2020 ◽  
pp. 49-59

The article deals with semantic classes of verbs with different valences. Based on the interpretation of the semantic class of verbs, in the process of teaching the Russian language, semantic representations are used that are the result of the segmentation of the gestalt interpretation, so that the prepositional-case forms and verbs align the semantic in variants - the frame. From the point of view of semantics, the first actant is the subject of action, i.e. the one who performs the action; the second actant is an object that is impacted by a direct action object, a direct object; the third actant is an indirect or further object to whose benefit or to the detriment of which an indirect complement is performed. The semantic side of a sentence assumes its surface form, i.e. the sentence is considered as a sign that has a plan of content and a plan of expression. Both plans are closely related, but a comprehensive approach is needed to clarify the specifics of the organization of each of them and establish their relationship. L. Tenier also emphasized that trivalent verbs, the most structurally complex and the most difficult to master, fall out of the researcher's field of vision. Therefore, the selection of semantic classes of such verbs is of great theoretical and practical importance. The semantics of a verb includes the verb and subject features. The latter are the semantic basis of the valency of the verb. It can be assumed that as part of the semantic interpretation of the distributive-transformational scheme, the correlation between frames and the minimal interpretation determines the case value of each of the actants. To determine the meaning of the case, it is sufficient and necessary to refer the word of this case form to the distributional transformational feature and name the frame corresponding to the segment of interpretation of this noun.

2015 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 83-122 ◽  
Ruben Izquierdo ◽  
Armando Suarez ◽  
German Rigau

As empirically demonstrated by the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) tasks of the last SensEval/SemEval exercises, assigning the appropriate meaning to words in context has resisted all attempts to be successfully addressed. Many authors argue that one possible reason could be the use of inappropriate sets of word meanings. In particular, WordNet has been used as a de-facto standard repository of word meanings in most of these tasks. Thus, instead of using the word senses defined in WordNet, some approaches have derived semantic classes representing groups of word senses. However, the meanings represented by WordNet have been only used for WSD at a very fine-grained sense level or at a very coarse-grained semantic class level (also called SuperSenses). We suspect that an appropriate level of abstraction could be on between both levels. The contributions of this paper are manifold. First, we propose a simple method to automatically derive semantic classes at intermediate levels of abstraction covering all nominal and verbal WordNet meanings. Second, we empirically demonstrate that our automatically derived semantic classes outperform classical approaches based on word senses and more coarse-grained sense groupings. Third, we also demonstrate that our supervised WSD system benefits from using these new semantic classes as additional semantic features while reducing the amount of training examples. Finally, we also demonstrate the robustness of our supervised semantic class-based WSD system when tested on out of domain corpus.

2015 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 77-100
Sebastian Żurowski

Is wihajster a name for an artifact? A lexicological studyThe basic focal points of this article are the features of the word wihajster – both those inter- (grammar and semantics) and extralinguistic (etymology, orthography, pragmatics). Moreover, the article mentions other expressions characteristic of regional varieties of Polish which share some similar semantic features. The presented semantic interpretation implies that, generally, wihajster is a semantically marked synonym for narzędzie ‘tool,’ some of the examples, however, show that there are speakers who attribute to it an even broader scope of reference. The examples that illustrate the analysis have mostly been derived from fiction. Their analysis shows that referring to wihajster as a "post-war neologism" is not justified. The word undoubtedly appeared in Polish before World War II, and most probably even back in the 19th century. It is equally unreliable from the academic point of view to call wihajster a Germanism – unless we are prepared to abandon defining the latter as a loan word from German. All in all, the word does indeed imitate in sound the German phrase wie heisst er?, yet this linguistic unit did not evolve within German and thus is not an external loan. It can only be considered an internal loan from local dialects into general Polish. Czy wihajster jest nazwą artefaktu? Szkic leksykologicznyPodstawowym przedmiotem zainteresowania w artykule są cechy wewnątrz- (gramatyka i semantyka) i zewnątrzjęzykowe (etymologia, ortografia, pragmatyka) wyrażenia wihajster. Ponadto wspomniane są inne wyrażenia odmian (głównie regionalnych) języka polskiego, które mają podobne cechy semantyczne. Zapro­ponowana interpretacja semantyczna zakłada, że są to nacechowane synonimy narzędzia, choć część przykładów pokazuje, że użytkownicy języka przypisują im czasem jeszcze szerszy zakres odniesienia. Wykorzystywane do ilustracji toku wywodu przykłady pochodzą przede wszystkim z literatury pięknej. Ich ana­liza pokazuje, że częste w literaturze przedmiotu określanie wihajstra mianem „powojennego neologizmu” jest nieuprawnione – wyrażenie to pojawiło się w języku polskim na pewno przed II wojną światową, a prawdopodobnie jeszcze w XIX wieku. Równie nierzetelne naukowo jest nazywanie wihajstra germanizmem – chyba że germanizm zostanie zdefiniowany nie jako zapożyczenie z języka niemieckiego. Wihajster w istocie jest bowiem wyrażeniem naśladują­cym brzmienie niemieckiej frazy wie heisst er?, ale jednostka ta nie powstała na gruncie języka niemieckiego i nie jest zapożyczeniem zewnętrznym. Można ją traktować jedynie jako zapożyczenie wewnętrzne z gwar do języka ogólnego.

Zhang Shuchun

The article aims to demonstrate the semantic diversity of the nouns formed with the suffix -ost, which have been considered as one of the most regular word-formation types in the modern Russian language. In order to give a semantic portray of the given word-formation type we have analysed all the nouns with the given suffix, included in the Shvedova Dictionary and the Russian Newspapers of the End of XX Century Corpus, developed by Laboratory for General and Computational Lexicology and Lexicography, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The analysis shows that nouns formed with the given suffix, while consisting a large percentage of deadjectival nominalisations in the modern Russian language, show rather diverse semantic features. The main subtypes of meanings, which consist the semantic paradigm of the given word-formation type, are transpositional (construction of nouns that name a quality), parametric (nouns that can be used as a parameter for measuring) and subject meaning (nouns that refer to a concrete subject in the extralinguistic reality). In addition, the last subtype subject meaning is also consistent of nearly 20 semantic classes, including substance, a person, a place, a type of documents, an event, a phenomenon and so on. The analysis of the corpus data shows that a large proportion of the most frequently used words in newspaper texts are the words that have rather concrete meanings. Hence their definitions in dictionaries are ought to be updated in accordance with their usages in the corpus. The results could be applied in the future study of deadjectival nominalisation in the modern Russian language

2017 ◽  
Vol 73 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 7-28
Aleksander Kiklewicz

The subject of this article is subcategorization of Russian mental verbs (verbs of knowledge, understanding and thinking) considering information encoded in their form and structure about the mental (intellectual) functions and time schemata, i.e. taking into account such characteristics as continuity and limitations. The author refers to the extensive literature on this subject, above all, the publications of Russian researchers, such as L. M. Vasiliev, G. A. Zolotova, N. J. Shvedova et al., and also presents an analysis of the collected empirical material (543 units of modern Russian language). The conclusions concern the division of verbs into semantic classes as well as the degree of representation of each class.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01063
Natalia Gorskaya ◽  
Vera Glyzina

The paper deals with the semantics of English nouns integrating a time component basing on respected English-language dictionaries. The timeliness of the topic under consideration is substantiated in terms of interaction and interconnection of the language and culture and is proved to be one of the major problems of the cognitive linguistics. The nouns possessing the semantic feature of “time” in their meaning have been revealed and analyzed. The culture, customs and traditions of different nations are pointed out to influence directly the formation of the language worldview which is expressed in the meanings being different from each other. Nominal groups of time semantics are shown to be characterized by sufficient amount of possibilities to express time meanings. A group of nouns in the English language has been proved to represent a single semantic structure of the lexical item of time. This lexical item is classifiable and can be identified from personal acquisition. The results of the investigation are theoretically significant covering the general doctrine of words and their semantic structure. The results, in particular, indicate that a considerably greater number of semantic features is available in the peripheral sphere of a noun meaning than it was used to be believed, the same being true of the prototype nature of these very features. All these factors are of apparent interest concerning any investigation in the field of cognitive science. Practical importance of the work consists in the possibility to use the results of the investigation in the English language practical training, in the lecture courses dealing with lexical semantics, cognitive linguistics, while compiling educational books, instructing on term papers and undergraduate theses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-51
I. V. Prishchepova

The article discusses mechanisms of various kinds of disorthography (conditioned by the underdevelopment of morphological, phonemic and graphical bases of orthographic activity) in schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment. It offers basic methodology and techniques to correct disorthography conditioned by inadequate child acquisition of phonemic, traditional principles of orthography and principles of graphics. A systematic work on the development of psychological and language components of this type of learning activity coupled with oral speech disorder overcoming facilitates successful acquisition of program requirements by such children. The following methods were used: practical (exercises, modelling, construction, schematization, games), visual (observation, image study, image and practical activity results demonstration, stimulus material demonstration), verbal methods (conversation, narration, method of language analysis and synthesis, grammar and orthographic tasks solution). The article covers the results of many years of positive experience in the correction of various types of disorthography of primary schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment. Formation of grammatical and orthographic activity, the basics of speech and language competences, Russian language academic performance increase are prerequisites of linguistic personality development and child self-development. The practical importance of the research lies in the development and testing of methods of disorthography correction of children with general speech underdevelopment. The given methodology helps to improve their spelling skills and allows to carry out a purposeful and controlled formation of spelling activity. The results can be used in the work of speech therapy centers and educational establishments which carry out inclusive students’ education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Z. I. Kurtseva

This article discusses an urgent educational problem, i.e. a sharp decrease in the level of students’ spoken language and, in particular, the lack of willingness and ability among school students to engage in a constructive dialogue when participating in debates. It is no accident that modern federal state educational standards pay special attention to the formation of students’ communicative competence at all levels of education. The aim of this article was to investigate the current situation in the field in order to obtain primary data showing at which educational levels the techniques of debate and discussion are used; to analyse the verbal behaviour of participants implementing various communicative strategies and tactics during debates. The following research methods were used: an analysis of literature in the field of psychology, pedagogy, communication and methodology; a questionnaire survey and interviews; an analysis of the oral presentations of students; generalization of pedagogical experience. The results of the interviews and questionnaire survey conducted among first-year university show that about 60% of the respondents experience difficulties in constructing argumentative speech. Discussions in schools are held only in high school. Secondary school teachers lack the competencies of organizing and conducting debates in class. The development of communicative skills of defending one’s point of view and conducting informed debates using communicative tactics based on the principles of dialogue and politeness should be taught during teenage years. It is at this age that communicative competencies are most actively formed. Specific examples of including debates in the curriculum of the Russian language (5th grade) for developing primary discussion skills are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-44
Malika Zoxirovna Salomova

The article is devoted to the problems of analyzing the composition of modern youth jargon. The article outlines the specificity of youth jargon among other socialists of the modern Russian language, gives a description of internal and external borrowing as part of the vocabulary of youth jargon, describes their structural and semantic features.

2020 ◽  
pp. 263-280
M. V. Voronets ◽  

This study examines the lexical compatibility of high-degree words in the Russian language, specifically ‘silniy’ (strong), ‘krepkiy’ (hard), ‘zhelezniy’ (strong as iron), which have similar meanings. By comparing the dictionary meanings of a word and analyzing their compatibility, researches can specify its semantic features and explain the collocation limitations. The results can be used to develop the proper recommendations on the word use and exercises for the learners of Russian as a second language.

The theory of the vibrations of the pianoforte string put forward by Kaufmann in a well-known paper has figured prominently in recent discussions on the acoustics of this instrument. It proceeds on lines radically different from those adopted by Helmholtz in his classical treatment of the subject. While recognising that the elasticity of the pianoforte hammer is not a negligible factor, Kaufmann set out to simplify the mathematical analysis by ignoring its effect altogether, and treating the hammer as a particle possessing only inertia without spring. The motion of the string following the impact of the hammer is found from the initial conditions and from the functional solutions of the equation of wave-propagation on the string. On this basis he gave a rigorous treatment of two cases: (1) a particle impinging on a stretched string of infinite length, and (2) a particle impinging on the centre of a finite string, neither of which cases is of much interest from an acoustical point of view. The case of practical importance treated by him is that in which a particle impinges on the string near one end. For this case, he gave only an approximate theory from which the duration of contact, the motion of the point struck, and the form of the vibration-curves for various points of the string could be found. There can be no doubt of the importance of Kaufmann’s work, and it naturally becomes necessary to extend and revise his theory in various directions. In several respects, the theory awaits fuller development, especially as regards the harmonic analysis of the modes of vibration set up by impact, and the detailed discussion of the influence of the elasticity of the hammer and of varying velocities of impact. Apart from these points, the question arises whether the approximate method used by Kaufmann is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, and whether it may be regarded as applicable when, as in the pianoforte, the point struck is distant one-eighth or one-ninth of the length of the string from one end. Kaufmann’s treatment is practically based on the assumption that the part of the string between the end and the point struck remains straight as long as the hammer and string remain in contact. Primâ facie , it is clear that this assumption would introduce error when the part of the string under reference is an appreciable fraction of the whole. For the effect of the impact would obviously be to excite the vibrations of this portion of the string, which continue so long as the hammer is in contact, and would also influence the mode of vibration of the string as a whole when the hammer loses contact. A mathematical theory which is not subject to this error, and which is applicable for any position of the striking point, thus seems called for.

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