scholarly journals Relationship between Introversion and Extroversion Personality and Learning Styles of UPSI Student

Faza Reza Mohd Yunos ◽  
Mohd Razimi Husin

This research is conducted to identify the Relationship between Introversion and Extroversion Personality with Learning Style of UPSI students. This research is conducted to identify the relationship of the Introversion and Extroversion personality affect the by the Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (VAK) learning style. In addition, suitable activities are also discussed to suit the needs of introversion and extroversion personality. A total of 233 second year UPSI students were selected in this research. The data was collected using questionnaire and divided into two parts. The first part is the identification of the introversion and extroversion personality of the respondent and the second part is the learning style of the respondent which are divided into 3 parts which are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. The data collected was then analysed using Pearson Correlation test. The Pearson Correlation test shows no significant between the introversion and extroversion personality of the respondent and the VAK learning style due to the p=.730. Suitable activities consist of hands-on and group activities is among the major suggestion collected from the respondent. In conclusion, although there is no significant between Introversion and Extroversion personality and VAK learning style, the teacher should pay attention to their students’ behavior in a learning environment to ensure the engagement of the students towards the lesson taught by them

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-90
Irmawati Silalahi ◽  
Crishartanto Simanungkalit

Penjamah makanan adalah orang yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan makanan dan peralatan mulai dari tahap persiapan, pembersihan, pengolahan, pengangkutan sampai dengan penyajian. Personal higiene dan perilaku sehat penjamah makanan harus diperhatikan. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap penjamah makanan dengan hygine jajanan tradisional di pasar tradisional Kota Sibolga Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan desain deskriptif korelasi. Hasil penelitian didapat dengan menggunakan uji pearson corelation untuk mengetahui hubungan variabel sikap penjamah makanan dengan hygene sanitasi diperoleh Pearson Correlation diperoleh hasil adalah -0,369 < 0,05 artinya ada hubungan antara sikap penjamah makanan dengan hygene sanitasi. Hasil dari uji pearson corelation terhadap nilai signifikan hubungan variabel sikap penjamah makanan dengan hygene sanitasi diperoleh diperoleh hasil adalah 0,041 < 0,05 artinya ada hubungan antara sikap penjamah makanan dengan hygene sanitasi. Tingkat hubungan berada pada korelasi sedang dan berada pada hubungan negatif. Disarankan agar Penelitian ini hendaknya berguna bagi pendidikan, dan disarankan dilakukan penelitian yang sama dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dan di tempat yang berbeda, meningkatkan pemberian informasi mengenai perilaku penjamah makanan dan hygine di pasar tradisiona di kota sibolga.                                                                                                                                                                    Food handlers are people who are directly related to food and equipment ranging from the preparation, cleaning, processing, transportation to presentation. Personal hygiene and healthy behavior of food handlers must be considered. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship of the attitude of food handlers with traditional snacks hygine in the traditional market of Sibolga City in 2018. This research is a quantitative study with a descriptive correlation design approach. The results were obtained by using Pearson correlation test to determine the relationship between the variables of food handlers attitude and hygiene hygiene obtained by Pearson Correlation. The results were -0.396 < 0.05, which means there is a relationship between the attitude of food handlers and sanitation hygiene. The results of the Pearson correlation test on the significance of the relationship between the variables of food handlers' attitudes and hygiene hygiene were obtained as a result of 0.041 < 0.05 which means there is a relationship between the attitude of food handlers and hygiene hygiene. The level of relationship is in a moderate correlation and is in a negative relationship. It is recommended that this study be useful for education, and it is recommended that research be carried out with the same larger sample size and in different places, increasing the provision of information on the behavior of food handlers and hygines in traditional markets in the city of Sibolga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-143
Albert Lumbu ◽  
Bonefasius Y Boy ◽  
Muhamad Akbar

This study aims to determine whether there are: 1) the influence of learning styles on physics learning outcomes, 2) the influence of interest in learning on physics learning outcomes, 3) the influence of learning styles and interest in learning together on physics learning outcomes in class X SMA Negeri 1 Nimboran . This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Nimboran in April - May 2021. The subjects in this study were all 52 students of class X majoring in science and the objects of research were learning styles, interest in learning and physics learning outcomes. The instruments used are questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using the Pearson correlation test with a significance level of 0.05 and a regression test which resulted in conclusions as a result of the study. The results showed that, 1) there was a significant influence of learning style on physics learning outcomes with a contribution of 50.8%, 2) there was a significant influence of interest in learning on physics learning outcomes with a contribution of 60.9%, 3) there were significant influence of learning style and interest in learning, together on the learning outcomes of physics with a contribution of 64.3% influence

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Rixi Gahung ◽  
Karel Pandelaki ◽  
Emma Sy. Moeis

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is still increasing in number in the future. Type 2 diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) often appears in adults and the cause is due to a shortage of the hormone insulin on a relative basis, generally appears slowly and gradually worsens. One of the parameters to control blood sugar level is HbA1c. The high HbA1c increases the risks and complications in T2DM patients. This study aimed to obtain the relationship between HbA1c level and GFR among T2DM patients. This was an analytical study using the patient's medical record data. This study was conducted at the Endocrine Clinic and Heart and Hypertension Clinic with a total samples of 65 patients. The results showed that of the 65 subjects, there were 40 male patients and 25 female patients. The Pearson correlation test showed that the relationship of the HbA1c level and GFR had a p value = 0.05 > 0.462 and the correlation r = 0.093. Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between HbA1c level and GFR in type 2 DM patients. Keywords: HbA1c, GFR, type 2 DM Abtsrak: Diabetes merupakan suatu penyakit tidak menular yang akan terus meningkat jumlahnya di masa datang. Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 (DMT2) sering muncul pada orang dewasa dan penyebabnya oleh karena kekurangan hormon insulin secara relatif , umumnya muncul perlahan dan secara bertahap akan bertambah berat. Salah satu parameter kontrol kadar gula darah ialah HbA1c. Jika HbA1c meningkat terjadi pula peningkatan resiko komplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar HbA1c dengan eLFG pada pasien DMT2. Jenis penelitian ini analitik dengan mengevaluasi data rekam medik pasien. Penelitian dilakukan di Poliklinik Endokrin dan Poliklinik Jantung dan Hipertensi dengan jumlah subyek penelitian 65 pasien DMT2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 65 orang subjek terdapat 40 laki-laki dan 25 perempuan. Untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan kadar HbA1c dengan LFG digunakan analisis bivariat Pearson correlation yang mendapatkan nilai p hitung = 0,462> 0,05 dengan kekuatan korelasi r = 0,093. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar HbA1c dengan eLFG pada pasien DM tipe 2.Kata kunci: HbA1c, eLFG, DM tipe 2

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Budi Kristanto

Latar belakang : saat ini prevalensi hipertensi secara global sebesar 22% dari total penduduk dunia. Dari sejumlah penderita tersebut, hanya kurang dari seperlima yang melakukan upaya pengendalian terhadap tekanan darah yang dimiliki. Adapun faktor yang terkait dengan tekanan darah sangat kompleks, baik yang dapat dikontrol maupun tidak dapat dikontrol. Salah satu kebiasaan yang diduga terkait dengan hipertensi adalah kebiasaan konsumsi kopi. Tujuan : mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dengan kejadian hipertensi. Subjek dan Metode : responden penelitian ini adalah  warga Desa Ngringo RW 22 dan 29 Kecamatan Jaten Karanganyar sejumlah 45 responden. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik observasional, desain korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dengan kejadian hipertensi. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling, Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Pearson Corelation. Hasil : mayoritas responden memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dalam kategori ringan (1-3 cangkir perhari) sebesar 97,8%, sedangkan yang kategori sedang (4-6 cangkir perhari) sebesar  2,2%. Mayoritas responden dengan tekanan darah yang normal yaitu 82,2%, dan hipertensi 17,8%. Kesimpulan : tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dengan kejadian hipertensi (p : 0,058).   Kata kunci : konsumsi kopi, hipertensi   THE RELATIONSHIP OF COFFEE CONSUMING HABITS WITH HYPERTENSION   Budi Kristanto, Diyono   Astract   Background : currently the global prevalence of hypertension is 22% of the total world population. Of the number of sufferers, only less than a fifth who make efforts to control their blood pressure. The factors associated with blood pressure are very complex, both controllable and uncontrollable. One of the habits thought to be associated with hypertension is the habit of consuming coffee. The aims of the study: knowing the relationship between coffee consumption habits and the incidence of hypertension. Subject and Methods : the respondents of this research were 45 respondents in Ngringo Village RW 22 and 29, Jaten, Karanganyar District. This research used observational analytic method, correlation design with cross sectional approach to determine the relationship between coffee consumption habits and the incidence of hypertension. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation test. Result : the majority of respondents have a habit of consuming coffee in the light category (1-3 cups per day) of 97.8%, while the moderate category (4-6 cups per day) is 2.2%. The majority of respondents with normal blood pressure were 82.2%, and hypertension 17.8%. Conclusion : There is no relationship between coffee consumption habits and the incidence of hypertension (p: 0.058).   Keywords: coffee consumption, hypertension  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-82
Rifaqul Azizi ◽  
Titik Kusumawinakhyu ◽  
Irma Finurina

Fardhu prayer is a compulsory activity that can create peace of mind for those who run it. For medical students in semester 8 of FK UMP who are experiencing many exams and personal problems, prayer can help calm and relieve stress. This study aims to determine the relationship between the regularity of fardhu prayer and stress levels in 8th-semester students of the Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Methods use a correlational analysis research design with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted on an entire population of 48 students of the Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Stress level data were obtained using the DASS test questionnaire, and prayer regularity data were obtained from the fardhu prayer regularity questionnaire. Data analysis with Pearson parametric correlation test. Results show the highest level of stress in students who experienced mild stress, and the results of the regularity of student prayers were found that many students regularly prayed. Based on the Pearson correlation test results, the value of p = 0.0 10 was obtained. There is a significant relationship between the regularity of fardhu prayer and the stress of the 8th-semester students of the Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, class of 2013.    

Ali Jamshidi

The present research was done to analyze the relationship between organizational trust and organizational innovation at Payam Nour University in Tehran Province. To collect data related to organizational trust, Payne questionnaire was used. Organizational innovation data were collected by a researcher-developed questionnaire. The reliability of both of which based on Alfa Cronbach coefficient was 91% and 86% respectively. To analyze data, Pearson correlation test and step-by step regression were applied. The result of correlation test showed that there is positive and significant relationship between organizational trust and all its dimensions with organizational innovation. The results of structural equation modeling were collected by 231 questionnaires and suggest that innovative leadership and organizational trust have relation with organizational innovation. In conclusion, the result is analyzed and some suggestions are made to improve innovation capability in the organization of the target population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Anis Murniati

The nature of a woman is childbirth, all women at the time of labor need to have a good labour  and give birth to a healthy and perfect baby. Childbirth can be normal, but also many in the process of labor that experienced obstacles so that it is done with the procedure of surgery sectio caesaria (SC). Childbirth with  surgery for some mothers is a scary thing so that not a few mothers who experience anxiety before SC is done. Anxiety is a feeling that is not clear and worried because there is something that threatens one's security. Anxiety in each person is certainly not the same, this anxiety can lead to various changes in the body's system can even interfere with heart function and result in changes in cardiac output. Changes in cardiac output may result in changes in the patient's blood pressure that may affect the success of SC. This research use correlational research design with csoss sectional approach. The location of research is premedication room of operation room of ORPEHA Islamic Hospital Tulungagung with the number of 32 respondents. The results showed the mean cardiac output value of 7625.62. The results of statistical data analysis with Pearson correlation test obtained 0,000 significance results so Ho is rejected which means there is an association between anxiety with cardiac output in patients with SC surgery with large correlation pearson 1, which means the strength of the relationship is very strong. This happens because anxiety can affect the production of catecholamines and cortisol, where this hormone can stimulate the occurrence of vasodilation of blood vessels resulting in blood flowing rapidly and much so that oxygen is distributed more, thus in people who are anxious will an increase in cardiac output. The conclusion of this study is that there is an association between anxiety with cardiac output in patients with preoperative sectio caesarea at the operating room installation of Islamic Orpeha tulungagung public hospital with the strength of the relationship of 1.

2021 ◽  
Fazlolah Ahmadi Mirghaed ◽  
Bubak Souri

Abstract This study was carried out according to the following objectives in the Shoor River Basin in southwestern Iran: (i) Evaluation of ecosystem services (ES) including habitat quality (HQ), carbon storage (CS), nutrient export (NE), and soil export (SE) using the InVEST approach as well as soil quality (SQ) using an integrated quality index; (ii) Assessment of the relationship between ES and SQ with landscape metrics using Pearson correlation test; and (iii) Investigation of the interaction between ES efficiency, SQ and landscape fragmentation using a ternary plot. The results showed that the northern and eastern parts of the region are prioritized for HQ, CS, and SQ but the southern and western parts for NE and SE. The highest ES efficiency and SQ were found for the forests as well as for the ridge/tops landforms. Statistical analysis clarified that there was a positive and significant relationship between HQ and CS (R>0.8) while the relationship of the two with NE was inverse and significant (-0.55<R<-0.50). The correlation between SE and NE was also positive and significant (R>0.50). SQ was also correlated positively and significantly with HQ and CS (0.43<R<0.5) while no relation with NE and SE was found. It was also perceived that increasing the landscape fragmentation decreases HQ, CS, and SQ but increases NE and SE. Besides, the interaction between ES, SQ, and landscape fragmentation across the sub-basins of the study area can change under the influence of the dominant land use and landform types.

Somayeh Parvin ◽  
Nasrin Kheibar ◽  
Hamideh Mihanpour ◽  
Alireza Rafi

Information seeking anxiety is a type of anxiety that affects academic performance. The present study was aimed at investigating the relationship between learning styles and information seeking anxiety in relation to the academic achievement of students. This was a descriptive-analytic research, and the study population consisted of students who had passed at least one semester in Behbahan University, Iran. The sample size was calculated 181 from the Morgan table. The results of this study showed that most of the students used the ‘assimilating' learning style. It was concluded that there was no significant difference between anxiety levels and the field of study. Also, there was no relationship between learning styles and age and gender. Moreover, there was no relationship of gender, academic semester, and age with academic achievement. Even though, there was no relationship between information seeking anxiety and learning styles vis a vis academic achievement, the assimilating learning style was preferred by the majority of the students. The comparison of learning styles with information seeking anxiety was a distinctive feature of this study, indicating that different aspects of learning did not have much effect on the anxiety levels of individuals, which could be the basis for further research on personality dimensions such as self-concept and intrinsic motivation in relation to information seeking anxiety and academic achievement.

Llamkasun ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nelly Aurelia Gonzales Agama ◽  
Sara Hermelinda Gonzales Agama ◽  
Juan Francisco Bazán Baca ◽  
Carlos Alberto Choquehuanca Saldarriaga

The objective of the research has been to determine the relationship that exists between learning styles and academic performance in the Operational Research course of students of the IV cycle of FCAUNAC. In this sense, a questionnaire has been applied to 80 students to determine their learning styles; an exam to measure conceptual performance and another to measure procedural performance; to measure attitudinal performance, a checklist has been applied. Once obtained, the data were organized in a database, which allowed us to describe their behavior and infer the degree of association between the research variables, for which we used the Pearson correlation coefficient, the analysis of variance and Tukey's test. SPSS and Minitab were used for the calculations. The result of the research is that the more orientation towards a learning style the students obtain a higher academic performance and that there are no significant differences in the average performance of the students if we compare each type of performance with the different styles, but this does not occur the same if we make a comparison of academic performance with styles, in which case there is a superiority in visual style.

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