scholarly journals Implementasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Dengan Metode Profile Matching

Respati ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Mulia Sulistiyono ◽  
Bernadhed Bernadhed

INTISASIPengambilan keputusan diantara berbagai alternatif pilihan karyawan merupakan hal yang sulit untuk dilakukan, dalam situasi yang kompleks  pengambilan keputusan tidak dipengaruhi oleh satu faktor saja melainkan multi faktor dan mencakup berbagai jenjang maupun kepentingan. Biasanya pengambil keputusan dalam menentukan pilihan terbaik menggunakan intuisi dan subyektifitas semata, sehingga menjadi sebuah tantangan dengan berbagai resiko. Pendekatan dengan metode pencocokan profil atau profile matching merupakan salah satu jawaban dalam permasalahan ini. Dengan menggunakan metode ini keputusan diambil dengan mengidentifikasikan terhadap kelompok karyawan atau pelamar pekerjaan yang baik maupun buruk. Para karyawan dalam kelompok tersebut diukur menggunakan beberapa kriteria penilaian. Pelamar kerja yang diangkat adalah pelamar yang paling mendekai profil ideal seorang karyawan yang berhasil. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai terbesar yang mempengaruhi seleksi calon karyawan adalah kriteria kognitif (K1) sebesar 40%, kemudian kriteria kepribadian (K2) sebesar 30% dan kriteria sikap kerja sebesar 30%. Untuk nilai yang digunakan untuk melakukan perankingan berdasarkan jumlah core factor dan secondary factornya.Kata kunci— Sistem pendukung keputusan, Penerimaan karyawan, Profile Matching, SDM . ABSTRACTDecision making among various alternative choices of employees is a difficult thing to do, in complex situations decision making is not influenced by just one factor but multi factors and includes various levels and interests. Usually decision makers in determining the best choice using intuition and subjectivity alone, so that it becomes a challenge with various risks. The approach with profile matching method is one of the answers to this problem. By using this method the decision is taken by identifying the good or bad group of employees or job applicants. Employees in the group are measured using several assessment criteria. Appointed job applicants are the most applicants who approach the ideal profile of a successful employee. The results of this study indicate the greatest value that affects the selection of prospective employees is cognitive criteria (K1) of 40%, then personality criteria (K2) of 30% and criteria for work attitudes of 30%. For values used to rank based on the number of core factors and secondary factors.Keyword—  Decision support system, employee recruitment, Profile Matching

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Dasarius Gulo

In the process of selecting Indonesian Workers (TKI) based on quality at PT. Adila Prezkifarindo Duta is classified as still manual, where there is not yet a system for selecting quality migrant workers so it requires a long time for its assessment and the selection process is less effective. To support decision making in the selection of qualified Indonesian Workers (TKI) to make it easier by using a decision support system. One method used in the selection of qualified Indonesian Workers is the Profile Matching method. The profile matching method is a decision-making mechanism by assuming that there is an ideal level of predictor variables that must be met by applicants, rather than the minimum level that must be met or passed. In the profile matching process a process will be compared between individual competencies into standard competencies so that different competencies can be identified (also called Gap). The smaller the gap produced, the greater the weight value. In matching this profile, the selected TKI candidates are Indonesian Workers who are closest to the ideal profile of a qualified TKI.

Puguh Jayadi ◽  
Ahmad Subhan Yazid ◽  
Muhammad Mustakim

An objective process is needed in the selection of Bidikmisi Scholarship in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, so the selected recipients are not misdirected and meet the established criteria. At present, the process is still manual so it requires a long time and triggers some errors. For this reason, a decision support system is needed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the ongoing selection process. The method used is Profile Matching. The method matches the profile of the new registrant with the ideal profile of the scholarship recipient. The matching results will provide recommendations for applicants who are eligible to award Bidikmisi Scholarships. There are 4 aspects used for calculations:  parents, students, house and the interview. From these aspects, it will be divided into 28 criteria with a range of criteria according to the predetermined criteria. System testing is done by Alpha and Beta testing, the results show that the system can function properly as expected. The system provides results as recommendations for candidates through ranking from the final results of system calculations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Munawir Munawir ◽  
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah

a b s t r a c tOne method of decision support system is the method of profile matching, this study builds a decision support system in the selection of outstanding employees at the Bank Indonesia Regional Office of Aceh Province which is expected to assist decision makers in deciding the best alternatives in the selection of outstanding employees. By using profile matching that can process and compare the actual data value of a profile to be assessed with the expected profile value, so it can know the difference of competence (also called gap), the smaller the resulting gap the greater the value of value which means have the opportunity greater to be recommended as an outstanding employee. Decision Support System (DSS) can take into account all the criteria that support decision-making to help speed up and simplify the decision-making process. The results of this study will generate a ranking ranking of employees and this application can assist decision makers (decission maker) in choosing an alternative employee who excel.Keywords:Decision Support System, Employee Achievement, Profile Profile matching a b s t r a kSalah satu metode sistem pendukung keputusan adalah metode profile matching, penelitian ini membangun sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan dalam pemilihan karyawan berprestasi di Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi Aceh yang diharapkan dapat membantu para pembuat keputusan dalam memutuskan alternatif-alternatif terbaik dalam pemilihan karyawan berprestasi. Dengan menggunakan profile matching yang dapat memproses dan membandingkan antara nilai data aktual dari suatu profil yang akan dinilai dengan nilai profil yang diharapkan, sehingga dapat diketahui perbedaan kompetensinya (disebut juga gap), semakin kecil gap yang dihasilkan maka bobot nilainya semakin besar yang berarti memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk direkomendasikan sebagai karyawan berprestasi. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) ini dapat memperhitungkan segala kriteria yang mendukung pengambilan keputusan guna membantu mempercepat dan mempermudah proses pengambilan keputusan. Hasil penelitian ini akan menghasilkan urutan rangking dari karyawan dan aplikasi ini dapat membantu pengambil keputusan (decission maker) dalam memilih alternatif karyawan yang berprestasi.Kata Kunci:Decision Support System, Karyawan Berprestasi, Metode Profile matching

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Zulfahmi Fahmi ◽  
Faradika Dika

This research was conducted to assist the school in terms of selection of creative students, especially those using Kurikulum 2013 or better known as K-13. We conclude that the subjective application of student achievement with the 2006 curriculum is more commonly referred to as Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) has been widely circulated schools. The limits given in the decision support system of selecting student achievement include the determination of criteria and using Profile Matching method which leads to the determination of GAP value, the smaller the gap value the greater the chance to be selected as a student achievement. In designing applications researchers use using tools such as UML ( Unified Modeling Language) in order to make it easier to move the concept of a system designed into the form of the program.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Moh Febri Nurul Qorik ◽  
Slamin Slamin ◽  
Priza Pandunata

This study is about the use of simple additive weighting (SAW) and profile matching methods for the construction of information systems supporting the decision selection of scholarships. The case study of this research is the selection of superior situbondo scholarships in the Education Office of Situbondo Regency. The purpose of this study was to apply the profile matching method and SAW in resolving the problem of selecting the Situbondo Superior Scholarship recipients who had 2 aspects of assessment, namely aspects of poverty and academics which made it difficult to select scholarships, this difficulty is caused by the value of the aspect of poverty must be the smaller the difference in the value of students with the value of the scholarship it will be better while the academic value must go far beyond the minimum value, the better. The profile matching method is used to calculate the value of the aspect of poverty and SAW is used to calculate the value of the academic aspects. To determine the final results of this study using the criteria for decision-making scale determined by the District Education Office of Situbondo, one of the final methods of the method is less than 30 worth not funded, one of the final method values less than 60 is considered to be funded. The development of information systems supporting superior decision making for the Situbondo scholarship using the profile matching and simple additive weighting methods using a website-based system with system design using the SDLC waterfall model, implementation of the system using the laravel framework and program code using the hypertext pre-processor programming language (PHP ), while for managing the database using MySQL DBMS and system testing using black box and white box ( testing unit). The results of this research method of profile matching and simple additive weighting can be applied properly in a superior situbondo scholarship decision support system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1933 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
Erlan Darmawan ◽  
Fahmi Yusuf ◽  
Endra Suseno ◽  
Heru Budianto ◽  
Siti Maesyaroh

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 227-232
Syahriani Syahriani ◽  
Nurmah Nurmah ◽  
Luthfi Indriyani

Sinar Asia Perkasa is a manufacturing company, where this company is always required to innovate and improve the quality and quality of its products. Because of this, the company PT. Sinar Asia Perkasa must improve itself to get employees who have high quality and work productivity. Employees are one of the most important parts of a company that must be managed properly. To get employees of the highest quality, a process is needed that can automatically provide recommendations in selecting exemplary employees at PT. Sinar Asia Perkasa, namely by establishing a Decision Support System. This Decision Support System is expected to assist in objectively selecting employees. Making this Decision Support System using the Profile Matching method with several criteria, namely aspects of the discipline, aspects of integrity, aspects of cooperation, and aspects of work performance. Then for the final stage of this method is ranking.

Wimpi Sancaka

Human resources play an essential role in helping companies to achieve their vision and mission. As a large scale company, PT Petrokimia Gresik obviously needs to invest in Employees’ Performance Assessment System. It could act as a decision-making tool or a measure to evaluate and assess employees' performance at work so that theemployees’ promotion would be moreobjective and organized. Decision support system could be used to reduce the subjectivity in decision-making process. The decision support system that uses profile matching method or competency gap analysis was created based on the data which refers to the decree of the board of directors issued by PT Petrokimia Gresik. This system analyzes and assesses employee’s competencies by grouping and calculating core factors and secondary factors in each variable. The output of the calculation is a ranking of the candidates. By implementing decision support system which uses Profile Matching method, it assists company decision-making process in promotion decision based on employees’ competency scores more optimally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-44 ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Andi Saryoko ◽  
Abdul Aziz ◽  
Lia Nurmalia

This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, because the many extracurricular activities in schools make it difficult for students to determine extracurricular activities that can develop their personality, talents, and abilities outside the academic field, therefore the system is created to select extracurricular activities. The aim is to help students deal with extracurricular selection problems. The application of the Profile Matching method in the decision support system for the selection of extracurricular activities is expected to help provide recommendations for extracurricular activities to overcome the problem of selecting extracurricular activities and can facilitate students in selecting extracurricular activities.

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Rani Irma Handayani ◽  
Triningsih Triningsih ◽  
Melia Putri

Learning is one of the obligations of students to do in every school activity where they study. However, sometimes many students are less able to digest the subject matter delivered by the teacher. Therefore, the school held a scholarship program for outstanding students. In order to motivate students to study harder. Achievement scholarships are given with the aim of motivating students to study harder. Currently the scholarship is not right on target because it is still done manually and it is not clear the criteria for a student to get an achievement scholarship. To conduct an assessment in awarding scholarships to high achieving students use a decision support system to help solve a problem. For this reason, to conduct an assessment in the awarding of scholarships, a decision support system using the Profile Matching method is used. Profile Matching method is one of the methods used in decision making. In this study, there are several aspects of the assessment for awarding achievement scholarships, namely the KKM Aspect, the Attendance Aspect, the Behavior Aspect, the Craft Aspect or the Discipline, the Neatness Aspect.

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