e-GIGI ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Agie Leondra

Abstract: Dental caries is microbiological disease on dental hard tissue which caused localized demineralization from inorganic structure and destruction of organic substantive part of dental. Fluor protects teeth from caries, by deliberating metabolism of plaque bacteria which could make carbohydrate fermentation through hydroxide-apatite transform into fluor-apatite which more stabilize and acid resistant. The aim of this research is to identify the rate of caries grade among adolescent aged 12 – 14 years and the amount of fluor proportion by consumed in the daily consumed West Wiau Lapi village. This research is descriptive cross-sectional research. Respondent amount is 59 and this research using total sampling method. The result of caries degree is calculated by DMF-T index and fluor analyzing using Spectrofotometer and the length of wave is 525 nm. This research concluded that the caries grade arrange in intermediate degree, and the fluor amount posture is  very low. Keyword: caries grade, fluor amount     Abstrak: Karies gigi adalah penyakit mikrobiologis struktur keras gigi yang menyebabkan demineralisasi terlokalisasi dari bagian inorganik dan kerusakan dari substansi organik yang berawal dari permukaan eksternal dari gigi. Fluor berfungsi melindungi gigi dari karies, dengan cara menghambat metabolisme bakteri plak yang dapat memfermentasi karbohidrat melalui perubahan hidroksi-apatit pada enamel menjadi flour-apatit yang lebih stabil dan lebih tahan terhadap pelarutan asam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran derajat karies anak-anak usia 12-14 tahun dan kadar fluor dalam air minum yang dikonsumsi di desa Wiau Lapi Barat.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif potong lintang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode total sampling dan mempunyai responden penelitian berjumlah 59 orang. Hasil perhitungan derajat karies dihitung dengan indeks DMF-T dan uji fluor digunakan alat spektrofotometer dengan panjang gelombang 525 nm, dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa derajat karies di desa Wiau Lapi Barat dalam status menengah dan kandungan fluor sangat rendah. Kata kunci: status karies, kadar fluor

e-GIGI ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Sinta Silaban

The prevalence of dental caries in first permanent molars children aged 8 – 10 years is the number or percentage of people in a population who have the disease of dental caries. This disease occurs in dental hard tissue that is characterized by the occurrence of demineralization of dental hard tissue, followed by the breakdown of organic material that can lead to a sense of sharp pain to a dull pain. The purpose of this study to determine the prevalence of dental caries permanent first molars in children aged 8 – 10 years old in Elementary School at Kawangkoan Bawah Village, South Minahasa. The population of this study are 187 students aged 8 – 10 years from grade 3 – 5 of elementary school in GMIM Kawangkoan Bawah Elementary School and National Elementary School Inpres Kawangkoan Bawah at Kawangkoan Bawah Village, South Minahasa. The amount of samples obtained from 65 people using Slovin formula and sample size calculations in each school using proportional sampling method. The type of this research is descriptive type with cross sectional approach. Workup data of first permanent molar dental caries in children aged 8 – 10 years have been obtained through the objective examination of caries. From 65 samples, there are 260 teeth of first permanent molars and the results of this study have shown that 176 teeth had experienced a caries (67,7%). From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the cause of dental caries in children aged 8 – 10 years at the Elementary School Kawangkoan Bawah Village are the lack of attention, knowledge and awareness of parents and children about dental hygiene and oral health of children. Keywords: Children, first permanent molar teeth, dental caries Abstrak :Prevalensi karies gigi geraham pertama permanen pada anak umur 8 – 10 tahun merupakan jumlah atau persentase orang dalam satu populasi yang mengalami suatu penyakit karies gigi. Penyakit ini terjadi pada jaringan keras gigi yang ditandai dengan terjadinya demineralisasi pada jaringan keras gigi, diikuti dengan kerusakan bahan organik yang dapat menyebabkan rasa ngilu hingga nyeri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi karies gigi geraham pertama permanen pada anak umur 8 – 10 tahun di SD kelurahan Kawangkoan Bawah kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Populasi pada penelitian ini seluruh siswa-siswi umur 8 – 10 tahun yang diambil dari kelas 3 – 5 terdiri dari SD GMIM Kawangkoan Bawah dan SDN Inpres Kawangkoan Bawah di kelurahan Kawangkoan Bawah kabupaten Minahasa Selatan dengan jumlah 187 siswa-siswi. Jumlah sampel 65 orang diperoleh dari menggunakan rumus slovin dan perhitungan besar sampel di tiap sekolah menggunakan metode proportional sampling. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study.Data hasil pemeriksaan karies gigi geraham pertama permanen pada anak umur 8 – 10 tahun diperoleh melalui pemeriksaan karies yang bersifat objektif. Pada 65 sampel terdapat 260 gigi geraham pertama permanen dan hasil penelitian menunjukkan gigi yang mengalami karies berjumlah 176 gigi (67,7%) yang diantaranya pada umur 8 tahun jumlah karies 58 gigi, pada umur 9 tahun jumlah karies 72 gigi dan pada umur 10 tahun jumlah karies gigi 46 gigi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan penyebab karies gigi yaitu kurangnya perhatian, pengetahuan, kesadaran orang tua beserta anak akan kebersihan serta kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak. Kata kunci : Anak, gigi geraham pertama permanen, karies gigi

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Marsela Liwe ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan ◽  
Paulina N. Gunawan

Abstract: In children, caries occurs mostly at the age of 6 to 9 years. At the age of 6 years permanent molar teeth begin to erupt, therefore, they are more susceptible to caries. Moreover, at the age of 9 years, a period of mingled teeth where the number of permanent teeth and of the milk teeth are nearly the same. This study aimed to obtain the prevalence of dental caries of the first permanent molar among students of elementary schools in South Tomohon. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The population of this study was 72 students aged 6-9 years old. Samples were obtained by using total sampling method. Primary data were obtained by examination of the teeth and mouth. The results showed that the prevalence of caries among students of elementary schools in South Tomohon was 68.1% (49 students). Based on gender, caries were most frequent among males (68.4%). Based on age, caries were most frequent among students of 8 years old (79.2%). Based on tooth element, tooth 36 had the highest incidence of caries (37.2%). Based on the severity of caries, dentine caries was the most frequent (46.51%).Keywords: dental caries, the first permanent molarAbstrak: Karies merupakan penyakit yang banyak menyerang anak-anak terutama umur 6 sampai 9 tahun. Pada umur 6 tahun gigi molar permanen sudah mulai tumbuh sehingga lebih rentan terkena karies dan umur 9 tahun merupakan periode gigi bercampur dimana jumlah gigi permanen dan gigi sulung dalam rongga mulut hampir sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi karies gigi molar satu permanen pada anak di SD kecamatan Tomohon Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Populasi penelitian yaitu anak umur 6 - 9 tahun di SD kecamatan Tomohon Selatan dengan jumlah 72 orang. Sampel penelitian digunakan total sampling. Metode pengambilan data secara primer yaitu dengan pemeriksaan gigi dan mulut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi karies pada anak-anak di SD kecamatan Tomohon Selatan mencapai 68,1% dengan jumlah 49 anak. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin angka kejadian karies tertinggi didapatkan pada anak laki-laki mencapai 26 anak (68,4%). Berdasarkan usia angka kejadian karies tertinggi didapatkan pada usia 8 tahun mencapai 19 anak (79,2%). Berdasarkan elemen gigi, gigi 36 merupakan yang paling tinggi angka kejadian kariesnya yaitu 32 gigi (37,2%) dan berdasarkan tingkat keparahan karies kejadian karies dentin yang paling tinggi yaitu mencapai 40 gigi (46,51%).Kata kunci: karies gigi, molar satu permanen

e-GIGI ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Waraney Mamengko ◽  
Shirley E. S. Kawengian ◽  
Krista V. Siagian

Abstract: Cavity is a classic problem that has existed since long time ago which is one of the causes of tooth ache. Caries is a disease that involves enamel, dentin and cementum. Caries caused by microorganism action on fermented carbohydrate. The prevalence of active caries in Indonesia and in some countries is still high. Caries can occur among all ages, including children. Factors that cause caries regarding to the attitude and the nature of children who like to eat snacks and sweet foods that can cause dental caries. This study aimed to describe the consumption of snacks and status of caries in children aged 3-5 years in the Rinegetan village Tondano. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. There were 52 children aged 3-5 years obtained by using total sampling method. Data were obtained by using def-t index and questionnaire. The results showed that snacks consumed by the children were: candy (75%) and milk (73,07%). The average of dental caries amog the children aged 3-5 years in the Rinegetan village, Tondano, was 2.36 (low category).Keywords: caries, children, snacks, def–t indexAbstrak: Gigi berlubang merupakan masalah klasik yang sejak dahulu sudah ada yang menjadi salah satu penyebab seseorang merasakan rasa sakit gigi. Karies merupakan suatu penyakit yang menyerang jaringan keras gigi, yaitu email, dentin dan sementum, yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas suatu jasad renik dalam suatu karbohidrat yang dapat diragikan. Prevalensi terjadinya karies aktif pada penduduk Indonesia dan di bebera panegara di dunia adalah cukup tinggi. Karies dapat dialami oleh semua usia termasuk anak-anak. Faktor penyebab karies salah satunya yang dapat diteliti berkaitan dengan sikap maupun sifat dari anak-anak yang suka mengonsumsi jajanan makanan yang manis-manis dapat menyebabkan karies pada gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran konsumsi jajanan dan status karies pada anak umur 3-5 tahun di kelurahan Rinegetan Kecamatan Tondano Barat. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelurahan Rinegetan Kecamatan Tondano Barat pada bulan September 2015. Sampel terdiri dari 52 anak umur 3-5 tahun diperoleh dengan total sampling method. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen yaitu lembar pemeriksaan def-t dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa konsumsi jajanan yang masuk dalam kategori paling sering yaitu permen (75%) dan susu (73,07%). Status karies gigi anak berusia 3-5 tahun di Kelurahan Rinegetan, Kecamatan Tondano Barat rata-rata 2,36 yag termasuk dalam kategori rendah.Kata kunci : karies, anak-anak, jajanan, indeks def-t

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Jacky Ch. Lintang ◽  
Henry Palandeng ◽  
Michael A. Leman

Abstract: The disease of teeth and mouth that most suffered by Indonesian society is caries. Caries is disease in hard tissue of teeth that occurred beginning with process of demineralization of dental hard tissue, followed by tooth decay organic matter. The Indonesian population prevalence of caries is 53.2%. School period is most susceptible to dental caries. Children who have a good knowledge in general, has good behavior to maintain their oral health. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship knowledge of dental health maintenance and severity of dental health. This type of research is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. The population of this study is all children in 5th grade of Tumaluntung Primary School in North Minahasa, with total sample 45 students. Data collection is done by filling out questionnaire and examination of dental caries index. The results showed that there was no strong relationship between the level of knowledge of dental health maintenance with severity of dental caries (r=0.372).Keywords: knowledge; dental health maintenance; dental caries severityAbstrak: Penyakit gigi dan mulut yang paling banyak diderita masyarakat Indonesia adalah karies. Karies merupakan suatu penyakit pada jaringan keras gigi yang terjadi diawali dengan proses demineralisasi jaringan keras gigi diikuti dengan kerusakan bahan organik gigi. Di Indonesia prevalensi penduduk yang mengalami karies sebanyak 53,2%. Masa sekolah merupakan waktu yang paling rentan terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya karies. Anak-anak yang memiliki pengetahuan baik pada umumnya memiliki perilaku yang baik untuk mejaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut mereka.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dengan tingkat keparahan karies gigi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak kelas V SDN Tumaluntung Minahasa Utara, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan indeks karies.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang kuat antara tingkat pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dengan tingkat keparahan karies gigi (r=0,372).Kata kunci: pengetahuan; pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi; keparahan karies gigi

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-220 ◽  
T Shishniashvili ◽  
T Suladze ◽  
M Makhviladze ◽  
M Kalandaze ◽  
V Margvelashvili

Objectives: The goal of the present study correlates dental hard tissue mineralization, mucosal pathologies in the oral cavity and different degrees of intestinal dysbiosis. Study Design: the study examined two groups: the study group (Group I) included 229 children and adolescents aged 1–17 (mean age 5±1years) with oral pathologies (caries, acute or chronic candidiasis) and confirmed dysbiosis of varying severity and stages as well. Group II (the Control Group) was composed of 50 patients aged 1 – 16 (mean age 5±1years) with oral pathologies but with no detected changes in gastrointestinal (GI) flora. Dental caries were examined by DMFT-index; the extent of dental hard tissue mineralization by vital staining (2% methylene blue) and cases of oral candidiasis was investigated by taking cultures from mucosal plaques. Results: on the basis of the research outcomes the correlation between the different degrees of GI dysbiosis and dental hard tissue mineralization with pathologic expressions in the oral cavity was found. Group I was divided into two subgroups: in the first subgroup that suffered from mild dysbiosis (I and II degree) moderate dental caries was revealed, whereas in the second subgroup with III and IV degree of dysbiosis–high levels of dental caries was detected. In Group II (no GI flora disturbances), the dental hard tissue demineralization indicator was minimal; in children aged 1–3 years the incidence and prevalence of caries were low and increased with age, reaching higher values during puberty (11–16 years). Conclusion: It may be concluded that dysbiosis of GI microflora influences on a degree of dental hard tissue demineralization, which in turn may predispose to the formation of dental caries.

Medicina ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 45 (11) ◽  
pp. 887
Kristina Saldūnaitė ◽  
Alina Pūrienė ◽  
Simona Milčiuvienė ◽  
Vilma Brukienė ◽  
Jelena Kutkauskienė

Objective. The present study aimed to assess dental status in 7–12-year-old Lithuanian children and to evaluate the extent and the efficiency of the Pit and Fissure Sealing in Permanent Molars program. Material and methods. This cross-sectional study was performed between September 2007 and May 2008. Children, aged 7–12 years, from secondary schools in five biggest cities of Lithuania were invited for the examination using a cluster random sampling method. The data for the present study were collected following the general principles for basic oral health surveys of the World Health Organization. Results. The prevalence of dental caries was 85.5%, 88.9%, and 70.6% in 7–8-, 9–10-, and 12-year olds, respectively. The prevalence of dental caries in permanent molars increased with age and became as high as 57.7% in 12-year-old children. The data showed that the mean number of sealed teeth depends on the county and ranged from 0.83 (1.31) to 1.45 (1.85) in 7–8-year olds, from 0.95 (1.29) to 2.54 (1.15) in 9–10-year olds, and from 0.26 to 2.13 (1.15) in 12-year olds. Conclusions. The prevalence and incidence of dental caries in 7–12-year-old Lithuanian children are high. Only half of all examined children have at least one sealed molar. The financial resources allocated for the Pit and Fissure Sealing in Permanent Molars program were used insufficiently; therefore, there is a need for systematic measures in order to improve the efficacy of the aforementioned program.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan

Abstract: Dental caries is a disease of dental hard tissue characterised by demineralization of the inorganic substances and dissolving of the organic substances. The prevalence of dental caries in pre-school children is still high which may due to the improper way of teeth brushing as well as consuming cariogenic foods. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of dental decidious caries status among pre-school children in Malalayang district, Manado. This was a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional approach. This study was carried out in July 2012. The data were obtained by using questionnaires and observation. The population in this study was all kindergarten pupils (788 children) in Malalayang district and the number of samples were 90 children. Data were obtained from primary and secondary data. The results showed that the prevalence of dental caries was 90% with the average index def-t = 6.99. Conclusion: There was a very high prevalence of dental caries among kindergarten pupils in Malalayang district, Manado. Keywords: prevalence, dental decidious caries, pre-school children.     Abstrak: Karies gigi adalah penyakit jaringan keras gigi yang ditandai dengan terjadinya demineralisasi substansi anorganik dan penghancuran substansi organik. Prevalensi karies gigi anak usia prasekolah yang masih tinggi disebabkan antara lain kebiasaan menyikat gigi yang tidak sesuai prosedur serta kegemaran mengonsumsi makanan kariogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi karies gigi sulung pada anak prasekolah di kecamatan Malalayang kota Manado. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2012. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner dan observasi. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh murid Taman Kanak-kanak di kecamatan Malalayang yang berjumlah 788 anak. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 90 anak.  Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi karies gigi sulung sebesar 90% dengan indeks  rata-rata def-t = 6,99 yang berarti rata-rata setiap anak memiliki 7 gigi yang mengalami karies. Simpulan: Prevalensi kareis gigi sulung pada murid Taman Kanak-kanak di kecamatan Malalayang kota Manado tergolong sangat tinggi. Kata kunci: prevalensi, karies gigi sulung, anak prasekolah.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Amelia Kristanti Rahardjo Rahardjo ◽  
Ira Widjiastuti ◽  
Edhie Arif Prasetyo

 Background. Dental caries is one of the most prevalent chronic disease of people worldwide, and also Indonesia. Based on Indonesian Basic Research from  Health Department, prevalence of dental caries in Indonesia was 90.5%. When dental caries rates are reported by gender, female are found to exhibit higher prevalence rates than male. Dental caries is disease of lifetime because it can spread out more throughout life and will continue until the teeth are destroyed without a proper treatment.  Purpose. The aim of this study is to analyze the prevalence of posterior teeth caries by the depth of cavity, age, and gender at RSGM FKG UNAIR.  Method. Analytic observational study with cross-sectional and stratified random sampling method. Result. Out of 420 patients with teeth caries, 169 male patients (40.2 %) and 251 female patients (59.8 %). The highest prevalence is deep caries (59.76%) and the lowest prevalence is superficial caries (15.95%). Conclusion. It was concluded that there is  correlation between the depth of cavity increase by age and female has higher caries prevalence than male but no significance differences between cavity depth and gender. 

I.V. Ruda ◽  
E.P. Dуdik ◽  
T.V. Chugu ◽  
Y.I. Rudyi

The purpose of our study was to determine the intensity of dental caries and the level of oral hygiene in boys and girls, depending on age and conducting remineralizative therapy in the observed group of children with the aim of prevention of dental caries. The study was carried out with the informed consent of parents of examining children. We carried out dental examination of 60 schoolchildren in Vinnytsya, aged 6–8 years old, who were divided into two even groups, near 30 persons in evey group who was provided remineralizative therapy of dental hard tissue using the preparation “Bifluorid 10” VOCO (Germany). In the article the clinical discussion of high efficiency of preventive remineralizative therapy of dental hard tissues in children 6-8 years is presented. According to the results of the primary examination in the observed children, it was found that the average of oral hygiene index of Fedorova-Volodkina was 2.3±0.16 scores in the main group and 2.31±0.13 scores in the control group, which indicates an unsatisfactory level of oral hygiene in both groups. Dental caries was determined in 100% of cases among the examined children, caries intensity indexes DMFT+df were corresponded to 5.57±1.04 in the main group and 5.7±0.95 in the control group. The intensity of the color of the TER-test in the basic observation was — 3.88±0.75 in the main group and 4.19±0.91 the control group. The oral hygiene index slightly increased after 12 months of research. In children of the main group it was 1.52±0.12 and 1.58±0.15 in the control group, which corresponds to satisfactory oral hygiene. However, in general, during the period of our investigation, the oral hygiene index was significantly improved in comparing to the primary scores on 33.9% in the main group and on 31.64% in the control group. The index of growth of caries intensity was — 7 (23%) in the control group and in the main group — 1 (3.3%) in the main one. The parameters of the TER test were within the range of 2.1±0.3 scores in the basic and 3.93±0.7 scores in the control groups, which corresponds to the improvement of the mineralization of the dental hard tissue (p <0.05). Consequently, the problem of high dental caries intensity and caries prevalence of primary and permanent teeth suggests about cariogenic situation in the oral cavity of children during the period of the eruption of the first permanent molars. Professional oral hygiene, the formation of regular oral hygienic habits, deep fluoridation using the Bifluorid 10 VOCO (Germany), not only improve the oral hygiene status, but also reduce the growth index of dental caries and have a high efficiency of prevention of dental caries.

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rebecca A. Ngantung ◽  
Damajanty H. C. Pangemanan ◽  
Paulina N. Gunawan

Abstract: Dental caries is a major problem in children’s mouth cavity. The damage of the primary teeth spreads faster, expands more, and worse than permanent teeth. Socioeconomics status is one of the factors that affect health status. In order to meets the need of life and to get the desired health service, the higher socioeconomic groups have more chance than the lower socioeconomic groups. This study aimed to find out the influence of parental socioeconomic to children’s caries in Hang Tuah Bitung Kindergarten. This was an analytical study using a cross sectional design. The population consisted of students of Hang Tuah Bitung Kindergarten with a total of 72 children. Samples were 52 students obtauned by using total sampling method. The primary data collection used def-t examination and parental identity checked from. The statistical analysis was perfomed by using Spearman’s test. The results showed that there was no effect of parents’ employment of parents to children dental caries (p=0.092); there was no effect of parents’ education to children dental caries (p=0.425); no effect of parents’ income to children dental caries (p=0.164); there was no effect of the number of family members to children dental caries (p=0.119). Conclusion: There was no effect of socioeconomic status of the parents to children dental caries.Keywords: socioeconomic level, occupation, education, income, cariesAbstrak: Karies merupakan masalah utama di rongga mulut anak. Kerusakan gigi sulung lebih cepat menyebar, meluas, dan lebih parah dari pada gigi permanen. Status sosial ekonomi merupakan salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi status kesehatan, sebab dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan untuk mendapatkan tempat pelayanan kesehatan yang diinginkan lebih memungkinkan bagi kelompok sosial ekonomi tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok sosial ekonomi rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat sosial ekonomi orang tua terhadapkaries anak di TK Hang Tuah Bitung.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat analitik dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini ialah murid TK Hang Tuah Bitung yang berjumlah 72 orang. Sampel yang diteliti 52 anak dengan menggunakan total sampling. Metode pengambilan data secara primer yaitu dengan pemeriksaan def-t dan formulir pemeriksaan identitas orang tua. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Spearman. Hasil penelitian diperoleh, tidak ada pengaruh tingkat pekerjaan orang tua terhadap karies gigi anak (p=0,092), tidak ada pengaruh tingkat pendidikan orang tua terhadap karies gigi anak (p=0,425), tidak ada pengaruh tingkat pendapatan orang tua terhadap karies gigi anak (p=0,164), tidak ada pengaruh banyaknya anggota keluarga orang tua terhadap karies gigi anak (p=0,119).Simpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh tingkat sosial ekonomi orang tua terhadap karies gigi anak. Kata kunci : tingkat sosial ekonomi, pekerjaan, pendidikan, pendapatan, karies.

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