foreign language. From 1822 to 1888, beginning with the independence of Brazil from Portugal and ending with the abolition of slavery— a period corresponding almost exactly with the life span of the Brazilian Empire—about twenty books on Brazil were published by Americans. These were obviously not the only books on the subject in the English language because Britishers wrote about Brazil too (indeed they wrote more about it than we did) and these books on Brazil were also available on this side of the Atlantic. The combined output of the two nations was, therefore, considerable, and the curiosity of the Anglo-Saxon mind which it for the most part reflected presented Brazil to the American reader under a great variety of aspects. There were the solid three volumes on the colonial period of Brazilian history by Robert Southey, the poet laureate of England who was much better as a historian, and the two-volume sequel by John Armitage, who was neither a historian nor a poet but a lover of liberty.

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