scholarly journals The application of method AHP to choose a construction enterprise for partnering cooperation

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 399-406
Elżbieta Radziszewska-Zielina

In construction industry partnering is a long-term commitment between two or more organizations aimed at achieving particular business objectives by maximizing the effectiveness of each participant’s resources. As opposed to competition, partnering is characterized by cooperation rather than rivalry which may transform into fighting. Partners cooperate, striving for the implementation of a construction project, which is their common objective, and for mutual benefits. The present author has developed a research model of the partnering relations of construction enterprises. This paper presents a non-standard application of AHP multi-criteria method in choosing a construction enterprise for partnering cooperation during the construction project implementation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.2) ◽  
pp. 59
Iryna Chernysh ◽  
Alla Glebova ◽  
Oleh Maksymenko

The article explores the role and importance of outsourcing for managing business processes at enterprises of the construction industry. Since the main purpose of managing construction enterprises is to achieve high technical and economic indicators, compliance with the terms of construction of objects and their construction, ensuring an increase in profitability and profitability of operations in the long-term perspective. This is possible with the use of outsourcing, which, unlike subcontracting, is aimed at providing profitability by concentrating on the performance of priority activities for which the construction company has the highest level of competence. Also, outsourcing involves taking risks and responsibilities of an outsourcing company for the quality of running business processes. This is a significant difference from the subcontract works and allows forming the long-term competitive advantages of the construction enterprise.  

Tomáš Mandičák ◽  
Peter Mesároš ◽  
Mária Kozlovská

Abstract The issue of cloud computing is a highly topical issue. Cloud computing represents a new model for information technology (IT) services based on the exploitation of Web (it represents a cloud) and other application platforms, as well as software as a service. In general, the exploitation of cloud computing in construction project management has several advantages, as demonstrated by several research reports. Currently, research quantifying the exploitation of cloud computing in the Slovak construction industry has not yet been carried out. The article discusses the issue of exploitation of cloud computing in construction project management in Slovakia. The main objective of the research is to confirm whether factors such as size of construction enterprise, owner of construction enterprise and participant of construction project have any impact on the exploitation level of cloud computing in construction project management. It includes confirmation of differences in use between different participants of the construction project or between construction enterprises broken down by size and shareholders.

2004 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 135-141 ◽  
Romualdas Ginevičius ◽  
Valentinas Podvezko ◽  
Algirdas Andruškevičius

The successful performance of construction enterprises as well as their competitiveness are largely determined by the construction technology and management methods used. In this respect two levels referring to a building or structure itself and to a construction enterprise as a whole should be distinguished. The technology of a building or structure embraces its construction system generally characterizing building materials, design solutions and load‐bearing structures and enclosures used in the construction of this particular building. The problem of selecting a general technological criterion for the whole construction enterprise arises. A construction enterprise fulfilling its annual program can simultaneously construct buildings and structures based on various construction systems, i.e. it can use various technologies. Searching for an integrated criterion to describe an enterprise as a whole three main issues including the variation of the applied technologies and their volumes and technological effectiveness should be taken into consideration. In the paper the problem of determining technological effectiveness of construction systems is considered. A method of pairwise comparison developed by T. Saaty was used to address this problem. The calculations were made for all thirteen technologies currently used in Lithuanian construction industry. Based on the suggested approach the weight of technological effectiveness was determined for each of them in the parts of one.

2018 ◽  
Vol 193 ◽  
pp. 05006 ◽  
Margarita Panteleeva ◽  
Svetlana Borozdina

This article is dedicated to the problem of the lack of a systematic approach in the creation of financial and business plans at construction enterprises. The current policy in the field of long-term management does not imply the existence of a strictly regulated procedure. As a rule, this process each time has a new structure and a new toolkit. And given the current trend towards clustering in the construction sector, such a situation could adversely affect the further development of the entire industry. The article suggests a description of the multi-level management system of a construction enterprise. This system is based on comprehensive programs that allow, through a centralized management function, to streamline the process of solving the basic tasks facing the construction company in the framework of the entire construction industry. The program method proposed by the authors is an addition to the already used planning methods and allows to overcome the difficulties that arise in connection with the territorial concentration of the construction complex.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 282-291 ◽  
Michał Tomczak

AbstractOne of the key problems in managing the realization of a construction project is the selection of appropriate working crews and coordinating their activities in a way that ensures the highest degree of implementation of defined goals (minimizing the project duration and/or reducing downtime and related costs). Most of the existing methods of work harmonization used in construction industry allow obtaining the desired results only in relation to the organization of the processes realization in repetitive linear projects. In case of realization of non-linear construction objects or construction units, it is usually necessary to choose between the reduction of the project implementation time and maintaining the continuity of crews work on the units. It was found that there is a lack in the literature of developed method enabling harmonization of crews’ work, while minimizing the downtime at work and the duration of the entire project taking into account additional constraints, e.g. the need to not exceed the deadlines for the realization of the project stages.The article presents the concept of a multi-criteria optimization method of harmonizing the execution of non-linear processes of a multi-unit construction project in deterministic conditions. It will enable the reduction of realization time and downtimes in work, taking into account the preferences of the decision maker regarding the relevance of the optimization criteria. A mathematical model for optimizing the selection of crews and order of completion of units in multi-unit construction projects was also developed. In order to present the possibility of usage of the developed concept, an example of the optimal selection of crews and their work schedule was solved and presented. The proposed method may allow for better use of the existing production potential of construction enterprises and ensure synchronization of the crews employed during the work, especially in the case of difficulties in acquiring qualified staff in construction industry.

2020 ◽  
pp. 223-229
Mariya Nashkerska ◽  
Nataliia Patriki

Introduction. Financial state of the construction enterprise, level of its financial stability, creditworthiness and liquidity depend on the availability of current assets, net cash flow (positive or negative), which is formed in the course of conducting payment transactions. The subject of the research is the flow of money of the construction enterprise. The research objectives: identifying the causes of current assets constraints at the construction industry enterprises; using projected cash flow budget and payment schedule as instruments of managing the enterprise cash flow. The purpose of the article is to determine the instruments for cash flow management of construction enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of their activities. Method (methodology). The article suggests developing projected cash flow budgets and payment schedule to manage cash flows more efficiently (prevent negative net cash flow) based on estimates made by construction enterprises to determine the construction cost. The purpose of the payment schedule is to determine the flow of funds for the next day and the current week as a supplement and detailing of the projected cash flow budget. Research results. The use of the projected cash flow budget and payment schedule at the construction industry enterprises will help the management team to control the incoming and outgoing cash flows, form the data base for making decisions on the efficient use of funds. It will also promote the search for additional funding sources of the enterprise activity in the period of budget deficit as well as pre-justified investment of capital in the period of budgetary surplus Thus, the formation of projected cash flow budgets and payment schedule can be an important instrument for efficient cash flow management of construction enterprises. The method of formation of mutually agreed forecast budget of cash flow and payment calendar with definition of indicators of their efficiency in management of cash flows and a financial condition of the enterprise as a whole needs further improvement. The technique of forming mutually agreed projected cash flow budget and payment schedule along with the definition of their efficiency indicators in managing cash flows and the overall enterprise financial state requires further improvement.

T. E. Chetin

Objectives. This study is aimed at identifying the specifics of managing current assets in construction enterprises and developing a set of practical measures that can enhance the efficiency of their use.Method. In the course of the study, a system approach was taken, comparative and functional-cost analysis methods.Result. It is shownthatthe specifics of current assetformation in construction industry is to be taken into account when developing a conceptual basis for managinga construction enterprise. Methodological approaches to the estimation of current assets are described, the most effective of which facilitate the optimal choice of sources, forms and volume of attracting current assets into construction industry. A set of practical measures for organizing a system of current asset management in construction enterprises is proposed. These measures are expected to provide for the rational formation and use of all the constituent components of this system.Conclusion. The methodological approaches to the estimation of current assets, criteria for making managerial decisions, management strategy development stage sand methodological provisions for the organisation of the management of current assets presented in this papercan be used as a methodological basis for managing the working assets of a construction enterprise, thuscontributing to improved management efficiency and creating conditions for sustainable functionality. Every managerial decisionrelated to determining the level of financial assets, accounts receivable and inventories should be considered from the standpoint of both the profitability of these assets and the optimal structure of current assets, thus requiring respective management levers. The implementation of the basic requirements for the management of current assets necessitates the application of anti-risk expert-analytical procedures, including those related to the functioning of the corporate information management system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 70-75
I. I. SAVEL’EV ◽  

The main issues of quality management in the construction industry and their role in the company are highlighted in the article. The main subsystems of quality management are defined. The grouping of the most significant risks in construction from the point of view of quality assurance of documentary, personnel, material and technical support is conducted. The necessity of joint formation of quality management and risk management systems for the purpose of effective and long-term functioning of construction enterprises has been argued.

2010 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-454 ◽  
Elżbieta Radziszewska-Zielina

The present author has conducted research on partnering co‐operation in construction industry. The research was carried out using the questionnaire method in selected administrative regions of the following three countries: Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. It was assumed that analysis would mainly concern medium and large construction enterprises and that the respondents would include selected experts in these enterprises: owners, enterprise managers, construction site managers. The final assessment of the partnering relations of Polish and Slovak construction enterprises is similar. Partnering co‐operation in construction industry is already noticeable but still remains on a low level. The assessment of the partnering relations in Ukrainian construction enterprises is lower than in the Polish and Slovak ones. Santrauka Autorė atliko partnerių bendradarbiavimo statybos pramonėje tyrimą. Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos metodu, respondentai apklausti pasirinktuose Lenkijos, Slovakijos ir Ukrainos administraciniuose regionuose. Analizė apėmė vidutines ir dideles statybos įmones. Buvo apklausti įmoniu savininkai, vadovai, statybų vadovai. Tyrimas atskleide, kad partnerių bendradarbiavimas statybos pramoneje jau yra pastebimas, tačiau vis dar reikiamai neišpletotas. Įvertinimas rodo, jog partnerystes santykiu lygis Lenkijos ir Slovakijos statybos įmonėse yra panašus. Partnerystes santykiu lygis tarp Ukrainos statybos įmonių yra menkesnis nei tarp Lenkijos ar Slovakijos įmonių.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3441 ◽  
Hao Lu ◽  
Pardis Pishdad-Bozorgi ◽  
Guangbin Wang ◽  
Yingxia Xue ◽  
Dan Tan

This study discusses the organizational characteristics, driving factors, and value perceptions of small- and medium-sized construction enterprises in information and communication technology (ICT) implementation and investigates how the heterogeneous impacts of these features on subsequent ICT implementation practices are manifested. Based on questionnaire responses provided by 338 respondents from the Chinese construction industry, these associations were empirically tested using statistical methods, such as t-test, ANOVA, and correlation test. The analysis results indicate that the engagement of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in ICT is a function of their annual sales turnover and the location in which they are operating, but no correlation was found with age, ownership structure, or business type. Moreover, strategic orientation was found to be the most effective driver in determining SMEs’ ICT-level, followed by pressures from competitors, incentive and mandatory policies from the government, intentions to improve work efficiency and quality, and ICT requirements from clients and partners, in that order. The findings further reveal that the differences in value perceptions generated after the adoption of ICT is the reason why SMEs tend to adopt less expensive ICT, that is, to use packaged rather than customized ICT, which can improve efficiency quickly, without considering the long-term benefits of the selected ICT. These findings provide insights for researchers and policymakers, allowing them to develop an in-depth understanding of the stimuli that are advantageous in ICT implementation in construction SMEs in developing countries.

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