2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-67
Irwan Irwan

This article discusses about application of learning model of Internet-based place market place in improving result of learning process of Islamic Religion Class VIII SMPN 3 Lembang Pinrang District. This study aims to determine the learning outcomes before and after the implementation of learning model Internet Place Activity assisted the internet, and whether there is an increase in learning results of Islamic Religious Education. This type of research includes experimental research, as it seeks to obtain objective, valid, and reliable data using numerical data, preferably pretest and posttest learning, observation and documentation. Data obtained through observation, tests, and documentation. The results of this study indicate, (1) The result of student learning process before the treatment (pretest) application of learning model of Market Place Activity assisted Internet, obtained mean (mean) equal to 64,12. (2) The result of student learning process after treatment (posttest)) application of learning model of Internet Place Activity with Internet, obtained mean (mean) equal to 87,64. And the improvement of the learning outcomes in the implementation of the Class VIII Classroom Internet Activity Learning model at SMPN 3 Lembang shows a significant improvement. Based on the research that has been done will give the impact of a better learning process. Some of the implications in this research as a form of learning process development that the teacher expected should be able to implement the Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective and Exciting Learning Model on teaching and learning activities by using methods and varied classroom settings and using modules, So it can lead to student motivation in learning.

Lita Amalia ◽  
Alda Dwiyana Putri ◽  
Alfajri Mairizki Nurfansyah

The purpose of this paper is to describe the Problem Posing learning model with Task and Forced Strategy. As for the background of this writing is because of difficulties in understanding the material and also lack of enthusiasm of students in learning the material so that the impact on student learning outcomes is still low. The low student learning outcomes are, of course, many factors, one of which is the problem of applying a learning model that is still teacher-centered, so students tend to be passive. For this reason, the teacher can use the Problem Posing learning model that is modified by the task and force strategy (Task and Forced). Problem Posing learning model is a learning model that requires students to develop their systematic reasoning skills in making questions and answering questions. While the task and force strategy (Task and Forced) is a learning strategy that has little effect on students to complete the task until it is completed and on time to avoid the punishment given by the teacher as a consequence. So that students will be motivated in listening, understanding the material delivered and doing assignments on time. By combining this model and strategy can be a solution so that the learning process becomes quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Theresia Warsini

The results of learning mathematics at SMPN 4 Sumbang are still low. This is caused by the factors of students who are less active, lazy, and easily bored, while teachers who have difficulty learning students, but students who do not like to learn mathematics. Therefore it is necessary to improve learning outcomes so that researchers apply the PjBL (Project Based Learning) model to enhance the process skills and mathematics learning outcomes of flat side space material. The research objective to be achieved is to find out whether the PjBL learning model can improve the learning process and the learning outcomes of mathematics in flat side space. This research is a Classroom Action Research. Learning tools, namely syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, and worksheets. While the research instrument is the description test and observation sheet. The subjects of the research were the students of class VIII C of SMP N 4 Sumbang with 22 students. The study was conducted in February through June 2017. The subject and time of the study were chosen because the researcher taught in the class, and the implementation time was adjusted to the lesson schedule. The research procedure begins with a discussion of the problem, planning of the action, implementing the action and observation, as well as analysis and reflection. The results of research that can answer the problem formulation achieve research objectives and prove research hypotheses about the application of the PjBL learning model can improve the process skills and learning outcomes of mathematics material in the scope of class VIII C students of SMP N 4 Sumbang 2016/2017 school year. This situation is proven by the results of the first cycle of highly competent students as much as 18%, cycle II as much as 45% and cycles III as much as 55%. Student learning outcomes on average 63.64 in the first cycle, 68.73 in the second cycle, and increased again to 75.27 at the end of the third cycle. From these results, it was agreed by the teacher to develop the PjBL learning model in the material that would be presented later to improve student learning outcomes. In contrast, students appreciate enhancing the learning process when learning and better prepare themselves before the learning process begins.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-129
Maulida Maulida ◽  
Wadhuli Jannati

The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model for class VIII students in FIQIH subjects at MTs. Exemplary Gebang. To find out how to improve student learning outcomes for class VIII FIQIH subjects at MTs. Exemplary Gebang. To find out whether the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class VIII students in FIQIH subjects at MTs Teladan Gebang. Learning outcomes are something that cannot be separated from learning. Based on the observation activities that have been carried out, the background of this research is that students are less active in the learning process, students are less confident in expressing opinions, students are more focused on their own activities when listening to the explanation given by the teacher, so this has an impact on student learning outcomes in Fiqh lessons is still low, in class VIII students, totaling 32 students at MTs Teladan Gebang, it is known that the learning process is less than optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model to improve student learning outcomes. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model can improve student learning outcomes for class VIII FIQIH subjects at MTs Teladan Gebang. The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model on student learning outcomes. Class VIII Fiqh subjects at MTs Teladan Gebang. The type of research used is classroom action research with the design used is pretest and posttest. This research was conducted in class VIII MTs Teladan Gebang. Data collection techniques used observations, tests and interviews, then analyzed using hypothesis testing. The results showed that the average score obtained by class VIII at MTs Teladan Gebang in the Pre Test was 58 with 7 students' completeness (21.87). %). In Cycle I, the average student score was 71.34 with a completeness of 20 students (62.5%). In Cycle II the average score of students is 85 with student completeness as many as 32 people (87.5%). This proves that there is a significant effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model on student learning outcomes for Fiqh Class VIII MTs Teladan Gebang..  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Hesti Rahayu ◽  
Dina Sri Nindiati

Currently, many teachers have implemented various learning models so that students do not feel bored when the learning process takes place. One of them is the Time Token learning model. Time Token is taken from the word Time which means time and Token which means sign, where each student gets the opportunity to give their opinion in turn until the talking card runs out. In social studies learning itself, this learning model is applied so that students speak actively and avoid students dominating the conversation or being completely silent. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of the Time Token learning model on student learning outcomes in social studies class VIII at SMP Qur'aniah 1 Palembang. The method used is the quantitative / experimental method. Data collection techniques used documentation techniques and tests. The results showed that tcount = 9.038> ttable = 1.671., Then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, and it was seen from the increase in the average value of the experimental class from 74 to 81, and if the percentage calculation increased by 9%. Which means that it can be concluded that there is an effect of the application of the Time Token learning model on student learning outcomes in IPS class VIII subjects at SMP Qur'aniah 1 Palembang.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 472
Aslinda Aslinda

This study aims to describe learning outcomes through the application of PAKEM learning model. The subjects of the study were the students of grade IVb SD Negeri 013 Mekarsari. Improvement of learning outcomes in terms of four categories, namely the ability to absorb, the effectiveness of learning, mastery of student learning both mastery of individual and classical completeness and mastery of learning outcomes. Instruments used for data collection are oral tests and written tests in the form of LKS conducted after the learning process. The results showed that the percentage of student completeness increased from 19.40% to 55.40% categorized well, the effectiveness of learning is categorized very effective with an average of 88.46%. While the completeness of student learning outcomes expressed. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of PAKEM learning model can improve learning outcomes on the material of the students of class IV B grade SD Negeri 013 Mekarsari.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Erma Yenis

Abstractlearning process  good teaching  can create a situation that allows children to learn, so that is the starting point of the success of teaching. The low quality of education depends on the management of the teaching and learning process which can be interpreted as being less effective in the teaching and learning process, the causes: (1) Low learning activities, (2) Inadequate facilities and infrastructure. The case in Solok City Middle School, the low level of student learning activities allegedly influenced the low student learning outcomes. Based on observations on class VIII A which included the superior class had not yet achieved the desired completeness, the class with the least completeness was class VIII B which was 33.33% with KKM 65 criteria. Seeing this reality, teachers were required to motivate students and foster enthusiasm student learning. Therefore, to foster students' enthusiasm for learning, the author tries to apply student learning activities through discussion methods in small groups.Keywords: Learning, discussion AbstrakProses belajar mengajar yang baik dapat menciptakan situasi yang mmemungkinkan anak belajar, sehingga merupakan titik awal keberhasilan pengajaran. Rendahnya mutu pendidikan tergantung pada pengelolaan proses belajar mengajar yang dapat diartikan kurang efektifnya proses belajar mengajar, penyebabnya: (1) Rendahnya aktifitas belajar,  (2) Sarana dan prasarana yang belum memadai. Kasus pada SMP Negeri % Kota Solok rendahnya aktifitas belajar siswa diduga berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan pengamatanpada  kelas VIII A yang termasuk kelas unggul belum mencapai ketuntasan yang di inginkan, sedangkan kelas yang paling sedikit ketuntasannya adalah kelas VIII B yaitu sebanyak 33,33 % dengan kriterian KKM 65. Melihat kenyataan tersebut, guru dituntut untuk dapat memotivasi siswa dan menumbuhkan semangat belajar siswa. Karena itu, untuk menumbuhkan semangat belajar siswa, penulis mencoba untuk menerapkan aktivitas belajar siswa melalui metode diskusi dalam kelompok kecil. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran, diskusi

Aksioma ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Hernita Rancendo ◽  
Abd. Hamid ◽  
Marinus B. Tandiayuk

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model Pembelajaran Van Hiele untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Luas Permukaan serta Volume Balok dan Kubus di kelas VIII  SMP N 18 Palu. Rancangan penelitian mengacu pada model Kemmis dan Mc.Taggart, yang terdiri dari 4 komponen yaitu: 1) perencanaan, 2) tindakan, 3) pengamatan, dan 4) refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini ialah siswa kelas VIII  SMP N 18  Palu yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, tes, wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Van Hiele dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan mengikuti fase-fase: 1) informasi, 2) orientasi terarah, 3) uraian, 4) orientasi bebas, dan 5) integrasi. Kata Kunci: model Pembelajaran Van Hiele, Hasil Belajar, Luas Permukaan serta Volume Balok dan Kubus. Abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe the application of Van Hiele Learning model to improve student learning outcomes on Surface Surface and Block and Cube in Grade VIII SMP N 18 Palu. The study design refers to the Kemmis and Mc.Taggart model, which consists of 4 components: 1) planning, 2) action, 3) observation, and 4) reflection. The subject of this research is the students of class VIII SMP N 18 Palu, amounting to 20 students. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, tests, interviews, and field notes. The results showed that the application of Van Hiele learning model can improve student learning outcomes by following the phases: 1) information, 2) orientation directed, 3) description, 4) free orientation, and 5) integration. Keywords: Van Hiele Learning model, Learning Outcomes, Surface Area and Volume of Beams and Cubes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25 ◽  
Sarah Sarah ◽  
Lufri Lufri ◽  
Ramadhan Sumarmin

The low learning outcomes of students are caused by several problems encountered during the learning process, such as IPA learning process still used teacher centered and lecturing methode. The result of student learning competence still low result and the teacher hasn�t yet used learning models can make student will be active. One effort was made to improve students learning competence by applying problem solving learning models. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of problem solving, learning model to the students' learning competence SMP 13 Padang. This study is an experimental research using the design of The Static Group Comparison. The study population is all students of Class VIII SMPN 13 Padang. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The control class uses the learning model commonly used in the classroom IE discovery learning model and experimental class using a problem solving learning model. The research instrument used is a test of learning result and affective and skill assessment in the form of observation sheet. Data were analyzed using t-test for knowledge, competence because the data were normally distributed and homogeneously. Data were analyzed using up-test for affective and skill competence.Result of hypothesis test in both classes of sample, found that class which uses problem solving, learning model have positive effect of student learning competence of Class VIII 6 SMPN 13 Padang such as knowledge, affective and skill competence

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 50
Yunie Nurhazannah

This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes in the system of linear equations of two variables using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type cooperative learning model in class VIII E SMPN 21 Pontianak academic year 2016/2017. Data collection was obtained by direct observation and test. Subjects are students of class VIII SMPN 21 Pontianak with 38 students of students consisting of 16 male students and 22 female students. This classroom action research consists of two cycles. Each cycle stage consists of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of data analysis that replicate the first half of the academic year 2015/2016 shows that students who learn completeness of students has just reached 10.58%. His performance is low. The instruments used in this classroom action research are: (1) Student Activity Observation Sheet; (2) Observation Sheet of teacher teachers in learning activities; (3) Written test (Test Cycle I and Cycle II). Results of learning data from the first cycle to cycle II obtained more than 75% of students who graduated. This study revealed that the use of cooperative learning model STAD can improve student learning outcomes on linear equations system in two variables E class VIII SMP Negeri 21 Pontianak.Keywords: learning outcomes, Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables (SPLDV)

Dewi Lestari ◽  
Reh Bungana ◽  
Siman Siman

Teachers have a duty to encourage, guide and provide learning facilities to achieve goals. Teachers have a responsibility to see everything that happens in the classroom to help student development. Teachers must be able to carry out their duties properly by first having to understand carefully the matters relating to the teaching and learning process, because the success of the learning process is supported by the ability of the teacher to develop and generate activeness and students in the learning process. The research method used is the Quasi Experiment (Quasi Experimental Method) with the research design as the basis for the implementation of the research is to distinguish the influence of the Inquiry method and the effect of conventional methods on learning outcomes of Citizenship Education in terms of high learning motivation and low learning motivation where the treatment class is class Va student and Vb class. The following is presented sequentially descriptive data regarding: (1) Civics learning outcomes students are taught using scramble learning model, (2) Civics student learning outcomes are taught using the expository model, (3) Civics student learning outcomes have high learning motivation, (4) Civics student learning outcomes have motivation to learn low, (5)Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (6) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (7) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model, (8) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model.

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