scholarly journals Talent Management Employee Development by Using Certainty Factor Method of Expert System

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Aditia Putra Hamid ◽  
Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim ◽  
Aming Sungkowo ◽  
Trikolas Trikolas ◽  
Hendra Purnawan ◽  

Talent management is a factor that determines success in the business environment because talent management requires quantitative and qualitative skills. This study aims to implement the certainty factor (CF) method of an expert system for employee development talent management. This research using a certainty factor (CF) method to design an expert system framework. Due to the focus on our research aim, we provide a certainty factor calculation with mathematical modeling for calculating talent management employee development in X Company. The confidence level is 93.55% for a recommendation of not promotion of the job; for 52.38% is a recommendation that can be proposed for promotion, but HRD will evaluate in some time; for 98.73% is a recommendation for promotion of the job. We used CF calculation that can provide the level of confidence (in %). The calculation of the certainty factor (CF) method can be used for recommending job promotion in some companies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Doddy Teguh Yuwono ◽  
Abdul Fadlil ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi

<p><em>Coelogyne Pandurata or better known by the general name of black orchid, this orchid species only grows on the island of Borneo. Coelogyne Pandurata is an epiphytic orchid attached to other plants but not harmful. This orchid is one endemic of Borneo that requires human intervention to maintain its sustainability. Orchid plants are very susceptible to various pests and diseases. Because many orchid species are cultivated, the disease is difficult to recognize, because the symptoms of disease on orchids vary depending on the variety. The methods applied in this calculation are used Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor methods. This expert system allows users to diagnose pests that attack the Orchid Coelogyne Pandurata plant (Black Orchid Borneo) from various literature and initial observations. The result of application of Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor Method can give pest diagnosis on Orchid Coelogyne Pandurata based on the symptoms given Based on the calculation, the description of confidence level based on the interpretation table of the expert and the final percentage of 93.0736% is Very Probably both methods are applied To solve existing problems.</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords</strong></em><em>: Coelogyne Pandurata</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>C</em><em>ertainty </em><em>F</em><em>actor, Expert system, </em><em>Forward Chaining</em></p><p><em>Coelogyne Pandurata atau lebih dikenal dengan nama umum anggrek hitam, spesies anggrek ini hanya tumbuh di pulau kalimantan. Coelogyne Pandurata merupakan anggrek epifit yaitu menempel pada  tanaman lain tetapi tidak merugikan. Anggrek ini merupakan salah satu endemik kalimantan yang memerlukan campur tangan manusia untuk menjaga kelestariannya. Tanaman anggrek sangat rentan terhadap berbagai serangan hama dan penyakit. Karena jenis tanaman anggrek banyak dibudidayakan, menyebabkan penyakitnya sukar dikenal, karena gejala serangan penyakit pada anggrek bervariasi tergantung dari varietasnya.</em><em> </em><em>Metode yang diterapkan dalam perhitungan</em><em> </em><em>ini digunakan</em><em> metode </em><em> </em><em>Forward Chaining dan C</em><em>ertainty </em><em>F</em><em>actor</em><em>. Sistem pakar ini</em><em> memungkinkan pengguna mendiagnosa hama yang menyerang tanaman Anggrek Coelogyne Pandurata (Anggrek Hitam Kalimantan) dari berbagai literatur dan pengamatan awal</em><em>. </em>Hasil penerapan Metode <em>Forward Chaining</em> dan <em>Certainty Factor</em> dapat memberikan diagnosa hama pada <em>Anggrek </em><em>Coelogyne Pandurata</em> berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang diberikan  Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, maka keterangan tingkat keyakinan berdasarkan tabel interpretasi dari pakar dan persentase akhir sebesar <strong>93,0736% </strong>adalah <strong>Sangat Mungkin </strong>kedua metode ini diterapkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada.</p><p><em><strong>Kata kunci</strong></em><em>: Coelogyne Pandurata</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>C</em><em>ertainty </em><em>F</em><em>actor, </em><em>Forward Chaining</em><em>,</em><em> S</em><em>istem pakar</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Lola Fida Putri

Measles Roseola usually attacks infants with transmission from a sprinkling of sufferers' saliva. Roseola must be treated quickly because it can cause liver and brain inflammation. Roseola's disease for people whose economy is low is not given much attention because it is often diagnosed in severe or acute illness. This is because the red rash in infants is a common measles. Early diagnosis of Roseola's disease is a good way to avoid adverse consequences for the baby's health. The Roseola disease expert system is able to help low-income people to self-diagnose the disease. Roseola's disease expert system is applied knowledge gained from experts, namely specialist dermatologists in children. Processing of symptoms based on facts with the value and calculation of the Certainty Factor method. Certainty Factor determines good results by combining expert values and user values.

Repositor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Nina Mauliana Noor Fajriah ◽  
Yufis Azhar ◽  
Gita Indah Marthasari

Expert system is one of the AI Development fields. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is part of a computer science which used the computer to imitate the human thoughts and behavior. The usage of a method in Expert System is very important. Thus, the most compatible method to use is the Certainty Factor method. This method is suitable to be used on Expert System to measure things and diagnosed it, will it be very sure or unsure. For example, Expert System to diagnose disease on strawberry plants. This software allows the user to diagnose the disease on strawberry plants before taking a further action. This software is using PHP programming language and store the data using MySQL system database. When the user consulting to the software, the software will show the symptoms of the disease and the user can choose the level of certainty from the chosen disease symptom. The final result from the software is a form which includes the guide of how to take the measurement of the disease based on the chosen symptoms.

Syahrizal Dwi Putra ◽  
M Bahrul Ulum ◽  
Diah Aryani

An expert system which is part of artificial intelligence is a computer system that is able to imitate the reasoning of an expert with certain expertise. An expert system in the form of software can replace the role of an expert (human) in the decision-making process based on the symptoms given to a certain level of certainty. This study raises the problem that many women experience, namely not understanding that they have uterine myomas. Many women do not understand and are not aware that there are already symptoms that are felt and these symptoms are symptoms of the presence of uterine myomas in their bodies. Therefore, it is necessary for women to be able to diagnose independently so that they can take treatment as quickly as possible. In this study, the expert will first provide the expert CF values. Then the user / respondent gives an assessment of his condition with the CF User values. In the end, the values obtained from these two factors will be processed using the certainty factor formula. Users must provide answers to all questions given by the system in accordance with their current conditions. After all the conditions asked are answered, the system will display the results to identify that the user is suffering from uterine myoma disease or not. The Expert System with the certainty factor method was tested with a patient who entered the symptoms experienced and got the percentage of confidence in uterine myomas/fibroids of 98.70%. These results indicate that an expert system with the certainty factor method can be used to assist in diagnosing uterine myomas as early as possible.

Nandra Sunaryo ◽  
Yuhandri Yunus ◽  
S Sumijan

Identification of the development of special interests and talents needs to be done in order to find out the potential of students. This knowledge is needed by the teacher when providing counseling guidance to students in order to know the types of special interests and talents of students. This study aims to identify the development of special interests and talents in students based on the characteristics of special interests and talents appropriately. In this study using the Certainty Factor method where this expert system can assist experts in identifying the development of special interests and talents based on the characteristics of special interests and talents in students. Followed by calculating the level of accuracy with the results of the counseling guidance teacher analysis. The results of the testing of the Certainty Factor method were successfully applied by comparing the data with the system that had been designed so that a good level of accuracy was obtained from the results of the system calculations with expert decisions of 80% of the 5 test data. This expert system application can be used as an alternative in identifying the development of special interests and talents in students.

Djouking Kiray ◽  
Fricles Ariwisanto Sianturi

An expert system is a knowledge base system that solves problems using an expert's knowledge that is entered into a computer, thereby increasing productivity, Because an expert can work faster than a human lay works like an expert. Expert systems Also solve problems by imitating the ways in the which an expert expert offer section with problems in his field, one of the which is in the field of computer repair, the problem of computer damage Becomes a fairly complicated problem, this problem is Generally experienced by individuals and institutions. One of them is in school institutions that have computer laboratories. to diagnose computer use can damage the certainty factor method that helps identify damage to the computer and find the cause of damage to the computer based on the symptoms that occur and the solution to repair it. Certainty Factor is one of the techniques used to deal with uncertainty in decision making. In dealing with a problem, answers are Often found that do not have full certainty. This uncertainty is influenced by two factors items, namely the uncertain rules and user uncertain answers. Uncertain rules are rules of symptoms that are determined for a damage.

Firahmi Rizky , Et. al.

Gastrointestinal worm infection affects the Sumatran tiger. Due to the lack of tools to diagnose the disease, the Sumatran tigers are very often located in Medan Zoo, North Sumatra, and their handling is very rare.Based on the above problems, we need an application in the form of an expert system by applying the Certainty Factor method which is expected to help in diagnosing Gastrointestinal worm infection in Sumatran tigers. With the existing symptoms, the CF value can be determined to get a diagnosis of Gastrointestinal worm infection. So that it can make it easier for a doctor to treat and diagnose gastrointestinal worm infections in Sumatran tigers.The conclusion obtained from the system, is able to diagnose quickly, precisely and accurately the symptoms of gastrointestinal worm infections and is expected to help the community in diagnosing gastrointestinal worms experienced by Sumatran tigers so that treatment can be carried out immediately. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-69
Stephanie Halim ◽  
Seng Hansun

Osteoporosis    is    commonly    referred    to “thinning” and osteoarthritis referred to “calcification”, but people giving wrong action treatment of these two diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop an android-based application to identify the risk of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. To identify that risk was processed using certainty factor method. Certainty factor method related about event based on facts, which the source of those facts are from expert and assumed with a value, called certainty factor. From the testing result, the accuracy of this expert system is about 80%. Index Terms - Certainty factor, disease diagnose, expert system, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Wita Yulianti Yulianti ◽  
Liza Trisnawati ◽  
Theresia Manullang

Masa remaja merupakan suatu rentang kehidupan individu. Dalam siklus perkembangan individu, masa remaja merupakan kehidupan yang sangat penting dan masa peralihan yang perlu diarahkan pada perkembangan menuju dewasa. Lingkungan keluarga yang sehat dan lingkungan yang kondisif untuk tumbuh kembang remaja yang positif dapat mempengaruhi kematangan fisik dan psikis remaja, maka dari itu perlu tindakan yang dapat membantu remaja menemukan tujuan dalam kehidupan. Ilmu psikologi merupakan bidang ilmu yang dapat mengetahui perilaku manusia dan mempelajari proses mental manusia. Ilmu psikologi dalam mempelajari sisi psikologi suatu objek masih menggunakan metode konvensional. Dalam hal mengamati gaya belajar remaja, perpaduan antara ilmu psikologi dan teknologi memungkinkan untuk dilakukan, yaitu dengan membuat sebuah sistem berbasis teknologi (sistem pakar) berdasarkan pengetahuan pakar. Sistem pakar ini dapat memberi pengetahuan dalam penentuan gaya belajar remja dengan menerapkan metode dari sistem pakar yaitu certainty factor. Certainty factor dapat memberikan nilai kepercayaan dari nilai ketipastian dengan menghitung nilai certainty factor dan hasil nilai kombinasi certainty factor sesuai ketentuan dari metode. Hasil perhitungan certainty factor berbentuk nilai (angka) di setiap gaya belajar, di mana hasil tertinggi menjadi penetuan gaya belajar. Hasil dari penelitian ini, para pakar (psikolog) dapat menentukan gaya belajar dengan lebih cepat dan pendidik atau pengajar dapat terbantu dalam mengetahui modalitas atau gaya belajar remaja serta dapat memberikan solusi bagi remaja arah bakat atau karir sesuai gaya belajar diperoleh. Bagi akademisi atau praktisi dibidang teknologi, akan didapat hasil bahwa metode Certainty Factor yang dapat menentukan gaya belajar dengan melihat dari perolehan nilai dari setiap gaya belajar.   Kata kunci: Ilmu Psikologi, Remaja, Gaya Belajar, Sistem Pakar, Certainty Factor   Abstrack Adolescence is an individual's life span. In the individual development cycle, adolescence is a very important life and a transitional period that needs to be directed at development towards adulthood. A healthy family environment and an environment that is conducive to adolescent growth and development that can positively affect adolescent physical and psychological maturity, therefore need actions that can help teens find goals in life. Psychology is a field of science that can know human behavior and study human mental processes. Psychology in studying the psychology of an object still uses conventional methods. In terms of observing adolescent learning styles, a combination of psychology and technology makes it possible to do, namely by making a technology-based system (expert system) based on expert knowledge. This study will discuss how to create an expert system with the certainty factor method. From the results of this study, experts in this case psychologists and educators or instructors can be helped in seeing the modalities or learning styles of adolescents. While for academics or practitioners in the field of technology, results will be obtained that the Certainty Factor method can determine learning styles. Keywords: Psychology, adolescence, Learning Style, Expert Systems, Certainty Factor

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