scholarly journals Do you (still) hire celebrities to increase purchase intention?

Sri Setyo Iriani

The development of the coffee industry in Indonesia is growing significantly, as it is driven by the number of coffee shops that are developing both in villages to urban areas as a balancer for people's lifestyles who like to drink coffee while enjoying activities outside the home. This phenomenon makes the level of competition for coffee brands in packaging very hypercompetitive. Consumer intentions in deciding to buy packaged coffee are strongly influenced by the perception of the quality of the coffee, so it is not surprising that currently there are many different flavors and brands. To market coffee products, many producers use celebrity endorsement services. However, as time goes by and the marketing strategy through endorsement has become massive, it is necessary to study whether this strategy is still effective in increasing the number of sales. It turns out that currently, endorsements do not really affect consumer purchasing decisions. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) perceived quality influences the intention to purchase packaged coffee, and perceived quality also influences brand loyalty in packaged coffee; (2) celebrity endorsement does not influence the intention to purchase packaged coffee, but celebrity endorsement influences the brand loyalty; and (3) brand loyalty influences the intention to purchase packaged coffee. So that in general brand loyalty is able to mediate the influence of perceived quality and celebrity endorsement on the intention to purchase packaged coffee.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Raja Ahmed Jamil ◽  
Syed Rameez ul Hassan

Advertisement by Involvement of celebrities becomes an essence in modern competitive marketing environment for high recognition and creation of strong product perception. Celebrity endorsement is the main focus of the study where Pakistani and Indian celebrities with their attributes are used for their endorsement effect on purchase intention. A sample of 300 was taken to assess the contrast between Indian and Pakistani celebrity endorsement effects on purchase intention in Pakistan. Similar and competitive brands are chosen which are endorsed by Pakistani and Indian Celebrities separately. Results of the study showed that endorsement through local and Indian celebrities has similar and not much significant influence on purchase intention in Pakistan, with no major difference by country origin of celebrity. In the study consumer celebrity relationship is assessed and confirms that attributes of celebrity (Local or Indian) are not much important for intent to purchase for existing products but quality, brand image and brand loyalty are the key factors for intention to purchase. Implication for research and practice are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Abraham Adijaya

Currently existing business competition is not only limited to the quality of products, technology products, and display products, but also about the brand used in the product that can cause an image to consumers. Brand is the label that carries meaning and associations as well as a mirror of promise communicated by the producer to the consumer on the quality of products or services that have been produced. This study aims to determine whether the brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty and other proprietary brand assets Samsung has a positive contribution to brand equity Samsung, knowing which variable dominant contributes positively to brand equity Samsung, and find out whether brand equity Samsung influence the purchasing decisions of Samsung smartphone products. By using principal component analysis and simple linear regression analysis, the result is Samsung’s brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and other proprietary brand assets  are able to contribute positively to the Samsung brand equity. Samsung's brand loyalty is the dominant variable that contributes positively to the Samsung brand equity. Samsung's brand equity have positive significant influence on purchasing decisions Samsung smartphone products.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh Celebrity Endorser dan Product Quality terhadap Buying Decision serta dampaknya pada Satisfaction (survei pada konsumen produk Rossa Beauty di Kota Pontianak). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausalitas deskriptif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan produk kosmetik merek Rossa Beauty selama 6 bulan terakhir sebanyak 100 orang yang diperoleh dengan purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis) dengan bantuan SPSS 22.0.Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa (1) Celebrity Endorser berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Buying Decision (2) Product Quality berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Buying Decision (3) Buying DecisionBerpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Satisfaction (4) Celebrity Endorser berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Satisfaction (5) Product Quality berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Satisfaction. Kata Kunci: Celebrity Endorser, Product Quality, Buying Decision, Satisfaction DAFTAR PUSTAKAAmbadar, et al. 2007. Mengelola Merek. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Karsi MandiriAsma, Saleem dkk. 2015. Product Perceived Quality and Purchase Intention with         Consumer Satisfaction. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing Vol 15Baruna Hadi Brata dkk. 2017. The Influence of Quality Products, Price, Promotion, and Location to Product Purchase Decision on Nitchi At PT. Jaya Swarasa Agung in Central Jakarta.Saudi Journal of Business and Management StudiesDajan, Anto. 1986. Pengantar Metode Statistik. Jakarta: LP3SDurianto, dkk. 2004. Strategi Menaklukkan Pasar Melalui Riset Ekuitas dan Perilaku Merek. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka UtamaEndang, Sulistya. 2012. Pengaruh Agnes Monica Sebagai Celebrity Endorser Terhadap Pembentukan Brand Image Honda Vario. Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol.6Elfarisi Al. 2016. Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser (HiVi) Terhadap Proses Proses Keputusan Pembelian Sepatu Kulit Amble Footwear (Survei Kepada Para Pengguna Sepatu Amble Footwear di Sosial Media TwitterEvelina dkk. 2012. Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk, Harga, dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kartu Perdana Telkomflexi. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2013Ghozali, Imam. 2011. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program IBM SPSS. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas DiponegoroGriffin, Jill. 2003.Customer Loyalty: Menumbuhkan Dan Mempertahankan Pelanggan. Jakarta: Penerbit ErlanggaHadi, Prasetyo dan Sumarto. 2010. Pentingnya Brand Loyalty Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang. Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol.10 No.1Hendra Riki Wijaya dan Sri Rahayu. 2018. The Effect of Trust and Brand Image to Repurchase Intention in Online ShoppingHestayani, Andriana Dwi dan Astuti. 2017. Analisis Pengaruh Celebrity Endosser, Daya Tarik Iklan, Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepurusan Pembelian dengan Brand Image sebagai Variabel Intervening.Kotler, Philip dan Keller. 2007. Manajemen Pemasaran, Jilid I, Edisi Kedua belas. Jakarta: PT. IndeksKotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller, 2012. Manajemen Pemasaran, Edisi 13 Jilid 1 dan 2, Alih Bahasa: Bob Sabran. Jakarta: ErlanggaKotler, Philip and Amstrong. 2008. Prinsip-Prinsip Pemasaran. Edisi 12. Jilid 1. Alih Bahasa : Bob Sabran. Jakarta: ErlanggaKotler, Philip and Amstrong, Gary. 2014. Principles of Marketing, 12th Edition, Jilid 1 Terjemahan Bob Sabran Jakarta: ErlanggaKotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller, 2016. Marketing Managemen, 15th Edition, Pearson         Education, IncLutiary Eka Ratri. 2007. Hubungan Antara Citra Merek (Brand Image) operator Seluler Dengan Loyalitas Merek (Brand Loyalty) Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Telepon Seluler Di Fakultas Ekonomi Reguler Universitas Diponegoro SemarangMade Sintha Ayu Saraswati Sujana. 2017. Peran Brand Image Memediasi Hubungan Celebrity Endorser Dengan Purchase Intention. Forum Keuangan Dan Bisnis Indonesia (FKBI)Mahestu Noviandra. 2006. Analisis Pengaruh Model Iklan Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Remaja, Kasus Pada Bintang Akademi Fantasi IndosiarNababan, Marya Desyeni. 2008. Pengaruh Selebriti Pendukung (Celebrity Endorser) terhada Minat Pembelian Indomie (Studi Kasus pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Methodist Indonesia)Pakpahan, Erick Simon Bolivar. 2017. Pengaruh Kredibilitas Celebrity Endorseer terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Kepuasan Konsumen YOU-C 1000 Vitamin C di Kota PekanbaruParengkuan, dkk. 2014. Analisis Pengaruh Brand Image dan Celebrity Endorsment terhadap Paul, J. Peter dan Jerry C. Olson. 2000. Consumer Behavior: Perilaku Konsumen dan Strategi           Pemasaran. Terjemahan. Jakarta: Erlangga Keputusan Pembelian Produk Shampo Head and Shoulders. Jurnal EMBA Vol.2 No.3Paul, J. Peter dan Jerry C. Olson. 2000. Consumer Behavior: Perilaku Konsumen dan Strategi Pemasaran. Terjemahan. Jakarta: ErlanggaRamadhan dan Santosa. 2017. Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Pelayanan, dan Citra Merek terhadap Minat Beli Ulang pada sepatu Nike Running di Semarang melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Diponegoro Hournal of Management. Volume 6, Nomor 1, Tahun 2017Royan, Frans. M. 2004. Marketing Selebritis, Selebritis dalam Iklan dan Strategi Selebritis Memasarkan Diri Sendiri. Jakarta: Elek Media Komputindo kelompok GramediaSantoso, Singgih. 2014. Panduan Lengkap SPSS Versi 20. Jakarta: PT. Elek Media KomputindoSchiffman and Lazar Kanuk. 2000. Costumer Behavior: Internasional Edition. New Jersey: Prentice HallSchiffman, Leon G. and Leslie Lazar Kanuk.2007. Customer Behavior, edisi ke 7. New Jersey: Prentice-hall,1ncSaputra, Setiawan Tri dkk. 2017. Pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Dampaknya terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pengguna Iphone (Survei pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang)Setiadi, Nugroho J. 2003. Perilaku Konsumen. Jakarta: KencanaShimp, Terence. 2003. Periklanan Promosi Aspek Aspek Tambahan Komunikasi Terpadu. Jakarta: ErlanggaSugiyono.  2017.  Metode  Penelitian  Kuantitatif,  Kualitatif,  dan  R&D.  Bandung: AlfabetaSujarweni, V Wiratna. 2014. SPSS untuk Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru Press.Sulis, Riptiono. 2013. Pengaruh Lifestyle, Brand Awareness dan Product Quality terhadap Repurchase Intention Minuman Saribuah Buavita dengan Purchasing Decisions sebagai Variabel Intervening di Kecamatan Kebumen. Jurnal Fokus Bisnis Vol.12 No.1Sumarwan, Ujang.2010. Perilak  Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya Dalam Pemasarannya. Jakarta: Ghalia IndonesiaSumarwan, Ujang. 2004. Perilaku Konsumen. Jakarta: PT Ghalia IndonesiaSuryani, Tatik. 2008. Perilaku Konsumen Implikasi Pada Strategi Pemasaran. Yogyakarta: Graha IlmuTjiptono, Fandi. 2008. Strategi Pemasaran. Yogyakarta: Andi

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 122 ◽  
Lukmanul Hakim ◽  
Nanis Susanti ◽  

This study tried to determine and analyze the deeper understanding of the influence of customer relationship management, brand equity, perceived of product quality, perceived value and price to the customer at the customer's purchase intention Philips light bulb in Batam.The population in this study are all users (consumers) electric light bulb philips brands in the city of Batam. Testing of the model in this study, with Generalized Least Square Estimation (GLS), analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM), proportional random sampling method and software assistance Amos 22, on 240 respondents from eight times the 30 indicators the study variables. The test results indicate the model (fit) seen from the GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI, RMSEA and CMIN / DF, each of 0915, 0901, 0949, 0953, 0063, and 1,376 are all that are in the range of expected values so that the model can be accepted.The results showed that: 1). Customer relationship management influence on customer value, it shows that with good customer relationship management program, will increase customer value. 2) Customer relationship management influence on purchase intention, it shows that with good customer relationship management program, will increase customer value. 3) Brand equity effect on customer value, it shows that with a good brand equity, will increase customer value. 4). Brand equity effect on purchase intention, it shows that with a good brand equity, will increase customer value. 5) Perceived quality of product effect on customer value, it indicates that the perceived quality of a good product, will increase customer value. 6). Perceived quality of product effect on purchase intention, this suggests that the perceived quality of a good product, will increase purchase intention. 7). Perceived price effect on customer value, it indicates that the perceived price friendly, will increase customer value. 8) Perceived price effect on purchase intention, this suggests that the perceived price friendly, will increase purchase intention. 9). Customer value effect on purchase intention, it shows that with high customer value, will raise the purchase intention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Evo Sampetua Hariandja ◽  
Aurellia Adeline ◽  
Ferdinandus Eric ◽  
Yossel Christopher

Abstract- This study aims to determine the effect of brand popularity on brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand reputation among Etude House Indonesia users. Other objective of this study are to t he effect of brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand reputation on brand equity. The effect of brand equity on purchase intention To address the objectives of the study, a quantitative research design was implemented by distributing the questionaires to 360 Etude House Indonesia users and implementing the intruments that fulfilled the validity and reliability test requriements. The data were analyzed by SEM SmartPLS 3. The findings revealed that there was an effect of Brand popularity affects brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand reputation. Other results show that the counrry of brand origin affects brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand perceived quality. Also, Brand equity is determined by brand loyalty and brand reputation. While  Brand equity has a significant effect on purchase intention. In addition, brand equity also impacts on purchase intention. However, in this study the relationship of brand popularity to brand loyalty, the effect of country of brand origin on brand reputation, the effect of brand awareness on brand equity and the effect of perceived quality on brand equity is not supported in hypothesis testing. Keywords: Brand Popularity; Country of Brand Origin; Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness; Perceived Quality; Brand Reputation; Brand Equity; Purchase Intention

2018 ◽  
pp. 76-93
Adil Adnan Et al.,

For the 21st Century marketing managers, the globalization has resulted in a fierce battle of the brands at the local and global levels. It has opened new brand investment avenues for the local and global brand advertising managers that are having both the promotional challenges and opportunities. The local and global businesses are rapidly expanding in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa especially in its provincial Capital Peshawar. For the same reason, the brand managers are always in search of devising the most effective advertising techniques. Celebrity endorsement technique is amongst one of them. The current study aims to explore the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement as an advertising technique and investigates its relationship with the purchase intention of the buyers. The study has been conducted by taking 790 respondents from the urban and sub urban areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The impacts of various determinants of celebrity endorsement models were checked through simple linear regression analysis with the consumer purchasing intention. As a result, positive relationship was found between the celebrity endorsements and the buying intention of the buyers. The study has described useful academic as well as managerial implications for both the local and global brand advertisers.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Afzaal Ali ◽  
Mehkar Sherwani ◽  
Adnan Ali ◽  
Zeeshan Ali ◽  
Mariam Sherwani

Purpose This paper aims to apply the concept of traditional branding constructs, i.e. brand image, brand perceived quality, brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand loyalty to a less explored field of halal brand products – halal brand image, halal brand perceived quality, halal brand satisfaction, halal brand trust and halal brand loyalty. Second, the present research is an effort to empirically validate the interrelationships among branding constructs such as brand image, brand perceived quality, brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand loyalty in a holistic framework to confirm whether these branding constructs also work for the halal brand in the same way to gauge Chinese Muslims consumers’ purchasing intentions. Design/methodology/approach This research used cross-sectional data from 481 Chinese Muslim students at 9 universities located in 3 cities of China through face-to-face and online survey methods. Data were collected from the consumers of halal milk brand. A theoretical model with the hypothesized relationships was tested with the help of the structural equation modelling procedure. Findings The results suggest that halal brand image has a significant and positive influence on the halal brand perceived quality, halal brand satisfaction, halal brand trust and halal brand loyalty. Similarly, the halal brand perceived quality, halal brand satisfaction, halal brand trust and halal brand loyalty significantly influence consumer halal brand purchase intention. Research limitations/implications This study is conducted in the halal food sector of China and specific religious and migration contexts. Further investigations of the halal food purchasing behaviour of local Muslims, as well as international Muslim students in those Western countries which are famous destinations for international students for education, could yield varying results. Practical implications The outcomes achieved are helpful for commerce and government organizations for policy development to better meet the burgeoning demand for halal products by Chinese Muslims. These are also very helpful for producers and exporters who intend to penetrate the halal market in non-Muslim-dominant countries such as China. Originality/value Studies on understanding Muslim consumers’ purchasing behaviours in non-Muslim countries are limited. Given the fact, numbers of Muslims seem a smaller amount of China’s total population, but their total numbers are large compared with total numbers in many Muslim countries. Therefore, understanding their purchasing behaviours for halal products and influential determinants concerning such purchasing behaviours adds to the literature and helps the industry to better serve and capitalise on the growing market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Gita Gabriella ◽  
Sonny Sonny

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh meningkatnya persaingan di pasar ponsel cerdas. Terlepas dari popularitas iPhone ketika perusahaan memperkenalkan iPhone untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 2007, iPhone telah mengalami persaingan ketat dari produsen smartphone lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekuitas merek dan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap niat beli konsumen produk iPhone. Elemen ekuitas merek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kesadaran merek, kualitas persepsi, kepuasan pelanggan, dan loyalitas merek. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada sembilan puluh enam responden dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Responden adalah orang yang saat ini menggunakan produk iPhone. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif. Analisis kuantitatif terdiri dari uji validitas dan reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi berganda, pengujian hipotesis dengan uji F dan uji t, serta analisis koefisien determinasi (R). Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas merek merupakan elemen utama konsumen membeli merek iphone. Sedangkan kesadaran merek dan kualitas persepsi tidak berpengaruh dalam faktor pembelian.  This research is motivated by the increasing competition in the smartphone market. Despite the popularity of the iPhone when the company introduced the iPhone for the first time in 2007, the iPhone has experienced stiff competition from other smartphone manufacturers. This study aims to determine the effect of brand equity and customer satisfaction on consumer purchase intentions of iPhone products. The elements of brand equity used in this study are brand awareness, perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to ninety-six respondents using purposive sampling. Respondents are people who currently use iPhone products. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis consists of validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing with the F test and t test, and analysis of the coefficient of determination (R). The results of research can be concluded that customer satisfaction and brand loyalty are the main elements of consumers buying the iPhone brand. Meanwhile, brand awareness and perceived quality has no effect on purchasing factors. 

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